In the Name of Desire


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"Thank you." I finally am able to speak.

"You're quite welcome dear." You say and kiss me once more. I slide on top of you and we kiss passionately. My hand moves to push off your boxers and stroke you for a while. You groan as I nibble at your chest while doing this.

For a minute you roll me off you and quickly get a condom, then roll back into bed and pull me on top of you again. We go at it for quite a while, then you start to climax, and I do so just seconds after you. I lie on top of you for a while, and you rub and squeeze my butt.

After we have come back down to earth, we lay silently in each other's arms, not needing to say anything. You dose off sometime after, and I soon do also.

You awake again around two in the morning. You kiss my forehead and then my lips, trying to rouse me from my sleep. It doesn't take long for me to awaken. I return your kisses sleepily at first, and then as I awaken fully, it turns very intense.

We end up going at it again soon, taking advantage of this full night together. We are both now pleasantly exhausted and sleep the rest of the night like babies.

Around eleven we finally wake up slowly. I ask if I can use your shower. "Of course you can, but I have to show you how the shower works." You smile at me.

"Do you now? You mean you can't just tell me how to work it?"

"Mmm, It's pretty complicated." I concede and follow you into the bathroom. Your roommate is gone for the weekend, and we have the place to ourselves. Even so, I feel a little weird walking across your hallway naked since it's not my place. You turn on the shower and then face me as I stand by the sink.

You kiss me as we wait for the water to turn warm. I press my naked body closer to yours and you push me against the counter. Your hands run all over my body as we meld together. I squeeze your butt as our tongues explore each other's mouth.

You slowly back away and pull me into the shower with you. As the warm water sprays over us, we continue to kiss and touch each other. I pleasantly surprise you when I suddenly kneel and start to tease you with my tongue. Your fingers run through my hair as I work my magic on you, intermittent moans escaping your mouth.

I lick and suck until you are almost unable to stand. One hand grabs at the shower bar trying to steady yourself, as the other caresses my wet hair. I stop momentarily and look into your lusty eyes, then holding your gaze I finish, and you end explosively. The expressions on your face are intense, and you slowly regain your composure. I stand up and we kiss again, and then begin to lather each other with soap.

"Mmm, this is the most pleasurable shower I have ever taken." You state to me smiling. Regretfully, we finish our shower and step to wrap towels around ourselves and return to your bedroom, wet and aroused. I let my towel drop seductively, and we make our way back into your bed. The heat between us seems like enough to melt the arctic caps.

Our still wet and naked bodies meld into one another as we kiss hard exploring each other all over. Before long, we are having sex once again, as we simply cannot get enough of each other. We lay in each other's arms for a while afterwards, spent from our rendezvous.

"Are you hungry Amy? You ask me. "Because I am starving from all this exercise."

"Yes I am getting hungry."

"How about I make us some breakfast or something?"

"You mean you can cook?" I ask teasingly.

"Yes I can, believe it or not. How does pancakes and bacon sound to you?"

"Mmm, that sounds almost as yummy as you." I say and kiss you. We finally get dressed and make our way downstairs. You work your way around the kitchen preparing us breakfast. I offer to help, but you make me sit down at the table instead, and pour me some coffee.

I smile as I watch you pouring the batter into the pan. Brad never liked the idea of having to cook. The most he ever tried to do was grill occasionally. I offered to show him how to cook, but he said he'd rather go out to eat. I am more practical, besides I like to cook anyway.

"You make some good pancakes Ryan. They are just perfect."

"Thank you." You smile almost shyly. "I'm glad you like them. So, can I ask, do you have plans for today?"

"No, I don't usually do too much on Sundays."

"Would you like to spend the afternoon with me? It looks so nice out. Maybe we could find something to do outdoors?" You suggest.

"Well I don't see why not. Did you have something in mind?"

"It's supposed to be like ninety degrees today, why don't we go for a swim or something, I know of a lake not too far outside the city."

"That sounds good, except I don't have my swim suit. A fair amount of my things are still at Brad's house." I have hardly thought of him at all since I was with Ryan, and not thoughts of missing him either.

"Well, I could just stop somewhere and buy one. I've had mine for a while anyway."

"That's up to you I guess."

"Well if you don't mind waiting for me to do that. I know how guys hate being dragged through stores."

"I don't mind. I can always amuse myself if I get bored." We smile, then you kiss me again as we stand in the kitchen.

"Mmm, you taste like coffee."

We grab some towels and other stuff and head to a mall nearby. I tell you to go play in the music store or something and I'll meet you there in twenty minutes. I agonize over which one to choose. I finally find a bikini that really flatters me, a light blue flowered style. You ask to see it when I meet you again, but I decide to make you wait until you can see it on me.

We drive fifteen minutes out to the lake from there, and I go into the little outdoor bathroom to change. I come out with my towel draped across my shoulder, and walk toward you. You stare at me, leaning against the car in just your swim trunks. "I see you found yourself a swim suit. You look hot." I smile and you wrap your arms around my waist and I kiss you for a minute. "Mmm, should we cool off a bit?"

"Well it is pretty hot, lets." We wade into the water above our waists, and you playfully swish water at me. I try to kick some at you, but you grab my foot and I land on my backside in the water. I splash you with my hands and you grab me and pull my back hard against you. I pretend to struggle to get away from you. You pull us farther into the water so it's to our shoulders.

"You think you can beat me huh?" I know you are much stronger than I am, but I have to try. Finally, I give in to you, and you kiss my neck and loosen your grip. "It's a shame there are kids here, or I could have taken advantage of the situation." You smile at me with that adorable smile.

I pull away from you, and then challenge you to a swim to the dock a ways off. You agree, and start ahead of me, but we finish at about the same time. Panting, we rest for a minute holding the side of the dock, then swim back to shore. "I think I want to lie down for a minute." You say to me.

"Ok, I can work on my tan." We take to the sandy shore and lay out our towels. I grasp your hand as we lie in the sun.

"Hey Amy, don't you have a birthday coming up soon?" I am surprised you remembered when it was, we got together just before my birthday that summer.

"Yes, it's this coming Thursday. I will be twenty-four. I can't believe it."

"Yea I know. I turn twenty-four in August." It is interesting that you and I are so close in age, and Brad was seven years older than I was. Perhaps Brad was too old for my liking.

"Well, I would like to take you out for your birthday then, if you want to that is."

"I'd like that." We leave the beach by three, and after saying goodbye, I drive back home. I keep thinking how crazy it is, once again being with you. It's hard to believe what a wonderful time I have spent with you since last night. I wonder what my friend will think?

I have to tell her I was not with Brad last night. She will probably be very disappointed, but I can't lie to her. I pull into the driveway of her building and go up to her place.

"Where have you been? Brad called last night wondering where you were staying. He couldn't get you on your phone. Obviously, you weren't with him last night, so where were you? Oh Amy, don't tell me, were you with Ryan last night?"

"Yes I was, we went on a date, he took me to dinner and we rented a movie. Then today we went swimming out at a lake. I really had a great time with him; he makes me feel so alive. He is also going to take me out for my birthday on Thursday."

"Amy, what about Brad? I thought you were in love with him? How can you date with the man you cheated on him with, and expect to reconcile things with him?"

"Well, I am just not so sure now that I want to stay with him. I mean, Ryan really seems to have grown up since I was with him last. I think I want to see where things go with him. If it doesn't work out, I can try to reconcile with Brad. We are taking a break from us now, so I can see Ryan if I choose to."

"Well I just hope you aren't setting yourself up for even more hurt Amy. Please be careful."

"I will Mandy, thanks for being so supportive. I really appreciate you." I hear from Ryan on Wednesday afternoon and we make plans for dinner the next night.

"I was thinking; would you rather go out to eat? Or would you like me to make you dinner for your birthday?"

"Hmm, that sounds interesting. If it's not too much trouble for you, I would enjoy having you make dinner."

"It's no trouble. Do you have any special requests?"

"Whatever you make I will like, just don't put any mushrooms in it." I tease. You tell me to stop over around seven tomorrow.

The next afternoon I search my closet for the perfect outfit for our dinner tonight. I finally decide on a sexy black dress I have. Before wearing it, I decide to make a quick trip to the mall for some new lingerie. While there, I splurge and get my nails done, eye brows waxed, and my hair done up very sexy.

After all, today is my birthday, I consider this a present to myself, and to Ryan as well. I go home and slip into my sexy outfit for the evening. I know I am going to nock his socks off. Maybe some other articles too.

I arrive at your place ten minutes before seven, and nock on the door. You soon appear and let me in, offering me a beautiful arrangement of flowers.

"Wow. You look incredible, so sexy." You pull me to you and kiss me, and then escort me inside to the table that is nicely set for our dinner. You even set up candles, and have a bottle of wine sitting on the table.

"Thank you Ryan, this is all really special. You are such a sweetheart." I say and kiss you again.

"I wanted to do something special for your birthday. I hope you enjoy it." You made us salad, potatoes, and carrots, with a chicken entrée. I really melted inside to see after dinner that you even made me a birthday cake.

"Ryan this is amazing, I can't believe you went to all this trouble for me. Thank you."

"You're welcome Amy, and really it's no trouble, I am glad I could do this for you tonight." We drink another glass of wine, and then get up from the table.

"I know I brought a movie to watch, but I think we could make our own entertainment tonight." Your eyebrows raise and then you smile.

"And what exactly did you have in mind?"

"Well I bought myself a birthday present and I would like to show it to you if that's ok."

"Sure, what is it?"

"Well you will have to help me unzip this dress so I can show you." I see you swallow hard. I grab you by the hand and lead you upstairs. I turn around so you can help me out, the dress slides off my shoulders and I push it to the floor.

I am wearing a sexy little camisole in the sheerest of black lace and a thong just as sheer. Your mouth is agape and you just stare at me with desire. "What do you think?" I continue to tease you with my body, and then start to unbutton your shirt very slowly.

"I didn't know it was my birthday tonight." You say through a strained but happy expression. "Mmm. I think I lost all logic." You try to kiss me but I teasingly pull away. I have you sit on the bed then sway my hips tantalizingly. I start to give you a lap dance.

"You must keep your hands behind your back; House Rules are no touching you know."

I pull your shirt off, undo your pants, and remove them. I stand back up and slowly remove the black camisole, then slide off the thong. I dance naked for a few minutes and you stare at me with a smile on your face. I sit back on your lap naked and let my hair down, and lightly brush it across your chest.

I push you down on the bed, running my hands over your chest now . "Am I allowed to touch you yet?" You ask. I smile nodding my head. Your hand brushes along my thigh, then takes my hand in yours. You pull me to you as your lips meet mine. Your tongue traces my lips tasting me, as I feel your tongue slide into my mouth and tantalize me.

I rub my leg in-between yours as we devour each other's mouth hungrily. Your hand moves from my thigh to squeeze and caress my butt, and I arch my body against yours.

We kiss steadily and our hands roam each other's bodies as the passion heightens. I love the way we kiss. It feels so incredible. You decide to roll yourself on top of me now, and pleasure the rest of my body with your skilled mouth.

We spend an endless hour in foreplay tonight, and our summit culminates in splendid sex yet again. We lie entangled with each other in the aftermath. I stare at the ceiling in amazement of it all. We just lay there quietly for some time. "Amy?" after a while you say.


"I know you aren't in a hurry to get involved right now, but, I hope we can continue seeing each other."

"I'd like that. I like being with you." I smile and we kiss, then soon after fall asleep, as we both have to work in the morning. We get up for work and I shower with you quickly, and then leave shortly after. All day at work, I am distracted with thoughts of you, thoughts of our heated encounters, and our new relationship.

As soon as I am done with work, I start apartment hunting for a new place to live. I find a couple that are nice and at decent prices, and by Monday I decide on the one I like best. I put down a deposit and they tell me the apartment will be ready to move in on Friday.

I tell Ryan about it and he offers to help me move my things from Brad's place. At first, I say no, feeling that it would be quite awkward for us all. Then as I think about it, I decide it will be better to have some help so I don't have to ask for Brad's help moving. I call Brad and we arrange that I come over Saturday morning to pick up my things.

Ryan meets me at Mandy's and we take both of our cars to Brad's house. I was right; it is awkward to have Ryan in his house. I asked Ryan to keep things with him and I quiet so as not to hurt Brad anymore than I already have.

Brad doesn't necessarily know this is who I slept with, although I am sure he suspects as much. Brad gives evil glares to Ryan when he sees him, although he isn't sure what to make of things. Ryan tries to ignore the looks and pretends that nothing is wrong with the situation, as is his manner.

Brad and I speak to each other minimally and with restraint while we are moving out my things. He was nice enough to start packing things for me after I called, so it didn't take as long as I feared it would. Finally, it all appears to be loaded into the cars and Brad asks me to come back inside for a minute.

"Brad, please don't make this any harder than it is."

"Amy, I really miss you, but if you are seeing this guy, it would simply kill me that you could move on from us so quickly."

"I'm sorry Brad; you did say we should break things off."

"I didn't necessarily mean permanently. I just can't believe you are seeing him so soon."

"I don't know what to tell you. I am sorry for hurting you Brad, I never wanted to. Please, I need to figure out what I want right now. Ryan and I are not serious; we are just seeing each other.

"Are you sleeping with him?" I wonder if he needs to know this. Finally, I just nod my head. "You are? Well, I don't see how we can have a future together if you run into the arms of another man."

"What would you have me do? Sit around, pine over you, and hope that you will forgive me? I am sorry that I hurt you, and you have every right to be angry with me for sleeping with him while we were together. But you have no right to be upset with me for seeing him now that you said you wanted to break things off, even if temporarily."

"So this is the same guy you cheated on me with? I see. Well, best of luck to the both of you." I feel simply awful for this, but I cannot help how I feel about Ryan.

"I'm sorry Brad; I never wanted to hurt you."

"Well you have, and there is no going back now."

"Goodbye then." I say and walk out the door and to Ryan who is waiting beside my car. He can tell that I am quite upset, but is not sure what to say to me.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this Amy, I know a good part of this is my fault."

"Well I was the one who made the choice to sleep with you; you certainly didn't force me to." You grasp my hands.

"Are you ok?"

"I guess so, I have to be." You hug me and we get into our cars and drive to my apartment. We get everything unloaded and then go out for some lunch.

"Would you like me to help you unpack some things?" You ask as we are eating. "No, you have already helped so much Ryan, Mandy is coming over tomorrow to help me, you don't need to do anything more."

"Well if you want my help I'd be more than willing."

"Thank you, I guess I will take you up on that." We finish our meal, go back to my apartment, and start unpacking. You try to lighten my dreary mood from the day's emotional toil on me. You make jokes and even tickle me a couple times to make me smile. I appreciate that you are trying to comfort me in your own way.

"Ryan I'm glad you're here." I say when we stop for a break. You pull me closer to you and kiss me sweetly. "I don't know what we are doing Ryan, I can't believe all that has happened." I finally say when we separate. "I feel like such a horrible person. I cheated on a good man. I really hurt him Ryan."

"Look, I can understand how you would feel this way. I would be worried if you didn't have a conscience about it. The important thing is that you do what you need to. If it's not meant that you be with me, at least you will have avoided possibly marrying the wrong man."

"I guess so."

"And for what it's worth, I'd like to think you made the right decision, though it may seem like you hurt a good man for no reason. In a way, it was for a reason, it had to happen. I think it was meant for us to run into each other that night at the bar. It may have been bad timing in your situation, but I think it was destiny for us to meet again." You pull me close to you and rub my back. "I know you are hurting Amy, that's why we shouldn't rush things with us.

"Yes, you are right Ryan. I do want to keep seeing you, but we should take things slowly."

"So, can I slowly kiss you?" I smile and nod. Your lips meet mine and just sit there for a moment; you slowly rub your lips against mine. Your tongue slowly traces my bottom lip and my mouth instinctively opens. Your tongue plays with the tip of mine teasingly before slowly sliding inside my mouth. I feel a chill go throughout my body as we kiss ever so slowly and sensuously. We move to sit on the couch for a while, your arm around me comfortingly. I lay my head on your shoulder and try to relax. After a while I turn to you and we kiss again.

We stand up and move towards the bedroom now. I stand kissing you in the middle of the half unpacked room. I press myself closer to your body and slide my arms around your neck. Your arms wrap around my waist so I can feel every inch of you against me. My knees start to get weak from the dizzying sensations surrounding us. You hold me up against you as you sense my undoing.