In My Place Ch. 03


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Sarah led me to the other room again. In a replay of earlier, she turned me to face her.

"My God, Laura! You have got him about ready to explode in there. You were fantastic. Feel this!" With that, she caught my hand and placed it against her crotch. I could feel the heat and the moisture radiating from her. I had not only turned on Uncle Tony but also got my wife wet and hot for more. I was so proud once again.

"Are you ready for this, Laura? Are you ready for Tony? Can you manage on your own?"

I thought about what she was asking. Was I ready? Yes! A thousand times, yes! I wanted this man to take me, to make me do things to him like I had with Joe. Only, this time, it was not going to be forced, directed by someone else. This time it would be because he wanted me. This time, it would be because I had turned him on.

"Yes, Sarah." I replied, looking into her questioning eyes. "Yes. I am ready."

She hugged me tightly.

"God, you are just a natural. You are going to experience something tonight that might just change your life forever. I almost envy you. Come on then. Let's not keep the gentleman waiting. Follow my lead in there and then I will leave you to it."

We returned to Uncle Tony. Once again, I sat in my chair and picked up my magazine as though nothing had happened. It took all the reserves of strength I had to act so nonchalantly. Inside I was a churning mass of emotions. Sarah spoke.

"Laura doesn't just learn how to dance. She is very good at oral work too, aren't you dear?"

"Yes...mother." I paused. I really had no idea what role she was playing. It seemed to be some sort of strict maternal figure, so I took a chance at that. She seemed satisfied with it and continued.

"Come and show Uncle Tony some of your skills then."

I casually tossed the magazine to one side and got to my feet. I took the gum from my mouth and dropped it into an ashtray and swayed my way over to wear Uncle Tony stood waiting for me. I was actually quite a bit taller than him and had to stoop slightly. He didn't seem to mind. I leaned in to him, opening my mouth, moving closer. Our lips touched and I pulled away slightly. I then brushed my lips against his, teasing him. He let out a short, sharp breath as I moved back in, taking his bottom lip between mine and applying a gentle pressure. I think it all got too much at that point and he reached his hand behind my head, pulled me to him and our lips locked.

I had never kissed anyone with a moustache before that. The hairs prickled my skin, adding to the sensuality of the moment. It cemented the notion that I had swapped roles somewhere along the line. I was his woman. He kissed me hard and deep, his tongue exploring my mouth, my tongue exploring his in kind. The kiss went on and on and I loved it. The kiss was intimacy at its highest. It was a lovers kiss, an urgent, forceful kiss and it was mine. It was he who broke away first. He uttered a single syllable.


I tried to catch my breath and decided not to wait for instructions. If I were to be his woman then I should know how to please him. I should not need to be told how. I sunk slowly to my knees in front of this man, letting my hands glide down his chest, resting against the belt of his trousers. With the flat palm of my right hand I gently caressed the bulge behind his zipper. Slowly, tantalizingly, I lowered the zipper. I pushed my hand through the hole and felt the power beneath it. It was hard, it jerked at my touch but I pressed my hand down on it, taming the beast.

I undid his belt and popped the button on his trousers, removing my hand from his cock. I pulled his trousers down, exposing his boxer shorts underneath. He has quite an impressive bulge there in his boxers. I put my hand back on it, feeling the hardness there, loving it. I popped the buttons on his boxers, one by one. At last his cock was in plain view and I have to say it was an attractive one. Well, it was to me at that moment.

I gently curled my fingers around the shaft and held it for a moment or two. I could feel the blood pumping through it. I could feel it twitch and pulse in my hand. I let go and moved so that my face was inches from his cock. I poked out my tongue and gently licked the bulbous head. Uncle Tony gasped at this and I took it as a signal to go further. I pulled back the velvet foreskin to reveal all of that glorious head. I flicked my tongue back and forth over the ridged area where foreskin meets shaft. He moaned at that, just like I always did when someone did it to me. It does feel so good. I opened my mouth, allowing the head to slip between my parted lips. I held it there for a moment until all of the head was inside. I closed my lips just under the head and sucked gently. It felt so good to do this. It felt so powerful. He moaned and pushed his hips, begging to be allowed full entrance. Obligingly, I let him slip further into my moist, red lipped mouth, savouring every centimetre as it glided over my tongue. I held him there again, relishing the feel of it, the taste. I withdrew, sucking on his gorgeous cock as I pulled away. It left my mouth with a very audible 'pop'. He loved this. He loved me. I opened my mouth and took him inside again.

This went on for some time. I alternated between slowly fucking him with my mouth and hungrily licking up and down the shaft and the head. He tasted like Joe but different to Joe. There was something intangible that separated the two. The same taste but not the same taste. Whatever it was, it was intoxicating and I abandoned myself to it. Uncle Tony certainly was not complaining. My wife cleared her throat.

"I think I will leave you two alone now." Her voice wavered and I stopped what I was doing to look over at her. Her face was flushed and her eyes had a glassiness to them that I had seen before. She was aroused and, I suspect, not too far away from orgasm. And that was all because of me yet again. God, the power of it. "You seem to be getting along quite well."

With that, she left rather hurriedly, leaving me to continue my 'homework'. Uncle Tony had taken the interruption as an opportunity to remove his trousers and he stood now, erection sticking out in front of him, with his arms folded. He looked down at me with a stern look on his face.

"Right, young lady." He barked. "Get on with your oral exam or you will be punished again."

His whole demeanour changed in the absence of my wife. From a somewhat bemused, quiet man he had become something else, something with a little more presence. I wasn't sure if I liked this, him asserting his control. I was enjoying the power of it too much. I had taken the initiative but it appeared that I was now supposed to be submissive to him. In my heightened state of arousal, I didn't mind too much.

He took hold of my head and guided it back to his cock, which I obligingly took back into my willing mouth. This time, however, he did not allow me to do things my way. Instead, he placed a hand on either side of my head and began to thrust himself into me. He was, in effect, fucking my mouth. He pushed himself further in than I was comfortable with and I began to gag.

"Stop that foolishness at once, girl." He admonished me with a slap to the side of the head, not hard but enough to unnerve me slightly. He continued to plunge his cock in and out of my mouth and I felt sure he would come soon. I, in turns, sucked and squeezed on the shaft, willing this treatment to soon be over. I honestly didn't mind that he would be coming in my mouth. I was quite looking forward to it. I wanted to taste it again, to compare the taste with Joe's and my own. I wanted him to come in my mouth, partly to get this abuse over with and to satisfy my own carnal needs. He stopped and withdrew his cock, glistening with my saliva.

"Yes." He said. "You have passed the oral exam. Let's see if you have been studying for your 'A' Levels. Get down on all fours. Quickly now!" I really had no idea what he was talking about but I did as I was told. He smiled triumphantly at me and moved round behind me, out of sight.

I felt his hands on my ass, it felt good to be touched there, particularly since my skin was now so smooth. I felt him pull my panties down from me, exposing my whole ass for him. A shiver of anticipation ran through me. I knew what he was going to do and I was so ready for it. I wanted so much to be taken by this man. I felt his hands rubbing, caressing me all over, getting closer and closer to my home. He was teasing me, I know, and it was fantastic. My anticipation grew by the second. For the first time in my life I wanted to be fucked. I yearned to be filled, to be taken. I needed him inside me. This was all so new to me and yet so right.

Without warning, he pushed a finger inside me. I gasped at the shock of it. It hurt a little but it felt good. Nothing and nobody had ever been in there before and there was this stranger's finger inside me. He moved it in and out of me, slowly, roughly, simulating sex. It was wild, it hurt a little more when he did that but I couldn't help stop myself from moving with his movements. This brought a hard, stinging slap right on my ass. He removed his finger.

"You move when I tell you to move, girl. You got that?" he hissed into my ear, all friendliness gone from him now. I began to feel intimidated by this man. I was still ready for what he had in mind but it didn't feel quite as good as it had earlier.

"Yes." I cried.

He slapped me again. "Yes what?" he snarled into my ear.

"Y-y-yes Uncle Tony!" That last slap was very hard.

Unbelievably, he slapped me again, even harder. "Yes what?" he snarled, closer this time. What did he want me to say? Hadn't he told me to call him Uncle Tony? I tried something new.

"Y-y-yes S-s-sir." I sobbed, tears on my face.

He gently patted my ass. "Good girl." He muttered.

I was shocked by what had happened. The mood had changed and I was not as willing to do what I wanted to do; not with this man. I began to move, to stand up, when his hands grasped my hips and my whole world exploded in startling, agonising pain. Red hot fire coursed through me, forcing me to cry out. I could not believe the extent of this pain coursing through my body. I was stunned by it, unaware of the cause, desperate to end it. Realisation dawned on me when another slap, sensed rather than felt, landed on my behind.

"Shut up, bitch!" Tony snarled. I could not bring myself to think of him as Uncle now. "And keep still. I'm not through yet."

I knew now what the source of this agony was. He had thrust himself inside me and was continuing to saw into me. I was not ready. His finger had not been enough to prepare me for this onslaught. It was horrible, it was painful and it was wrong. I tried in vain to escape his grasp, pulling forward, away from him, but he was surprisingly strong. He held me there, ploughing into me deeper with each thrust. There was something there, something hiding under the painful onslaught. I was aware of it but I couldn't grasp it. The treatment was too rough to be ignored. Still I pulled to escape. Still, he held me as he fucked me. Still, he slapped me and told me to stop my pathetic howling. I bucked against him, thinking I could hurry it along, bring him to an end. It didn't work. Instead he sighed, said something about having enough of this and pulled out from me.

The pain of him leaving was just as great. My violated ass screamed in the heat of his force and I cried and cried. I felt heat on my ass cheeks. I felt a wetness on there. I realised with new horror that he had stopped fucking me only to finish himself off by hand over my poor, reddened ass. I was revolted by the foul liquid this monster had sprayed onto me. I gagged, nauseous with the whole experience. I felt him wipe his spent cock on my leg. Only then did he release his grip on me. I instantly pulled away from him, drawing my knees in towards me, fending him off.

"That was good, Laura." The man smiled at me. "You need to learn to do what you are told but it was nice and tight."

He leaned towards me. I flinched. "How about a kiss?" He smiled at me.

I shook my head and began to scream.

"Sarah! Sarah!" I screamed hoarsely, the tears still flowing from me.

Tony looked panic-stricken when he heard me scream. He reached over to me, palms held up, making shush noises. He had no chance. After the agony he had put me through I wanted him gone and fast.

Sarah burst into the room, breathlessly taking in the scene before her. Tony looked scared. I looked terrified and Sarah looked downright angry.

"What the Hell is this?" she demanded. "What's going on?"

"Nothing." Tony answered, angrily. "Absolutely nothing. You said she was ready. She isn't ready. She never will be ready. She is a hopeless fucking bitch. Get rid of her. I know I would."

Sarah said nothing. While I cringed in the corner, trying to cover myself from this man, Sarah took him by the arm and led him away. I heard muffled, angry voices followed by the loud slamming of the door. Moments later, Sarah came back to me. She squatted down beside me and held my head in her hands. She asked me what had happened and I told her. I told her exactly what had happened. I told her how exciting it had all been at first, how I had felt so aroused and so powerful. I told her how, immediately upon her leaving, he became a different person. Then I told her of how he violated me, how he had simply stuck his cock in me, despite my obvious pain, and how he had simply kept going at me when he knew I was in agony. She was ashen faced when I finished.

"Oh God, Laura" she finally spoke. "I am so so sorry about this. I know it was your first time and I wanted it to be with somebody experienced. Oh God. What have I done? I am so, so sorry. That bastard! I'll kill him for this."

She asked me how I felt now. I told her that my ass was still incredibly sore and she simply nodded. She bade me follow her upstairs where she allowed me to lie on her bed while she rubbed some sort of cream onto my rear. I don't know what it was but it stung like hell at first followed by a blissful numbness.

We had a long talk that night, Sarah and I. I told her how I could not go through with this any longer. I told her I had changed my mind and I wanted to go back to our old lives. I told her that I had learned that the journey she had started me on was not the one for me. I cried throughout, massively aware of the numbness in my ass as well as the overwhelming disappointment at the way things had to end. Sarah listened to me, took it all in, made the right sounds at the right times during my speech. I closed my eyes, grateful – if a little saddened – that it was all over.

"Laura?" Sarah gently shook me. "Do you remember earlier when I offered you a way out? Hmmm? And you didn't take it? Yeah. I told you that was your only chance to get out of this and I meant it. You can't back out now. If you do, then everyone is going to see your photographs. Everyone."

She sat beside me, stroking my cheek with her hand. She looked me in the eyes. "Things didn't work out tonight, I know, and that was not your fault. You were a virgin and that stupid bastard should have known better. I am really sorry for that but I won't let you quit because of this.. You are staying as Laura until I say different. Do you understand?"

I simply stared at her, open-mouthed. "But...."

"No buts. Do what you are told and that's final."

I cried again. I cried more than ever, realising that she was right. I was stuck in this nightmare. It began as so much fun, so much intense pleasure but tonight had made me realise that it was not for me but I had no choice. How much more agony would I have to endure before Sarah let me go? How much could I take? Her next words chilled me to the bone.

"Besides, Joe wants to fuck you tomorrow night."

I jumped up in panic, causing a return of the pain. "No, Sarah, No!! His cock is enormous. I can't. It will hurt too much. Please, Sarah, no....." I cried.

Sarah smiled at me.

"Trust me." Was all she said.

I slept in Sarah's bed with her that night. It was the last time I ever did.

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LindseyTSLindseyTSalmost 7 years ago
Wait your going to leave it there?

I know some like a rape story so fine, and some don't want a happy ending. But what the hell? Joe would've been great to end with, what an evil bastard Tony was. Wrote this back in 08, so no chance of you coming back and fixing this, and why didn't you put rape in the tags? So disappointed in this writer, first two chapters were good, but now you leave it in this state. Shameful, I'm sorry if you wrote this from experience. What Tony did this to you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Then sarah got gang raped and murdered. The end.

Ps joe and Tony both got herpes and aids in prison.

Tootight1Tootight1about 10 years ago
good story

but I would actually feel sorry for the wife after I was finished screwing up looks so bad, no one would want to look at her, if she lived.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
my place ch.3

There is major room for imp rovem ent in the Story telling 3rd chapter from middle on just went down hill.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
hot story

I have to say, as erotic as this story is. I am not sub enough for it. I would have gone on a rampage. But then I go out in public as Kira every day so I couldn't be blackmailed with pics, I would ask for sluttier pics and post em myself. But I enjoyed reading it very much

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Sad story; so much for a loving wife or a friend; she is just a mean bitch and she deserves to get hers in the end

mkbishop702mkbishop702over 10 years ago
another dream wife

To be whored out and used with out regard for if I wanted this or that done is so sexy and fuckin hot I truly wish my wife was cold in this way as to how she is cold normally.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

that was hot.........................

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
good story until the end

This set of stories was turning me on and making me want to be just like Laura -- until the end. Tony being an asshole ruined my hard-on. Since he obviously knew what Laura really was, he should have treated her more gently, with loving care. Then, after he left, Laura & his wife could talk about doing this regularly. Laura would enjoy servicing the men who visit and they would probably even make some good money. Joe would then be their lover (to both of them) and Laura would enjoy her new life as an obedient submissive "wife". This is my fantasy - as long as the men who I service treat me as the beautiful "woman" that I've become.

That's how your story should have ended.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago


yorkie54yorkie54over 15 years ago

This is one of the best stories in this genre I have read on here, made better by the lack of what seems compulsory humiliation from the wife and her latest lover. I enjoyed every minute following your journey from her discovering your secret to where it ended, except for your time with Tony and I hope you will continue to share your life as Laura with us. Nice pic by the way

LauraJayneLauraJayneabout 16 years agoAuthor
In My Defence

Lesbo bitch? Does this person not understand the concept of transvestism?

I think the nasty turn I have taken with with Uncle Tony was a mistake. I have read so many stories where someone's first time anal sex experience was just great. Well, it very rarely is. It hurts. It hurts a lot. Yes, it does get better and yes it can be exceptionally pleasurable but very rarely immediately.

Perhaps I didn't need to put the non-consent element into this. Perhaps, but would Uncle Tony have stopped if asked to? I doubt it. I think he was too turned on to stop. And Tony is, and always will be, a nasty man. I hope you read this, Tony!!

Interestingly, it only became non-consent when it hurt. Before that Laura was perfectly willing and, in fact, wanting the sexual experience. Should it be in the Non-Consent section if the participant was willing?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Yes, of course the story is mislabeled and belongs in Non-consent. But it is one of the most powerful non-consent stories ever written. First-hand, semi-biographical and very personal, it conveys the anguish of the First Time with the trepidations of the Next Time. Please continue, Laura, and label the sequel correctly. Your fans will follow you wherever you take us!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
This is a BDSM story very strong in SM

The wife in this story is a FDom sadist and is attempting very well at rendering her husband neutered and turned into a masochist. I really have trouble with people like this, most are very mentally ill. Put this story in nonconsent where it belongs.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Very hot!!

Arousing tale. Dancing for Uncle Tony was the high point. Tremendous!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Fuckin lesbo

What a sick fuckin story lesbo bitch and dont waster the readers time with the crap you write

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