I Should Have Listened to my Mother


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"I could go for a steak, how bout' you?" he said.

I climbed off him and told him to give me a few minutes while I got dressed. I was good to go with the exception of the skirt. The skirt was completely trashed. Fortunately I keep several changes of cloths at the office for such occasions. I found a pair of navy slacks that matched perfectly and out the door we headed, out for dinner with a client . . . a client who just fucked me eight ways from Sunday!

James and I got together a total of three times before his divorce became final. After the divorce settlement was finalized James and company moved to another state and I haven't seen or heard from him since.

His divorce became final somewhere around Thanksgiving that year. Christmas day there was a knock on my door. Just my mom and I were hanging out. At the door was a nice, young man dressed warmly and smiling at me. "Merry Christmas, what can I do for you?" I asked.

Holding up a clip board he said "Sign for this Christmas present if you're Ms. Jessica Fox".

"What do you have for me?" I asked opening the screen door and reaching for the board and pen. He smiled, took back the clip board and stepped to one side. With a Vanna White like motion he showed me what was out at the curb. A brand new white Mercedes! He hands me as set of keys and a sealed card and with gapping mouth I opened it and read the simple note inside.

"Merry Christmas Jessie!

You were the best adventure of my life! I will treasure our times together and will never forget the woman who showed me so much. A small token of my appreciation.

Best wishes for a Happy New Year!

Your friend


Our Sexual Deposition

This sexual deposition is being conducted by me, Jessica Fox (F) with Phoenix Metro Police Officer Jacquelyn Bennett. (JB).

F - Officer Bennett, please state your age, height, weight, hair color and race.

JB - 36, 5' 7" 148 pounds, blonde, Caucasian.

F - Married, Single, or Divorced?

JB - Divorced.

F - How long have you been divorced and how long were you married?

JB - I've been divorced for 12 years. We were married for a little over 4 years.

F - Do you have any children?

JB - Yes, a boy 14 and a girl 16.

F - Are you currently in a relationship?

JB - Yes.

F - And his name?

JB - HER name is Jessica Fox.

F - And you're romantically involved with this woman?

JB - Romantically? Not too much romance yet, but if you're wanting to know if we're having sex, then yes, we're having sex. Hot, steamy, nasty sex.

F - So, it goes without saying that you're a lesbian?

JB - No, not exactly. I'm certainly in a lesbian relationship, but am I a full blown lesbo? No, I don't consider myself as a lesbian. I like sex with men. I like sex with women better though.

F - How many different sexual partners have you had in the past year? Men or women?

JB - Three. Two women, one man.

F - These two women, was one of them this Jessica Fox woman?

JB - Yes. Her and another woman I met at Starbucks.

F - And the man, who's he?

JB - He's a friend at work. Tony, a gay police officer. We accompany each other to work and family functions where bringing a date is expected. He's a nice man and we're very good friends.

F - So he and you as well, you're both "closeted' about your sexual orientation?

JB - Yes, we are.

F - So, you and Tony have had sex. I thought you said he was gay? How does that work Officer Bennett?

JB - When he and I have sex, I take the dominate side of the session, and he submits to me.

F - Could you elaborate please?

JB - I use a strap on dildo. When I put it on, it becomes "My c o c k". He sucks my cock; I fuck him in the mouth and ass. He usually masturbates himself to orgasm, although I have given him head before and he's fucked me once.

F - Do you think he liked the head you gave him? Were you able to make him cum?

JB - No, I don't think he liked it. I was not able to make him cum. With my mouth or my pussy. He did what he did because I asked him to.

F - The Starbucks woman: Tell me about her.

JB – Let's just call her Star. She is a barista at the Starbucks by my house. I was usually her first customer of the morning when I worked the early morning shift. We became very friendly over the course of a month or so. One morning she was just opening the doors, maybe a half hour before opening for business and I showed up. I was in uniform and on my way to work early. Didn't plan for it to happen, but it did. I followed her into the store, we chatted as she began setting things up. SHE started it. She kissed me. I kissed her back. One thing let to another and she locked the door and we went to the back office area and I went down on her until she came twice. She HAD to open the store; I needed to get to work. We hooked up later that night and spent the night together. I was her first woman. We had a very good time. It turned out she had a boyfriend and she let me know that what we did was simply a fantasy she wanted to run with.

F – How old was Star?

JB – She was 20 at the time. I was 33. Weird, huh?

F – Speaking of first times, how old were you when you lost your virginity?

JB – Kind of an interesting story. I was 15. And I had my hymen broken by a dildo, and that dildo was being worked by my best friend Amber, she was 17. We were at her house and she told me she found a stash of 'sex stuff' in her parent's room. Both her parents were away for the weekend and we were having a sleep over. We watched a couple of the porn movies and even smoked some pot. After watching the movies, we were both extremely horny. We started talking about what we had seen which got us even more horny. Well, the next thing I know, Amber is going down on me. I mean REALLY going down on me! She made me cum several times. The only sex I had ever had was masturbating (which I did quite a lot back then – I still do it quite a lot). After Amber got me off a few times she came up and kissed me and I could taste my wetness on her mouth and lips. I returned the favor and ate her pussy. I'm not too sure I was any good at it, but she said I was and I did make her cum. After I went down on her, she said she wanted to fuck me with the dildo she had discovered. She got the dildo and did exactly that, she fucked me with it. It hurt like hell at first, especially when my cherry tore. I bled quite a lot too. That scared the shit out of us. We showered together when we finally realized I wasn't going to bleed to death. I had told her that I wasn't a virgin simply to not sound like a nerd. She used the dildo thinking this. She on the other hand was indeed NOT a virgin. After the shower I used the dildo on her. She really enjoyed it. I used it in her mouth, her pussy and her butt. She loved every second of it. So did I. It was a wonderful slumber party.

F – Wow, that's quite a story officer. Tell me Officer Bennett, have you ever had sex with another police officer?

JB – You know what? This isn't funny anymore. I'm not answering any more questions. HEY! . . . How about we ask YOU some questions councilor?!

F – No, that's not how it works officer. . .

JB – OH FUCK yeah, it sure does work that way baby. Come on, what happened to "Oh it'll be fun!" and "oh come on, it'll be a turn-on!", huh? Well if you want me to continue playing your stupid little Sexual Deposition game, then you get to answer some of MY questions councilor – or I quit!

F – (Long pause) Fine! Ask.

JB – Tell me Ms. Fox: Have you ever participated in group sex?

F – Oh come on Jackie!?!? You don't start with a question like that!! You work UP to a fucking question like that! For Christ sake. How old where you when you lost your cherry? Do you like giving head? When was your first orgasm? SHIT like that!

JB – Come on now, answer the question. You told me just a little last week, I want the whole fucking story missy; tell me all about it. . .

F – Fine. Yes. I've participated in group sex. Are you happy?

JB – Oh not even close. Continue.

F – It happened a little over 3 years ago. It was almost 2 weeks after my 30th birthday. I went to a New Years Eve party. I got tipsy . . . ok, I got really plastered. I had hooked up with this really handsome Marine who was shipping out to Iraq in 3 days. We started drinking and dancing together. When midnight got there, our tongues were down each others throats. Shortly there after I was introduced to his two best friends, also Marines. Also shipping to Iraq in 3 days. The four of us had several more drinks together, laughing and flirting like crazy. There was a Motel 6 next door to the night club where the party was at. I don't really remember who initiated the whole thing . . . really doesn't matter. One of them went and got a room with a big bed and the four of us spent the night together having sex. The End.

JB – Oh I don't fucking think SO Ms. Fox. I want. . . I demand detailed answers here!

J – Fine. OK . . . what do you want to know?

JB – Well – did you fuck them one at a time? All at once? Did they have gay sex?

J – No. No gay sex, they were all 3 hetero as they come. I was the recipient of all that cock and cum that night. Yeah, I did them one at a time and I did them all at the same time. I have no idea how many times I came that night, but I do remember it was a lot. No idea how many time they all came. It was a lot though! I slipped into this drunken, slutty whore mode and couldn't help myself. I was never going to see them again, they would probably never see me again, and an opportunity like this doesn't present itself to a person all that often. . . I tossed my inhibitions out the window and had wild, unprotected, nasty, raunchy sex.

JB – Unprotected?

J – Yeah, I know, I know. Stupid. Really fuckin' stupid. At the time though it just seemed like the thing to do. I remember thinking at a less drunk point in the night that if they were being shipped out to Iraq, they've had really recent physicals n' all . . . wouldn't ship them out if they had something. And I knew my period was less than a week away. So, like a drunken whore, I fucked all three of them all night long, no condoms to be found anywhere in that room that night. I ended up draining all three of them dry, and they were all amazing studs too!

JB – Yeah, stupid. But I understand about the slutty horny feeling. Been there. Done that. So how long did the four of you end up going at it?

J – God, until the sun came up! We got the room at like 1am I guess. I think I ended up passing out around 7 or so. I woke up about 2 or 3 in the afternoon, completely hung over. It was horrible. All three of them had left; I was alone in the Motel 6. My hair was all matted my face and body all crusty like. The sheets and the pillow cases were all a wreck with several brown stains . . . my crotch ached, I stunk to high heaven. I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the shower. Then climbed in and took a really long hot one and cried my eyes out.

JB – Cried huh?

J – I kept having flash backs of the nights activities. . . The condom thing, "what if I got AID's?" and "What if I got pregnant?" questions. The "Oh my God, did I really do that?!" thing. Yeah, poor me. Last night a gang bang whore, now a little Poor Little Me Pity Party. Yeah, cried like a baby.

JB – Wow. Pretty hard on yourself aren't you?

J – Well, yeah! That's how I felt. I was making six figures a year, successful and well known attorney, big time career girl – pullin' a gang bang in a cheap hotel room with 3 complete strangers like some whore frat girl! And God damn it, they took fucking pictures! With their cell phones. Probably did a little video with them too! I was so ashamed and humiliated. But I've gotten over it. I did get my period. I DID get blood tests. All the filth washed off in the shower. . . NOW, after it's ancient history and it all turned out ok – yeah, I have to be honest, it was fun.

JB – When you masturbate, do you find yourself remembering that night?

J – Yes I do. I did everything I ever fantasized about with a man pretty much.

JB – Pretty much?!

J – Yeah. Didn't get to watch a guy give another guy a blow job. I'd like to see that, I think it would be pretty hot. Didn't get to see a guy fuck another guy in the ass. Hot. But I DID do all three of them at the same time. I did two at a time. I even did them one at a time. At the start, they all took turns eating me. All three of them were wonderful at it too, very surprising. While one would eat, I'd suck cock or get throat fucked. After I got their "easy ones", they began fucking me. I gave up as much of what ever they wanted. Ass, pussy, mouth, tits. And they wanted a lot too. I was such a fucking slut. . .

JB – Stop it. Don't be so hard on yourself. Sounds like a great time to me. What else happened that sticks out in your memories about that night?

J – When I finally woke up . . . what made me begin the puking process: I noticed a very horrible taste in my mouth. Not cum either. It was poop. And when that rang in my brain, well, that's when I ran to the bathroom. "Great, hepatitis. One more thing to worry about!"

JB – Damn. That's intense! I think that's called "Coco Puffing"

(Both women laughing)

J – Well, if that's what called, then I did it! (Laughing)

JB – I love the way you let me ass fuck you councilor. Most of the women I've been with just let me fuck them in the pussy. Only a few have let me ass fuck them.

J – Mmmm, really? I love the way it feels too. The way you loosen me with your tongue, its wonderful! And the way you eat my pussy . . . oh God, it's fantastic!

JB – You're no slouch in that department either sweetie! I was completely shocked that I was just your second time with a woman. You eat pussy like you've been doing it all your life.

J – Well, I'd been fantasizing about it for a really really long time ya know?

JB – Yes, you've told me. . . Kathy, turn off that dictation machine hon, I think we're done here. . . Turn that thing off. I'm going to take our councilor back to the bedroom and have my way with her. Wanna come and watch?

< (Whirring of dictation machine shutting down)>

My Gay Man Fantasy (In response to a wonderful story a fan of mine at Experience Project dot com wrote for me...)

Your wife is a lucky woman mister! Men need to be just as willing in bed as us women, and you seem to be just that. We have fantasies too ya know!? In college I had a steady boyfriend for almost 3 years. We had an awesome sex life. One night he was over at my apartment with my room mate and me. The three of us were watching some movie on TV and smoking some pot. Something from the movie got us talking about sex and "Would you do this?" & "Would you do that?" type of stuff started being tossed out there. The next thing you know my room mate and I are making out. Eventually she and I really got into it. Passionate embrace, hot steaming, open mouth kissing. We removed each others tops and took turns sucking each others breasts. We slid hands into each others pants and began masturbating each other. After we both made each other cum we stood up and practically jumped out of our panties. I was very much turned on and my boyfriend was in a trance like state. As she and I embraced again, and this time I was certain we were going to go down on each other, the phone rang. It was almost 1 in the morning, who the hell could it be?! My room mate answered it. It was for her. It was her father. He had called her to tell her that her mother had been killed in a car crash. Needless to say, the mood was ruined. We helped her pack and drove her to the airport. On the way home we talked about the sex that happened.

One of my most favorite legal briefs I've ever heard was from a male co-worker after we debated the Clinton / Lewinski sex scandal years ago. "What is sex?" was the question posed. He said "If two people are in a room together and one of them has an orgasm, then sex has happened!" (Isn't that brilliant!? It's perfect!)

OK. She dropped out of school and stayed at home with her dad. So technically my first time with another woman was not a few months ago like I wrote about with that lava like desensitizing cream incident. It was way back in college with my room mate. A more accurate description if that story would have been "the first time I ever went down on another woman".

I needed to tell you that story in order to answer your "Dear Abby" like question. My boyfriend, after that sexual liaison, told me "There is nothing sexual that I wouldn't do for you." Well, I have fantasies just like him. He's going to tell me something like that; I'm going to call him on it. One of my many fantasies is to watch two men have sex together. I want to watch one man go down on the other, to let him cum in his mouth, to watch one fuck the other in the ass. Hey, it's a fantasy - alright?! We all have them. He didn't think I was going to put something like THAT out there! We went to an adult shop and bought a gay sex video. After watching it, he fucking tells me he couldn't do THAT. "But anything else though Jessie, I'll fuckin' do it!" he says.

"Oh really!? Like watch ME go down on a person the same sex as me?! You'd DO THAT for me?! It's OK FOR ME to have a homosexual experience while you watch and jack off, but turn the tables and all bets are off, huh?! FUCK YOU!"

You strike me as a man who would indeed do anything to please his woman. But be careful of what you tell your wife. Choose your words carefully when agreeing to go forward with something like this.

Obviously you're going to want a man who is clean, discrete and disease free. The clean and discrete thing will be a judgment call on the two of yours part. The disease free part can only be done one way, blood test. Find a clinic before you find your man. After you find your man, have him go to this clinic for testing. Agree to pay for it. Some patience on your part will be required here. Once the tests come back clean then you'll be able to get down how you want without that threat hanging over your heads, ruining the mood.

If you're going to simply agree to use condoms, then STICK TO THAT AGREEMENT no matter what. Sometimes in the throws of passion, things like condoms are ignored. And sometimes bad things happen as a result. I am a perfect example of this. I have been SO LUCKY! I hate condoms! I use them, but I hate them! (Well, I don't use them anymore, but you know what I mean Rich!). Countless of times I thought I was pregnant, and ended up not being. Countless of times I've thought "this will be the time I get -insert STD name here-" and of course no list like this would be complete without "this will be the time I get AIDS". Like I said, I've been SO LUCKY!

I drink. (NOT an alcoholic!) I smoke some pot. (NOT a pot-head) One of the side effects of doing these is ME, throwing caution to the wind. I get very horny when I drink and or smoke. I get into these really slutty moods. (I was in one last night after reading your story!) When I do, all I want to do is fuck like crazy.

Your wife's fantasy man is a honey! Kenny is VERY hot and sexy! Your Kenny outfit and romp sounded so adorable! Rich, what you did for her is wonderful. Most men (the one's I'VE known) could take a valuable lesson from you!

If your wife gets her way, I'm pretty sure she's going to enjoy herself. As you know, I've done two men at once (yeah, I know, three too!) and it's wonderful. SO EROTIC! If she's been fantasizing about it a long time, and it actually happens, she will probably get hooked on fantasy fulfillment - be warned here mister! That old adage about "be careful what you wish for..."

That is the end to my answer.

That fantasy of mine: Watching to men having sex together. Something like that may just happen soon with Jackie and I. I can't recall if I've shared it with you or not. I think I put it in one of my confessions . . . anyway. Jackie has a dear friend who is also a cop. A closeted cop. A closeted male cop. Yes, he's gay. He's way overly cautious if you ask me, and because of this he doesn't get much action. He and Jackie date each other a few times a year where there's a cop function where you need to bring a date. You know a wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, significant other. . . They put on this big front so people don't talk or get suspicious. Here's where the really freaky part of this starts. When Jackie and Tony confessed their true sexual nature to each other they ended up experimenting sexually. Jackie's finding her panty-like strap on was a direct result of this experimentation. When they had sex together they would swap roles. Jackie would go all butch on him and he would get all feminine towards her. Jackie said they've done this 4 times now over the course of about 18 months. She told me he sucks cock as well as I do and that he likes it in his butt as much as I do too. I've MET this guy. WOW. He's hot. Big guy too. Not just physically but cock too. (So she says) Jackie says the one she wears is pretty much an exact match to his. REALLY!?
