All Comments on 'In Hotel Room'

by GuyCD

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phallustinephallustineover 2 years ago

You lucky bastard! How do you do it, get such a great room on the road? I've often dreamed of an experience like this when I was traveling for work, and I did try once in Tustin. Keep the faith.

cdCindy1cdCindy1over 2 years ago


Love this story. Please tell us more.

ptscuriousptscuriousover 2 years ago

A bit brief, but I always enjoy a tale of Cock Sucking.

AmberFountaineAmberFountaineover 2 years ago

Great story and one I've lived many times. In my aviation career I had to make trips to Wichita 3-4 times a year, usually a week at a time, always stayed at the Holiday Inn on E. Kellogg and never went home without having sucked at least one cock. Between the sauna and the hotel bar and the one next door, I always connected with a guy that loved having a sissy cocksucker give them a thrill they'd never get or try to get at home.

ShortyMacShortyMacover 2 years ago

I liked this story it was short but hot. I use to pick up guys and take hem to my hotel room and have great sex. Sometimes I would wear panties but that was rare.

Rayjay507Rayjay507over 2 years ago

Thank you. I really appreciate a good cocksucking story. To the point. Very erotic. Maybe a little more description of cock. Love and crave some hard cock.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This story is delicious. I traveled a bit but never had someone in my hotel room. I was unsure of that because you never know if some guy or guys want to beat the shit out of you. Having a guy next door to suck was have been great!

I stuck to the GH's and had a good time too. I love pussy but sucking a cock is so much fun, highly erotic & sexually satisfying.

Thanks for the enjoyable story.

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