In a Class of His Own Ch. 05


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- "I had almost two months to think about coming up here." she said. "I was going to see you, of course, and spend time with you. But I also wanted to make love with you - as often as possible. I just admitted to myself that it was one of the main reasons for being here."

"So why not make sure that I enjoyed it as much as I could?"

- "Very sensible."

- "I think so."

- "Were you worried at all?" I asked.

- "Worried? About what?"

- "I was a bit ... afraid. Because we'd only ever spent a couple of days together. And I was on my best behaviour the whole time. You only ever saw me at my best. You know what I mean? And I wasn't sure if I could keep it up for a whole week."

Nina glanced at my crotch.

- "I haven't noticed any trouble." she said. "Just kidding! No - I do understand. That's natural. I was afraid that if you got to know me too well, you might not like me so much. I've never seen you angry - and you've never seen me bitchy."

- "I can't even picture it." I said.

- "It happens." she said.

Something else was going to happen. It was inevitable; I didn't even try to fight it. Nina and I went down to the pub with Steve (minus Sarah) - and Moe came to meet us. I was understandably nervous as I introduced them. Nina gave my hand a gentle squeeze, for reassurance, and then extended that hand to Moe.

- "I'm so pleased to meet you." said Nina. "I've heard so much about you - but you're even better -looking in person."

Moe smiled. "I think I'm going to like her. Chris - maybe you could get me a beer. And Steve - maybe you should help him."

The two girls sat down at our table, and started talking.

When Steve and I delivered a round of drinks, Moe looked up. "Thanks." she said. "Why don't you two go play darts, or something?"

I couldn't watch. From across the room, Steve kept an eye on them, and gave me updates. "Moe's smiling. Nina, too. Now they're looking at you - now they're laughing."

- "Thanks, buddy." I said.

- "Always here to help. Don't worry - with your luck, you'll come out smelling like a rose."

- "You think I'm lucky?" I said.

Steve smirked. "Chris. Take a look at that table over there. See the two beautiful women? Yeah, they've both seen you naked, and neither one ran away screaming."

- "Thanks, Steve."

- "You're very welcome."

We were allowed to rejoin the girls about an hour later. At that point, they seemed to be getting along well. So well, that they decided to start telling Chris stories. Steve joined in. The three of them had a wonderful time; I just wanted to crawl under the table.

Mercifully, Moe called it a night early. She gave Nina a big hug, and then I got a brief one. "Thanks for inviting me." she said.

I was afraid to look at Nina, after that.

- "What do you think of her?" she asked Steve.

- "Moe? She's awesome." he said.

- "I think so, too." she said.

Steve had decided to sleep at his parents' home, since he was helping his Dad with some renovation. He offered to drop us off, but we opted to walk the few blocks.

- "I don't know what you were you afraid of." said Nina. "I think she's wonderful."

- "She is." I agreed. "I was just worried that ... you two might not like each other."

- "You thought we might fight over you?"

- "No - I mean ..." I had no clue what I meant.

- "Chris, I don't expect you to stay celibate when I'm not around. That would be insane. And if you're going to sleep with anyone, I'm happy that it's Moe."

- "You are?"

- "She has her feet on the ground, she's honest .."

- "That she is." I said.

- "And best of all, she doesn't mind that I'm here visiting, and monopolizing you. We understood each other well, I think." Nina was smiling. "I'm very glad I met her."

What could I say? My two lives had collided - and no one got hurt. It was a minor miracle.

Back at our apartment, Nina gave me concrete proof that meeting Moe hadn't dampened her ardour one bit. She sat on my stomach, and fed me her breasts, one at a time. Then she impaled herself on my shaft, and rode me, cowgirl style, with energy and enthusiasm.

As Steve had said: I was one lucky bastard.


Taking Nina to the airport again was painful. It had only been a week, but I had begun to think of her as my girlfriend. And a perfect girlfriend, at that. We never argued. She was never snippy, or impatient, or ill-tempered - and neither was I.

I could stare at her forever, drinking in the sight of her exotic features, and her big brown eyes. And sexually ... Nina was an active partner, always ready, always in the mood. Her breasts were awesome, and she was responsive, attentive ... I was going to miss her.

- "But you'll get over it." she said. "You'll keep writing to me, I hope -"

- "Of course I will."

- "But you'll have a life here - separate from me. And I don't mind. I expect you to have a fulfilling love life. If it's with Moe, that's even better. I really like her."

I had no idea what to say to that.

Nina kissed me once more - and then she flew back to St Louis.

I started writing her a letter as soon as I got back from the airport.


I felt awkward about calling Moe. 'Hi, Nina's gone - want to get together?' just sounded ... wrong. But I did it anyway.

We met at an old-fashioned tavern within walking distance of my apartment.

- "No 'accident' tonight." she said, right off the bat.

I held up my hands, to demonstrate my peaceful intentions.

- "I just wanted to talk." I said.

- "What's on your mind?"

- "Nina really liked you." I said.

- "I know. She told me." said Moe. "I like her, too. I could see it. The attraction, I mean. She's the kind of girl you were always looking for - even before you met me. She's a keeper."

- "So are you." I said.

- "That's not what I mean. The Chris I met on the plane had no chance with me. Zero. OK - maybe 5%. And that guy would never have scored with Celine, or the girl in Greece. You needed my private tutoring for those two."

"But Nina - she's the kind of girl you could have met on your own. Before you took my little class. Get it?"

- "You may be right."

- "I am right." she said. "And you know it. She's pretty, and she's sexy, too. But most of all she's got that nerd gene, or whatever it is, that finds you tremendously appealing."

"OK - now I'm doing all the talking. You had something you wanted to say?"

- "Yes." I said. "Nina and I talked quite a bit about ... our situation. I do like her. But we live too far apart. It would be crazy to pretend otherwise."

- "Too far apart for what?"

- "For a serious relationship. To be boyfriend-girlfriend. Whatever you want to call it."

Moe nodded. "Long-distance is a bitch." she said.

- "Right. So Nina doesn't have any claim on me - just as I don't have any on her. We're just ... really good friends -"

- "Who have mind-blowing sex." said Moe.

She didn't look angry, or upset. But she wasn't smiling, either. Moe was just stating a fact, as she saw it.

- "Umm - not quite." I said. "Sex with Nina is ... warm and fuzzy. It's sex with you that's mind-blowing."

Moe just stared at me.

- "I have to go to the bathroom." she said. She got up, and left.

When she came back, she waved at the old waiter, to get us another round.

- "I'm sorry, Moe." I said. "I didn't mean to upset you."

- "You didn't. But what is it you're trying to say?"

- "I just wanted you to understand ... where my head is ..."

- "From here, it looks like it's pretty far up your own ass." she said.

- "I did upset you. But I'm just trying to be honest, Moe."

- "You're trying to tell me that Nina won't be jealous if you and I have mind-blowing sex. Then every six months or so, you can go get warm and fuzzy with her. Is that about right?"

- "No. That's not what I meant at all." I said.

Moe sat back, and crossed her arms. I didn't need a degree in body language to know that this was a bad sign. Thankfully, the waiter shuffled over and deposited two quarts of beer on our little table. I used that little break to reload my brain.

- "Can I try again?" I asked.

- "Be my guest."

- "Moe - do you remember the night we ... broke up?"

- "You mean the night I dumped you?" she said. "Is this where you put a guilt trip on me for what I did to you?"

- "No!" I said. "Not at all. You were honest, and kind ... no. Moe - I have absolutely no hard feelings about the way you handled that. I'm grateful."

"But do you remember - when I showed up at your door, that night? I said that I wanted to talk to you? Do you remember that?"

She uncrossed her arms, and reached for her beer.

- "Yeah - sort of. But ... you never did tell me."

- "No. Because there was no point, after ..."

- "After I dumped you." she said.

- "Right. So here's what I was going to say. I was going to tell you that I was travelling to Chicago, with Steve. Nina got us tickets to a Bears game."

- "And?"

- "And I wanted to tell you that nothing was going to happen between Nina and me. No warm and fuzzies. Because I would never have cheated on you. And Steve was a guarantee, if I needed it. He's such a straight arrow, he would have made sure that nothing happened."

Moe took a moment to digest that.

- "So you're saying ... that if I hadn't dumped you, you wouldn't have slept with Nina?"

- "Absolutely not." I said.

Moe was looking into my eyes as I said it. I was telling the truth, and she could see it.

- "So, basically, it was me who pushed you two together."

- "No!"

- "I don't get it." she said. "What are you trying to tell me?"

- "Moe - as much as I love Nina, she's a dream. A fantasy. A girl I would go out with - if we lived in the same city. In the same country. But we don't. She's a very separate part of my life. If I never saw her again, we would still be friends."

I tried to explain how the letters made us feel connected, and supported.

"Sex was a bonus. But I would never - never - have slept with her if I was in a relationship with you. If I had even a chance at a relationship with you."

- "OK - let's say - for the moment - that I believe you. So what?"

- "I want another chance at a relationship with you." I said.

- "You're serious?" Moe shook her head in disbelief. "What have you been smoking?"

- "Moe." I said. I leaned across the little table. "You can't deny that the chemistry between us is fantastic. I enjoy every minute I spend with you, no matter what the setting."

- "That's not the point, Chris."

- "I know. I heard you, when you ... broke it off with me. But I'm not asking for your hand in marriage. I'm just asking you not to waste the time we have."

- "What?" Moe seemed completely confused.

- "Worst case scenario: I get a job in ... I don't know - Yukon. I wouldn't expect you to come with me. I wouldn't I expect you to wait for me. But that's months away." I said.

"So here's my question: what are you doing for the next few months, Moe?"

I had achieved the impossible: Moe was speechless. I couldn't quite read the expression on her face - but she hadn't hit me, and I didn't see disgust or revulsion in her expression.

"What do you have to lose, Moe? We're already having sex every couple of weeks - accidentally. And if you meet somebody interesting, you know that I would gladly step aside, if that's what you wanted."

- "You would?" she said.

- "You gave me and Nina all sorts of room. You think I couldn't do that for you?"

- "What the hell are you suggesting, Chris? That I let you be my temporary boyfriend?"

I smiled. "Until you get a better offer. That's exactly what I'm saying."

- "You're a nutbar." she said. "You just want to have your cake, and eat it, too."

- "Yes - but I'm your nutbar." I said. "Admit, it, Moe - there's a weird sort of logic to it."

- "Weird, for sure." she said. "Chris - what do you want?"

- "I want you, Moe. We're already having semi-regular sex. And it's spectacularly good - at least, from my perspective. But 'accidents' can't be predicted."

- "So?"

- "What about the full boyfriend experience?"

- "The what?" she asked.

- "How would you feel, at work, on a Friday ... knowing that your boyfriend - your temporary boyfriend - was preparing a special experience for you after 5:00?"

- "You have been smoking." she said.

- "Moe - please." I said. "Give me one chance to show you what I mean. Next Friday. You go to work, but afterwards ... you come to my place. You let me prepare a ... treat, for you. Come on: what have you got to lose?"

- "Let me think about it." said Moe.

She thought about it for a week, and said no. I tried again, and she shot me down again. During that time, I still saw her: once with Glen and Ellen, and another time, Moe and I went to a movie. But no accidents. She made very sure not to be alone in a room with me.

Finally, I picked a day in early April - it was a Friday, the day before her birthday. Her girlfriends would no doubt be taking her out on the Saturday.

- "You're not going to stop, are you?" she said.

- "Probably not. Unless you really want me to stop. But why not let me do this, as a present for your birthday? There doesn't have to be an accident. Just come over after work and let me make you dinner."

- "Wait." she said. "You're going to make dinner?" she said. "What are we having: corn flakes and jelly beans?"

- "You'll have to come over to find out." I said. I gave her a few other instructions, as well.

- "Fine. I'll be there. Unless I get a better offer."

- "That's my girl."

Moe was right to be apprehensive - about the cooking. But I was busy expanding my repertoire, with Steve's help. Our schedules weren't all that compatible, but when we did eat together, he showed me how to do some of the basics. And then he taught me to make a few dishes.

- "Steve's cooking class." he said. "But I don't know if you can get a passing grade if you only know how to make three things."

- "Four."

- "Soft-boiled eggs and ramen don't count, Chris."

- "Ok." I said. "But the dishes I know - I do those really well."

I kicked him out of the house - he would be staying over at Sarah's. I finished my preparations, and waited for Moe.

She arrived a little before 6:00, looking mildly apprehensive, but resigned to her fate. I welcomed her wearing an apron, which got a laugh. I handed her a drink.

- "A martini?" she said.

- "Lacey Carson said you like them. Sit down over here, and put your feet up."

I put on my new mixed tape. Not much Stones on this one - I wanted her mellow. It started with 'Golden Brown' by the Stranglers. The lyrics didn't match Moe particularly well, but I thought of her whenever I heard it.

- "This is nice." she admitted. She liked it even better when I gave her a foot massage. She oohed and aahed satisfactorily, much more relaxed by the time I was done.

- "You just unwind while I get dinner going." I told her.

- "What are we having - pizza?"

- "It's a surprise."

Ten minutes later, though, she wandered into the kitchen.

- "It actually smells pretty good." she said. "What are you making?"

- "Linguine alla vongole."

- "The one with clams? That's ambitious." she said.

- "Steve taught me. Sit here - let me get you a glass of white wine."

- "Pinot Grigio?" Moe was mildly impressed. See, back in ancient times, before the internet, matching food and wines took thought, or a bit of research. Moe was appreciative of the planning and effort that had gone into this meal.

We had a salad, with a light herbal dressing, and then the linguine.

- "This is really good. I mean, it smells divine - but it actually tastes good!"

- "You don't have to sound so surprised." I said.

- "Come on, Chris." she said. "It's you we're talking about. Of course I'm surprised."

I poured her another glass of wine.

"Trying to get me hammered?" she said. "So you can take advantage of me?"

- "No. That's not part of the plan. Mellow, yes. Not plastered." I said. "And no 'accident' tonight. It's your birthday. Just relax and enjoy it."

We had sherbet for dessert, and I gave her a sappy birthday card. Inside, I had written how much I admired her, and how important she was to me. Moe didn't have a snappy comeback for that.

- "Thank you." she said, quietly. "For the meal ... for all of it. It's very thoughtful of you."

- "We're not done."

- "There's more?" she said.

I had snuck into my bedroom, before serving dessert, to light some candles and a couple of incense sticks. When I turned off the lights in the kitchen, it was quite dark. But Moe could see the flickering candlelight.

- "Trust me, Moe. This isn't a seduction." I showed her the bottle of scented massage oil.

- "Really?"

- "Indulge me. At least give it a try."

- "Alright. What do I have to do?" she said. I led her into the bedroom. The soft light and the incense were quite effective.

- "Just take off your clothes, and lie on your stomach. Here's a towel, to cover yourself." My bed was pulled into the middle of the room, so that I could approach from both sides.

Moe looked at me for several seconds, as if trying to read my intentions. I just smiled, innocently. I was innocent.

I left the room, to put on some mood music - gently crashing waves, wind and chimes, that sort of stuff. When I came back, Moe was lying down, with the towel covering her butt.

- "You really need me naked?" she asked.

- "Absolutely."

- "Well, I guess you deserve it, after ... everything else."

- "No, Moe. You deserve it. Happy Birthday."

I warmed the oil in my hands, before spreading it across her shoulders. A girl in my class was a therapeutic masseuse, and she had given me plenty of helpful tips.

No rush, no ultimate goal, no ulterior motives. I just rubbed her smooth skin, and got the blood flowing. Then I kneaded her muscles. When I found a tight spot, or a knot, I used my thumbs to work it out.

Moe moaned several times. It wasn't an erotic massage - it was all about loosening her up, and getting rid of the accumulated tension from her work day. I didn't sit on her, and grind my dick into her ass, or anything like that.

I'm not saying that I wasn't turned on. Moe was lying on my bed, near-naked. Her spectacular body was there for me to see, and touch. I was hard as a rock, especially when I ran my hands down her flanks, over the flare of her hips.

Time passed, but I was unaware of it until the music stopped. I left her briefly, to flip the tape. Forty-five minutes had gone, and I was still working on her back. I gave her arms the same thorough attention, and even massaged her hands and fingers.

- "I'm starting to feel like a wet noodle." she said.

Then I shifted to her feet, and worked my way up her legs. She giggled when I massaged her calves.

- "Ah - ticklish, are we?"

- "A bit. Chris - this is wonderful."

- "Good. That's the plan."

- "You know ... you can move the towel ... if you have to."

- "I intend to. You have muscles in your gluteus maximus."

- "If you keep this up, I'm going to fall asleep." she said.

- "Good. Now be quiet, and let me work."

Her thighs were magnificent. Not too skinny, but taut, and muscular. And then I lifted the towel, and placed it across her back, so that she wouldn't get too cold. And then I went to work on her ass.

It started out as a therapeutic massage. But I'm only human. It soon became a sensual massage. I was definitely aroused. And so was Moe. She was pressing her mound into the bed, or lifting her hips off the bed, so that I could see her pussy. The lips had already spread a bit, and I could see moisture - but I hadn't even touched her there.