I Gifted Black Friend My Mom's Ass

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A sly cuckold arranges for black friend to breed his mom.
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Author's note: All characters are above 18 years of age. This is true for the entire duration of the story. At no time are any characters below the age of 18.


My mother is a genuine whore.

I have studied her sexual appetite for years, curious as to how a woman could be so bereft of even the most basic respect for her husband and son. The answer my analysis has yielded is that my mother can find pleasure only in sexual encounters that cast horrific shame upon her family. She can enjoy herself only when random men pillage her warm cunt, vacate the content of their balls inside her womb, and do so with the express knowledge that this is a married woman they are inseminating, a family they are violating.

Perhaps it goes without saying that the intimacy between my mother and father dissipated long ago, and their marriage is now merely an object of convenience. I understand the need on both of their parts to supplement their loveless marriage with casual sexual partners.

However, my father has attended to his urges with grace and with consideration for his family. No longer interested in expending the energy required to court females, his encounters are infrequent and are exclusively with hookers, all of whom he summarily dismisses after getting off.

My mother, however, has welcomed into her womb countless loads, discharged by the most base variety of men. These are men possessing no sex appeal, who chance upon my mother entirely unprepared for her to swoon over them, offering them as undeserved bounty her fat, white, creamy ass. It seems that my mother is excited all the more by men completely absent of sex appeal, as it makes the act of her surrendering her fertile pussy to such brutes all the more regrettable.

If my mother sought out young, handsome, charismatic men, it would detract from the humiliation she seems desperate to inflict upon our family. This in turn would detract from her sexual ecstasy. This is because a poetic quality can be conferred upon relations in which an attractive man seduces a married woman, a woman intent on preserving the integrity of her marriage, but that is helplessly preyed upon by a man with an arresting image and personality.

This was not my mother. She invites into her own home, into my home, into my father's home, men who have resigned themselves to sexual idleness. My mother rekindles in these men sexual activity that has languished for what seems to them like an eternity. She calls upon their dormant, decrepit cocks to awaken once more and fulfill their reproductive duty. This of course reduces their cocks to a feeble state, in which they quiver and tremble before the astounding power of my mother's sex appeal.

The extent to which these men, who are given total access to my mother's body, would repulse any other woman should be related. One gentleman, who was particularly eager to inseminate my mother, worked maintenance for our apartment complex. This was a man who sloppily threw over himself heavy-duty, functional clothing, which carried a grime sustained not by intensive labor but by his complete indifference to personal hygiene. He meandered in and out of apartment units wearing a bloated face that betrayed the absence of any sexual activity in his life.

This bestial man, who neglected to remove the grease collecting on his body as he attended to minor problems in the apartment complex, and who walked with his gut carelessly protruding from his shirt, would be summoned to the second floor by my mother. As she had beckoned to him with her fat tits, her plump thighs, and her succulent ass concealed behind our door, and only her head emerging from our apartment, he sluggishly ascended the staircase.

It was only when he gained view of my mother, who awaited him in a towel that did little to hide her Huge Double D Tits and luscious thighs, that he learned that the monotony of his life had come to a swift, albeit temporary end. His was a curious behavior when he saw my mother. He suddenly tried to make himself more presentable, adjusting his ill-fitting clothes and wiping from his brow the beads of sweat that had pooled for hours. It was as if he had deluded himself into believing that it was genuine sexual attraction that had brought him into contact with my mother, not her own debased yearning to shame her family.

In the interest of time, I will relate with haste what became of this man. My mother lured him, hand-in-hand, to her bedroom. In the process, she passed through the living room where I was present. She did little to obscure her activity, even allowing her towel to fall and reveal her enormous, juicy ass before the door to her room closed. Hadn't she known that her son had fixed his gaze upon her? Hadn't she known that her son, her most dutiful, polite son, could see her giant ass crack rise like a white wave as her towel fell? Hadn't she known that I was able to see her fat tits erupt out of the feeble bounds placed on them by her towel?

I was next subjected to a symphony of noises emanating from a man who was enveloped by perfect ecstasy, a man who had achieved sexual rapture. My mother had learned to mute herself, lest her son hear her moaning, but she was unable to quiet the brutes who she brought into her bedroom. Before I turned on the camera that sat in her room, I liked to listen to the sounds produced by these men.

The loudest noise was the thumping of the bed. I knew she was on top of him, expertly riding him, extracting from his swollen balls loads of cum. The creaking of the bed was accompanied by percussive sounds that were released by pounds upon pounds of ass landing on top of an overflowing ballsack. My mother's warm cunt was working tirelessly to siphon every drop of cum out of his inflamed ballsack. Tired of teasing myself, I turned the camera on just in time to see this man lose to my mother what looked like gallons of cum.

As his body writhed and his toes curled, my mother did not cease the smashing of her huge, delicious ass against his balls. I observed rope upon rope of cum eject from his cock. He had painted his own balls a pasty white, and his thighs were glistening with cum, yet my mother would not let his spasms subside. She placed her lips on his lips to muffle his pathetic moaning, and used her tight cunt to suck, and suck, and suck the cum out of his balls.

My mother invited his fully engorged, uncircumcised cock to give her all that it could. It desperately tried to stay afloat, to prolong the pleasure indefinitely, but my mother was draining it to defeat. Just as strongly as she was milking his balls, he was thrusting into her ass. He thrusted so violently. I wondered what it was that he was trying to reach. Was it her womb? She tilted her head back, wearing her hair on her back like a cape, her heavy tits suffocating the gentlemen who seemed intent on giving my mother a child. He would not submit to his fate, a fate in which his cock and balls lay deflated, drained of all their reproductive power. He attacked my mother's cunt almost angrily, and I saw his cock begin to swell once more. This to my mother was a foe that she had ran aground, but that had revived himself. My mother smiled an amused smile as he packed his cock into her ass like a dagger.

I was astonished by the stamina with which this man was endowed. His ballsack ballooned once more, as if it had marshaled together all of the life force from other parts of his body into his ballsack. But I, who held perspective from afar, could see clearly who was to win this battle. My mother managed to smash pounds upon pounds of white, creamy, fertile ass against his insubordinate balls, and at the same time managed to affectionately massage his balls with her ocean of an ass. His balls lay stupefied as they were hit with an onslaught of ass. My mother hammered, and hammered, and hammered, leaving me to wonder: Wasn't it now a certainty that my mother was to become pregnant? He had unleashed inside of her an unyielding stream of his most potent cum. As my mother slammed her enormous ass against his defiant balls, it was as if she had tapped into a reservoir in his body that had patiently collected every drop of cum that went unused over his years of sexual inactivity.

He had literally painted my mother's insides. There eventually came a point when his cock buckled under the pressure meted out by the successive plops of my mother's ass. He himself was then beset with a kind of paralysis, with the only discernible movement of his body being his flailing legs and twitching toes. My mother straddled his cock proudly, her victorious ass basking in full glory.

But I thought to myself, hadn't his cock's valiant effort secured for him victory too? Yes, it had in minutes been deflated, reduced to a gelatinous shell. But in the combat between his excited, fully engorged cock and my mother's ass, my mother had suffered visible damage. My mother's cunt is typically so tight so as to prevent any deposits from leaking out. However, this gentleman had released inside her a torrent of sperm so abundant that it was able to force an exit as she rose from his cock. Her enormous asscheeks, supple and plump, were also painted with sperm. This is because his ropes of cum had travelled to his legs, legs which my mother's colossal ass engulfed.

It took a few minutes for the gentleman to prepare himself to exit my apartment. As he opened her door, revealing himself to the living room, his face wore a look of blissful serenity. His already sluggish pace slowed even more, having yet to recover from all of his blood forced into his cock. My mother was to make an appearance a few minutes later, wearing yoga pants which hugged her full ass that had just been so utterly defiled. As if nothing had just happened, as if I didn't just hear a wretched excuse of a man so greedily pump full of cum her pussy, she asked me if I wanted a sandwich.

I feel relating one more incident of this kind is in order. Another savage who was gifted warm pussy by my mother was an older gentleman. This was a gentleman who had to be well into his 60s, maybe early 70s. He was not an employee of our apartment complex but was a fellow tenant, who had coyly monitored my mother for years. I'm confident that he detected in her a depraved slut, willing to offer him in abundance what no other woman would: A warm mouth, an incredible set of fat tits, and a colossal ass. He was hesitant to make an approach, though. He just coveted my mother from the safety of his window, his appetite whetted whenever he saw her descend the stairs in tight skirts.

He would eventually act on his impulses, however, weaseling his way into our apartment. In the interest of time, I will not describe how he gradually drew nearer and nearer to my mother, but I will say that he affected the temperament of a lonely, senile grandfather. His act grew more refined after each visit to our apartment. This evolution of skills was born out of necessity, as my mother had not thrust upon him immediately her pussy as she had did with with the maintenance man.

There was a great overture to the moment when this "sweet grandfather," would finally inseminate my mother. He would have to invest several visits. He left satisfied after each visit, however, as my whore of a mother was always sure to entertain him. She too would pretend as if this were an entirely platonic relationship, which she attended to only out of sympathy for this lonely, elderly man. She would act as if she were a nurse at a senior home. This man grew bolder and bolder after each visit, and as he learned that I possessed no power in my mother's home, he had learned to filter my presence out from his thought process.

Every time he entered our home, I could see the imprint of his robust cock on his pants, the only part of his body which retained vitality.

"Good afternoon Mr. Bennett! Would you like some pasta?"

She would ask standing in the kitchen, pretending as if she didn't know the true reason for his visit. I wore a look of defeat as he entered our home. Was it not a normal reaction? Was it not normal to be upset that my mother was playing so depraved a game, with so depraved a man, in the presence of her own son? She extended to me a practiced, hollow concern:

"Why do you look upset baby? Mr. Bennett is just here to watch a movie with us!"

"You know why I'm upset mom. You know why I'm upset."

I would reply.

"Relax sweetie, you'll like the movie!"

This old ogre then moved into the kitchen determinedly. He took position directly behind my mother, staring at her ass which was practically left bare by her slut yoga pants. He did this as she fiddled with the dishes. He then moved into action, slapping her ass ferociously several times, the sound reverberating throughout our home, her ass set into live motion.

"Mr. Bennett! What did we talk about last time? That is not appropriate Mr. Bennett!"

He was undeterred. He cupped her ass with both of his hands, allowing her ass to spill into his palms. He kept one hand probing slowly but forcefully her left ass cheek, and resumed assertive clapping of her right ass cheek.

"Enough Mr. Bennett! Here, let's go watch the movie."

She led him to the couch, where I protested that we should not keep company with a guest so utterly devoid of respect for our home. She insisted that these outbursts of his were spawned by his old age, and that such episodes were to be pitied rather than scorned.

She started the movie, and as she went to sit down on the couch that they were both sharing, he forced her into his lap. She did not resist her assigned placement on his lap, his erect cock poking her cunt through her yoga pants. She simply watched the movie idly as she ate a slice of pizza she had prepared for herself.

"Mom why are you sitting like that? Get off of him!"

She dismissed my complaint, reminding me once again that Mr. Bennett was lonely and deserving of sympathy.

To my bewilderment, he reached up underneath her shirt and began to grope her fat, heavy tits.

"Mr. Bennett, we're all gathered here to watch a movie. Relax and watch the movie, okay?"

My mother said. These words fell upon deaf ears. I could see his fingers moving wildly beneath her shirt, as he squeezed and caressed my mother's giant tits, carefully studying her nipples with his fingers. This episode ended with Mr. Bennett releasing in his own pants, overcome with excitement.

On another occasion, he came to my home bearing a gift for my mom. In the bag he brought was a jean skirt, several sizes too small for my mother. She gave ample thanks to Mr. Bennett for his generosity. He insisted in his delicate, endearing, grandfatherly voice that he had perfected just for my mother that she try them on at once. She, never missing an opportunity to delight herself in the pleasure of violating her family, immediately excused herself to her bedroom. She equipped her monstrous, succulent ass with that jean skirt. When she emerged from her bedroom, half of her ass was exposed, dancing in plain view of anyone behind her.

"A bit small, but very lovely Mr. Bennett."

He wore a huge smile, his cock undoubtedly erect at the sight of my mother in her new outfit. He gently grabbed her arm and turned her around, as if to inspect his gift. He then immediately slapped her exposed ass, causing it to jiggle incessantly. He then kneeled below my mother's ass, and began to kiss her creamy, luscious cheeks.

I glared at her, as all of this was happening next to me. From his lips emerged his curious tongue, which seemed desperate to learn the contours of my mother's asscheeks.

"He's a riot, huh?"

She said with a giggle, as if this was a laughing matter.

He then suddenly raided her asshole with his tongue, and brandished in his right hand a cock ebbing and flowing, made unstable by the blood which coursed through it with immense speed.

"Mr. Bennett, what are you doing? This is entirely inappropriate Mr. Bennett. I'd like to have with you a conversation in private."

She feigned indignation, and quickly retreated with the excited ogre into her bedroom. Soon enough, the same rhythmic drums emanated from her bed, the same ecstatic cries of pleasure left his mouth, and the same meditative face attesting to a man having experienced sexual ecstasy appeared before me. Like clockwork, the bestial old man slammed our door closed. Like clockwork, my mother made her entrance into the living room pretending as if nothing had happened.


This concludes part one. Part two will feature the arrival of the black friend. Please let me know if the story has excited you thus far.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

nice story hope u make an update of it.

bigsgt_1bigsgt_1over 2 years ago

loved it, waiting for part 2, please don't keep me waiting long.

AnalOnanistAnalOnanistover 4 years ago
Yes please

I can’t wait for you to give her juicy fat ass to your black friend.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Erotic pool time with mom

Please update that story with pt 2

c4vetteman94c4vetteman94almost 5 years ago
Don't bother with ch 2

You are in the wrong section anyway

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
So Sexy

She sounds exactly like my wife. Such a good woman, sharing herself with any and all. Giving delight to so many men. I so love to clean her afterwards. All those delicious flavours. Oh God, I’m hard again...

SWIM21SWIM21almost 5 years ago

I'm not into cuckolding, but I am a bit fascinated by mothers of adult sons who are promiscuous, especially with black guys because it hits an even deeper layer of insecurity for the son. I ask myself how can a mother pretend to love and respect her son and at the same time give herself to his antithesis. Ironically, the same reason I am fascinated and repulsed by this is similar to the mother's motivation in this story - violation of the family, especially the mother-son bond. Both my mom and my sister look a lot like the mother described here, and they have always been hit on by black guys. One guy actually had the audacity to take a piss in our front lawn while my mom was sitting on the patio swing, apparently to give her a look at his huge dick. She said he was lucky she didn't have a gun on her at the time, or he wouldn't have a dick at all anymore.

I'm curious to see where this story goes. I like your style and the dispassionate, detached perspective of your narration, as though the main character is describing someone else's life. I wonder how the mother will react to her son using her promiscuity for his own gain and whether that would actually make it less appealing. If the son actually encourages her behavior, will it take away her enjoyment of it?

By the way, I also want to say that you really nailed that anonymous poster in your reply. I particularly liked, "Did I eject you from your fantasy land?" That pretty much hits the nail on the head, doesn't it?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Prolific usage of florid language and vocabulary does not a story make’

Less tinsel and more tree , further why submit a story publication and then challenge the views held? If indeed it’s for your own gratification, your own imagination alone would be the answer.

Seyazou-NubilleSeyazou-Nubillealmost 5 years ago
Waiting for Part 2

I like it. To each one their own taste - and your story fits mine

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Excellent Story

Can’t wait to see where this goes. Or how the son is a cuckold. Still sounds delicious anyway!

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