Is Love All or Nothing? Ch. 02


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"I know and that is why I will always consider you my best friend."

The rest of the week went by better for Keith. He wasn't distracted by the thoughts of Jackie nearly as much and was much more productive. He was even asked out on a date by a woman from another department. He accepted and they went out on Thursday night. They ate at Applebee's and had a good time. The conversation was very easy going, talking a little about each other's life and past. At the end the woman said she had a good time but didn't feel anything special. Keith said he didn't either but it was still great making a new friend. They hugged and parted ways.

Friday went really fast and it was time to leave work before Keith knew it. He didn't have any plans for the night and knew Andy was working so he just plopped himself on his couch and popped in a random movie. After the movie was over he started channel surfing and never found anything to watch that kept his interest. He went to bed soon after that.

He woke up a little before 9am. He made breakfast, cleaned up and started doing the laundry he had neglected to do the previous weekend. He had a lot of loads to do and was grateful the apartment included a washer and dryer in each unit. He had all the time he needed to do what he needed before going to the bar. Time however went a lot slower knowing Jackie was going on her date tonight. He started playing various scenarios in his head of how the date would go. Some of the scenarios ended up with her and the guy leaving very happy while others ended up needing him to step in and be the hero to save her. No two scenarios ever played out the same in his mind. He hated that this was all he could think about. He tried putting in another movie but hardly paid attention to it.

After finishing his laundry he decided to just go back to his bed and take a nap. When he woke up he saw that the time was 6:49. He sprung out of bed as fast as he could to shower, shave, and put on some of his better clothes. While putting a nice plaid button down shirt he stopped and asked himself, "Why in the hell am I putting so much effort into trying to look nice for Jackie?" He shook his head not knowing what the hell he was doing. He looked over at the clock and it read 7:35. "Screw it," he said and buttoned up the rest of the buttons, grabbed his wallet and keys and drove to the Brownstead.

He found an open seat at the bar. As soon as he sat down Andy handed him a bottle of Budweiser. They nodded at each other and Keith took a sip from his bottle. He looked up and the down bar seeing if he could spot Jackie and her date. "Hey you," he heard from behind him. He turns around and sees Jackie in a black skirt that just goes above her knees and a blue blouse. She wore a little makeup and had her hair in a ponytail.

"Hi Jackie, you look great," Keith says wholeheartedly.

"Thank you," Jackie replies slightly blushing. "You look good as well. Are you here on a date as well?"

"Thank you. No date for me tonight. I had one on Thursday that went well but don't think we're gonna have another date."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Jackie says feeling sorry for him.

Keith smiles at her noticing her sympathy. "It's ok. Where is your date anyway?"

"He's running late," she says rolling her eyes. "He says he'll be here in half an hour, but I'm worried that we won't be able to find a seat anywhere."

Andy pops over to check on Keith and sees him talking to Jackie. "So did you decide to make Keith your date now instead of the other guy?"

"No, he's running late but I don't think we're gonna find anywhere to sit."

Andy looks around and sees the end of the L shaped bar has no one sitting there. "Jackie, quickly go over to the end of the bar and take those two seats," he says pointing.

"Thank you Andy!" Jackie replies and heads over to grab the two seats.

Andy looks over at Keith. "Are you gonna be ok?"

"Yes, I'll be fine," Keith responds, hoping he really will be fine.

A half hour later a guy sat next to Jackie. He looked like a nice guy at first glance. He was making her smile a lot and when Jackie was talking he would just sit there and listen. Keith tried not to stare at the two, but he really wanted to see how everything went.

"Keith, are you sure you're fine? You have been looking at Jackie and her date the whole time they've been here," Andy says interrupting Keith's staring.

"Yes I'm fine," Keith responds sounding very annoyed looking back to Jackie.

"Keith, you're focusing way too much on them."

"So what if I am?"

"You're gonna give off the creeper vibe and scare away the women and you know the number one bar rule, don't scare away the women!"

Keith rolls his eyes and looks at Andy. "Then toss me out. You do have the command of the three bouncers in here to throw out anyone you say to."

"I'm not going to throw out, but please try to enjoy yourself."

"I'm having a really good time Mark. I'm glad I'm getting chance to meet you."

"Well how could I turn down an opportunity to get to know such a beautiful woman?"

Jackie couldn't help but blush at that comment. She had a big grin on her face, enjoying every second with Mark. However, something has to tear her away from him for a few minutes. "I'm sorry, but I have to use the restroom."

"Take your time, we have all night to get to know each other more."

Jackie walks over to the restroom door that is close and looks over her shoulder back at Mark. He waves to her and she can't help but smile as she walks through the door. After she does her business and washes her hands she looks at herself in the mirror. She sees herself trusting Mark, knowing that he is going to protect her.

When she walks out of the restroom she sees Mark in a heated argument with someone. It took her a second to realize that it was Keith making a scene. "Great," she thought to herself. She walks over very quickly, grabs Keith's shoulder and turns him towards her. "What the hell are you doing Keith?" she says in a very angry tone.

"You know this guy?" Mark asks.

Jackie turns towards Mark. "I met him here last weekend and again the following day." She turns her attention back towards Keith. "Now tell me why you are starting a fight with my date. Was it because I rejected you?"

Keith was shocked at the accusation. "This has nothing to do with you rejecting me, but this has everything to do with making sure you're not taken advantage of."

"Taken advantage of?" Jackie couldn't help but feel disgusted at that. "I'm a grown woman and can take care of myself!" She started to reach for her Cosmopolitan when Keith grabbed her arm. "Let go of me!" she said threateningly.

"Jackie, he drugged your drink."

"I would never do such a thing!" Mark protested. "You're just jealous that I'm here with a woman you can't be with. How dare you think I would do such a thing."

"Then take a sip of her drink. If I'm wrong, I'll pay for all the drinks you two have had and will have tonight and leave you alone."

Jackie looks over at Mark thinking he will lay this to rest and just take a sip. When he doesn't immediately do anything, she starts getting a little worried. "Mark, if you really didn't do anything, just take a sip and he will leave us alone."

"I don't like those types of drinks and I am not going to take a sip." Mark says, trying his best to stay calm.

"It doesn't matter if you like them or not, take a sip and prove to me and Jackie that you didn't drug her."

"Don't tell me what to do and I don't have to prove anything to anyone."

"Fine then," Keith says as he reaches for Jackie's drink and takes it from the bar top. "If you won't take a sip, then I will." Before anyone can react Keith puts the glass up to his lips and takes a sip.

"Keith!" Andy yells as he approaches that end of the bar. "What are you doing?"

"Proving that this jerk was here only to drug Jackie and date rape her."

Andy looks over at the guy seeing him getting ready to leave. "Where do you think you're going?"

Mark looks over at Andy. "I'm leaving. You are all nuts. Accusing me of trying to date rape someone. I'll sue you all for slander and close this place down."

"You're not going anywhere until we have this resolved," says Andy. He grabs the drink from Keith's hand and sets in the back of the bar and then gestures for one of the bouncers to come. Mark tries to get away but is stopped by the bouncer and pushed back into his seat. A few minutes later Keith starts looking sweaty and losing his balance. Mark's eyes are wide with fear for being caught. Andy yells at one of his bartenders to call the police and tell them there was an attempted date rape.

Keith was about to collapse when Jackie catches him but she was struggling to hold him up. Another of the bouncers comes over and grabs him from Jackie takes him to an empty booth and lays him down.

A few minutes later the police arrive and Andy brings them over to Mark. The police search him and find small packets with a powder-like substance in them. Andy showed them the glass that Keith took a sip from that had been drugged and they carefully poured it into a vial. They put Mark in handcuffs and took him out of the bar.

The police showing up and seeing someone pass out caused some uneasiness in the bar crowd. The bar was already slowly emptying out, but Andy knew it would be best if everyone left sooner than later. He got behind the bar and said the bar was closing early today due to a date rape attempt. He asked that all women be with someone they trust to take them home. Several women came to him and said they didn't have a ride to him. He called them a cab and told them he would take care of the fare.

A half hour later, the only people left in the bar were Jackie, the two bouncers that helped with the situation, the bartenders cleaning up, Andy, and Keith still laying down in the booth. Jackie had grabbed a chair from a nearby table and watched over Keith. She felt was grateful that Keith had saved her from being drugged but couldn't help but feel bad for thinking she could begin to trust men again. Well, maybe she could trust Keith but would she want to go out with him after all this happened?

Andy walks over to Jackie, grabs another chair and sits next to her. "Are you going to be alright Jackie?"

"I don't know," she says looking at Keith. "I feel so stupid. If it wasn't for Keith, I would be at Mark's place...with him doing"

"But Keith did step in like the idiot he can be." Jackie couldn't help but laugh a little at that statement. "Keith was actually staring at you and Mark the whole time you were together. I thought he was just obsessing. I'm glad though. I don't think he would have been able to live with himself if he knew something like that would have happened to you."

Andy and Jackie just sat there in silence for a while hoping Keith would wake up, but it was obvious he was out cold for the rest of the night.

"Where does he live?" Jackie asks.

"He lives in the same apartment building that I do but a few rooms from me."

"What apartment complex?"

"Sunshine Hills by the grocery store on Pierson."

Jackie wasn't sure if she wanted to ask what she wanted. She had so many conflicting emotions and thoughts going through her head. She wanted to repay Keith somehow but also not lead him on. "Can you get me a pen and paper?" she asked Andy.

"Sure." He walked to the office of the bar and came back with a tablet of paper and a pen. He handed them over to Jackie and she started writing something down.

"When he wakes up tomorrow can you give him this?" she says as she tears the piece of paper from the tablet and gives it to Andy. The paper says "I want to repay you for saving me and being my hero for the night. Call me when you read this so we can make plans for me to repay your kindness." Below that she wrote her phone number.

"I'll make sure he gets this when he wakes up and calls you."

Jackie stands up and gives Andy a tight hug. "Thank you for doing this for me. I just don't know how to handle this."

Andy lets go of her. "I don't think he'll know how to handle this either. This is uncharted water for all of us."

"Yeah, it is."

"Jackie, will you be ok to drive home?" Andy asks with great concern in his voice

"I will be, thank you for asking." Jackie says, trying to play down everything going on in her head.

"No problem. Just stay safe and come back if you need to. I'll have one of the bouncers take you then."

"That is very sweet but I'll be fine. Just need to get this night over and start over tomorrow." With that she walks out of the bar and to her car in a now very empty parking lot. She starts her car thinking what could have been one of the worst nights of her life. She drives back to her apartment safely. She locks the door as soon as she walks in. She heads to her bathroom and takes a long hot shower to help relax. After that she changes into a sleep tee and shorts and gets into her bed.

Her thoughts continue, but not about what happened that night. Her thoughts were more about Keith. She wasn't sure what it was about him that kept lingering in her mind. She loved that fact that he was willing to protect her, but wondered why he took such a weird approach to the situation. However, the long night made her tired and before she knew it, she drifted into sleep.

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mcleanwdmcleanwdover 1 year ago

I liked your story. I've taught students with aspergers and you captured the essence of their thought process and reactions. One of my students was very similar to Keith. Good job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why wouldn’t the police have called paramedics to give Keith medical care?

BoomerbillBoomerbillalmost 5 years ago
Agree with anonymous. Tense changes are awful.

The story lost at least two stars for awkward syntax.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Difficult to read

The tense used in the narrative makes this story nearly impossible to read. Likewise it must have been nearly impossible to write. When narrating a story from a third person perspective (where we read from) it is better not to use "he is walking " but instead use "he walked". The flow is better and far less awkward.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I agree with the last comment, the present tense detracts from enjoyment of the story. Please add some sort of break when changing scenes such as ~~~~~~. Otherwise it doesn't make sense, at first, for the reader. Didn't you say you corrected this chapter? There are still multiple errors in this which lowers your ratings.

Robyn1859Robyn1859about 7 years ago
Now or then?

While the story was fine I could not get over it being written in the present tense! Spoiled it totally for me,,, I was rephrasing every sentence in my mind.

TheOldRomanticTheOldRomanticover 7 years ago
Great story and one question...

First, congratulations on the story. I really like it!

Secondly, I've been worried about Keith's character and the comments in this chapter.

I explain, I dream in black and white, although I have a great ease of speech to start a friendship, then I am almost unable to continue such friendship, I find myself stuck very easily. In addition, I am deeply analyst of the people, and I tend to lock myself in. I am good at my technical (electronic) profession, but I have a lot of difficulty transmitting my knowledge to others, and I am exasperated by the stupid questions of people who have not understood my explanations, well, I am not bothered by intelligent questions, only questions Silly, and I tend to get angry with people who do not pay attention. I have never really been diagnosed as an Asperger, but if what is described here is true then, I am afraid that I am also a victim of Asperger's syndrome ...

5 * for you.

I apologize for my English (yet and forever), isn't my native language.

bruce22bruce22over 7 years ago
Interesting Continuation

Mark was truly an asshole and should be reported to the administration of the dating site. Obviously he will have his problems with the Law, but still it would be good to block a new try. Jackie was lucky she had backup.

TigersmanTigersmanover 7 years ago
Still good

I started reading your story after reading your thread in the Editor's forum. I was curious about your writing skills. Although you could use an editor, you do write a very good story. I'm thoroughly enjoying this series. Keep writing.

arrowglassarrowglassover 7 years ago
Keep 'em coming!

Now waiting for Ch. 03!

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