Hypnotic Adventures of Beauty Ch. 01


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Billy barked a laugh. "It looked like we'd done the rumpy pumpy 'cause we HAD, dear heart."

"That's enough!" I screamed, and both men seemed to shrink back, silent. Betty STILL didn't look up, and I began to really be afraid that Tony had done something serious to her. They'd been together for almost two hours. Had he altered her somehow? Changed how she thought? How she acted? I took a breath and pushed away from the counter. "What's done is done," I declared sternly, walking around the small table. "We're going to get through this and we are NOT going to let it get in the way of our friendship! Got it?" The boys fidgeted and regarded each other suspiciously, but remained quiet.

I put my hand on Betty's shoulder, and when she still didn't respond, I took her hand. She rose and allowed me to pull her in the direction of the next room. Suddenly, she stiffened, pulled away from me, and went back to the table. She picked up the flower before returning to me and putting her hand back into mine; and together, we went into the living room. There, hopefully out of earshot of the guys, I turned her toward me and looked deeply into her eyes.

"Are you still in there, Betty?" I asked. That brought the old smile back, and I sighed in relief.

"What...? Did you think he'd brainwashed me or something?" she asked softly.

"I thought it a distinct possibility, yes."

Her sight seemed to shift inward, as if she was examining herself... her thoughts and feelings. "I suppose it IS possible, at that. He put me to sleep over and over. Dozens of times. Maybe hundreds. It was... wonderful!" Her eyes focused on mine again. "He does that to YOU doesn't he, Riya? You submit to him like that, don't you? Over and over."

I couldn't keep the shiver from my body as I thought about it. "Oh, yes. Yes, I do."

She smiled dreamily, then frowned. "I hope you don't feel jealous. I didn't mean to let him do something... um... intimate with me."

I tried to laugh, but it came out as more of a sigh. "How can you say that after what I'VE just done? Oh, girlfriend, I'm SO sorry!"

She kept smiling. "But YOU didn't do it, did you? I mean, you didn't MEAN for it to happen, right? It just sort of happened by itself?"

"I could have stopped it," I told her morosely. "I SHOULD have stopped it." I took a breath. "Yes, it was my fault."

She considered this for a long moment, then looked earnestly into my eyes. "Riya... what was he like?"

I laughed, despite myself. I'd always been her rock, her foundation. And now, even though I'd betrayed her, she sought my advice. I hooked my arm through hers and steered her back toward the kitchen. "Find out for yourself," I said bluntly.

"Riya!" she gasped.

I paused and looked at her. "You want him, girl. TAKE him!" Then I marched her back into the room with the guys, who still sat sort of bristling at each other without talking.

"Tony, my dearest darling," I said with as much icy venom as I could muster, "we should leave." He fumbled uncertainly to his feet and blinked at me. "And Billy," I added sweetly, "I'm not going to drive Betty back tonight. It's too late. Could you put her in one of the spare bedrooms, please?" He, too, got to his feet. "I'll leave her in your capable hands," I finished, then turned to Tony and led him out of the apartment and down the hall.

Finally away from them, I let go of my boyfriend's hand and strode off ahead of him. It took him a long ten seconds to catch back up to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off and kept marching. I didn't pause as I reached the marble staircase, breaking cadence only briefly when I heard him trip and stumble behind me, and for a moment, I wanted to turn and make sure he was okay. But his hurried steps resumed their tempo, and I ignored him. Downstairs, I turned toward the door to one of the back courtyards... the one with the pool and hot tub, and suddenly, we were outside in the warm August night. He finally caught my arm and spun me around to face him.

"Riya, please! Give me a chance to explain!"

"You KNEW that was going to happen, didn't you?" I accused.

"No, I swear."

I stared into his eyes. "But you knew it was a possibility!"

And I saw it, deep inside him. Moreover, he KNEW that I'd seen it. He couldn't hide his true feelings from me. His whole body seemed to deflate a little. "Yes... I knew it was a possibility."

"Then WHY? Why did you put me in that position? Put US in that position? You crushed him, Tony! He feels awful!"

He smiled gently at that. "He'll get over it. And you HELPED him, Riya! I could tell the moment I laid eyes on him just now! He was a mouse, and now he's a lion!"

"Mouse... lion!" I sputtered. "And I am the whore!"

"No," he said, still smiling. "You are my Riya. My wonderful Riya. You were magnificent! Now he's free... to pursue Betty, or whomever he pleases. You saved my friend, Riya. I love you."

I felt tears flood my eyes. "Apparently, your love for me is not as strong as your friendship for him."

The smile never faded. I've never felt so much simultaneous love and exasperation toward anyone in my life. "It's not a contest, my dear. And nothing in this universe can exceed my love for you." He dug in his pocket for something, then held out a small case, snapped it open, and fell to one knee in front of me. "Riya, will you...?"

My eyes went round in shock and I backed up a step. "NO!" I screamed loudly. "Tony, don't you DARE!"

I was blinded by tears, and as I turned to run, I very indelicately tripped over a lounge chair and went sprawling face-first onto the lawn. I got my hands under me, but as I raised a knee to regain my footing, I kicked another chair and went down again hard. Suddenly, he was there and he'd flipped me over and I was in his arms. I looked up into his face. At least the stupid smile was gone. "Honey," said unsteadily, "I... What...?"

I put my hands against his chest and pushed, but he didn't let go. "Tony, you stupid putz!" I pushed again, but to no avail. "I've been waiting for you to ask me for months! But... but I'm full of another man's cum! I feel it dripping out of me! If I tell you yes, then every time I remember this, I'll remember how I feel now! I don't feel... clean, Tony! And anyway, you just made me...!"

His strong arms slowly crushed me to him. I tried to push against him one last time, but then his body was against mine. Before I realized it, I felt his lips against my left ear. "Shhh," he hushed me gently. And he said the words. I don't know what the words are... my conscious self forgets them as soon as I hear them; but those words are not to be denied. They make me sleep. They always make me sleep.

I gasped and tried to stiffen my body, but I found it relaxing, instead. "Tony, NO!" I tried to scream, but it came out as a pleading whisper. Suddenly, I felt as if I'd been awake for days. I was SO tired!

"Relax, Riya," he purred. "There's time for a little nap. Just let go for me, okay?"

I wanted to push against him again, but my arms flopped to my sides into the cool grass instead. "Oohh, Tony!" I moaned.

"Too many bad thoughts, Riya," he said gently. "Just let all of your thoughts go away. No thoughts at all." There was something I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't think what it was now. I couldn't think at all. "Just let go and surrender to me, Riya," he said earnestly.

"Surr... en... derrrrrr," I breathed. Oh, I cannot begin to tell you how much I wanted this... how good this felt. Sometimes, when Tony hypnotizes me, I dream that I'm walking. Sometimes, I fly. This time, I floated... out into the pleasant night. At first, I wasn't naked; but then I was. I floated over to the hot tub and settled into the warm, swirling water. It felt luxurious; marvelous. And I felt... really, really good. Feminine. Sexy. And clean. I don't know why, but if I had to tell you one word to best described me at that moment, I'd have told you I was clean. The bubbling torrents of hot, cleansing water had made my body... perfect. All by myself, I decided to count to three. "One Two Three."

I blinked my eyes open and looked around. At first, I thought I was alone, but then I saw him... right in front of me. Well... not all of him. His arms were sticking up out of the roiling water, holding the open ring case. If I looked a little harder, I could just make out the top of his head beyond the arms, his black hair swirling around it. He was obviously kneeling on the bottom of the small pool. I reached out, grabbed the jewelry case and pulled. He didn't let go.

"Hey!" he cried, bobbing to the surface, sputtering and blinking. I realized that he wouldn't let go of the box, so I snatched the ring out of it. "Hey!" he barked again. "You can't take that until you agree to marry me!"

"You're going to drop it, you fool!" I scolded. I slipped the ring onto my left ring finger.

"But... you haven't answered my question!" he pleaded.

"What question?"

He sighed. "WILL YOU MARRY ME?!"

I examined the ring. Oh, gosh, it was perfect! Not gaudy at all... maybe a bit more than half a carat. But it was brilliant blue fire on my finger. I didn't look up at him. "Why don't you just MAKE me give you the answer you want?"

"Make you?"

"You can hypnotize me and make me do anything!" I accused.

"I've never MADE you do anything!" he said sincerely. "I help you relax and sleep and feel good. I try to help you feel... wanted... needed. Because I want and need you desperately, Riya! I play some games with you during sex, because I know you like it! I try to help you feel confident and secure. But I swear to God... I've never made you do anything you didn't want to!"

"You orchestrated what happened with Billy tonight!"

He was beside me now, his naked body touching mine. He put his arm around me, and I pulled away from him for just a second before giving in to my innermost desires and settling into his shoulder. I sighed and looked at the ring again.

"I asked you to help me with my plan," he said. "I admit that it was a little... unorthodox." He was quiet for a few seconds after I'd grunted a sarcastic laugh. "But if you had objected, I wouldn't have made you go through with it. You know that."

"And you know that I would never refuse you anything," I countered softly.

He sighed. "Yes. I know that." He was silent for a long time. "Was it really so bad, Riya?"

I kicked him in the leg, but the water dulled the action. He looked genuinely shocked. "Oooo! You stupid idiot!" I said loudly. When I realized he still didn't have a clue, I had to make a quick choice whether or not to explain it to him. But... I could have no secrets from him. "Tony, don't you see? It wasn't bad at all! It was really good! That's the problem!"

And THAT shocked him. "Oh," he said dully. "Do you...?" He was silent for awhile. "I mean... uh... do you... um... want to... I mean... with him...?"

I relented. My man, the crazy fool, needed his ego stroked. "You are my one and only, Tony. I don't want Billy... or anyone else. Ever. I love you. That's why it hurts so much."

He seemed to get a little more of that mafia family confidence back. "Tell me about it, babe."

I laughed at that. "You want me tell you how your mate shagged your Sheila," I asked indignantly, trying to duplicate Billy's drawl.

"Sheila is an Australian term, not British," he explained. "Billy would never say 'Sheila.' And I want you to tell me everything... everything that happened tonight. I've hardly seen you all evening. Start with going to pick up Betty. Tell me."

He had his arm around me, and I turned, facing away from him, while I stretched my legs out and rested them on the built-in bench in the hot tub. I settled my back into his body and he idly began running his fingertips all around my right breast. I DID want to tell him what had happened to me, and the thought crossed my mind that he might have conditioned me for this... to comply... to give in to his suggestion. I took a deep breath, which was more of a sigh of resignation. And I told him. I told him everything. Every little thing.


"When you woke me up from my pleasant hypnotic 'nap' this afternoon," I told him, "I took the sheets of paper you'd given me and I folded the stack into quarters so I could fit it into my purse. I had to leave early so that I could go by the dress shop, so I kissed you goodbye and I did my errands and I got to her apartment right on time. I knew the dress would fit her, because I'd tried it on myself, and it was just a wee bit small on me, so I knew it would be perfect on her. And we've traded shoes, even in high school, and so I knew those would fit her, too.

"Her furniture arrived today, so the place was still a mess. And Tony, she has so LITTLE stuff! I mean, with her looks, she should have a kingdom at her feet! She should be the crown princess of some country! But all she has to her name is a cheap bed and dresser and couch and dinette set. All of her clothes were in one box! How can she be so poor and look like THAT?! I mean, it's not as if she's stupid or anything. She's really, really bright! Smarter than I am about a lot of things!

"So anyway, I KNEW that she'd protest about the dress, but I made her try it on, and it WAS perfect! And I knew that she'd hate the shoes because the heels were so high, but they were perfect, too, and she knew it. She really looked hot, but you already knew that, because you saw her when you hypnotized her later during the party. Anyway, she didn't want to go the party, because she'd already been to one here last weekend; but I convinced her that her paperwork was all complete now, and as an employee, she was expected to attend. I also explained to her that she'd finally be able to meet Billy tonight, and that she was still in the running for the spot as his personal executive assistant, so she HAD to go.

"As soon as we arrived, I shoved a tall glass of vodka and cranberry into her hand. I KNEW how cranberry juice affected her, and I gave her another tall glass when that one was empty. Within an hour of arriving, she was asking for a bathroom; so I walked her over to the west wing staircase and pointed, and up she went. I waited for a minute before following, feeling like a spy creeping around my own house. I spotted her in the hall, but she was at the wrong door. Something was holding her attention, and I ducked out of sight before she could look back. Finally, I took another peek, and she had moved down the hall and was trying the door to Billy's apartment... and then she was inside. I snuck down and listened at the door for a minute, and I heard her scream... and I almost said 'to hell with your plan' and I wanted SO much to rush in and explain things... but she didn't scream again or anything, so I figured that maybe you were right. Maybe this WAS the way.

"So... I went back down to the party. But I really couldn't give it any attention as hostess or anything. I saw you across the room once or twice, but I could never make my way over to you. I was on pins and needles, watching the clock until another 45 minutes had passed (according to your 'plan'), and then I almost sprinted back upstairs and I barged right in on them. I wouldn't quite call them 'lovey-dovey' or anything, but they were definitely very friendly... and maybe just a bit more so. She was genuinely taken with his speech... the idiom and slang, and she was giggling more than I've seen her do in years. She was... comfortable. She'd lay a hand on his arm when she was making a point, and she'd tend to leave it there after that point was made. And Billy, of course, was nervous and shy and smitten.

"Well, just as you told me to do, I ordered Betty to go downstairs and talk to you. She REALLY didn't want to go. She REALLY wanted to stay with Billy and talk... and, I think, just BE with him. But, of course, she didn't deny me. She's never denied me anything... in her whole life. And so, away she went. And Billy and I were alone.

"I wanted to just get on with it... to get on with your plan... but Billy went to his computer and watched. He had the security network pulled up, of course. He could see the party downstairs, and everybody there. He clicked around a bit, from view to view, until he spotted her, and he followed her as she made her way over to you, changing cameras to get the best view of her. We watched together as she spoke to you... and as you spoke to her. We couldn't hear anything, of course, but I could almost figure out what was going on. She argued... she listened... she talked... and finally, she gave up. I could tell when that happened... I could see it in her eyes. And then her eyes began to blink and close; and I could see her sort of fight it. I don't know what you said to her... how you had gotten her to go along with this... but it was obvious that she'd agreed to it; because she nodded, and all the fight just drained out of her, and she just surrendered to you. Her eyes closed and she leaned into your arms, and she was out cold.

"Billy made a sound of startled protest, but he didn't comment. He just watched. We saw her eyes open, and she nodded and looked up at you, and you snapped your fingers and she was out again, as if you had turned off a light switch. It happened again... and again, and slowly, a small crowd was forming around the two of you. You were talking to the crowd now, not just her; but you kept waking her up, then snapping your fingers and gathering her into your arms as she'd slump back into sleep. Now everybody in the room was watching, and after you'd done that another dozen times, you made her stand up and face everybody. I know that she's horribly shy, but she seemed to be okay talking to everyone. I have no idea what she was saying to them. She looked at you and shook her head once or twice; and then she seemed to be struggling within herself; but then she reached behind the back of her neck, untied the halter and bared her chest to everyone in the room.

"Billy leaped to his feet, his fists clenched, but he still seemed incapable of comment. He just watched the monitor. I couldn't help but look down at him. He was hard. And Tony... he was big! I... I never even thought about it before. In all this time... in all these months, I've never even considered anything... sexual... about Billy. Of course, Betty must have that effect on every guy, I suppose. It would only make sense that she would make Billy hard, too; especially with her standing topless in front of a crowded room.

"It only got worse when you just left her standing there and hypnotized Belinda Garcia from accounting... and then got her to take off her blouse and bra, too. And Belinda started stroking and sucking on Betty's nipples. And then you made them kiss like lovers or something. How did you get Betty to just STAND there and let that happen? I can't imagine that she'd ever WANT something like that. Belinda, I can see... everybody knows she's an A-number-one slut! But BETTY?! Anyway, after you had them both dress themselves again, and after you'd awakened them and things got back to normal, Billy was trying to calm himself. He was breathing pretty hard. And speaking of hard... he still was; but I kept my eyes on his face as much as I could, only glancing down when he'd turned his face away from me.

"But I recognized that now was the time. It was now or never. So I turned off the monitors and started gently explaining to him that his chances of scoring with Betty... or any girl, for that matter... would be greatly improved if he could just find a way to me more aggressive around the opposite sex. I patiently told him that I thought I could help him with that. I mentioned how you had helped me interact better with those around me by using hypnosis; and I told him that I thought there was a good chance I could help him the same way.
