All Comments on 'Is Enough Really Enough? Ch. 02'

by Blue88

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Not Bad

Not bad but it's hard to get into a story when the ending is never in doubt. This predictable ending was telegraphed from the very beginning of this story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

Unfortunately, one could see everything that was going to happen from a mile away and there were no interesting twists or details. It would have been a much better story if you would have cut to the chase of them getting together and then explored the problems of them trying to make it for a second time.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 18 years ago
WOW what a REALLY BIG let down!!!!

doesnt anyone else GET this one? The ending was amazingly short and prepdictable. Its like the author got tired of writing it.

How long was her affair going on with Harry in part 1? why was she rejecting all Mental help her loving husband was trying to get her?

The ending well is just sad and kind of silly... HE abandoned HER? The Husband ran away? OK does Blue88 read his own story?!?!?!?!

PLEASE folks go back and read the first part of IS ENOUGH REALLY ENOUGH... look at how much effort the hubby put into the marriage.

by the authors own words and plot... it was the WIFE that became self absorbed... it was the WIFE that became self centered... It was the wife that became mean harsh and cold... yet once again Blue88 has the Hubby says HEY IT WAS MY FAULT... ??

Does anyone get this? Given that Blue88 stories HAVE to be the same thing... wife fucks around...Hubby walks or runs away... wife says I still love... hubby comes back.... wife cries.. Hubbys says it was all my fault I should of gone to your PTA meeting and when you got angry you had every reason to fuck 5 men at once...

given all that... I dont know but the plot has sooooo many unanswered holes and the ending is so Sudden I cannot give this one a decent score

thebulletthebulletalmost 18 years ago
I know I'm a pussy, but I like it.

Hey, Harry in VA! If you peruse chapter 1 you will note that the 'affair' was a one and done thing. I don't get it when people write feedback that dispute the writer's own words. It's the writer's story. You've got to believe him when he tells us what happens. So many times the 'critics' belittle the veracity of the cheating wife related to how long the affair lasted or how many affairs she had. When the writer writes from the wife's POV, either she is telling the truth or she is lying to herself.

Anyway, good story blue88. I enjoyed it

capecodmercurycapecodmercuryalmost 18 years ago

Blue, you put this in the right category. I found the first part of this story to be sad but very true to life. This part reads more like a Lifetime romance movie, but even with that it still is a very enjoyable read. Yes, it was predictable, but who cares? It was still a fun read.

The one thing I would have liked a little more of is a face to face discussion between Dee & Arch. This wasn't a case of two people taking up where they left off. You wrote a stroy where both Dee and Arch are different people now than where they were three years ago. Any renewed relationship would be much different.

I don't know if I would have had them jump right back into a marriage, but I think a renewed courtship would have been a real likely outcome. But, you are the writer and it did work the way you wrote it.

Thanks for the story.

LazylonerLazyloneralmost 18 years ago

Blue88, you have a great writing talent, but in this case your efforts to push a reconcillation resulted in a horrible disaster of a story.

You end up with a very weak and passive "husband"

You had to make the "wife" a depressive who only cheated the one time and was unable to get past the relationship after the divorce.

You stuck with the false premise that after 3 years Arch would still care so deeply for a woman he hadn't talked to that he'd rush back to ehr when anyone else gave him the opening.

And yet, you had everyone around the couple admitting that it wasn't pride keeping Arch away, but the pain of all that he'd gone through supporting a depressive Dee. I live right now with a woman like that, and I want OUT. And once out it would take all the might of the US army to get me back in her physical presense. Her arms just won't happen, even if you got Dr. Jung and Dr. Freud to both certify that she's be my devoted slave and always happy.

You have to think a bit more about your characters when you write. You have Arch be a honest, caring and sincere man. You showed him caring deeply for a woman who drowned in a private misery and made his live almost unlivable. The divorce had little to do with the cheating in your own words. Why would he still pine for her after 3 years. He had other opportunuities and humans want to be happy. Or are you saying he was as depressive as she was, but showed it a different way.

Sorry, but I just can't give this a high rating. Its too weak a plot and the characters are just too plastic.

TiggerTooTiggerTooalmost 18 years ago
There you go!

Now you've done it. I've used the last of my Kleenex. Guess I need another box. Another five again, as usual. Thanks.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Beautifully told, Blue!

The pace was nice.

Sometimes it takes an unusual event (the engagement announcement) to force us to look at ourselves; at our wants and needs.

I like this ending a lot and think it is consistent with the characters. It was not rushed at all.

Regards, DJ

Len BeeLen Beealmost 18 years ago

"A weak and passive husband"? Not at All! This was a well written, nicely flowing story about a well-described man who loved his woman but who was inadvertently placed into his own living hell by her. It was literally a slice of real life as it might happen to countless men living under similar circumstances with one of the great many self-absorbed women. In fact, I definitely know these two people. They live just down the street,,, no, wait, they live just across our small town... no, I'm sorry, they live in the next town to ours....

My congratulations for some great reading entertainment. The ending, if a bit rushed, was still wonderful. The characters were brought to a real conclusion. Sure, it could have gone either way. But, author, in this case you did the right thing in bringing them back to each other, at least in my humble opinion.

Len Bee

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Nice try.

I can almost see the Holywood producer telling the screenwriter; "No, damn it! Arch cannot fall for the French chick or anyone else! He has to get back with the selfish, cheating, self-absorbed whore or the theatre patrons will riot, and worse yet, ticket sales will be in the toilet! Now rewrite this sucker so that every eye in the house is weeping when the sucker falls for her bullshit and gets back with her!"

With friends like Bernie, who needs enemies.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Unrealistic "must reconcile!" drivel

I really wish the "absolutely must reconcile!" crowd would read up on some basic psychology. Love is /not/ a permanent emotion. It lasts an average of 3 years. It is a very fragile thing, and the treatment that Arch received would be more than enough to kill it. So to have him pine away after the divorce is complete bullshit - maybe in Hollywood, but not in real life.

The writing was good, but the content was tripe. Sorry, but I can't stand a "reconciliation" story that requires unrealistic plot elements to make it happen.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
didn't care for this ending at all

still believe Arch should have continued on without "Dee".

The writing was good but didn't care for the story.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 18 years ago
U sure it was 1 time Bullet?

Bullet I read that was well.. the wife saying it w as a 1 time affiar... but um so what?

the hubby Never seeks any answers about that at all... even when he sees her again 3+ years later... all we have is her statement on it and a LOT of suspicous activity.

what is bothersome is that he never asks any questions at all about it and he of course nevers hears from her actual mouth that it was 1 time enocunter / fucking

wetapapwetapapalmost 18 years ago
it was a long wait, but

it was worth it. your abilities finally came shining through again. a damn good story. a fan always.

Risq_001Risq_001almost 18 years ago
Ok Blue, you got me this time

You let someone else that was found very attractive to other people, find the now ex-husband intresting enough to want to spend some time with him and actually be with him. I actually liked that. I made him seem more intresting and obviously desirable to other women. I have to admit I liked the touch where you mentioned that the thought crossing the other lady's mind was that she was still pretty enough to be found desirable to someone else, where just a few paragraphs before it was stated that everyone couldn't help but notice her beauty.

That was really refreshing to see in a story (FINALLY by SOMEONE) and for me put the husband on better footing. Now the husband didn't feel so desperate to me.

But Harry does a few good points too I have to agree with.

While everyone kept commenting to Arch that he was running away, you let his friend Bernie comment that pride wasn't really the problem for him. I liked that, but I just accepted it. All till you mentioned in the ending that even the husband was commenting that he ran away. That is really something that I found mystifying. Arch wasn't running away he was chased away after years of trying to be the model husband, according to the first story.

That is something that I've not ever understood in quite a few stories here. When I was a teenager (about 13 or 14) the first thing I remember being given advice from my parents was "If a woman says no you respect that and move on". I plan to impress that on my son as he grows up as well. But in this story when the husband walked a way from the wife who was cheated on him and basicly tore him down for years, because he didn't stand around waiting for an explaination the story commented that he ran away from her. Why is that? That to me made as much sense as the comment when a wife comes into a room and see's the husband having sex with another woman and the first thing the husband says is "It's not what it looks like". Does the wife really have to stand there waiting for an explaination as to why what she sees can't possibly be what it looks like so she doesn't get labeled with running away?

That "he/she ran away" label will always baffle me in these stories. Why the need for confrontation? If the spouse does something that the other won't understand, and they know this (such as having sex with someone else in their home) why is the innocent party viewed often in these stories as the "bad or evil" one if they don't stick around, be willing to let them offer an explanation, and then take back the cheating person?

I can take a reconcilation story, and this one wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be when I started, but there were a few overtones that kept jumping up where everyone (from his neighbor to his ex-sister in-law) who kept trying to label him as a running coward for not forgiving and taking back his wife after her brief affair. You appeared to let Bernie "sorta" stand up for him, but not really enough to counteract all the negative folks labeling him a coward for not forgiving her.

I could accept this ending, but the path to get there was kinda rough, and at times kinda hard to swallow.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
A Shame But I Scored This Low Because -

Author - you did so well until the last few paragraphs - then - well has the self inflicted gunshot wound to your foot healed yet?

A talented wordmeister who without a doubt has learned not to make the spousal infidelity too severe or quantitive if reconciliation is to be a realistically believable option.

So we were magically weaving along through your plausible lifelike artistry (great flow by the way) then with the expected but acceptable end in sight (who could blow this I thought) you shot yourself and this story in the foot (ass really) and blew away almost any real widespread general acceptance of the previously acceptable end by making the man give a pathetic wimpie request for forgiveness.

HUH? I couldn't believe it. You snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. I was impressed that the mercy killing was so shortly terse. It was as though you said "well let the arrows fly - I'm outa here!" and back to the wimp cave you crawled.

You don't deserve the crassness of those words but constructively I'm pissed cuz I thought "jeez he's got it" - then almost maliciously you said - Nah gotcha again you real men!

A thought for some to consider. As cited by some others - writers should and can write what they want hopefully to grow. At somepoint however they know they write for applause and acceptance - that skill evidenced is not the entire reason why readers applaud and write comments of gratitude and praise. They know the subject and their handling of it affects their credibility and the respect shown them.

As we know some writers are black holes who don't give a damn for the semi-normal readers as they write to a narrow niche like pain, humiliation or cuckolds and those few there need their below convention word pictures.

In this environment of little pay or none, the currancy of the realm is reader appreciation in scores and comments. Kind of like a business, customers buy or not and the business flourishes or goes belly up not having served a benefit or purpose to their customers.

Is this writer tweaking our noses for his reasons or just feeling his way in the growing process? We shall see in time won't me.

With hope for growth and some regard

SvrtasSvrtasalmost 18 years ago
A great effort-verified by the extremes of opinion

This was a well-crafted story - a realistic plot line with believable characters who were fully developed by description and supported by dialogue.

My only complaint is with what I perceived to be a rushed conclusion. That said, the "hang the bitch up by her toenails" reconciliation haters would have REALLY vilified you if you had developed the end more fully. By the way, ever notice how many of those who post the vehement rejections of reconciliation do so anonymously? I often wonder how many of those people are projecting personal issues onto characters in the stories they read. Their vociferous objections and low scores tell me the stories must have touched a raw nerve - further verifying the emotional impact and quality of the story.

For those that accuse you of continually writing "must reconcile drivel" (quoting one critic), I would suggest they read 'But Love is Blind' or the 'Karen' series. I think your stories have presented the full range of possibilities when infidelity exists. It's one of the reasons I look for offerings by you and a number of writers on this site - rpsuch, HDK, capecodmercury, ohio, The Wanderer, Dynamite Jack, DG Hear, and The Troubador, among others.

Thanks for taking the time to write and finding the courage to post it here. Keep up the good work.


FireFox59FireFox59almost 18 years ago

Hey Blue,

You must have done pretty good with this one...half love it and half hate it. LOL!!! Well done as usual.

Blue88Blue88almost 18 years agoAuthor

I screwed up a little - I had a short concluding paragraph which I guess didn't get posted. It doesn't make too much difference, it doesn't really do much to the story, but I hope that my goof-up will get fixed by the folks at Lit.\

Just as an aside, I wonder why the negative commenters continue to read my stuff - I really can't understand that. Can there be a hint of masochism there? LOL

cageyteecageyteealmost 18 years ago
I suspect that the reason they continue to read

your submissions is because you are a marvellous story teller. It is regretable that a few of them are unable to separate themselves and their personal pain from the content of your story but that's their problem.

As I wrote recently, I believe we should pay heed to all the comments but some by Dynamite Jack, capecodmercury and others who put their own work out there (including Blue88) are, to me, the most significant.

I really enjoyed this story. My only regret was when I reached the end and had no more to read.

As always, I am looking forward to your next story.

DesertPirateDesertPiratealmost 18 years ago
Ya done good!


Nice conclusion to this one. Thanks for a good story. I've read the comments, but it's YOUR story not theirs, and I'm sure you wouldn't have posted it unless you were satisfied. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
every atoms that ever existed

existed only so Denise and Arch could be re-united again!

consequently, no (sound) logic could keep them from one another! but, seriously, a truly serious/credible "ending" would have been:

"Claudette, thank you for the perception. When I am honest with myself, even I agree with you about still thinking deeply about my former wife. How could I? How could anyone not? She was the love of my life. We couldn't have children, so I devoted practically all of my time to work and her; and I thought she did the same thing.

"But, you know what I also realized, now that I've heard your own happiness and sadness? You lost your beloved soul mate to some freak accident that no force in the universe could have stopped. This will sound odd, and may be even bordering on being iappropriate a juxtaposition, but you know what I think? I would rather have Denise being gone for me forever,,,, than cheating on me and ruining my memories of the happiness I thought I had with her,,, the total trust, devotion,,, it's all shattered, when someone you loved deeply and totally do that to you.

"Yes, we are talking about apples and organges here, our two respective situations,,,, but at least you can go on to relish and keep all the deep and meaningful memories of your husband, your high school sweetheart,,, and whoever that you choose to spend the rest of your life with,,, they will be extraordinarily lucky to have you,,,

"No, I miss Denise profoundly because I invested all my faith, trust, and love on this person... One who, despite my having unstoppable emotions for, or over, I shall never again have that kind of love, trust, or faith in her again.

"I guess I'm just remembering memories. The good ones.

"Anyway, whether you or I have any chance to develop a further relationship, it is not because of my thoughts about Denise; I realize I will think of her, sometimes a lot, when I'm sad or happy; but I will never again return to her or my past life, which I know ended 3 years ago.

"I hope she has found peace and happiness with someone else; but that person will neve be me. It was never me to start with. You, Claudette, you and your husband had a truly remarkable life together. He was taken untimely, but you will be able to cherish all the thousands of days and nights you two had together.

"Thank you for being so honest with your perception; yes, I think about her and I am sadden about what happened to my marriage; but I don't think about getting back with her, even if were physically possible. Emotionally, I will never put myself in her hands again. It just hurts too much, too long. But, again, after 3 years, I know I am ready to truly move on, despite my thoughts of my past."

SOMETHING LIKE THAT, would have been intelligent. But, no, that whole town --- no, both America and Europe --- served, in this story, no reason other than to bring Denise and Arch back together! Everyone cried for them, over them, including themselves! This is too silly!

Wait,,,, 'tis why this is fiction in Literotica! ;o)

saw_man1saw_man1almost 18 years ago
My apoligies

Mine was the first comment made on this story. Unfortunately I was in a hurry this morning and I submitted it without the benefit of my screen name. I don’t like anonymous comments and I would never knowingly leave one. Sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
"They took a long trip just to cross the street"!

Their marital problems could have been avoided just by addressing the infertility crisis head on! All Arch had to do was pose the following questions at the onset of this problem:

"Denise, if I won the POWERBALL LOTTERY would you expect me to disappear with the money?!...And if I found out today that I had terminal cancer would you abandon me?! You owe it to me to share with me EVERY JOY, FEAR, AND PAIN you have just as I owe it to you to share EVERY JOY, FEAR, AND PAIN I have! I will reiterate the promise I made to you on our wedding day and say here and now that I will share absolutely everthing that comes my way with you because in this marriage I am in it to win it WITH YOU! If there are certain things, however, ... good, bad, or ugly... that you won't share with me let me know NOW and we'll have to end this marriage because I insist on knowing where we stand on everything and I won't accept a half-assed commitment from you on anything! Make up your mind...LET ME IN OR LET ME GO"!

It took the shock of Arch's near death experience with a heart attack after imposing several years of self indulgent depression and the self destructive act of committing adultery for her to realize that THEIR infertility woes weren't the only possible painful health issues to contend with in THEIR marriage. If Arch would have shocked her with the revelations revealed in the aforementioned questions at the onset of their marital crisis he could have saved them both a lot of time and grief dealing with that situation and possibly even avoided the ensuing long road of stress and worry that contributed to his own heart attack!

I said it once and I'll say it again, "They took a long trip just to cross the street"!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
What a piece of crap!

Wife treats husband like shit....He has a heart attack when he caught her fucking a co-worker.....He spends three years without seeing her.......Reads her note......Decides he can't live without the slut.

This story is a piece of shit and Arch is a first class Whimp.

I give the author 25 points for taking time to write for our reading enjoyment.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Very Good

Lack of communication is one of the great destroyers of marriages. Maybe this and other similar tales will cause us to examine our own marriages.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
I agree with Risq

I can buy that some husbands would take Dee back so the ending was credible. Here are the parts of the story I did not like

- Husband mopes around for 3 years presumably not having a love life and yet when he goes on one trip this widow thinks that he is wonderful. Wife also did not move on for 3 years even though she is a changed mature desirable woman.

- "Friends" who consider Arch a running coward. The picture glavanized him into action but it was the usual group of "I know what is good for you" folks.

- Widow who fucks Arch but dismisses him as a candidate for marriage. Most zipperless fucks do without the chit chat and deep conversation.

- The fact that Arch runs back to Dee after reading the note despite his protestations (and 2 month delay) demonstrate that he was indeed hung up with his pride.

- His ending speech shifted all of the blame on his shoulders (Arch says "I deserted you once, Dee. I promise, I'll never let that happen again. Will you take me back?") highlighting the desperate desire of this man to have her in his life again.

- The use of the tired "no communication" with Dee over a 3 years period which is a tipoff to the reader that they will get back together again. In real life, they shared friends and family which would make this behavior sad for gatherings. I agree he should forgive her but his resolve that they could not live together evaporated with her note.

Things I liked about your story

+ excellent writing

+ good characters and settings

+ sexual situations erotic

+ closure for characters (you would be surprised how many

stories you end up saying huh?)


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Good Stuff


I always enjoy your stories. While I would have liked a little more depth to this ending, it was fine. Don't let a few of the readers discourage you. You are really very good.

peggytwittypeggytwittyalmost 18 years ago
Rushed add on to what was a great piece of writing

I just read your added chapter to a wonderful story and I haven’t read any of the other comments as so I’m not influenced by others thoughts.

You did such a good job on the original story that I’m so sorry you seemed to rush with this next segment.

It was all too sad to see you turn a man of conviction who understood he had given all of himself to a woman who had changed into an invalid of depression. He found she was not the woman he had married anymore and was more likely not the woman he had thought she was originally. He is remorseful of what he thought he had and resolute to know it would never be the love he had built up in his mind.

She writes a short note to him and never mentioned the cheating once. He is now a cripple of memories that didn’t really exist and goes running back to her with no knowledge of anything about who she is or if she will ever be fully well. We are told nothing about anything he has learned about her. He has not seen her or talked to her and he immediately falls on his sword and apologizes for leaving her and hurting her and being an all-round ass hole for caring about his own moral compass of fidelity, communication and truth. He is, I hate to use the word, a true WIMP without any justification for turning his back on his own long held beliefs. It makes no sense he would grovel before her in less then 5 minutes and say “Oh Please forgive me for having a brain along with no self-confidence in my body as I’m having a nervous break down and have to be with you no matter what. Tell me how to act and I’ll kiss your ass so I can lie next to you forever.”

Excerpt: "Dee, I don't want to be just friends. I do want to be your friend, but also your lover, your confidant, your husband again. I deserted you once, Dee. I promise, I'll never let that happen again. Will you take me back?"

There is no talk of why he had to let her go her own way and get his own life back to someone he could respect and be happy with. There is nothing about what she found our about her self and how she now sees life. Why she couldn’t be his wife, friend, and lover and how her hurt was transferred to wanting to hurt him inside her own depression. No talk about what the future would hold or if she could make him see she will be a totally different person then he ever knew her to be.

This is absolutely some of your worst writing after you gave us some of your absolute best writing. You put so much thought into a wonderful story of two people handling true depression and it’s effects on both. Then you jump into an ending with no background how they got to the meeting and no reason for the capitulation of the strong willed husband. It was like here is an ending I have to get out, as I have to have them get back together no matter what.

I know you are a great writer who I have enjoyed immensely in the past, but I have to tell you this was so sudden and no closure for either person. It was like they kissed and made up and maybe we would someday talk about what’s to come. Who cares as long as it works for a little while as I can kiss my wife’s feet so she never feels threatened again and I accept being miserable to live in her view of the world and marriage.

I’m sorry Blue for being so harsh, but for you to give us this rushed nonsense is really just poor from someone so talented as you.

Looking forward to your next thoughtful story.


Average-JoeAverage-Joealmost 18 years ago
OK story but not very romantic imo

Nice that the couple got together in the end since neither was a character I disliked. Both are flawed and neither has much to admire about them but that doesnt mean I wanted to see them miserable. Them getting together and being happy (or at least as happy as two emotional cripples in a codependent relationship can be) was about the best outcome possible for this story. If either had moved on while the other was still pining away, the other wouldnt have been happy. If both had kept up the status quo, neither would have been happy. If both had moved on and found new people, it would have made the story pointless most likely.

Even though I thought that them being together was the best possible outcome, the story wasnt very romantic. There was no interaction between the couple. Aside from having the odd friend offer unsolicited advise about how the guy should suck it up, the story was mostly just rambling with an 'out of the blue' :) ending tacked on.

Since the author never really explained why both were still pining for the other, I didnt really get much in the way of romance from the story. Maybe the wifes emotional/mental problems account for her fixation but the husbands unwillingness to move on is never explained. I agree with other posters that think this story isnt really about love. Seems more like fixation/obsession/stalking than love and thats not very romantic imo.

Wife killed off most of the husbands feelings for her even before he caught her in the sack with another guy. Husband was already leaning heavily towards divorce so this was just another item in the list of things that the wife had done to destroy their marriage and negate his feelings for her. Husband follows through with original plan and divorces her. After the divorce they have no contact with each other for several years. Neither moves on, grows or matures in any meaningful way for the years they are apart. Suddenly they arbitrarily decide that they are still in love and want to be together forever. Not romantic at all from where Im sitting - more like settling or fear of being alone or looking at the past through rose colored glasses. Since neither was happy during a large part of their marriage, their sudden epiphany seems jaring and doesnt have much foundation in either part of the story.

Maybe the author intended the story to be about two fucked-up people latching on to each other but that doesnt really fit with the conversations with friends and the husbands behaviour in other areas.

Anyway, I dont think the story was romantic, uplifting, or love affirming, etc, but it was about has happy an ending as could be hoped for by this couple. Thanks for writing.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightalmost 18 years ago
You are an excellent writer.

I thought enough was enough after the first chapter. This was well written but your original ending allowed the readers the opportunity to daydream about where Arch was going to wind up. You write very well. Leave the old stuff and give us some new works.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
What a wonderful story !!

This is a great story--some of the idiots that read it obviously can't appreciate a good story when they read one. Please keep up the wonderful writing that you do

Best wishes,


peggytwittypeggytwittyalmost 18 years ago
More troll material on the positive side

Sorry to post again but this last poster Anonymous Sam makes me laugh. Anyone who disagrees with the story as he sees it, is and idiot to him. I guess to Anonymous Sam, he is the one person in the world who has a true opinion and everyone else should bend over and beg forgiveness of the GOD, Anonymous Sam.

Where do these people get the gall to be so full of themselves that they are the only ones with an honest opinion? It’s a hoot to hear from such intolerant people as they show their understanding of nothing but hearing their own voice roar in there heads, and their own lack of intelligence.

I agree some posters are intolerant towards the writers, but most give a reason for their opinions. You may not agree with them but I’m lucky enough to live in the USA and we are guaranteed we can and should voice are opinions on what ever we like without being called idiots or intolerant.

I’m sure glad I don’t live in the country of Anonymous Sam the GOD.

I wonder if some of these posters ever read what they write. I state positions I later feel may not be right on point, but a least you know who the person was who wrote the comment and can discount it.

Thanks for opening up the comments section as it might be easier to just receive e-mails from people who care enough to comment just to you.

Sorry Blue for the tirade against an anonymous troll, who is also a fan of yours like I am, but some things said here are dim-witted.

Keep your head down and spirits up, as I hope to be praising you again next submission. I just tell you what I feel after digesting your excellent prose.


KOLKOREKOLKOREalmost 18 years ago
When more is much less…

If you can’t truly experience sadness (without the need to make it go away) you can’t experience true happiness either. Life has both, and what I am afraid is that something that goes beyond the scope of this commenter seems to steer you away from ever tolerating the full range of human feelings, at least in your stories. It reminds me of politically correct(ed) fairy tales which initially included death and loss but later were “improved”, and the evil characters are no more evil, and no one really dies, they were just sleeping etc… So you had one story in which your main character did experience loss. He experiences great love and great loss, and still it was perfectly suited to the Romance category. Yet, you treat this range of emotions as if it’s an enemy’s territory from which each character should be air lifted ASAP. The outcome is a monochromatic set of stories with narrow non-expending scope of feelings and character development. You put a simple label on one character, ‘it was his pride’ and then for the rest of the story just decorate it with details and friends which assist the husband to return home as if by a homing device. The ending seems so forced that it actually had to contradict its former self: “I deserted you” says the betrayed husband, and to hell with the facts… (As if the act of cheating is not prima facie the utmost act of desertion of marriage).

You sacrifise the complexcity and the sense of reality of your narrative for the false sweetness of the ending. Here is how: Your men and women characters live like hermits for years, with never ending love, again - for years, to distant and or betraying spouses. Compare to this - fairy tales are the daily reports of the stock market!

Before you get all defensive, consider the possibility that maybe those who always praise you may not be those who will benefit you most nor, dare I say, care most. And as far as your inappropriate and disrespectful question goes, so far I read your stories despite the occasional setback because I read each story as if it was the first story. Are you suggesting that if there is even one story that a reader does not like, then you would prefer he /she should not read your stories rather than critiquing them? And do you see your own writing beyond improvement?

Blue88Blue88almost 18 years agoAuthor

Kolkore, to answer your question: I absolutely do not expect praise for all of my scribblings, and I do appreciate constructive criticism, I really do. I feel that it helps me grow as a scribbler. What I do object to (and I'm sure that I speak for a few of my colleagues) is the indiscriminate and emotional personal attacks. As to your comments, guess what? I do appreciate them - they are usually well thought out and contain more then a modicum of truth. They are written dispassionately and with the purpose, I believe, of helping us to improve and for that you deserve our thanks.

KOLKOREKOLKOREalmost 18 years ago
So you’ve been talking behind my back…

JUST KIDDING! It’s fine if you have and it’s fine if you have not. Besides what should authors be talking about in their cyber space coffee break if not complain about the recent nasty comment from your scandalist readers? ("Did you hear what he said about MY story.,,,he is really a psycho!”). OH well... fantasies aside, I appreciate your unexpected personal feedback. Essentially I was writing to respond to your comment to all negative commenters not just me. Anyways, I certainly never meant to personally attack you or any author. If I have – I want to publicly apologize for it. It’s one of the worst sins in my book. True,I usually do try not to discriminate; read and critique to the substance - one story at the time, and to comment on the qualities of the story or of the writing process only. Again, my apologies if I have not adhered to this goals,

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Works for me


you've got comments all over the place The problem is that stories deal with people and they are the most unpredictable creatures on God's green earth. Each story could probably be true if it's based on human behavior because the behavior of each human being is so unique. Thank You. Ronnie W.

Cobbler1023Cobbler1023almost 18 years ago
Overall good story, but...

1.) I thought the ending was extremely rushed. You were in such a hurry to get to the "happy ever after" that you didn't give me a believable ending.

2.) I never could see why Arch had such a strong connection with Dee. Maybe you rushed through the early romance too quickly. All I was left with when you got to the breakup in Part 1 was the story of a man who was married to a woman who had cut him off totally and allowed their marriage to slip into a loveless, pointless relationship

I really liked Arch and though he was well drawn. Dee was still a bit of a mystery to me. Overall, the story would be strengthened by filling ot out more.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

Why is he asking for forgiveness? He stayed for 12 years then she went with someone else! He did not abandon her she through him away.

Happy endings are OK. But why does the guy always have to ask forgiveness for not rolling over and capitlating imediately instead of when she has realised just how much pain she has caused. Without that realisation there is no lesson learnt and they will relive the whole thing over again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Good story... Rushed ending...

This needs a longer ending of Dee and Arch's reconcilliation. Although there are many comments on his coming back to her, I can see it. It make not always make sense to most people, it may not always be what every one would think is best, but it is likely from a person who supported his wife for so long. Overall good story. Thanks.

glwadysglwadysabout 17 years ago
Great story

If you diddent like it, then why read it.

I thought it was a great story, in fact , one of the best I have read here.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
give me a fucking break

pure psychobabble bullshit poor little mentally disturbed slut/cunt; why does the man always have to be a wimp and suffer in your stories you hack dogshit so-called author?

NucleusNucleusover 16 years ago
Very good, "scribbler" ... ;-)

... keep on writing. I appreciate it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
:) No lies

Enjoy reading you. And the reconciliation was good.. They had had their three year break and they wanted back both of them.. When cheating happens there has to be time for reflection.. And there need to be a clean break... Both happened here.. I'm happy for your characters and wish both them and you well.. Cheers Yoron.

DrallDrallabout 16 years ago
Well done!

When I first read it,2 years ago,I don't think I commented.This was an oversight.Thank you for a wonderful story!

GerryddGerryddalmost 16 years ago
Pure BS

How could any man - accept or believe that a cheater like that - would ever change their spots - The story is so flawed from reality - it should have been posted in SCIFI - or Total BS area. Get a grip on reality people - especially the author - who obviously knows NOTHING about the subject.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Some readers...

seem to thing that one act of cheating warrants death.Even if that act of cheating wasn't malicious and was perpetrated by the mentally ill.I say kill 'em if it was malicious or serial cheating or whatever but christ,no marriage could survive those readers expectations.They are the ones that don't comprehend the nuanced serendipity of real life long-term relationships.Ending was too short but nice twist with the newspaper caption.Pistolpackinpete

inSanitylaneinSanitylaneabout 15 years ago

Glad you gave closure and a happy ending. Very well written with a couple of twists. Thanks..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Luvd da happy ending

While the ending was a bit rushed, i hv nottin more but gud things to say about dis story! I luvd hw u explained why she cheated! I think alot of people can to relate 2 denise and arch! 12yrs of marriage is alot to give up? While i do not agree with cheating every sitution is different! I dnt belive dat arch deseves 2 b called a wimp! It takes a lot to forgive sum! (i knw i cudnt do it) it makes him the better person!! Both wud b unhappy with out each other. Ps kp up da gud wrk! ¤irishkitten¤

zed0zed0about 15 years ago
Scary assed "Whorror" story

Scary assed "Whorror" story. So all she has to do is keep her legs together for 3 years, and the wimp will cave and take her back. Cheeeeze! Was well written, I even read the whole thing, very scary till the bitter end.

bigguy323bigguy323over 14 years ago
Yet another WIMP story

At least 8 out of 10 cheating wives stories written by Blue88 end with a wimp out reconciliation. Utterly disgusting outcomes.

When the whore willingly accepts her lovers cock into her cheating cunt, she becomes DEAD. NO forgiveness EVER. The only concession is to let her live. What utter ROT. Complete DRIVEL.

vietvetvietvetover 14 years ago

The authors development of his charicters and the story determines if I want to hear about an ass kicking or a happy ending. These characters were developed as a loving couple with some problems like most of us have at times in our lives and in this case were brought along to overcome them. Loved it, but next tima a real ass kicker would be appreicated. (REVENGE MOST FOUL)

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Great well written story

though I found the end to be a little unbelievable. The one act of infidelity was less of an issue to me than the many years of living in a passionless marriage. The women has mental health problems, why chance it again? He supported her for years and she threw it away in a day. She refused to seek treatment, and was unwilling to believe in or communicate with her husband while he's giving her all he has to give. Sure depression is hard to face up to but it can be draining to the people trying to support you. Eventually (as he stated) the well will run dry. Then to turn around and propose again on the first meeting, maybe after a stretched out dating period it would have been more realistic

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Good Story but ending was rushed

I enjoyed your story (and I don't typically like stories where the husb reconciles with the cheating wife) but I do think their reconciliation scene was a bit rushed. Thanks for a good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Damn shorts?

Good story, lots of spelling mistakes I thought were simply typos.

Just one criticism -

What are "damn shorts"? Did they do her or him wrong?

This is a pet peeve of mine, where writers insert the word 'damn' without its having any effect on the sense of the sentence, nor add any emotion or clarity. Please next time, resist the temptation to use it unnecessarily!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
3 cheers for...

Arch "Creampie" Meader

RePhilRePhilover 13 years ago
Fantastic read!

Wonderfully crafted and superbly written guess I'm a sucker for a happy ending but you did I with taste and were able to maintain the intgrity of each charator

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
aitch'em says:

Moo-Moo-Poo-Poo! This story sucks - I am not fond of crap about cuntstruck whimps and I hate all this psychobabble - why can't you call a spade a spade?

I am eliminating you from my personal Favorite list.

huedogghuedoggover 12 years ago
well written wimp story

the ending did get there soon enough, you turned him into a pussy.

chytownchytownabout 12 years ago
Great Story!!

Thanks for finishing and sharing a 5 star story.

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdabout 12 years ago
Hokey, But Warm

Feel-good story.

Yuri5Yuri5about 12 years ago
Too quick an ending

I didn't like how Bernie and Debbie pushed their wants onto him, and I certainly wouldn't advise him to go back to her, because he was right that he needed to get over it and he had perfectly good reasons to stay away from her. I don't have anything against depressed people, goodness knows I sometimes get the blues too, but depressive people latch onto people, and he would never really escape from her in real life if he even thought about it and was forced to go back to her by such "caring" relatives. Even if she's cured, the next big problem in their relationship would be a huge setback; they're not really fixed or somehow stronger - they just got back together, that's all.

However, that aside you were entitled to make the ending the way you did. What does suck though is how fast you did it. There is no way a smart, strong man such as he would say in his first conversation "I want to be your husband again". He would take it slower or at least be friends if not lovers.

Thanks for writing. I really do enjoy most of your stories.

cantbuymycantbuymyalmost 12 years ago
His pride?

Ghee he has too much pride - he should be happy to share the pussy he has been supporting. Not

Richie4110Richie4110almost 12 years ago
Great story

I loved the built up and the characters. The ending was a bit precipitous; a fuller development of the ending story would have made it much better. Perhaps there is a novel in the making.

norcal62norcal62over 11 years ago
You've use "agape" in each of your stories.

Once was enough. Some words a are useful only once in a while; that is one of them.

TornadoTysTornadoTysabout 11 years ago
Needed a Bot More !

Good story on Arch's journey of discovering his true feelings.

The end needed more development and depth to finish of the story.

sugnasugnaabout 11 years ago
Whats going on with these drawn out ego fests?

I have read too many stories about a wife who cheats, gets divorced, husband is miserable for a few years, then they get back together. WTF? If she cheats on you, makes you miserable for years, why do you want to go back to that? Especially without kids? Why bother? Get a dog, and bang the divorcees! Even better if you are a rich guy! Why go back to some dried up, barren broad with psychological problems that fucks other guys? This is irrational.

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 11 years ago
Love is irrational by definition

So doing something seemingly irrational is probably the most rational choice heh -

He knew he blew it but was not prepared to own the entire failure - he did not think she had a clue what her part in it was - he decide that maybe she did now after the shock and growth - who knows they probably can make it work and be happy -

More has grown from less

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 11 years ago
Love is Irrational

That's the only reason they would get together again. The heart wants what the heart wants. I'll say no more.

BriteaseBriteaseabout 11 years ago
Les Jardins du Marais????

Good story but it was the above hotel that caught my attention, as I stay there regularly when in Paris. It's a great hotel but I would recommend eating at Bofinger's just up the road la Bastille, rather than at the hotel. Pretty irrelevant to the story really, but it might interest someone?

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Loved it

Thank goodness there was a part two! Wonderful tale. I love the happy ending. Time can heal a multitude of sins.

HardFeltHardFeltalmost 11 years ago

This is an excellent story, written by a talented author. Some the author's other works are so-so but this one is a solid bulls eye.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Love it when LW authors use the "it's your stupid pride and/ego that you can't reconciliation with your cheating spouse!" didn't know fidelity in a marriage was asking a lot for someone pride and/or ego. . . . . .

OverthefallsOverthefallsover 10 years ago
Nice ending

Good to see Arch finally put his ego and pride aside and realize that he still loved his wife and that forgiveness isn't a dirty word. Well written story. I did feel kind of bad that Arch and Claudette turned out to be passing fancies. They seemed to have a wonderful beginning to a relationship, each helping the other to re-enter the world of the living. Love those french women. You did give their time together short shrift. But since your goal was to reunite Arch and Denise I guess nothing else would fit into the story line. And a side note to Britease - Bofingers??? A traditional brasserie - true, but the decor at Le Vaudeville seems to make the food taste even better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Thank you!

Really well written

I love this story, thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
My 2 Cents

@overthefalls - it was not his pride or ego as explained by the author through his characters. Yes he did love her and yes he could forgive her. That didn't require that he grovel at her feet. He did nothing wrong - he tried mightily tried to support her during her bad times and how was he repaid more humiliation and cheating. He could have forgiven her and moved on. That would have been consistent with his character

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Lots of mistakes to overlook, but the one that got to me was when Claudette had the medical procedure. You know, when she had a name-change operation, and became Iris for a paragraph.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Ego and Pride?

I always seen this thing. "If only you put away your ego and pride ..." Whatever you call it, "ego and pride" make up a part of who a person is. Some have more of it than others. But telling someone to put it aside so they can have get back together with the person who hurt them? You might as well say get a finger removed. It will be okay, you have nine more AND you can get back with the one who cut your finger off. Having said that, I realize that both characters here went through thier own hells and came out the other side still together and for them it worked. I just don't like the way most use that phrase, if it wasn't for your pride and ego...

I liked the story. Thought it is a plausible way to get Arch out of hole of depression and back to into a healthier state. My Thanks to the author. 5*.

rightbankrightbankabout 10 years ago
It was certainly wonderful of

Iris to forgive him.

sdc92078sdc92078about 10 years ago
Wasted his time with the divorce if he wasn't going to move on

He might as well have just stayed married and eaten his creampies. He was emotionally cucked the whole time.

jasonnhjasonnhabout 10 years ago
Well written story but misguided

How many characters said it was just his pride causing the problem? All his fault, right? He's not the one in a persistent depression. It's not her fault that she is ill but believe me, supporting a depressed person can be hell. Then she cheats on him. He clearly states his case, he had nothing left to give. That is very realistic. Caring for someone ill for a long term can be draining and destructive to the caregiver.

Yet, how does all this get fixed? A true depressive doesn't have a choice of being depressed. It's a brain chemical imbalance. She seems to decide to "get better" after she loses her husband. That doesn't ring honestly and seems to mean she has just been self indulgent and wallowing in her inability to have kids.

In the end, it all comes down to him and his male pride. Baloney. He was exhausted by her behavior and betrayed. He had valid reasons for wanting out. Would she have changed if he hadn't left her? Probably not. Has she really changed now? Who knows? He is the victim here. Saying it was his pride is like saying a rape victim was "asking for it".

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Proof read

One of your common errors is lack of proof reading, ie name changes, how many names do you want a person to have? So far in every one of your stories that I've read the husband & cheating wife reconcile. I know they're your tales but that's unrealistic, in the space of half a page he goes from never going back to her to wanting to marry her again; it doesn't happen like that in real life. I know, been there ,done that. Also what's with the Claudette interlude , it added nothing to the story, if anything it just cheapened it. A lucky 3***

impo_58impo_58almost 10 years ago
Another good story...

Another good story...Thank you...Some people don't understand that forgiveness is one of the greatest points of mankind.

Pappy7Pappy7almost 10 years ago
Too bad, last one

After 3 in a row where the wife screws around, does it on purpose then gets therapy, quits drinking, confesses to her husband, yada yada yada. As soon as the husband shows some balls and puts her aside, all of his "friends" turn on him like a pack of rabid dogs. He is screamed at by the psychotic, but inevitable sister, called a coward by a "good friend" and generally manipulated by everyone he knows until he eventually forgives the now "sainted" ex-wife. Must be a bunch of miserable men in your family, girly. Sorry you haven't gotten over your high school boyfriend dropping you for gangbanging the football team. Must be cathartic to write about all men being what you expected yours to be.

Know it's not much of a threat, but your stories are now off limits to me. Hope your therapy works out for you. Remember, there are always other girls, right.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I don't mind a good reconciliation, but as the title says, Enough is Enough. This reconciliation was sickening.

RhomanovRhomanovalmost 10 years ago
Warm taffy ......

Chapter 1 was not bad and set a good tone.

Chapter 2 does a 180 and turns into a stretched out sticky mess - warm taffy.

Not against a good recon tale. This however was a bit ugh.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
This 'ego and pride' kills me...

As an aside, I have never read a story on here where anyone told a woman that she needed to put her ego aside and basically ' get over her mad'. Apparently only men are stubborn. My problem with the story is that we are not really given a reason for Arch to want Denise back. She's miserable for years, pushes him away, cheats on him, then he doesn't see her for three years but she still has a hold on him. Why is not really spelled out. By his own account it's been like seven years since she was anything but a moody wallowing bitch, but suddenly he 'won't abandon her again'?

It just doesn't ring true by any measure.

sdc97230sdc97230over 9 years ago
Bernie is a terrible psychiatrist

Arch should have been in caregiver counseling all those years even if Dee wasn't willing to be helped.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Interesting story

It is brutally tough to take back a cheating spouse. My own wife left me for a while, approximately three years and found a boyfriend AFTER she left me. She was with him for about 2 years and it was painful to watch, we both lived in the same small town. Although she tried to talk to me after a while we split up and before she took her boyfriend, I refused all contact with her. I was hurt and hurt badly.

They were together for the two years before he began cheating on her. Friends told me she was distraught and destroyed afterward, they reconciled after she forgave him. He cheated again, not more than a few weeks later and that time they split for good. Not because she wanted it, but because he wanted it. Talking with him later, I found he felt she deserved someone better than him.

After they split friends came and told me she wanted to speak with me, she was in poor mental shape after what happened to her. They said her eyes were bloodshot with broken veins that took months to heal and she wasn't the same person I used to know. I refused her again, I had no interest in reopening old wounds that hadn't fully closed. It came to the point where she found me in our local grocery store and when I ignored her, she pinned me into a corner, trying to make me talk. That earned her my coldest stare as I stood and listened, but refused to speak. She was too young, she wanted to see what she had missed out on, blah blah blah. She was so sorry to have hurt me, blah blah blah.

Eventually she gave up, but only after about an hour that left other patrons in the store uncomfortable and the owners asked us to leave. I walked out in front of her and before she could engage me again, I jumped in my truck and locked the doors when she tried to get in with me. I pulled out and went home. She must have got the hint, the next thing I knew, she had moved in with yet another boyfriend. So much for the true love she professed, right? I should also mention, during the entire time after we divorced, I never dated, nor had sex with another woman. My ex-wife was the only sexual partner I'd ever had.

Her next boyfriend lasted a year. I guess that was the length of time she needed to be someone's punching bag. Mutual friends came to me, telling me her situation but I shrugged my shoulders and told them she had made her bed, now the whore/slut could lay in it. She'd earned every punch as far as I was concerned, although no women should ever be touched in anger by a man. I felt sorry for her but hey, who was I to interfere in her relationships? My ex wasn't quite an orphan but her parents were deceased and her siblings lived across the country from her.

It wasn't a surprised when I had a knock on my door late one night, forcing me out of sleep I needed for work the next day. It was our mutual friend and she told me Jodi (my ex) had been badly beaten and had left him. I shrugged and said thanks, starting to close the door when our friend stuck her foot in it to stop me from closing it. She was angry and told me Jodi was in her car, could she bring her in. I explained it would be over my dead body. She turned on the waterworks and you guessed it, when I went back to bed, Jodi was in my extra bedroom/office, in bed.

The next morning (Monday of course) when I got up, I'm a logger and leave by 4 am, she was still in bed and asleep. When I returned home at 5 pm, she had dinner ready, putting me in a quandary. I really had no interest in interacting with her, staying with me was going to be short term. I showered, changed my clothes and made up my mind to eat but not interact verbally. Her dinner was good, she'd fixed my favorite of course, as she knew what it used to be, a stuffed and roasted chicken. I never looked at her (where she could see), nor did I utter a word. After dinner I started to clean up until she pitched in to help and I dropped everything and went to the living room and watch the news and a ballgame.

I could hear her sniffling in the kitchen and her face was puffy when she came in. Thankfully, she didn't try and sit next to me while I had a few shots of whiskey and relaxed. Jodi didn't try to talk with me, instead waited until the news was over and I was watching my favorite college basketball team (Gonzaga!). She finally gave up talking when I turned up the TV. She stumbled off to her bedroom and when I went to my room, I heard her crying. Strangely enough, although when she cried while we were married, it tore me up but now, I felt nothing but contempt.

Jodi showed no signs of leaving during the week and since I refused to talk with her, I couldn't tell her to leave. I'd drawn my line in the sand and by God, I wasn't going to cross it. She'd torn the heart from my chest and stomped it into the ground, so she couldn't be sorry when I had nothing to give her. By the time the weekend came, I still hadn't said a word to her but she'd never quit talking. Everything was about how sorry she was and how wrong she'd been. How much she loved me still and why couldn't I forgive her. Blah blah blah.

When that first weekend came her friend came over to take her out. I took the opportunity to go see a movie I'd wanted to see and while in line I saw a young woman who worked at my favorite diner. I offered to buy her ticket if she wanted to sit with me and she agreed. We had a great time, even though I had no interest in her or her in me, even taking her to lunch afterward. Wouldn't you know it, we were eating and having fun, laughing and talking about her customers when my ex and her friend walked in. I didn't see her and hadn't any idea she was there while having fun with my movie partner.

Jodi came back to my house, yes, I was hoping she wasn't coming back, and was both hurt and angry. She stomped off to my spare bedroom while our friend lit into me. After she'd had her say, I calmly informed her what I did wasn't anyone's business but my own. I hadn't asked for Jodi to stay, I'd fought against it. Now I was doing community service by letting her stay and considered it my penance for poor choices in the past. Jodi must have been listening, after our friend left, she came out and began apologizing again until I couldn't take it and went out to mow the lawn.

The next few months were just like that. Her talking and apologizing, fixing dinner and even getting up to fix me breakfast before I left and making a lunch. I accepted it for what it was, someone in my house fixing me food. I never thanked her nor spoke a single word. Then one late summer Sunday afternoon, people started showing up at the house, apparently she'd invited a lot of people over for a BBQ and I was required to cook. Folks were surprised we were 'back together' and I had to correct them and set the record straight. I was doing a friend a favor by letting her friend stay at my house. I could see my words were hurting Jodi, but frankly, didn't care. She was welcome to leave asap. But she finally had a chance to see me happy and interact with friends, laughing and joking. Afterward when the last guests left, she tried to keep the party banter up but as usual, I closed down. It was interesting to see how long it would take, I knew I could wait her out.

Over the next few months she started wearing revealing clothes around the house. Soon I was seeing her run around in nothing more than a see through bra and skimpy panties. I'd forgotten how nice her figure was, she was very slender with firm boobies, tiny waist and flaring hips. Her legs were always muscular, something I had enjoyed. I'll admit, it almost gave me a boner, until remember this was the woman who tore my heart out. She had tried to make body contact with me early on, touching me on the shoulder but my brush off was enough to make her understand never to do it again.

When I failed to act on her overt teasing, she changed tactics somewhat. All the sudden she'd flash me leaving the bathroom (only one bathroom) while going back to her bedroom, once even walking in to the living room wearing nothing but panties. I believe me ignoring even that was getting to her. I guess she figured sex would heal everything, it certainly did for her.

It was in the early spring when I had a sudden epiphany! After work at least once per week, I'd bring home a single buddy I worked with, after warning him about the cunt and her lack of trustworthiness. We'd have dinner together and then I'd conveniently leave the room, leaving them alone. On weekends, I made sure he understood he was welcome, encouraged even, to stop by both days and stay as long as he wanted. I'd find a way to leave them alone, doing yard work or working on my truck in the garage. It didn't take her long to figure things out, I was trying to fix them up.

Then one Sunday afternoon after leaving them alone while seeing a movie, I came home to the sounds of grunting and groaning coming from her bedroom. I just started fixing some dinner, pleased my plan was working out. When they came out of the bedroom, my coworker was embarrassed and my ex couldn't hardly look at me. He left and she sat watching me cook, noticing I was cooking for only one. Finally she blurted out and asked me if I was happy, she'd finally fucked him for me. It was at that moment I broke my rule and just asked her, "I hope you charged him."

Whoa! She was enraged, asking me if that was what I thought of her, she was just a whore. I nodded my head and surprisingly, she burst into tears and ran for 'her' room. I didn't see her again until I got home from work Monday night. My coworker was uncomfortable at work until we talked about it. He said she'd been coming on to him and finally just stood up and took him by the hand, leading him to her room. He said when I got home, it was the 3rd time he'd fucked her, not including a blowjob to get him up for the last time. I wasn't surprised it didn't bother me at all. She was a stranger who I'd let live with me. I set his mind at ease and told him to stop by and fuck her anytime he wanted, it didn't bother me. But I asked just one thing. I wanted him to leave me $10 every time he left on the weekday, $20 for a weekend, I was tired of paying for him to eat all weekend at my house. He grinned and agreed.

She was cold and didn't speak to me until Wednesday when I brought my coworker home again. That she was angry didn't surprise me and I watched as she stared me in the eye and took him by the hand, leading him to her room. I turned up the TV so I didn't have to listen to her putting on a show for my benefit. The last laugh was mine when they came out and he got ready to leave, I put my hand out and that reminded him to leave me $10! If I thought she was angry before, it was nothing to what she was when she saw I'd pimped her out for only $10!

That went on for Months. I made sure she saw me get my $10 or $20 and I made sure he stopped by, often. All those times I left them alone in the house finally paid off. They were in the bedroom banging away when I came home one beautiful weekend afternoon and had my waitress friend with me. We'd been going out on the weekends when I left my house and we'd found we both really enjoyed one another. I was 33 at the time, my ex was 29 and my new girlfriend was 24. She was slightly heavier than my ex, at about 5'2" and 115lbs, where my ex was the same weight at about 5'7". My girlfriend understood exactly what was going on with my ex but we'd fallen in love. When my ex and my coworker came out, I made sure to get my $10 and then introduced him to Lisa, my fiancé!

For whatever reason, my ex was devastated. I don't understand how, but somehow she thought we'd get back together. I was only being helpful but she took it as when she moved in, we were back together. She begged and cried, I ignored her and she kept fucking my coworker, while I got my money. Lisa came to my place or I was at her place for the next few months until one early Saturday morning, we stopped by our local Methodist church and we tied the knot. I'd not said anything to anyone about getting married and we left from there for a week long honeymoon in Aruba.

But before I left that very early morning, on the kitchen counter I left a note with along with an envelope. The note told Jodi I was marrying Lisa that very day and we were leaving on our honeymoon for a week. I expected her to be gone by the time we got home and in the envelope was the money I'd pimped her out for, over $1600! She could find a rental for that much, plus have enough to tide her over while she found a job. If not, she could move in with my coworker, but keep her whore earnings anyway.

When Lisa and I came home, my house was clean but empty. I was concerned Jodi might tear it up, even burn it down, but instead, she left a note saying she hoped we'd be happy and was gone. We settled down to married life and life over the next decade was fantastic. We had two children, a boy and girl, who were both in grade school when I next saw Jodi. I was in a large city about 100 miles from our own town and I was picking up parts for my job, our skidder had broke down. As I was trying to find where I was going, I saw I was on a street covered with whores, they were talking with anyone who stopped at the stop sign, drumming up business. My wife and kids were with me when one came up to our truck.

I was in shock when I recognized my ex. She must have realized it at the same time I did, but she wasn't quick enough in pulling back that she didn't recognize my kids in the back seat. They asked me loudly who that woman was and I told them to be good or they might have had her as their mom! The last thing Jodi heard was my kids both shouting..... EWWWWWWW!

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 9 years ago
To The Last Anon

I read your comment and I suggest you clean it up and submit this as a LW tale. It was pretty good.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 9 years ago
pride ego

Also known as self respect and strength of character.

So of course he would need to put that aside to get back together with someone so self-absorbed and unfaithful.

Lex1Lex1over 9 years ago
No offense anon...

But I can't believe that story in your comments is true. The woman may be true, and maybe even parts of the story is true, but there is no way that the entire story went exactly like that. Your comment sounds a little too...Stangstar for it to be real. I do agree with betrayedbylove though. You should clean it up and submit it. There are many who would love to read it. I'm sure you would get a good score.

Tim413413Tim413413about 9 years ago
I found this story

after I had first found someone else's sequel. From what little I saw there, I assumed I would enjoy the sequel more than the original. Since I enjoyed this so much, the sequel has be something to beat this. I always enjoy Blue88.

Tootight1Tootight1about 9 years ago
loved it

oh it could have been more drawn out, but why. the reader is already up to date. thank you for a rewarding story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Superb story, well done 5*

You write well. Your narrative and dialogue are mature and thought provoking. You engender deep emotion in your reader for both the characters and their situation.

Many on this site seem to write lists of ingredients when they try to tell a story of betrayal but you mix those ingredients to create a wonderful recipe and then cook with skill to produce a wonderful dish to consume.


Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 8 years ago
Second time through...


GoodhueGoodhueover 8 years ago
Wonderful Ending!

Enjoyed this 2-parter,and was delighted to see the happy ending! ~ 5 ~

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Golly Gee Whiz..

What a crock of B.S. They call it "DIVORCE" for a reason..I guess not in this story.

RhomanovRhomanovabout 8 years ago

broken snare.

TMSPTGR3TMSPTGR3about 8 years ago
Totally Bereft of any Plausibility

Totally implausible. 1*

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