Is Love All or Nothing? Ch. 03


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"Jackie," Melissa says with a serious look on her face, "you two had a meal, talked about life, enjoyed each other's company, held hands at one point, he walked you to your car, hugged a hug that you both didn't want to let go of and he asked you to see you again. I'm pretty sure by definition that is date."

Jackie was trying so hard to tell herself that is wasn't a date because Keith said it was just "hanging out" but she couldn't lie to herself. "Yeah, it was a pretty awesome date," she says with a huge grin on her face."

"What are you going to wear on Wednesday?"

"I don't know. Something simple because I know in Keith's mind this is not a date."

"Screw what he thinks! You need to wear something that will get his attention and make him want you, if you know what I mean."

"Melissa!" Jackie yells as she grabs one of the couch pillows and hits her friend with it. "I don't want to have sex with him! I want him to respect me and not think I'm easy."

"No guy would ever think you're easy Jackie. There has only been one guy ever to get lucky and he"

"Is the reason why I have trust issues," Jackie interrupts very quickly.

Melissa realizes she struck a chord bringing up the one guy she had sex with. "I'm sorry, I thought you were over him because you started dating again."

Jackie looks down at her floor trying to not remember what happened. "I started dating again because I'm sick of feeling alone, not because I'm over being cheated on. My heart is still scarred from that."

"Well I doubt Keith would try to hurt you or lead you on. He seems very genuine although a little weird."

"No one is perfect and I'd rather Keith be the way he is. His weirdness is what kept him on my mind to being with anyway. Besides, not every women can find her Luke Jackson like you have."

"Is someone a little jealous?" Melissa says, teasing her best friend.

"No, I'm not jealous."

"Sounds like someone is jealous that I have a hot boyfriend and she only has a guy who wants to 'hang out.'" Melissa's teasing got to Jackie a little bit and she gets off her couch and walks over to her bedroom. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to find something to wear that will make Keith's jaw drop."

"I'm not sure you own anything that will make his jaw drop. I've been with you every time you've gone shopping and I can't think of a single thing you own that would make his...wait, when did you get that?"

The start of the work week was not nice to Keith. He had meeting after meeting on Monday that seemed to have no point and just repeat everything he already knew. The day dragged on and he wanted nothing more than to leave but it was only lunch time. Thankfully after lunch he was just able to work and bury himself in it until it was time to leave.

As he was leaving, the woman he had a date with the previous Thursday approached him.

"Hey Keith, how was your weekend?"

"It was...eventful."

"Oh, what made it so eventful?"

Keith can't help but smile, remembering the events of the weekend as he walks towards his car. "It's a long story but the short version is I helped a woman out and now I have a date with her Wednesday night."

"Must be some story. I hope to hear it sometime."

"Yes, it is quite the story," Keith says still smiling.

"She must be some woman to have you smiling like that."

Keith looks back at the woman as he reaches his car. "She is an amazing woman."

"Good luck on your date. I really mean it."

"Thank you," Keith says as he enters his car. As he drives off, he realizes he had said that to hang out with Jackie is a date. His thoughts focus in on Jackie and how awesome she is. His focus is returned to the road when he hears a honk behind him. He looks up and sees that the light is green and hits the gas.

When he gets home he changes into athletic shorts and t-shirt. He has soup for dinner and has it while watching the news. His thoughts however are still focused on Jackie and how excited he is for the date. "That is twice now today I said it is a date with Jackie," he says to himself out loud, "but I'm starting to believe that it is a date that I want with her."

He pulls out his phone and starts writing a text to Jackie. Hi Jackie! Hope you had a good day at work and are having a relaxing evening. He hits send and places his phone on the coffee table as he continues to watch the news. A few seconds later it vibrates. He picks it up and sees a response from Jackie.

Hi Keith, it was an alright day at work. It dragged on and couldn't wait for the day to be over. I'm trying to relax as best I can with a bottle of Budweiser. How was your day at work?

My day dragged on a lot too. I had meetings all morning that seemed to discuss nothing new. I was thankful that I was able to focus on actual work after lunch.

Sounds like neither of us had a great day at work.

Yeah, but no matter how bad it gets, I still have our date on Wednesday to look forward to.

Date? I thought you said you just wanted to hang out?

Keith was taken back by her response, but then thinks about how much he emphasized that he just wanted to hang out. Well I thought about how much I enjoyed being with you yesterday during lunch and I don't just want to be friends. I want to date you and see how it goes.

Jackie could hardly contain her excitement at the news Keith wanted to date her and not just be friends. You have no clue how happy that makes me. I'm looking forward to Wednesday even more now.

I'm glad you're happy Jackie. I know it took me a while to figure it out but I really do like you.

Jackie's smile just gets even bigger as she melts on her couch. I'm looking forward to Wednesday even more now!

They continue to text each other throughout the rest of the night getting to know each other. Keith tells Jackie about what he does at work and how the woman he had a date with the previous week wished him luck on his date with her. Jackie thought that was sweet of her. Jackie talked about what her life was like growing up with an older and younger brother. Keith shared how that he only had an older sister that he got along with well but they were never that close.

Keith was about to send a text when he looks at the time on his phone and sees that is almost eleven. As much as I'm enjoying texting and getting to know you, I need to get ready for bed.

Omg! I should have been in bed an hour ago. Guess time does go by when having fun. J

I'll text you tomorrow night. I'm enjoying getting to know you.

I am too. Have a good night's sleep Keith.

Sweet dreams Jackie.

Both Keith and Jackie go to their separate jobs and a lot of people they work notice that they seem to have a glow about them. Jackie shares with some of her female coworkers that she has a date the next day and they are very excited for her. Keith on the other hand keeps that information to himself. It's not that he doesn't want to tell people. He just doesn't want a lot of people coming in bothering him and breaking his focus on work.

They both continue to text each other later on in the night getting to know each other better and talking about their day at work. Jackie's happiness continues to grow as she texts Keith and he starts feeling more confident that this can develop into a great relationship.

Wednesday comes and the day drags for both of them. The excitement of the date just has them thinking about it and just wanting the day to end.

Jackie's work day ends sooner for her because she gets off at two in the afternoon. She heads home as fast as she can and gets ready for her date. She lays out her clothes making only one change to her outfit that she had originally planned. She takes her shower and gets herself physically and mentally ready for her date.

Keith's day finally ends at five and he quickly heads home to change, shower, and get dressed in his date clothes that he set aside the previous night. He decided to wear a light blue dress shirt and khakis. He had thought about a tie but didn't think it would be a good idea to wear at the bar.

Keith arrives at the Ruby Tuesday at 6:15 and gets a table near the entrance. After he sits down, he texts Jackie that he is there and can't wait to see her. Ten minutes later she texts him that she just parked and is coming through the door in a minute. When she walks through, his eyes get wide and his jaw drops.

Jackie is wearing a dark blue sleeveless blouse that shows off her toned arms and a black pencil skirt. She is wearing a little makeup but has her hair curled on the ends. Keith stands up, walks around the table and meets her as she reaches the table. "Jackie, you look very beautiful!"

"Thank you Keith," Jackie says, blushing at the compliment. Keith helps Jackie into her seat. "Thank you," she responds as she sits down and Keith takes his seat.

"I feel like the luckiest guy in the world right now."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I'm having dinner with the most beautiful woman in the world right now for our first date." Jackie blushed even harder and had a huge grin on her face. "When was the last time you've been to a Ruby Tuesday?"

"To be honest, I don't eat out that much at sit down restaurants like this. When I do, it is usually a special occasion"

"Well I'm sure you'll enjoy the food and if not, you'll have great company."

"Are you saying you actually make great company?" Jackie says with a sassy little grin.

"Yes, I would say I make great company and if I didn't, you wouldn't be here with me."

"That is true. Have you taken women here on dates before?"

"I've taken two women on a date here before but I've never dressed up like this before for either of them or been with a woman as dressed up as you."

The waitress comes by and asks what they want to drink. Keith gets a Budweiser draft and Jackie asks for a Cosmopolitan.

"That really does seem to be your 'go to' drink," Keith says, remembering that is what she had at the Brownstead on Saturday.

Jackie nods her head. "I fell in love with the drink the first time I had it and I get it when I need to relax."

Keith gets a little concerned. "Am I stressing you out or something?"

"No, I'm just very nervous on first dates."

"You're not the only one." They both share a laugh and take a look at the menu.

Jackie notices there are not a lot of options but they sound really good. "These all sound really good. How do you decide what to get?"

"First I debate whether or not I want to try something new. After that I just go with what I feel hungry for. I think I'm going to get the salmon this time."

"Sounds like a good choice." Jackie looks back at the menu and comes to a decision. "I'm going to have the NY strip."

"That is a very good choice. My favorite NY strip is actually here."

They receive their drinks and place their food order with the waitress. Jackie asks that her steak be cooked medium rare.

"So how was work today for you?" Jackie asks.

"It went by so slow today. I tried to focus on the tasks I had to do but all I could really think about was seeing you today."

Jackie blushes again. "Will you stop with all this sweet talk? You're making me melt in my seat."

"I can't help but speak on how I feel about tonight." Jackie tilts her head down, acting shy with her face beet red. "Something tells me this has been one of the best starts to any date you've ever had."

"You could say that."

"Tell me something about you Keith that not many people know about."

Keith was not expecting that question. He tries his best to not look nervous while thinking of something he wants to share. Nothing is coming to his mind at first, then he thinks of something. "I am a huge Star Trek fan."

"Oh really? Say something that would prove how much of Star Trek fan you are."

"Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra." Jackie just started laughing as soon as Keith said that. "What's so funny?"

Jackie takes a minute to regain her composure. "His eyes open," she says trying to not laugh too much after saying that. However, Keith starts busting out in laughter. Some people look at them like they are crazy but they don't care or pay any attention to them. After a few minutes they finally calm down right in time for their food to be served to them. They each take a few bites of their food and the look on their faces says how much they are enjoying their orders.

"This is the best NY strip I've ever had anywhere," Jackie says with her eyes closed, savoring every bite.

"This salmon is very good as well, would you like a bite?"

"Yes please!" Jackie says excitedly. Keith gets a small piece on his fork and feeds it to Jackie. She savors the taste of the salmon as well. "You weren't kidding when you said the food is really good here!"

"No I wasn't. Andy and I sometimes come here on his off days just to talk and catch up while enjoying good food. We sometimes dare each other to try any new items or the specials"

"And you aren't a foodie?" Jackie says teasing him.

Keith lets out a little laugh. "I wouldn't think being dared to try new food would make me a foodie."

"That sounds like you two are really good friends."

"Well we are best friends, but now I want you to answer the same question you asked me. What is something about you most people don't know about?"

Jackie takes few minutes to think about that. While she thinks about the answer, the waitress comes back with the check. Keith takes it, checks to makes sure everything is accurate and pulls out his credit card to pay.

"I have trust issues," Jackie says, wishing she could take those words back as soon as she said them.

Keith nods his head. "You have mentioned to me a number of times that you trust me."

"Yeah," Jackie says, quietly looking down at the table.

"You don't have to tell me why." Jackie looks up at Keith with a little smile. "You can tell me when you are ready to tell me. Sometimes there are things that don't need to be talked about right away."

"Keith, you are so sweet." Jackie is moved by his understanding and she grows to like him even more.

"I care about you a lot Jackie. I don't want to rush anything. I want to continue to get to know you."

The waitress comes back to pick up the credit card. A minute later she is back to find Jackie and Keith holding hands again.

"This is the best first date I have ever been," Jackie says, glowing in happiness.

"This is my best first date too, but I don't want this to be my best date with you." Jackie started melting in her seat again. "Are you free all day Saturday?"

Jackie takes a few moments to think if she has any plans. "Not that I can think of. I know Melissa might try to hang out with me."

"How about we spend Saturday afternoon and evening together? We can get to know each other better doing whatever we feel like."

Jackie gets a huge smile on her. "I'd love nothing more than to spend a whole day with you."

Keith checks the receipt and writes an amount for the tip. "As much as I don't want this night to end, I think we need to head home so we can get some sleep for our workdays tomorrow."

"Yeah, you're right," Jackie says, smiling but with a hint of sadness.

They get up from their table and walk outside. Keith escorts Jackie to her car and puts his hand on the small of her back. When they reach her car she turns around and faces Keith. "Thank you again for a great date Keith."

Keith wraps his arms around her waist. "I had a great time too." He leans forward and kisses her forehead. "Have a safe drive home Jackie. Text me when you get home."

"I will Keith. Have a good rest of the night." She pulls Keith head towards her and turns it so she can kiss his cheek.

They reluctantly pull away from each other and Jackie enters her car. Keith watches as she drives away again. He walks over to his car thinking about what just happened. A few days ago he didn't think he was ready to start dating again. Then he changed his mind to have an actual date. Now the date was over and he couldn't but realize how much he was starting to fall for Jackie. She was very sweet, sassy, and has a good sense of humor. "Keith, you may have found yourself a great woman," he says to himself. He knows that his life is about to change.

He drives to his apartment and midway through the drive he receives the text from Jackie saying she is home safe. He texts her back thanking her again for a great evening and hopes she has a great night's sleep.

When Keith enters his apartment he walks into his bedroom and changes into athletic shorts and a t-shirt. He lays on his bed thinking back on the date and everything that happened. Her facial expressions during some of the more serious parts of the dates had him very curious, especially when she said she had trust issues. He started thinking about what could have happened that would cause her trust issues, but slaps himself in the face. "If I don't stop thinking about that I'm never going to get to sleep," he says out loud to himself. He turns over on his side and goes to sleep with a big smile on his face.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Would you indicate when you change scenes somehow? It gives me mental whiplash when I realize suddenly the story is somewhere entirely different with new speakers. It's not pleasant.

TheOldRomanticTheOldRomanticover 7 years ago
Aclaration about bier and soda

The concentration of CO2 in beer is much lower than that of soda, and the pressure of the mixture is also lower in beer. To this must be added the greater amount of sugar (or sweeteners) in the sodas, which causes the CO2 to remain in the drink for longer.

TheOldRomanticTheOldRomanticover 7 years ago

Every chapter I like more ...

I must admit that I started reading this story in Chapter 9, and immediately I had to stop and start with Chapter 1, since I did not understand the beginning of the chapter (I will not explain anything else to not reveal the story to future readers). I am very interested in seeing how the story unfolds to arrive at what is told in Chapter 9.

5 * for you.

I apologize for my English (yet and forever), isn't my native language.

DestinyReaderDestinyReaderover 7 years agoAuthor
Beer vs Soda/Pop

Yes both have CO2, but the taste is still very different along with the texture. I can only speak for myself and my Asperger's when I say that drinking beer tastes and feels very different in my mouth. I can't stand soda/pop but like drinking beer.

radmadradmadover 7 years ago
Great story

I just want to point out that beer is a carbonated beverage, and has the same mouth feel as soda. Hence the bubbles caused by the CO2 escaping in beer.

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