I'm Dating Our Mailgirl Ch. 08


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In turn, 9 humidified Eduardo's, Ted's and Joyce's cigars. Terri and I had passed when the cigars were initially handed out, "9, Terri and I have decided to share a cigarillo." 9 proffered the humidor and Terri took one. 9 was getting ready to humidify it when Terri asked, "May I?" 9 stood there with her legs spread affording Terri ample access to her honey pot. Terri seemed to take an inordinate amount of time to complete the ritual of inserting it into her cunt and rolling it around in her pussy juices.

9 extracted the cigarillo, and placed it in Terri's mouth where she lit it. Terri coughed and I chuckled. "That was my first reaction, too. Just don't inhale." She took another small puff and then put the cigar in my mouth. I took two puffs and this alternating went on until we finished.

Joyce commanded 9, "9, you know you are to assume the at rest position." 9 sat on her calves and feet holding her legs apart affording a view of her vagina. "Your posture is excellent, but only David and Rebecca can feast their eyes on you treasure. Lean forward. Place your arms and hands on the floor. That's right. Lift your butt into the air so that those on the other side of the room can admire your tiny rosebud". 9's anus was aimed at Roger, Mallory and Maureen. Probably the 3 people in the room who would least enjoy the view.

Terri asked Joyce, "Do you mind if she swings around this way so Monica and I can get a good view?"

Joyce commanded her, "You heard your guest. And I'm sure Monica is hungry for a feast for her eyes." Except for two times when she filled cognac snifters, 9 remained in that position for the rest of the evening. I couldn't help thinking to myself, in these bright lights, she really does have a magnificent ass. I wished I could plant my tongue in that.

In the drawing room, it was a lot more conducive to conversation. I really was running around during the meal and didn't have much time to talk with our guests. Besides, Ted was his usual charming self and was engaging everyone within ear shot with conversation. I did hear him once telling Terri, between my offering people seconds of the broccoli casserole and the sweet potato souffle, that while Joyce and I were lovers, it was not an exclusive relationship for me. Was it my imagination or did her interest in the information perk up. I could see he was being a little vague about Joyce's feelings but then he told her the jaw dropping bombshell that 9 and I were lovers. Terri was absorbed by the story, but she was much too polite to prolong the conversation at the supper table.

Sitting next to her in the drawing room, and my duties as hostess being reduced, she was able to bring up the conversation again. She started with the obligatory social niceties, complementing me on the meal and the whole evening. She asked how long Joyce and I had been together. She was surprised when I told her this was only our 2nd date. "Are you living together?"

I had no problem about being open with her. "Oh, no, I've spend the night with her each time, but I still have my own privacy."

"Do each of you date others?" I didn't get the sense she was trying to learn Joyce's availability.

"Joyce is at the point in her life that apparently I am able to provide her entire social life with fulfillment."

"And her romantic and her," she hesitated, "sexual needs?"

The questions were quite personal, but I was intrigued by her interest. "You would have to ask her about that. But she's not expressed any complaints to me."

"I would love to hear what she has to say, but I'm not going to shout across the drawing room about your sex life."

"Knowing Joyce, she wouldn't mind."

"Do you mind telling me about other women you date?"

I faced her so I could see her complete reaction when I revealed, "My main involvement is with 9."


"I said 9 and I are involved."

"Do you mean you use her as an occasional sex toy?"

"No. We are involved in a committed relationship. In fact we are leaving at midnight for Atlanta where we will spend our entire Thanksgiving vacation at my mother's."

"Isn't this bizarre? You are talking about 9?", as she pointed to 9 displaying herself in front of us with her anus pointed at us, and displaying it to anyone else in the room interested in observing."

"Yes, 9."

"Does Joyce object to this? And does 9 object to your relationship with Joyce?"

"We've all accommodated ourselves to the realities."

"Monica, this is wild. I've got a completely off-the-wall request."

"How much further off-the-wall than what I've just revealed to you could it be?"

She chuckled, "Are you familiar with forniphilia?" I confessed my ignorance. "Here, I'll show you an example." She picked up our two coffee cups and saucers and moved over to 9 where she placed one on each of her butt cheeks. 9 must have been startled, since she moved slightly, but did not spill them. "Come, join me." She grabbed my hand and went to her knees in such a way that she could reach for the cup. I joined her. "Forniphilia is the use of the human body as furniture. 9 has now been converted into a coffee table. I came across the concept, oh, 7 or 8 years ago when I wrote an article on it."

I heard Joyce summoning me. Had we gone too far? She beckoned me to lean down so she could speak softly into my ear so that the others did not have to hear our discussion. "My dear, a lady does not sit on the floor." Nothing about converting 9 into something one would obtain at an Ethan Allen store.

"Yes, ma'am. Faux pas number 2." She smiled. I went back but this time I grabbed a small foot rest that was not in use and lowered my ass onto it. I turned around to make sure this was acceptable. Joyce smiled and gave an imperceptible nod. Terri had retrieved our cigar and the ashtray from the table next to her chair. She placed the ashtray on 9's back. In the position she was in, her back was not flat, but there was no real danger the ashtray would slid off. She placed the cigar in my mouth again.

"You said you wrote an article on it. Are you a writer?" I asked.

"Freelance, but I've built enough of a reputation it helps me maintain a more-than-adequate lifestyle. I'll send you a copy of the article if you would like."

"I would love that." I retrieved my clutch and took out my cell phone for her to add her contact information.

"Monica, another word, please." Joyce's voice was unmistakable and the chill in her tone was evident. I got up, moved over to her and leaned over since I knew she would want to keep our conversation as quiet as possible. "Have you no manners? Please no cell phones tonight."

"I just wanted Terri to add her contact information to my list of contacts."

"She appears quite refined enough that I'm sure she has a calling card. This may be the 21st century, put people of refinement still know proper social etiquette. Ask her for it."

"Yes, ma'am." I tried to put on a chastened look like a teenage girl having been given a talking to by her mother. "My third faux pas."

"Your LAST faux pas!"

"Yes, ma'am."

I explained to Terri the conversation. I think I managed to explain it in such a way that, like me, she was amused that Joyce was treating me like a tactless teenage delinquent. She retrieved her clutch and handed me her business card. It was an elegant gloss finish with a subtle background picture of a quill pen and an ink well writing on a scroll. It simply said "Toirésa 'Terri' Reid, Writer" with a phone number, an email address and a URL to a website "Terrireidwriter" dot com.

"Toiresa! What a beautiful name."


It was just after 9:00 and I was hoping our guests would soon be leaving so 9 and I could depart for the airport. Sure enough, David and Helen Brent thanked Joyce for the elegant evening. David said nothing to me, but he did give me a nod of the head as an afterthought. I guess I hadn't done enough this evening to earn his complete respect as a worthy employee and, most importantly, a worthy companion of his head of HR. The rest of the guests started filing out. Rebecca kept casting glances at Terri, but Terri, not only ignored them, but she gave her a stern look that said she was not yet ready to go.

Ted and Jennifer left. By this time I had assumed my place next the Joyce as a worthy co host. She allowed me to sit next to her now since the crown had dwindled down to an intimate few. The pleasantries between Joyce and Ted and Jennifer were genuinely heartfelt. I'm sure all were glad they had been invited and attended. Finally, Rebecca and Terri took their leave. While Helen, Jennifer and Rebecca had given me a kiss on the cheek, Terri gave me a kiss on the lips. Of course it wasn't passionate, but I felt the gesture carried its own passion. She had stuck an emotional tongue into my throat and caressed the entire interior of my mouth with the phantom oral member.

Joyce addressed 9, "Come, child, you may get up now."

I went into the kitchen and then came back to report. "Maria has completely cleaned up and put away all the food. You will have plenty of leftovers to sustain you in my absence. She told me to tell you she will be here in the morning to finish cleaning up."

"Yes, but how will I sustain the hunger in my heart due to your absence." The smile on her face gave away that she was sincerely expressing that she would miss me but that she wanted to be overly dramatic.

"Heavens, even if I was remaining in town, we probably wouldn't have been able to see one another. Don't be such a drama queen." I went upstairs to retrieve our luggage. When I came back, 9 was actually sitting next to Joyce. I know she had to have been invited to join her, she would never have been so bold to have taken that seat on her own. She had placed a napkin under her butt. I'm sure Joyce, if she had invited her to be seated, had told her to take that precaution so that there wouldn't be any, what she referred to whenever she cleansed my butt, "surprises".

It was now 9:45. "We really must be going." She stood up and actually helped 9 get up to join us. She looked at me, "I hope you two will have a marvelous vacation. Thank you so very much for making this evening so special and a glorious success."

She kissed me passionately, "I'll miss you." She actually drew 9 aside and whispered something in her ear. 9 giggled and Joyce kissed her. She actually kissed her! I don't know how I kept from fainting.

I told 9, "Go get dressed. Your jeans and tank top are right on top in the suitcase."

"I'm going like this." To assuage my shock, she added, "Don't worry, I'll put them on in the airport parking lot."

"I guess that's one way to keep me from speeding." I grabbed her hand and headed out the front door.

"Monica, the rear door." Wow, talk about turning on a dime. What a reversal of moods. One minute she and 9 were becoming besties and then she slammed the door shut to remind her of her lowly station in life. This was going to have to be the topic of discussion between Joyce and me, but not tonight.

I couldn't drop 9 off at the terminal curb. At the airport long term parking lot I could see the look of puzzlement on the face of the attendant. 9 said, "This helps save time at the TSA entrance." The attendant shook his head. I had to suppress a laugh until we drove away.

I found a somewhat secluded parking space. It was much further from the terminal that many closer spaces that didn't have the privacy. I tried to conceal my displeasure that 9's idiosyncrasy about being naked meant we had a much longer hike. "I guess you wanted to get your exercise since you weren't at work today."

In the lounge area by the gate, 9 and I had a chance to discuss the evening. I asked her, "All in all, was it a good experience."

"I didn't feel demeaned, if that's what your are asking."

"What was the most humiliating part of the evening?"

"I just told you I didn't feel degraded."

"You must have been embarrassed when you had to, uh, humidify the cigars."

"Not really, I do it all the time on the 42nd floor."

"I wasn't aware of that."

"Well, I don't tell you everything that happens up there." That was ominous, but I was afraid to pursue the subject.

"There was pussy juice on my cigar. You weren't embarrassed by having to secrete on the spot?"

"Monica, I'm so pumped full of estrogen if you look at my pussy and say 'cunt', the faucet is going to turn on. Besides I was glad that you and Terri were going to be able to enjoy my cunt cocktail with your cigar."

What about when Joyce had you stick your ass in the air?"

"I got off on knowing that my audience appreciated it. I just wish you had stuck your tongue in and massaged my sphincter." I laughed out loud.

"I thought the same thing."

"We'll have to remember that for the next time."

"9, do you want there to be a next time?"

"If it means that I'm going to be there with you, yes."

"What about when Terri turned you into a coffee table?"

"It was a real turn on. I just wish she had taken more advantage of my ass in the air and massaged it more."

"Her or me?"

She realized her omission. She smiled, "Both of you, of course." She kissed me as if to beg my forgiveness of her oversight. The kiss caught the attention of some of the other passengers. I could see some people poking their traveling companions and trying to subtly direct their attention to the lesbians with a nod of the head.

"We have an audience."

"Let's give them something to talk about." She grabbed my head, pulled it toward her and engaged in one of the most passionate French kisses we ever had.

When I came up for air, I asked, "What was with Joyce asking you to bathe her?"

"You couldn't do it; Marie was busy. A woman of her social status was certainly not going to do it herself."

"Believe me, she knows how to bathe herself."

"You aren't jealous of your lover and me exchanging soapy caresses, are you?"

"Just surprised. You know she holds all of the mailgirls in complete contempt."

"All but 1."

"Don't you mean to say, 'all but 9'?

"She talked to me." That was a startling enough revelation. "Monica, she is a lonely woman. Do you have any conception of the void, the grand chasm in her life you are filling?"

"She told you all that?"

"I know every tender touching, every tender caress you exchanged last weekend at the opera."

"I'm just shocked, on so many levels. I know she has enjoyed these two dates with me, but to elevate us to the stature of Heloise and Abelard? I'm shocked. Did that bother you when she told you those things?"

"Does it bother you now when I tell you these things?"

"No, no, I guess it really doesn't."

"What did she whisper in your ear as we were leaving?"

9 grabbed my hand, moved around in her chair so she was looking me straight in the eye.

She gave me a direct quote: "I want you and Monica to have a grand time in Atlanta. 9, I love her so very, very much. Please bring her back to me. If you don't, I could never live with myself."

I tried to suppress a tear.


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LupusDeiLupusDeiover 4 years ago

Joyce, what a manipulative bitch. Expected of course. She could destroy 9, but that would not reach her goals, so she have to win 9 over, not as a lover, as a self. She can't easily break Monica & 9, but she can institute a hierarchy.

Also, I wonder would we have to wait until next year to see Monica and 9 dancing in Blush in the nude, leaving dresses on chairs at their table (if 9 had any to start with, that is, but that could wait for the next time after that).

jenorma2012jenorma2012almost 5 years ago
pretty good

I though this was a good part, Joyce, seemed to be a bit bossy at the thanksgiving party with Monica about the social graces, but the ending seemed to make up for it can't wait for the 2nd thanksgiving at Monica parents house, wonder what they will think of 9

TSreaderTSreaderalmost 5 years ago
A wonderful chapter!

You fit everyone together so wonderfully! I love that you have Joyce falling in love with Monica and settling in with 9. Thank you so much!

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 5 years ago
An excellent continuation

This was hot.I like the development of the relationships between Joyce, Monica and 9. You write so well. I am looking forward to the next chapter - a clear 5*.

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