How to Spank a Naughty Wife


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I thought all of this as Mary Kay walked around the bedroom, getting a few things, until she turned around at the door of the bathroom as I was tying my tie, and announced, "Okay, I'm going in now."

The timing was good, and I walked up to her and took her in my arms. She was tense, and recoiled a bit. She was embarrassed, and somewhat annoyed. She couldn't put words to it, but it was galling to her that she could feel herself giving up her power to me for whatever was going to happen. She craved it... but until she was in it, she didn't like giving up her power.

"Okay, baby. Have a good shower." I looked at my watch as I took half a step back, putting my hands on her hips. "It's 6:15 now. I expect you to be ready at 7 on the dot. I left you two other things," I said, motioning towards her sink. She turned, not having noticed, and saw that I had left an enema bulb with a three foot hose and applicator. I had also left her iPad.

"Clean yourself out really well first, use the bulb 3 times. Clean out, second clean-out and then a rinse. Five minutes for each cycle. While you're doing that, I selected a few videos for you to watch. There's a link to each one in the document that's open. That should get you in the right mindset."

Her expression was changing less from annoyance --although that was still evident-- to amusement and more arousal. "It's always so much with you."

"Yeah. But you love it. And you know it's worth your time. Now scoot." I turned her around and gave her ass something a bit more than a pat, but not quite a spank. "I have plans for you, young lady. You've been very naughty. The Principal will be waiting for you exactly at 7pm."

She looked back at me as I grinned and winked, and I shut the door as she looked at me.

I had 44 minutes left. Plenty of time.

I exited the bedroom and headed down the basement gym, to get things set up.

Chapter 5

It was 6:59PM, and I had things just about ready in our basement gym. I'd redone our basement a year or two back, stripping it down to the cinder blocks, blasting the walls and floors, having it waterproofed and a backup water-powered sump pump put in so that it would never risk flooding again. I also had an industrial-strength dehumidifier installed. Cosmetically, it went from a kinda gross, dusty and dirty space to a sparkling clean and inviting living space. I'd had 24 adjustable LED lights put in evenly amongst the rafters, and had then had all the rafters and the ceiling painted flat black. I'd had the cinder block walls covered with white plastic paneling, and had the floor painted battleship grey, and had the electricians install bountiful electrical sockets around the entire basement. It looked sharp. A quarter of the space was now storage, with racks of plastic bins. Another quarter was a small workshop for me and a craft area for Mary Kay, and the remaining half of the basement had become our gym area. Half of that was consumed by a treadmill, her Peloton bike and a rowing machine, then my lifting rack, bench press and a weight rack. But it still left a large, open area that I had covered with interlocking gym mats, so she could do aerobics, Zumba, and whatever else. A big TV was on the wall, with a low white bookshelf below it on which we kept bike shoes and assorted gym accessories.

I'd moved a few things around, and moved a portable workbench made of heavy plastic to the center of the open space. It had angled screw-on legs that stored in the body of the bench for transportation, but now they were screwed in tight at an angle at each corner, making a solid, sturdy work area. At the moment, it was acting as a faux desk, and I'd covered it with a thick, off-white tablecloth. But it would become a work area for me again soon enough... although it would be Mary Kay I'd be working on, I thought with a rush of sexual excitement.

I'd grabbed Mary Kay's chair from her craft area, and put that behind the makeshift desk, and then had quickly placed a few papers and folders on the surface, one of which I labeled with "Miss Heath," her maiden name. On a piece of paper I'd used a Sharpie to write down half a dozen "infractions" she'd need to be punished for... and an idea of what punishment each infraction would merit. To some of you reading this, this might sound silly and like too much work... but for me, stuff like this acts kind of like a script, and would keep me on track.

As a final touch, I'd grabbed a coffee cup and tossed a few pens in it. It made it look like an actual desk.

But what would catch her attention first was the eighteen-inch-long wooden ruler I'd placed on the edge of the edge of the desk. While spanking naughty schoolgirls with a wooden ruler might be a trite stereotype of roleplay, well, it sure was fun.

Additionally, on the corner closer to my chair there was a black canvas doctor's bag. Underneath the tablecloth that covered the bench was another trick or two. I had a pretty clear idea of what I wanted to do, now I just needed to...

I heard her coming down the basement steps. 7pm on the dot. I had been able to hear her watching the PornHub movie clips I had selected when I bustled in and out of the bedroom earlier gathering things I needed, and then I had heard her in the shower and running her hair dryer. I knew she'd probably struggled a bit with getting the costume on, as those costumes were cheap and not terribly well-fitting, but she had a few safety pins in there with her... she'd have figured it out.

I turned, and sat my butt on the edge of the "desk," crossing my arms, and then crossing my legs at the ankles. It was a dominant, confident pose. "Miss Heath," I said, looking over my shoulder at her as she came down the last few steps, and waved at her to stand in front of the desk, before me.

She did as ordered, about four feet away, and she looked at me, and I at her.

Jesus. She was a fucking vision. To be honest, I've never really had a schoolgirl fetish. I just like it because it's part of the psychological milieu of D/s roleplay, and I like that she's doing it for me even though she really doesn't want to... or rather, pretends she doesn't want to. I'm not a Dominant, but there is something I enjoy when she does something just for me... something sexual, just to please me, because I ordered her to. And in reverse, while she feels silly wearing a costume, she does have Catholic guilt and feels like she always needs to be punished. I think it taps something in her brain. They say that our sexual triggers are imprinted on us when we are in puberty, and turn us on our whole lives, and while it may not be conscious, something about dressing like she dressed when she was in school, feeling her first urges had to be arousing to her.

Still... she looked amazing, and the outfit was sexy as hell. And admittedly, a bit ridiculous, but not as much as I expected... even though it was a "sexy college studentl" costume. The skirt did cover her entire ass, and was a red, green and black tartan pattern. Her shirt was white and collared and rolled at the sleeves, and actually fit well and seemed well-made, although it was tight... emphasizing her waist and full breasts and hips.

She had chosen the white stockings that went to mid-thigh, and had skipped the Mary Janes entirely, coming down in stocking feet. I could maybe make an issue that she was out of uniform as part of the fun we'd be having in a moment if I chose, but I didn't say anything yet. Probably she felt the shoes didn't look right, or weren't comfortable. But I wasn't complaining... the areas of naked skin between the tops of her stockings and the bottom of her schoolgirl skirt were incredibly erotic to me. Maybe it was silly... but man, it was turning me on something fierce.

Around her neck, beneath the collar was a small, short tie of the same tartan as the skirt, and she had even put on the headband and bow made of the same fabric, which actually looked pretty good with her ponytail.

"I look ridiculous..." she said after a moment, after looking at me looking tall and neat in my button-down and tie... then ended her statement with an honest-to-God giggle. She was giggling! This was great. She felt silly... but was amused and enjoying herself. And she was not a giggler, so this was unexpected, and fun, and happy, and I noticed how flushed she was, and how her eyes were crinkled up with smile lines.

"Quiet!" I barked, my tone mock severe, but giving her a quick wink a millisecond later as my words and tone registered on her. I only spoke to her like this when we were doing roleplay, and she wasn't fully in the moment yet, still transitioning from our normal power dynamic. I barged ahead, not giving her a chance to start arguing about my tone, lest she derail the evening.

"Miss Heath, do you know why you're here? Why I am here late on a Friday, on my own time, with no one else here on campus, to deal with you?"

She struggled for a moment with what to say, still giggling, then softly, "This is stupid..." before saying louder, "No." She was a bit flushed, her eyes happy, still giggling.

"Watch your attitude," I admonished theatrically, still leaning on the desk, arms and ankles crossed. "That's one of the many reasons you're here. Approach my desk and stand right there," I said, pointing at a spot about three feet in front of the desk.

I got up, not watching her to see if she moved, assuming compliance as I walked around to the other side of the desk and pulled out my chair and sat down.

I opened my folder, making a show of looking at the papers within, and she moved to stand before the desk. I pretended to look closely at the papers for a moment, reading, flipping through each, making tsk-tsk sounds of outrage and disappointment. "My goodness... terrible... just terrible..." But it wasn't long before I looked up at her, and pretended to be shocked at her slouching.

"Stand up straight! Shoulders back! You are on very thin ice, young lady, and if you want to stay at this college, you are getting your very last chance to do so. Eyes forward!"

Grudgingly, but laughing, she did as I ordered, and I steepled my fingers as I looked at her. "I don't know why I'm even bothering. You have broken so many rules over the past few days, I don't know if punishment will do it, or if I should just expel you now and be done with it."

She said nothing, as expected. She really wouldn't know what to say, but I'd lead her along the roleplay.

"Your parents will be furious that you've been expelled from yet another school, and they told me this is the last school that will even consider you. But fortunately the answer will be clear to everyone of where you're going next, given what you just did. It looks like I'll be having to contact the police. At least that will solve your parent's problem of what to do with you."

She looked at me, and I smiled at her. "Is that what you want, Miss Heath? To go to Jail? I'm sure the other women there are going to love showing you what they think of you when you get there, the nice little rich girl. That's what you want?"

She may not be an actress, but there wasn't ever going to be a more obvious set-up than that.

"No..." she replied. I knew that what she wanted to continue with was how stupid this was and how awkward she felt, but in a few moment s I was sure that she'd be forgetting all about that and getting into the scene.

"'No, what?" I demanded.

"No... Sir."

"Say, 'No Mr. Ryan. I'll tell you if you can call me Sir if you earn it. Right now you haven't earned anything except the disappointment of your parents and getting to know a lot of very hard women very well. Is that what you want to happen?"

"No... Mr. Ryan."

"You don't want what to happen?"

"I don't want to go to Jail."

"But you are okay being expelled."

"No, Mr. Ryan. Please don't expel me."

"I have a list of terrible things you've done here. I don't even know if I can punish you enough for each one. You're a bad, naughty girl, not one who I think can prove you still deserve another chance."

She was getting into it, and was still giggling. But she played along. "Please Mr. Ryan... I'll do anything."

My cock, which had been semi-hard already, paid close attention, and instantly got nearly fully erect at her words, as she emphasized 'anything.'

"Anything, huh. Well, there's quite a list of things you've done just this week, each more serious than the last. Do you really think you can make amends? That I can apply enough punishments tonight to let you stay?

"Yes, Mr. Ryan. Please. Let me stay. I'll take any punishments you like."

My cock was so hard now... and we hadn't even gotten sexual yet. It was partly the roleplay and the power exchange, and the abuse of that power. But even more, it was that she was getting into the roleplay, for me.

"Okay. I will review each of the big transgressions on the list with you, and I will apply a punishment for each. If at any time you refuse to accept the punishment, which is your choice, we stop right there, and you will be expelled. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mr. Ryan."

"Alright, then."

Chapter 6

I sat back in my chair a bit and steepled my fingers, then tapped them together as I spoke to her, looking directly into her eyes.

"In the bag on the desk, you'll find the items we will use. Take each one out, and lay them out neatly on the desk."

I watched as she hesitated, eyes darting from me to the bag, and then back, and she licked her lips slightly. Then, reluctantly, she took a step forward and reached for the bag, her chocolate and raspberry-colored manicure impeccable, and my heart rate picked up a bit.

Nervously, her fingers visibly trembling, she unzipped the eighteen-inch-long black bag and opened it up. She took a quick look inside, and risked a glance at me, and I gave her an amused smile and a flip of my chin that she should continue. She bit her lip, breaking eye contact, and swallowed, and continued.

There was real tension between us, electric, and uncomfortable in its intimacy. There was something to this bit of the scene that was real, the pulling back of the curtains of our own desires, of her admitting her acceptance of --and enthusiasm for-- what we were about to do. A part of her, I knew, was quivering with anticipation, given away by the trembling of her fingers. But another part of her --receding now--still wanted to fight back against the impropriety of the situation.

She giggled aloud again at the preposterousness of it all, and I smiled myself.

Reaching into the bag, she brought out the first item, a black leather paddle with a wide round spanking surface about the size of a ping-pong paddle, about fourteen inches long all-together. Again, she looked at me, and as she made eye contact I could feel her anxiety... and excitement.

"Place it on the desk neatly, then the rest of the items next to it. We haven't got all night."

She did as directed, and I couldn't help but notice the red flush on her cheeks and chest as her heart raced.

The next item was a leather slapper, which was a leather strap about a foot long and three inches wide, with the striking part of it having a second, looser flap that makes a loud slapping sound as it impacts against the other part with each stroke. Not too intense, but loud psychologically. We had gotten it with our BDSM 101 kit a lifetime ago, and I always tended to throw it in the bag, as if things went awry it was the least menacing of the toys we'd acquired over the years.

Next followed a riding crop, with a wide, leather striker. Then, a wooden paddle, and next a small flogger. The flogger wasn't a favorite, and I noted to myself that I really needed to get a better, longer one at some point, so I could flog her properly.

But there was more in the bag. Next came a set of leather wrist and ankle cuffs, and then a slave collar, all with shining D-rings. A large blindfold with velcro straps. A short leather leash that went with the collar, and then she pulled out a small, heavy nylon bag, and looked at me questioningly. "Empty it on the desk, and lay out the items neatly, as well."

She undid the drawstring and emptied the contents to reveal a set of nipple clamps with decorative weights on each, a nipple chain with clamps at each end, and finally a little clamp with a little bell on it, that I could clip to her clitoris. I didn't think we'd get to using any of those items tonight... but you never knew.

She arranged the items on the table and finished by carefully pulling the nipple chain so it laid straight between to the nipple clamps and little clit bell.

"There are a few more items in there. Take them out, too."

She reached in the bag, and brought out two small padded velvet bags that were hidden in the bottom of the bag; opening them revealed two heavy, gleaming stainless steel butt plugs, each with a jewel on the end, one noticeably larger and heavier. She laid those neatly on the desk with the other items, each on top of its pouch.

Finally, she pulled out the last item in the bag, a small cordless Hitachi vibrator. I'd let it charge overnight, so we'd be ready to go.

She had laid each item on the desk directly in front of me as I sat, embarrassed and excited as she laid out each item, and I watched her with interwoven fingers, elbows on the desk as she finished.

She wasn't giggling any longer. This had gotten real, and she had gotten so aroused that she was no longer nervous or embarrassed. Just excited.

"Take one step back, and put your hands behind your head, lacing your fingers," I ordered casually.

She didn't hesitate to follow my direction, and my heart raced again for a moment: we were on, now, and she was invested and in sub mode. The fighting-for-dominance piece of the night's activities was over, as long as I was smart about not pushing her limits too hard. I tried to not let my own excitement color my voice as I continued, "Now spread your legs, so your feet are spread apart shoulder-width."

She did as directed, and I couldn't help but admire the view.

My wife doesn't think she's sexy. But at moments like this, I wish she could see what I saw. Her hair was a glossy chestnut with light highlights, pulled back in a fairly tight ponytail, with the schoolgirl tartan hairband and bow. She had applied light makeup and lipstick, and her smooth complexion glowed with her excitement; her eyes sparkled, even as she still possessed more than a hint of embarrassment and nervousness. We'd soon put that away. But it was her figure that had my full attention: she had a great waist and broad hips, and the costume, as silly as it might be, accentuated her figure and her generous assets, with her bosom impressive in the tight white shirt, wireframe bra barely just visible under the fabric, beneath the short tartan tie. Legs wide, the skirt barely covered her panties, and I swore I could already smell the umami scent of her arousal. My erection raged now, and I wanted to just strip her down right there and take her.

But that would have to wait. We'd both worked too hard to get to this point, now it was time to savor the game and take our time, now that we were both committed to it.

Chapter 7

I cleared my throat as I looked down at the folder of papers on the desk before me.

"Well, let's see what's first..." I said as I made a show of rifling through a pile of papers that made it seem as though there were hundreds of infractions to punish her for. "We'd be here all week if I were to even try to address even half of these items..." I trailed off, shaking my head. "I really don't know how you've managed to not get expelled this long... but I think I know the top items that we'll need to take care of today."

I looked up at her, play-acting disappointed authority, reluctantly following procedures in the interest of the accused before me.