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"Your assistant has been more than kind. I insisted on coming, it was not her doing, she too was trying to set up a meeting for Tuesday, I am going to be out of town for most of the week and today is the last open day for the next 2 weeks." Tomas said.

"I see, please come in. Ducici, the others are where?" he asked.

"Nikita is looking into the B-Body situation, and Lyrusi went to the parlor to make sure everything is ready for the grand opening tomorrow. It seemed with as much as you have going on, a little delegation of tasks was in order," Ducici said.

"I see. Tomas, I may be having an issue with my apartment. You are a realtor, do you hold rental property of your own?"

"I don't think your car is worth a house."

"Wait, what? No, my credit is maxed, if things turn bad with the property manager here, I will be living in my parlor. Which is not legal and against health regulations for a tattoo parlor." He explained. "I figure my car was worth $2,500 on a good day. Now I was wondering, if you have rental property, I could move in to one of those with little credit and get out from under the peeping psycho property bitch I have now. I don't want it for free, I would pay my rent, I just don't have 1st, last, and security available to me at the moment."

"I understand, so you don't want another car? You need a place?" Tomas asked.

"Yes Tomas I need a place, a home. Something I can call my own, so a rent to own would be more ideal but not immediately necessary. Do you think we can work something out?" he said.

"If you had asked me that yesterday I would have laughed at you." Tomas went on. "I really couldn't replace your car right now anyway. I think we can work something out. You have proven to me you are true to your word and an honorable person. Rare thing these days. I have three rentals, but all of them are occupied. I will check with the other agents in my office and get back to you on Tuesday. Will that work for you?"

"Thank you Tomas, I will sleep a little easier tonight." He said and shock Tomas's hand. "I hope to hear something fabulous on Tuesday."

Ducici showed Mr. Nelson to the door. When she came back, Nikita was on her heals with a 'Cheshire Cat' grin. He knew things were going to get even better. Lyrusi scooted into the room and about tackled him into the loveseat. She was only wearing a smile.

"And hello to you too." He said.

"Ms. Schurbs is likely going to jail for embezzlement. Unless she can explain the 15 grand missing from the property accounts. She is going to be facing 4 harassment charges and a hit and run. Officer Wright found it odd that an untagged car was sitting under a cover in the property managers parking spot, she didn't even try to clean the dirty or hand print off of the hood." Nikita said as Lyrusi started to pull his zipper down with her teeth.

"So you think you are going to need a bigger place then?" Nikita asked.

"It might be helpful.... Aahhh." He replied as Lyrusi wrapped her lips over the head of his cock.

"Ducici is here. We don't want to leave her behind do we?"

"I forget about that part... Can you move from tree to tree?" He asked finding it harder to follow the conversation, as more of his manhood slipped between the nymphs' lips.

"I can be but it is very difficult. And I might change from it." Ducici said.

"OH oh, we don't you changing, I like you just the way you are." He said.

"I ... um, that is ..." She stammered as she visible quivered. Her cloths faded away, leaving her naked.

"So you want to keep us with you then?" Nikita asked.

"I am your patron, that denotes a level of responsibility. I would not feel right without making sure you all were healthy and reasonably accommodated." He said thru clenched teeth watching the nymph bob her head over his aching member.

"You want us?" Ducici asked.

"Yes. I want you, and not just for sex. Thou I will admit it is is is, Oh!" He tried to say before the rush of pleasure blanked his ability to speak.

"We may need to continue this another time." Nikita said.

As she did the dryad danced onto the loveseat next to him. She looked into his eyes, "Will you taste of me, Master Estephan?"

"Yes Ducici, I would gratefully taste of you." He said.

She stood and stepped over him, his hands went to her sides and guided her to his lips. His first taste of her was strange, sugary and nutty. Her reaction to it spurned him to delve dipper. She quacked with orgasm, the deeper his tongue pushed the warmer and sweeter she tasted. Lyrrusi sucked more passionately, caressing the underside with her tongue. He lapped at Ducici, holding her squirming body upright.

His body tingled; he felt the beginnings of his orgasm. He wanted to last for all of them, but Lyrusi was far too insistent. His lips gently locked over Ducici clitoris before the rest of him tensed at the start of his release. Ducici flowed feminine nectar over his chin as his orgasm hit. Lyrusi clamped her lips around his spurting crown and drank in every last drop of him.

Lyrusi drained him of seed in sensual moans before falling to her side and orgasming loudly herself. He was far more surprised that his orgasm had done little to relieve him of his aching hard on. He guided Ducici back a bit, to the point her quivering pussy was directly over his still standing manhood. He let her body weight fall, impaling the dryad onto his throbbing member. She only slide half way down and was already trembling, two insistent thrusts and he was fully planted in her.

She moaned and mewed as she rolled her hips over his pleasure pole. Grabbing her ass, he started to bounce her up and down on his cock. She seemed to be rolling from one orgasm to the next. He started to notice that with each of her pulsing releases she seemed to get a little lighter. Lifting her off of himself he let her roll into the loveseat. She curled into a quivering ball of bliss, caressing her seemingly larger breasts.

Lyrusi seized the opportunity and crawled on top of him. She put a hand on his chest to hold him still as her other hand positioned his man stick between her wet silken folds. With no warning the nymph dropped her weight onto his thighs, impaling him to the hilt in her molten depths. She wasted no time, rocking her hips back and forth, as she started fucking him in reckless abandon.

She rode him hard, her back arched, as she held his shoulders for leverage. He couldn't focus on thrusting into her in return, she had him at her mercy. With a groaning howl her depths gripped his length as generous gushes of her fluids sprang from her clutching depths. She fell forward into his arms panting. He lifted her from his still ridged cock. Nikita sat legs spread in the arm chair across from him.

She had three of her figures slid into her prim pouty snatch. Her eyes watched his manhood as he stood, she took her fingers out of her honey pot and held her labia open for him. Kneeling before her, there was no question what she wanted him to do. He pushed his cock right into her, but only three inches. He pulled it back out. He repeated this till her legs started to tremble. As they did he pushed into her balls deep, her whole body went ridged. A half dozen deep thrusts had her entire body vibrated in pleasure. They moved together, until her orgasm hit, she went completely limp and her eyes rolled back.

He almost panicked, he had read about women like this, 'little death'. Her eyes opened and with a sharp inhalation she gushed all over his man meat. It pushed him over the edge, and he painted her clenching love cavern in think globs of semen. She went limp again, but her eyes stayed open and locked with his.

"Do any of us look jealous, Estephan?" she mewed.

Looking over his shoulder, the nymph and dryad were cuddled in each other's arms. He looked back at her with a thin smile, and pulled his cock out of her with a squish. Her body shuddered but still returned his smile. He walked to the bathroom wanting a shower. He flipped on the light and stopped in his tracks. His eyes raced across his reflection. He felt like Peter Parker in Spider Man.

His arms looked stronger, his abs were well defined, and his pecks were quite solid. He wasn't out of shape to start with but his reflection was that of a sex god incarnate. He took a step back only to bump into Lyrusi ogling him from the hallway. She purred at him and gave him a wink. When he stepped into the living room, Ducici mouth dropped open and her eyes went right to his manhood. He looked down at himself to see it too had been enhanced. Even in its flaccid state it was easily as big as it had been when half erect before.

"You look very good in your gifts, Estephan." Nikita said huskily.

"Gifts, I don't understand." He replied.

"Compensation for our Patron. We gain understanding and abilities in the mortal realm and give to you some of the abilities of the Higher realm. I am more womanly to the eyes of other men," Ducici said cradling her rather impressive breasts, "I share with you the strength of an Oak."

"I share the allure of my kind with you," Lyrusi said. "I hope you remember to share with us more than any of those mortal girls that are going to be lusting after you."

"Are you Ok with these gifts, Estephan? We can find others. But these are from us. Not just some token we picked up, but a part of us we have willingly given to you." Nikita continued, "I have shared my charm with you. When you are faced with a situation, if no one is harmed by it, the outcome will always be to your advantage, thou not always in your favor. Sometimes it is better to lose."

"I love the gifts. They just startled me a bit. Does this mean if Yerni fucks me and wants me to be hornier I will grow horns?" he asked.

Lyrusi falls over laughing, Ducici face pales in concern, and Nikita tilts her head to the side trying to find an answer to his question.

"Look its Ok if you don't know, but I would like a say in the matter from now on. Is that understood? I love that you all shared yourselves with me and I feel very well ... um compensated. Why does that make me feel like some male prostitute?" He asked.

"Because you are a good person. You don't ask for more than is needed, even when something is owed to you, like Tomas Nelson. You made him an offer where as both of you would get something in the end. Or your offer to Mr. Johnson, applying the cost of a temp towards the real tattoo." Nikita said. "We see it in you and want that part of you, so that when we are away from you, that nobility stays with us."

"Plus the sex is hot and yummy. We could grant these things without the sex, but where's the fun in that?" Lyrusi chimed. "Is it wrong for us to want you to have better ways of making us squirm with delight? Really?"

Knock, knock, knock... Ding dong.

Lyrusi and Ducici each grabbed one of his arms and started pulling him out of the room. Nikita blurred and was suddenly fully clothed stepping towards the front door. This vision went fuzzy for a second and he was standing in a shower of warm water as the two women washed him. Both took their sweet time in making sure his penis was properly tended. With a nudge he was bumped out of the shower and handed a towel. Nikita stood just outside the door with a change of clothes for him.

"Sir, Mr. Petrajes is here and would like a word with you." She said as he pulled on his underwear.

"Who is this then? Mr. Petrasej?" He purposely muddled the name.

"Cindy is his daughter, sir. I don't think that is the only reason for his visit however. He is also the owner of the apartment complex." Nikita said.

He looked at her with his head tilted, this was not what he was wanting to do with his evening. He pulled his pants up and stepped out, towel still over his shoulders. The man is not what he was expecting. Mr. Petrajes was 6'3" tall with the stance of a body builder.

"Good evening Mr. Prizton. Sorry for dropping in on you at this hour, while you have company no less."

"I am thinking about requesting a revolving door after todays' events. Please come in thou, our dinner plans can wait a little bit longer. I doubt any of us would starve in the interim." He said.

"Nice sense of humor, much like your fathers." He said pointing at a tattoo on the inside of his left arm. "Now I have a few questions and an offer. If you're willing to hear me out?"

"I have answers, and am willing to listen. Let me grab a shirt and we can sit down to talk." Estephan said.

"Take your time, I have all night if need be." Mr. Petrajes said as he eyed the furniture for something that would hold him.

Five minutes later Estephan sat across from him in his living room. Nikita was the only one that let herself be seen by him, the others stayed quietly in his bedroom. She set out drinks and sat in a chair off to the side.

"So you have questions, by all means ask." Estephan said.

"I would ask how long you have been tattooing but that seems crass. I remember you when you were eight or so and your father was threatening to stand on my wrist if I didn't hold still. He kept asking you if there was any duct tape in the work room."

"I remember that, you kept saying he was tickling you. Not that he was but you accused just the same."

"Right, so it is a family profession. Here is the deal, my niece rolls thru your car and you ask about how she is rather than how your car is. Then my brother in law talks to you and you want to get out of this complex and into your own place instead of getting another car. Then I find out that my daughter has been to your shop and is beaming with excitement over her scars and soon to be tattoos. Lovely work by the way. Here is my question; would you stay in this complex if my daughter were the property manager here?"

"Possibly, I am also in need of more space. I have out grown this one bedroom." Estephan said.

"We can work on that, but would you stay if Cindy managed the complex?" He asked again.

"It would be more likely that I stayed if anyone but Debby fat ass was in charge. I would have to believe if your daughter ran the complex I would be looking into other units instead of moving out completely." He said, knowing it was half a lie. He didn't want to leave Ducici alone here.

"Would a three bedroom two bath fit your needs?" Petrajes asked.

"I think it might. What say you, Nikita? Is a three bed room going to work for our growing needs?"

"A three bedroom would be adequate, thou not ideal." Nikita stated.

"Ok, here is what I can do for you if you are willing to work with me a little." Petrajes started. "I want my daughter to take over this complex, she has flat out refused because of how self-conscious she was about her scars. You have her wondering around the house in a short sleeve shirt and smiling about it. I can convert one of the other buildings into a four bedroom, two baths, with balconies overlooking the pool. It would also be the new office and managers' apartment on the ground floor. Which would give you privet parking and entrance. All of this would be contingent on my daughter taking the job and apartment. Which is where you come in, got it."

"A four bedroom would be perfect for our needs. As would a larger kitchen." Nikita said.

"I think I follow, if you are hiring another manager, why go thru the extra trouble, but if it is your daughter. Nothing is too good for daddy's princess." Estephan said.

"I usually take offence at such remarks, my daughter is my princess. And for the first time in years, she has openly walked around my house with a smile on her face. What do you say, help talk her into taking the job and I will build you a four bedroom, and with that only charge for a two bedroom for as long as you hold the lease. You will also give her whatever tattoos she wants, at a friends' rate, as a show of compensation for the extra effort. Sound fair?" Petrajes finished.

"You sir know how to bargain, I can't see where either of us stands to lose anything if it doesn't work, while you are willing to put out a lot of money to keep a resident and make your daughter as happy as you possibly can. You are a good father, mine I would like to think would have been a lot like you."

"Your father isn't running the parlor?" he asked.

"My father died seven months after giving you that tattoo. The Parlor is mine. I have worked very hard to build it. Tomorrow is my grand opening, so come by with her, maybe you can find an opportunity while you are there." Estephan said with a sly wink and extending his hand to Mr.Petrajes.

He smiled and took Estephans' hand to shake on the agreement. Nikita stood as well and shown him to the door, Estephan tilted his head for a second. He walked down the hall and opened his bedroom door. Lyrusi and Ducici were laid out on the bed, legs held open with fingers pushed deeply into their dripping twats.

"When you two are finished, we are going to get something to eat. Some of us can't live on sex alone." He said with hint of humor and regret in his voice. He thought about it, and had to laugh. Who would ever believe any of it? Well only time would tell. Tomorrow is a new day.


After returning to the apartment after dinner. He laid Nikita down and worked on the tattoo so that the sylph and hind could return. And just like before it did take very long. The knock at the door was pretty much 45 seconds after putting the cap on the last marker. The sylph walked in completely naked, with an expression of who's fucking fault is this. Which fell away after only two seconds of seeing Estephan.

Yerni came in five minutes after her, she was on her knees less than one after that begging to taste him. It felt weird hearing it put to him like he was the sex god. Men begged for sex as a general rule, women only did so in porn. And immoral hot chics did it to him in his living room. He was half willing to let her, just to see what the others would do, but the thought of growing horns snapped that thought out of his head right quick.

Galenee was the name of the sylph. She eyed him, but didn't get all girl crazy over him either. He wasn't sure what to make of her. Of all the mythics' Nikita had called, she was the one he had interacted the least with. That is he saw her bring Chinese into the parlor. Yerni was as bad as Lyrusi when it came to talking about wanting some. Galenee listened but didn't make any comments or ask anything. She just watched the rest of the women and smiled at a joke once in a while.

Around 10, Estephan told them all to behave and staggered off to his bedroom. He stripped out of his cloths completely, figuring it would be safer for all concerned. He was asleep within minutes, smiling at the sounds of the women talking about what was so good about being in the mortal realm.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Great ideas and plot, needs more work on proofing. The spelling is rough and it may be that allowing the autocorrect to do its thing without supervision is what confuses things.

This sample shows how words get turned around to make reading the story harder:

“Her reaction to it spurned him to delve dipper. She quacked with orgasm,“

Spurned should be spurred. Spurned is a different word with a very different meaning that doesn’t work here.

Dipper should be deeper and also confuses - a dipper is something you might use to dip a drink out of a water bucket.

She quaked with orgasm is much better - I’ve known women who giggle and laugh at orgasm but never one that quacked like a duck.😉

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyover 6 years ago
Just came across you work

The story could be really good.

About half way through page 1. Did your writing improve later. You desperately need a proof reader to fix the silly mistakes. It can take a few tries to hope to understand something if a wrong or misspelt word is used. How did you get such high scores?

At least read through your story before issuing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
spelling mistakes lead to great humor

"She quacked with orgasm"

I laughed so hard at this my stomach hurt.

NW_bi_boyNW_bi_boyover 10 years ago
Would be 5*'s with editing

I enjoyed the story and like the characters you have started... I want to start with that.

I have a number of things that really made the reading less enjoyable. 1) SO many mistakes, 2) strange pacing of the story at times is rushed, 3) this comment by Estephan would never be made by the character you have created: "It would be more likely that I stayed if anyone but Debby fat ass was in charge."

I urge you to use the editors on the site. What was fun if troubling... would have been great with good editing.

sailandoarsailandoarover 10 years ago
Thank . .

. . You for sharing your gift. The imagination/vision in your work is wonderful. I agree with all the previous comments, but I would add that the slips/typos gave me a chance to practice focusing on the beautiful view and not be distracted by the little marks/dust on the window. Thanks Again . . . .

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
good start

You have the good bones of an epic story here....please find an editor... I have rarely winced while reading a story as often as I have for this one. Please keep working on you craft.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I don't usually comment but i love this story and your style there's sex and allure but also life moments which are very touching.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Beaten to it

Damn. I got beaten to the punch. if she's a shofar, can I blow her for the High Holydays?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Solid so far.

Pretty simple plot so far. Not that I mean its bad. Kinda felt like for a time or 3 someone pressed the fast-forward button. Events started coming to fast for my tastes.

Good premise but it needs some work. If you did write a sequel id think about consolidating his position, and relationship with the women over a few chapters before introducing more variables. 5-6 women in one chapter is too many already, take your time and get a feel for them. Feels like at the pace you developed the plot, some antagonists are going to be introduced and personally id hope you could hold off on that for a bit. Flesh out your characters a little.

gthadiusgthadiusover 10 years ago

Good story kept me quite entertained, and I cant wait for a sequel :)

WestronWestronover 10 years ago
Liked this

I liked this even with the spelling, the story held me in when normally misspellings will break me out of a story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Great start to the story, keep it up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Spellcheck be damned!

I am a shofar! Blow me. Gotta love the innocent spelling mistakes of a good plot line. The text needs a proofreader/editor but still a great read.

MojomaggieMojomaggieover 10 years ago
Very good story, but...

Very good story so far, but I must confess that your use of terms like "man stick", "pleasure pole", "man meat" etc. have an effect that is probably the opposite of what you intend. Instead of being creative and sensual, they make me giggle and disrupt the flow of the scene. Sometimes less is more - there is nothing wrong with the word "penis" or "cock."

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Great story.

Easy to read with a nice flow. Need to spell check but other than that I'm looking forward to reading more !

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