In a New Neighborhood Pt. 01

Story Info
A young couple moves into a less than desirable neighborhood.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/17/2018
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Chapter 1: Eric's View

Sweat poured down Eric's brow as he put down the heavy, brown, cardboard box in one of the empty rooms. Well, at least they had been empty up until a couple of hours ago. Now the small apartment was rapidly filling up with many similar boxes as they completed the move. Eric swept away the perspiration from his face and began walking back to the truck to get another box.

It would have helped if it had been slightly cooler or windier that day. The temperature was unbearably hot. Eric, however, considered himself lucky. After living in a cold-weather city for so long, it was finally time to live somewhere warmer. Besides, though the new apartment was located in the thick of urban development, the beach was only a couple of hours away by car.

His thoughts were interrupted as he passed Karen, who was also carrying a box a little too large for her small, petite frame. Eric's wife had always been a trooper, and she didn't complain (too much) about shouldering some weight. To Eric's delight, her exertions were responsible for a nice sheen of sweat that outlined her smooth skin, which was mostly left uncovered by a pair of short cut-off jean shorts and a white tank top. Her straight, brunette hair was wrapped in a ponytail, the same way she wore it to the gym that she liked to frequent. Karen definitely kept herself in good shape, and Eric could not help but to turn and stare at her shapely ass and legs as he passed her. He couldn't help thinking how much of a knockout she was. Sure, they were married, but their wedding had only been two years ago so the fire in their relationship was still very much present.

Despite the enticing view of Karen with little clothing, he did wish that the apartment would have had air conditioning. In fact, he wished that they could have moved into a better neighborhood as well. Their last apartment had been a nice 3-bedroom located in an upscale part of town. This one had two small bedrooms, and was a part of a relatively crummy apartment complex in a rather run-down neighborhood. Sure, this new city was more expensive than the last so the rent wasn't comparable, but that was not the only reason for their downgrade.

Eric and some old friends from college had finally decided to launch their own boutique consulting firm. At 32 years old, this was a risky venture for Eric, but he had a very good academic and work background, as did his colleagues, and none of them had any kids. This was the time to take risks. Karen, being the trooper that she was and only 27 years old, had gladly decided to support him in this new phase of their lives.

As Eric was bringing in the last few boxes, he heard a commotion in the back patio. The condominium had a common patio in the back with some tables and chairs for the residents to use, as well as a playground next to the patio. Eric looked out from the small balcony of their apartment and saw four black guys in the playground, but they definitely weren't using it to play. Three of them were sitting around smoking what appeared to be weed while one of them was doing pullups on the horizontal bar which held up a pair of swings. They were all wearing basketball shorts and were shirtless (which was understandable because of the sweltering heat), revealing very muscular physiques, and were wearing du-rags that covered their heads from the unforgiving sun. A nearby speaker was blasting rap music.

Eric thought to himself that he should have known that a cheaper apartment would mean he might have neighbors like these. He had simply figured the place would have been filled with old people on welfare, single moms or the like. Eric was the furthest thing from racist so he didn't really mind who they were, just what they were doing. Certainly, he didn't want to live in a place which drug dealers frequented (Eric didn't realize he had just assumed that because they were doing drugs they were drug dealers) or somewhere where loud noises and music would deprive him of sleep (which he would surely need in order to work properly). Eric worried more about Karen's reaction.

Karen was a girl who had always enjoyed the comforts of suburban life. A small private school, small college and a conservative family meant she had always lived in relative seclusion to the urban environment Eric and Karen would be immersed in now. This also meant that Karen had not grown up with many black guys in her school or in a place in which blacks and whites mixed much. Nor did rap music blast through her former neighborhoods as it did here. Eric knew Karen was not racist, but he could easily imagine the shocked look in her face if one of her friends were to start dating a black guy. They were all as prim and proper as she was.

Just then, Karen came out to the balcony to see what the fuss was about. As Eric had thought, she was not pleased with what she saw. "What's all this noise? Are those thugs doing drugs right there in broad daylight!? Wow, I really hope these aren't are neighbors!" she complained, perhaps a little too loud.

"They might be." Eric shrugged. He didn't like the idea much either. "But even if they are we just have to suck this up for a few months. Once our firm is up and running, we can make an upgrade to a better place, just like we talked about." Another drop of sweat began running down his forehead due to the summer heat and humidity, "Perhaps the next one will have a functioning AC unit. We're going to have to make do with some fans for now."

Karen nodded in agreement, but a smile quickly crept into her face, "Yeah, well at least the two of us being all sweaty and dirty from moving and unpacking these boxes will make for a perfect excuse to use this!" she said as she pulled out a bath bomb. "I say you and I inaugurate this apartment tonight, and we can start with some 'us' time in the bathtub! What do you think?" Karen exclaimed, acting very perky and flirty.

This was why Eric loved Karen. She was always creative, playful and, despite her conservative upbringing, she loved sex. She wasn't a freak or into a lot of experimentation (she wasn't even big on porn or sex toys), but he had to hand it to her that she definitely enjoyed the sex they had and wasn't shy about proposing it herself. Eric's thoughts were interrupted by some whistles and shouts coming from the playground.

Eric turned and realized that the four black guys had caught sight of Karen. Apparently, they were pleased with what they saw. "Wow! Look at that fine piece of work!" one cried out.

"Quiet, Julius!" chided the one who seemed to be sitting a bit higher up than the rest of his friends "Are you our new neighbor? Why don't you come down and say hi?" His outstretched arms were huge and riddled with tattoos. Judging by how the others reacted to him, Eric assumed that this one must be the leader of their little gang. "I'm Jason. What's your name, girl?"

Karen's face showed how appalled and disgusted she was. She quickly turned and went inside. Eric followed her, not wanting to reduce himself to their level by telling them off.

"Hey, baby. Don't worry about them. Let's not let their stupid banter ruin our first day in our new life." Eric said once inside. He hugged her, "How about we try out that bath bomb of yours?" This slowly brought a smile to Karen's face as she looked up at him.

Chapter 2: Karen's View

Karen got up from their bed and walked naked to the bathroom, swaying her sexy ass. She turned on the bathroom light and noticed how well that just-got-fucked look suited her. Sex with Eric had always been great and that night had been no exception. Due to their hectic schedules, though, it had become a less frequent occurrence as of late. Perhaps moving to a warmer climate would help fix that, Karen thought to herself.

Suddenly, her cellphone rang. It was Steph, her best friend from back home. "Hey, Steph!" Karen answered excitedly, "What's up? I miss you so much already!"

"Hi, Karen!" an equally excited Steph answered back. "Me too! I got some good news, though! But first, tell me everything about the move and your new home!"

Karen told her all about it, including the dreadful incident concerning the thugs from the playground. Just thinking about how they had been ogling her made her skin crawl. Other than that, Karen was happy about their new home and new life. "So, what were those good news you were talking about?" Karen asked.

"Well, Mark has this new big project at work which he needs to go overlook for about a month. I'm used to it by now but I don't want to stay here alone again..."

Karen's face lit up. Mark was Steph's longtime boyfriend and current fiancée. He worked in an engineering company which meant he sometimes had to go be out of town for extended periods of time. Karen and Eric really liked Mark, and the two couples had often gone out to dinner or for drinks together. Karen pounced on the opportunity, "Oh my god, Steph! You should definitely come down and stay with us! The apartment's small but we got an extra room! Seriously, I won't take no for an answer!"

Steph laughed, "I figured you'd say that. Yeah, I'd love to go! Maybe Eric, you and I can spend one of the weekends at the beach or something. God knows I need a tan!"

It was true. Steph had always had pale skin but due to some distant Hispanic descent she could take on a sexy tan after some sun. Her straight, natural blonde hair complemented that skin tone very well. Karen and Steph were of similar height, but where Karen had a much nicer ass, Steph took the prize for noticeably larger tits. When they went out together, they made an extremely attractive blonde-brunette duo. They also shared a similar upbringing, and their parents all had the same friends and were a part of the same social circle.

The girls continued to make arrangements over the phone. Steph would arrive in a little less than a month and would be staying with them while Mark was away at work. After hanging up, Karen giddily rushed over to Eric to tell him the news. Eric didn't mind at all and said he was happy about her staying with them.

The temperature didn't let up in the next couple of days. Eric had already left for work when Karen got up one very warm morning. After showering, she put on a sleeveless top, some short shorts, a pair of sandals and went out to get some stuff needed for their apartment. On her way back, she spotted the black guy who said his name was Jason smoking a cigarette near the main entrance of the apartment building. Like last time, he was not alone, and Karen thought she recognized the other hulking black guy as the one who was doing pullups on the swing-set the day she saw them. Once again, the two men were dressed only in shorts, exhibiting their dark, well-defined bodies. Karen would have gladly gone around to a different entrance, had there been one. Seeing as there was no choice, she walked straight ahead.

As she approached, both guys checked her out unashamedly. Jason stepped in front of Karen, towering above her, "I don't think we got properly introduced the other day." He stretched out his hand, "I'm Jason." Karen could feel the other guy behind her, eyeing her ass.

Karen considered ignoring him but her polite upbringing got the better of her. Her small white hand was engulfed by Jason's as she shook it, "I'm Karen." Jason held her hand a little too long for her comfort, giving her goosebumps even though the temperature was in the high 80s.

"Nice to meet you, Karen." said Jason while looking down straight into her eyes, "My friend here is Shawn. And let me say I don't think we've ever had such a beautiful woman living here." He said it in a way that, had it been a guy like Eric or Mark speaking, it would have made Karen blush. "Hope I'm not being too forward but are you single?"

Karen reeled in shock. "No! I'm married." she said in an annoyed manner as she held up her left hand, showing her engagement and wedding rings.

"Don't tell me your married to that white boy I saw next to you. I thought he was your brother or your gay friend or something. A fine lady like you needs to be with a real man." Jason eyed her hungrily.

"What!? How can you be so crude! Get away from me!" Karen pulled her hand back and hurried past Jason. She was furious as she closed the door to her apartment behind her. She had never felt so disrespected in her entire life. It was going to be unbearable having neighbors like these.

Chapter 3: Eric's View

Eric was coming home from work, tired but excited. It had been another late night at the office, but those were to be exptected in the beginning. Before getting out of the small, used car they had bought that week, he noticed something that made him pause. He saw the guy with the large tattooed arms who had called himself Jason along with some of his friends in a dark alley near the apartment complex. Their demeanor made Eric stay in the car and keep watching. It wasn't long before he saw another small gang come up and purchase what could only be drugs from Jason. Eric wasn't an idiot either, so he could tell right away that it wasn't pot he was selling. The amounts were large enough that Eric could see the exchange from far away. Each of the gangs went their own way after the transaction had concluded. Eric thought that he saw a gun tucked beneath Jason's shirt, but it could have been the light and his imagination playing tricks on him.

Eric waited a long time before getting out of the car. His initial assumption about these guys had been dead-on, and that made him very anxious considering they were his new neighbors. Unfortunately, there was very little he could do in the short term to change that. He decided that he would not tell Karen about this incident since it would only freak her out. After seeing that the coast was clear, Eric opened the door and walked towards his apartment.

Dinner was delicious that night, which was the norm given Karen's talent for cooking. Eric's mind, however, was still on what he had seen earlier. Even in the sanctity of his own home, he felt uncomfortable with the thought of having neighbors such as Jason and his crew. He was snapped out of his daydreaming by Karen's mention of Jason's name. "Jason?" Eric asked.

"Yeah, he and one of his friends, Shawn, the really big one, were by the entrance when I was coming back. They're so rude! I hate how they look at me and hit on me." Karen complained.

Eric held her hand told her that they should probably just avoid them. "Who knows what these lowlifes are up to." he warned.

Once in bed, Eric leaned over to his sexy wife and began kissing her. Karen reacted favorably and soon the couple was making out heavily. As things began to progress into some serious foreplay, the sound of voices from upstairs interrupted them.

"Oh wow, Jason! I never get tired of seeing your big black cock!" a female voice said. It was muffled, but Eric could make out enough of the words to understand what she had said.

"Great, just our luck! I can't believe this thug lives right above us." Eric sighed, lowering his voice so as to not be heard from upstairs. Karen agreed, and the couple started listening to what was going on, interrupting their intimate moment.

"Yeah, you little slut! Suck that dick! You better show me you want it." Jason's deep voice boomed through the separation between the two apartments.

"I can't believe how he talks to women. He's such an animal, a lowlife!" Karen said irritated. Still, the couple continued to listen. Neither of them heard anything for a while.

After some time, noises began to emanate from the apartment above in increasing volume. Eric could make out what he thought were bedsprings along with other noises, but he couldn't be sure. Suddenly, the same female voice from before yelled out, "Fuck! Yeah! I love how your huge black cock stretches me out! Keep fucking me hard!"

Eric sat there listening. He had never heard other people having sex near him before. After a few minutes, Karen turned to him, "Well, no reason we can't have fun on our own." She leaned in to kiss Eric again.

Eric stopped her, "What? No way! I don't want this brute to listen to us have sex!"

"They won't hear us, look at all the noise they're making!" Karen pointed upwards, annoyed. There was no use though, Eric didn't want to reduce himself to the level of the guy upstairs. As a result, there was nothing else for the couple to do but to lie there and listen to Jason's masterful fucking. The girl upstairs was really screaming now.

"Yeah! You like taking that nigger dick, don't you?" Jason's voice carried over the hardwood floor. The girl moaned that she did. "Take it, bitch. Cum all over daddy's big cock!" Continuous moaning from the girl ensued.

"Wow, she's a real slut. How can she accept him talking to her like that?" Karen stated. Eric mumbled in agreement. The bedsprings kept squeaking louder and louder.

The noises did not let up for over an hour. Finally, Karen broke the silence in the downstairs couple's bedroom "He's really giving it to her, isn't he?" she mused. Eric almost felt envious after Karen's comment. He didn't make much of it, though, and turned over. After a while, he was able to fall into an uneasy sleep. He didn't notice whether Karen had fallen asleep first or not.

Chapter 4: Karen's View

Karen paused the music on her phone, which was fastened tightly in her armband, as she returned from her early-morning run. The sun had just come up, but she was already sweating profusely, drenching her sporty shorts and top. She liked to run often, but not having had sex last night had left her with some pent-up energy she needed to burn off. As she was walking up to the main entrance she spotted a young, attractive brunette sitting by the stairs. She was dressed in a short black dress which was clearly meant for going out at night, and her heels were on the steps next to her. Karen had never seen her around before, and she looked very tired. "Hi, you ok?" Karen asked the girl.

The girl explained she was fine, just waiting for her Uber. Karen offered to keep her company while she recovered from the run and the girl gladly accepted. Just then, the girl's phone rang and she picked up. Karen wondered how old this girl was. She didn't look older than 19 and looked very out of place right then and there. "Hi Dad!" the young girl answered, "Yeah it was a lot of fun. Some dancing and then spent the night at Ashley's." Karen could tell this girl was lying, even if her father couldn't, and she was doing so with great ease. "No, of course I didn't go over to Brad's. We did agree to meet up later today though. Anyway, gotta run, Uber's here! See you in a bit!" The girl hung up, said goodbye and thank you to Karen for keeping her company, and started walking barefoot towards the approaching car.

As she did so, both Karen and the girl heard Jason's voice call out from the entrance. "See you around, sexy!" Karen hadn't noticed him behind her, leaning against the entrance as he placed a cigarette in his mouth. She saw the girl turn, blow him a kiss and get in the car. Karen's mind went into overdrive. That little girl had been the brazen slut who had gotten her brains fucked out by Jason the night before! It was shocking to Karen imagining that such a sweet little white girl, who clearly lived with her parents and dated a boy named Brad, had been responsible for all the noise that kept her up for hours the night before. The things Jason had said to that poor girl!

Karen shook off those thoughts as she realized Jason was staring at her in her running clothes. She turned to go inside but Jason put an arm up, blocking her way. "How bout you, baby?" His tone and look were arrogant as ever. "When am I gonna get to try YOUR tight, little, white pussy?"