In the Dark of Night


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Alice tilted my face up and kissed me. She was more confident than she had been last week. Her kisses were soft and gentle, and she was running her hands through my hair, her nails scratching against my scalp. I pulled her closer against me and reached for a breast. I kept my second hand on her bum, massaging the flesh, gently swatting it, and rubbing it.

Our kisses grew deeper and stronger as our bodies twisted and ground against each other. Alice reached down and tentatively handled my cock, her grip soft and uncertain. Her thumb brushed against the head and when she found it was wet with pre-cum, she played around with the wetness, rubbing it over me.

Not to be outdone, I rubbed her inner thigh before moving my hand up to the slit between her legs. I placed the palm of my hand over her sex, just holding it there to see how she's react. She kept kissing and wanking me, so I found her pussy and pushed a finger inside her.

Alice moaned into the kiss, biting down on my lip. I pushed another finger inside her and moved them in out and out. She was wet and swollen, and only getting wetter as I finger-fucked her. Her grip on my cock tightened.

I pulled my fingers out. 'Get on my dick,' I requested. 'Get on and fuck me for a bit.'

Alice shuffled around, one hand still on my schlong to hold it where she wanted. As she lined herself up, one of her tits hit me in the chin.

'You can leave that right here,' I said, holding it and pulling the nipple into my mouth.

She gave an embarrassed chuckle. 'You're going to need to let go of it for a second if you want me to fuck you.'

'It's a cruel world when a man is required to make choices like that. Just give me a minute with your titty.'

Alice giggled, but after a few seconds, she stuck a finger in the corner of my mouth. It broke the suction, making it impossible for me to keep sucking.

'Woah, how did you do that?' I asked, torn between being impressed and disappointed. 'That's a clever trick.'

'I'm a clever girl,' she said, lowering herself onto my cock. 'Oh fuck.'

'Oh baby, that's it,' I groaned, grabbing her arse.

I love the first few seconds of being inside a woman. Feeling her warm, humid twat cocooning me, and knowing that she wants me, she wants to be fucked by me, is pretty amazing. And with the way Alice was holding onto me, her fingers digging into my arms, I knew she felt exactly the same way.

We found ourselves kissing once more, our tongues slick against each other, and her chest heaving as she involuntarily pushed it against me. I broke the kiss, bowed my head, and grazed my lips against her tits, lifting one up so I could find a nipple once more.

Alice began to fuck me, rising up and down on her haunches. I let her do what she wanted while I concentrated on playing with her boobs. She was good and wet; it was trickling down my shaft and over my balls, and she was breathing heavily.

'Come on baby, cum for me,' I muttered. 'Cum on my cock.'

Alice tried. The girl ground and slithered, trying different rhythms and pressures, but she just couldn't climax. I tried in vain to figure out what I needed to do to help her. I tried nibbling, kissing, licking and caressing her, but nada. It wasn't working.

Worse, my dick was getting such a full on workout that I knew I wasn't going to be able to hold off cumming for much longer.

'Alice, you gonna cum?' I asked.

'I don't know,' she replied forlornly. 'I just...can't.'

'Okay, get off me and let me lie down. Sit on my face. If you keep riding me, I'm gonna blow my load.'

'Are you sure?'

'Yeah, honey, I want you to cum.'

'What if I'm too heavy for you?'

'You're not.'

I presumed that I'd lie down and Alice would straddle me with her front half facing my face. Instead, she got off, let me lay down, and when I was settled, she hopped into the sixty-nine position. Not only did I get a face full of snatch, but I had my dick first grabbed, then sucked.

'Alice, a bit softer please,' I requested.

She sucked it more softly then let it plop out of her mouth. 'Like that?'

'Fuck yeah.'

I buried my face in her cunt. She smelt and tasted of womanhood, of sex, of both her and I. As I was eating her, she took me into her mouth again began sucking me once more. Holy shit. This was fucking insane.

I licked her clit, flicking it from side to side and circling it with my tongue. The position she was in was more vulnerable than the usual face-sitting one, and I grabbed her arse, wondering how she'd react if I fingered her tight little hole. I'd never had a girl let me rim her before, but damn I wanted to try it.

Alice sucked and jerked me, kissed my balls and fondled them, while I did my best to ignore how good it felt. She was wriggling around, dipping her groin down so that her cunt was hard against my tongue, and the muscles in her legs were tightening, and I felt this was all a good sign.

Suddenly she stopped sucking me. She kept hold of my cock, but more like it was something to grasp onto, than anything else. I gripped her hips, tongued her long and hard, and finally got my reward.

'Oh fucking Jesus Christ,' she yelped.

A string of moans and expletives followed as she came hard, rubbing herself all over my nose and chin and cheeks. It's a good thing I could hold my breath because with her pussy as wet as it was, she could have drowned me.

Then, without missing a beat, she took my cock back into her mouth.

'Oh shit,' I warned. 'Now's the time to stop if you don't like the taste of cum.'

Alice kept going.

'Fuck,' I swore. 'Alice, Alice, Alice.'

She took it all down like the little champion she was, and when I was quite done, she licked me clean. Fuck. Had I known this was what was lurking west of Brisbane I would have moved here years ago.

I pulled her up and planted my lips against hers. She could taste herself on me, and I could taste myself on her.

'That was crazy,' she said. 'Sorry if I smushed you.'

'I like being smushed. Good work on sucking all my jizz down. I reckon I could have choked a fucking donkey with that load.'

Alice rolled out of my arms, onto her back, and laughed.

'The sayings you come up with,' she said. 'I thought some of the fellas around here were crass, but you're giving them a good run for their money.'

'Just doing what I can,' I replied. 'Now come here and give me a hug.'


Alice stayed for another hour, during which we had a good, multi-position fuck. She didn't cum again but I sure did.

Before she left, I asked her if she'd be coming back next Friday.

'Do you want to see me again?' she asked uncertainly.

Damn, of course I did. I really liked her. It was killing me that she wouldn't let me turn the lights on, or stay the full night with me. I'd had three relationships before, all lasting a couple of years, but I'd never felt so strongly attracted to someone as I did Alice. I loved her chutzpah, her sense of humour, and the way she fucked. I just knew that if we kept meeting up, we were going to do some wild and kinky things together, things that other women would baulk at.

'Hell yeah,' I replied. 'What time suits you?'

'Whenever. Or I could do Saturday. You choose.'

'I can't do Saturday,' I replied regretfully. 'It's my Mum's birthday.'

'Friday it is,' she said. 'I'll come at eleven again?'

'Come at nine. My liver needs a rest from the home brew.'

'I can't do nine. My father will still be awake and I don't want him knowing I'm sneaking out.'

That was a clue, wasn't it? Her living at home. I'd thought she was well past the age where she'd still be living with her parents. I decided to see if I could get a few more details out of her.

'How old are you?' I asked. 'I'm not banging a teenager, am I?'

'No, no, not at all. I'm well past the age of consent.'

'More than ten years past it, or less?' I asked.

'You're not getting an answer to that,' she replied. 'All I'm going to say is that I'm old enough to have a driver's license, a degree and a job, and my reasons for staying at home are mine, and mine only.' She paused. 'And that's all the information I'm giving you. See you next week?'

'I'm looking forward to it already.'


'You know, sooner or later you're gonna need to bring along some of your own home brew,' Carver remarked.

'My home brew?' I repeated. 'Mate, I'm still fucking confused as to what I'm doing here. One minute I had Sam working on the house for me, the next he was planning out how he was going to use me as a courier. I keep thinking I need a Friday off and yet every Friday, here I am, like a bad, Woggy smell, because Sam needs one thing or another.'

Carver laughed. 'You rocked up with four six packs of craft beer. You're making our own stuff taste worse than ever. You need take the plunge. You're young and single, so you've got plenty of time. You can't spend all weekend, every weekend, fixing the shithouse.'

'I go fishing at least once a weekend.'

'Fuck, if I had the freedom, I'd be doing my best to get laid.' He took a sip of beer. 'There's a few nice looking local girls around. Some of them have the right sort of reputation if you're just after a bit of fun. They'd like you. You're a bit different from the usual fare they get.'

'Yeah, I wish, mate,' I replied. 'Sex doesn't exactly happen too frequently when you're single. At least it doesn't for me.'

'It's no better when you're married. The wife's managed to get sex down to twice a year; father's day and my birthday. The last time we did it, she turned to me afterwards and said 'if I could outsource this, I would'. Imagine repeating that to a girl you were trying to pick up in a bar to try to explain why you were cheating on your wife? They'd think you were lying.'

'Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction,' I agreed, thinking of Alice.

He sighed tiredly. 'I don't want to fuck a stranger. I just want something else. I hate living here. Lived here my whole fucking life and the walls are closing in on me. I really admire what you did, just buying a random house in a random town and getting a second shot at life. That's what Linsey and I should have done.'

Jesus, I thought to myself, this is heavy conversation. And Carver obviously seemed to walk to talk, or rant, or vent, or whatever.

'You could still do it, but the housing is more expensive and the steaks are shithouse.'

'And the family would blow up.'

'Mine reckon I've lost the plot.'

'It seems to be working for you, though.'

'Yeah, I'm pretty happy with it,' I agreed. 'I can't really see myself getting married, though, so I get a bit of freedom to choose how I want to live.'

'Not interested in marriage?'

'Can't really figure out the whole relationship business,' I corrected. I paused. There was an opportunity here to ask about single women in the local area without seeming too sleazy. 'And, y'know, I don't really want to be that bloke who rocks up to town and starts pestering the local girls.'

Carver laughed. 'As I said, mate, I reckon some of them like a little pestering. Just don't get too loose-lipped about their loose lips, or their brothers will get pissed. There's a few fuckwits in town who have too much aggression and too much time on their hands.'

'I don't know who's single and who isn't,' I said. I tried to think of what I knew about Alice. She was single. Lived with her father. She was plump with a good set of tits and a decent arse. I needed to somehow put her characteristics into a throwaway sentence, because I was getting mighty curious about who she was. 'If you know any well built, chubby girls who wear a pair of jeans like they were poured into them, send them my way. The door to the dunny is always open.'

'That's half the women around here. I prefer them in a dress. I want to see their legs.'

'Ideally, I want those legs spread.' I finished my beer. 'I drive out here and I swear all your farm animals started looking nervous.'

We continued to drink and talk shit. Work, the nagging feeling we probably should have been doing more with our lives, and sport.

It was a cold, rainy night and a couple of the men whose careers were interrupted by wet weather were bitching about how far behind they were and how fucking annoying it was that it rained and rained and rained when they didn't need any more rain. Carver seemed inclined to stay and drink away their miseries with them, and he waved good-bye to me shortly after nine thirty.

I drove home, kindled the fire, had a shower, and pulled on jeans and a tee. It was only ten past ten, fifty minutes until Alice arrived - if she did, in fact, turn up - and I was anxious. I prowled around my house, trying to focus my attention on deciding which project to attack the following day. Initially I'd been planning on painting the exterior but with the rain that was out of the question. Maybe I should plaster the interior walls. If I plastered and painted them, and laid some carpet, perhaps that would help it look a bit more homely.

Alice, Alice, Alice. Where was she? Eleven o'clock rolled around, then ten past, then twenty past. At half past I was just about to give up and go to sleep when I heard a car approach the house. I didn't dare go outside, for fear of frightening her, so I turned off the lights, opened the front door, and waited.

She left her car parked back from the house. I tried yelling out to her to drive closer, that I'd shut my eyes so I couldn't see what type of vehicle she drove, but the rain was pelting down so hard that it drowned out my voice.

Alice ran to my doorway.

'You crazy woman,' I called out, grabbing her arm and pulling her inside. 'You should have just parked closer.'

'You would have seen my car,' she replied, panting heavily.

'You're drenched. You need to have a bath.'

Alice laughed breathlessly. 'I don't have any clean clothes. Not that it matters, you're planning on getting me naked for the night anyway, aren't you?'

'You're a lunatic,' I told her, grabbing her and kissing her. 'I thought you weren't going to come.'

'Would you have been disappointed?' she asked curiously.

'Fuck yes! A sexy lady comes around to my house on Fridays and screws me senseless. What part of that am I not supposed to like?'

She looked around nervously. 'The fire's bright tonight.'

I turned around. It was emitting more light than usual, that was true, but it still wasn't near enough for me to make out her features. All I could see was her outline.

'How about I walk to the bathroom and you follow me?' I suggested. 'You need to have a hot shower.'

'Yes Dad.'

'Don't you start that,' I warned. 'Or I'll bend you over my knee and spank your arse.'

Alice laughed as if it was a joke. Silly girl, I'd love nothing better than to smack her bum until it was hot and pink. It was right up there in terms of previously unfulfilled fantasies, and there was something about her voluptuous, chubby figure that made her an appealing target for my more perverse desires.

I led her into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

'How hot do you like the water?' I asked.

'Near scalding,' she said. 'Start it off at medium, though, so I can turn it up as I go.'

'Will do,' I agreed. 'Get your clothes off. There's shampoo on the floor in the corner.'

'Do you have conditioner?'

'Do I have what?'

'If I could see you, I'd hit you.'

'This is our third night together and I'm feeling a bit kinky, so I might like that. Watch out.'

Alice shrieked with laughter. 'You really seem keen for it tonight.'

'I've been wanting to knock the back end out of you since Sunday morning. It's been a long wait.'

'Knock the... what? You're not going up my arse. Don't even think about that.'

'Nah, I just want to fuck you and eat your pussy.'

Alice giggled with embarrassment. 'Oh my God. You're, uh... you're going to be a handful tonight, aren't you?'

'I'll calm down,' I replied apologetically. 'Really. Get yours clothes off and get in the shower.'

Alice finished undressing and stepped into the stall, her body brushing against mine in the process. I was really happy she'd come around. I loved her easy laugh as much as I did her tits and arse.

'Hey, just thinking out loud here, and I know you won't want to give me any identifying details, but how about we exchange private email addresses? Or phone numbers, if that works for you? I'd love to contact you during the week,' I said. 'And if anything happens last minute and either of us need to cancel, it'd be good if we could just shoot an email out and explain what's going on.'

'I, uh... well, that sounds alright,' she replied. 'You give me your email address, and I'll set up a new one and email you from there.'

'And you'll send me nudes?'

'No! Darren! Stop pushing. You're always pushing. Just accept things for what they are.'

I didn't know whether to be embarrassed, ashamed or annoyed. I apologised to her and told myself I'd need to lay off the questions. I just had to convince myself it was completely normal to have sex with a woman in the dark every Friday night, and never know her real name, and never see her in even partial light.

Only, it wasn't normal, was it? It wasn't at all fucking normal. And while some men might've been down with casual sex if you want my honest thoughts on it, I wasn't all that keen. My heart followed where my dick went, if you get my drift.

'How about we get back to sex, and you tell me something you're interested in?' I suggested. 'You into lesbian porn?'

'Lesbian, straight sex and men wanking.'

'Wowsers, men wanking. You must make a lot of blokes happy. They must love showing you that.'

'I've never seen it in real life,' she confessed. 'Maybe that's why I'm so interested.'


'Really,' she agreed. She hesitated. 'Maybe you could do it one night, while we're in bed.'

'I could do it now,' I offered.

'Seriously? That would be great.'

'Great for me, too,' I agreed, unbuckling my belt.

'Will you be able to get hard?'

I laughed. 'Alice,' I said. 'You're naked and in the same room as me. I'm already hard.'

'Oh.' She burst into giggles. 'Can you tell me how you do it? Because I can't see, maybe if you explain...'

This girl was going to be the death of me.

I lifted my shirt up to my chest and lowered my jeans and trunks to my thighs. I rubbed my balls and gave my cock a good, few strokes. 'So what is it you want me to explain?'

'How do you do it? How do you start?'

'Hmm, right now it's different. I've been horny all day and now you're naked and in the same room. Ordinarily if I'm in the mood I might watch some porn or read something with a good sex scene. How about you?'

'How about me?' she repeated, obviously not expecting the question. 'I guess I'm the same as you. Some days I'm horny enough just to get started, other days I want some help. Do you use lube?'

'Sometimes. Not tonight. Tonight I'd rather you spit in my hand and I'll use that.' I paused. 'Sorry if that's going too far.'

Alice stepped out of the shower. 'No, I don't think so. I'm okay with that. Give me your hand.'

I reached over and touched her stomach. Not intentionally; that was just where my hand ended up in the dark. Alice grabbed my wrist and held my palm under her mouth. She waited a few seconds, then gently released a stream of spittle.

It was a good amount, and nice and soft and slippery. I rubbed it over my cock, ensuring it was thoroughly lubricated. I was leaking pre-cum fairly heavily by this stage.

Alice reached out and touched my chest. 'You're wearing your shirt.'


Her hands moved down the sides of my body, over my torso, hips, and then down to where my jeans were bunched up. 'You've just undressed enough to get your cock out.'