Isabella Ch. 03


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"I don't think they will let me go with you." Rafa scooped her up in his arms relieved that she wanted him. "We will fight them and we sent for the Elves to help us."

She shook her head again and showed him a picture of the Elves standing with the Wolves.

"That isn't going to happen the Elves hate the Werewolves almost as much as we do."

She shook her head again but pulled her hand away and moved her arms around him to hold him closer as she cried about the fate of their love. She knew she could not explain how she knew that the Elves would stand with the Werewolves.

As Rafa turned he saw his mother in the door way. Fear was visible on her face as she asked, "Rafa? Your father hasn't told me what is going on he just says it is her fault." She realized that Isabella was awake and then "Is it your fault Isabella?"

Isabella just nodded tears still pouring down her face she reached out her hand to his mother.

"She wants to show you what she means she won't hurt you." Rafa said to reassure his mother.

His mother walked up hesitantly. Isabella touched her face and showed her that the werewolves were there because they thought Isabella was in danger and that she was friends with them. She also asked if she could touch the woman's growing belly.

"Sure you may, you should also know my name is Anna I hope you can one day forgive me for what I did in the prison longhouse."

Isabella just smiled as she made Rafa put her down. In Isabella's mind Anna was already forgiven. She then placed her hands on either side of Anna's belly. Nat's longhouse was then a washed in a soft pink light that sparkled as if it was being reflected off of a pool of water. When Isabella took her hands way there was two soft pink hand marks on Anna's belly. Isabella reached up and showed Anna a picture of Anna holding a baby, then of that baby growing up into a beautiful young girl. Anna laughed as she spoke

"Isabella there hasn't been a girl centaur for almost 100 years I doubt I am going to be the mother of the first girl."

Isabella just rolled her eyes and clearly showed that they would just have to wait and see what the baby comes out as.

"Well I better go before your father comes home. I have to hide these handprints" as a group they shared a laugh then Anna left and then Nat and Isabella got ready to rest as they would be helping the other women of the tribe pack and move into the mountains so that they would be safe if there was an attack.

On the morning of the third day the three young scouts that had been sent out returned. Rafa was relieved when the last one came with two elves behind him; their long strides let them easily keep pace with the centaurs. The taller male had a thin gold crown around his head showing that he was the king of the elves. Juan Carlos made a deep bow to the new arrivals.

"It is an honor to see you again I wish it was on a happier day. I fear that my messengers must not have giving you the right message. Over in the clearing to the north of us a whole army of werewolves, Druids, and shape shifters has set up camp; they mean to make war with us today. I was hoping for your help."

"No your messenger gave me that message Juan Carlos." Said the Elf; his voice was tight and he looked as if he wanted to be anywhere but in this village. "We have been friends for many years with no problems but this time I must fight with the werewolves." The group of centaurs groaned at the news that a powerful friend is now turned into a powerful enemy. "Isabella was kidnapped was under Elf protection and that dishonorable mule over there killed them to get her; I will not fight beside him. Over the years of knowing her I have come to think of her as my daughter. Please return her to us. I would hate to have to kill you. You all have been good friends with us. I would also demand he be put to death for harming my elves."

"I am saddened at hearing this. But, I will not put Rafa to death as he says he tried to save them, and if you will promise nothing will happen to him I will give you her back as long as Rafa can go with her."

"No I can not promise his safety and there are others who wanted her for themselves. We only want her. So I must go now I will be sad if we have to meet on the battle field." With that the Elves left the centaurs; many of them turning hateful glairs at Rafa for all the trouble his woman had caused them. Juan Carlos walked over to Rafa and Rafa could see what his king was going to ask of him. "Rafa I don't think we can fight the elves as well. Go talk to Isabella as see what she wants. Then come back to me with the decision I have already made her a part of this tribe I will not hand her over against her will, but I also can't justify all this bloodshed for her."

"I know I will go talk to her now." Rafa's heart was heavy has he had already made up his mind he would convince Isabella that it was for the best that she left him. The thought was enough to make his whole body ache as if a large boulder was sitting on his back. But his sadness left him as fear took its place as he entered Nat's longhouse . Isabella was thrashing around on the floor and her eyes were rolled back into her head. He reached to her but was stopped by Nat.

"She is having a vision it must be a hard one. I don't want her hurting you by accident."

After a few minutes Isabella went still then her eyes came into focus on Rafa she just weakly held her hand out to him. He took it and placed it on his face. She shared the vision she had just had with him. He saw his king and all the other warriors lying on the field of battle some were dying slowly, but most had been ripped to shreds by the wolves. From there Isabella ran to where the women were hid. The site made Rafa stomach revolt. The young colts and been speared and some were in there dead mother's arms with their throats cut. Finally the vision moved to a cliff that over looked what Rafa had planed to be there place of solitude to find that Isabella had tried to protect Rafa and had taken multiple arrows to her body before falling. Rafa must have caught her, for two spears had been thrown though his back as they had gone though Isabella's body. They had died, but the spears kept them up and at an odd angle. As the vision cleared he saw that Isabella was crying.

A new vision came into focus this one was what she had decided to do. She was in his arms wrapped up in blankets as the vision had made her weak again and Rafa was handing her over to the Elves. They would never see each other again but everyone would live she couldn't sacrifice the village for their love. He nodded sadly and it wasn't until she kissed the tear on his check that he realized he was crying too. They shared one long passionate kiss as he wrapped her up. Nat stood by quietly crying as she knew what they had deiced to do. It broker her heart to see such a strong love be killed before it could bloom. Isabella nestled into his chest has he ducked out of the door. He carried her to Juan Carlos.

"Isabella has had a vision; if we fight even the women and foals will die, neither of us can live with that thought. She will go back with them."

"I know this is hard for you Rafa but I know you have made a good decision."

"Besides there are many others that you can mate with besides that witch." His father Sebastián said from behind him. Rafa did something he never thought he would ever do. He kicked back with his back legs and sent his father rolling in the dirt. He looked at him and said. "I swear on my life I will never love anyone as much as I love Isabella. I will also never take a mate that is not this woman I am holding."

Rafa then turned and headed north to the clearing where the armies of their enemies had gathered. Juan Carlos was at his right side and the crown prince was on his left.

The king of the Elves started forward, the leader of the werewolves, and the leaders of the druids and shape shifters fell in line after. Rafa barely notice that Juan Carlos was carrying a white flag meaning that this should be a peaceful meeting. When they were twenty yards way from each other Juan Carlos yelled so all could hear "We centaurs are handing over the woman named Isabella who was accepted as one of our own. It is with heavy hearts that we send her away. Rafa, the one she chose for a mate has sworn not to take another mate unless some day Isabella here returns to him. Rafa and I will cross over to deliver her we mean no harm and no blood needs to be shed today."

Rafa notice that while the Elves, druids and shape-shifters all look relived the werewolf looked disappointed.

Just as Rafa started moving forward, three bodies came racing out from their left. It only took on glance to identify them as the two elves that had protected Isabella and the Centaur Apolo.

The elves had their swords drawn but instead of pointing them at Rafa and Juan Carlos they had them pointed at their own king. Likewise Apolo had his sword pointed at Juan Carlos. The male elf spoke first.

"My majesty you put Isabella in our care we where to see to her health and her happiness. I have seen that she is happy with him I will fulfill my oath and die protecting her even form you. If you take her away she will become a shell of who she was meant to be." One of the Elves stated.

"My majesty," Apolo looked into Juan Carlos's eyes, "I will not let you hand her over; our tribe's life depends on that woman."

Rafa's vision blurred, and a moment of panic almost overwhelmed him before he realized Isabella was showing him something. But it was just the white lizard that she showed him. "I can find him and bring him to you; this is not the time to worry about your pet." Rafa said tensely.

Isabella rolled her eyes and shook her head as she pointed back over his shoulder; everyone looked and it took a moment for Rafa to realize why he could see her "Pet" so clearly. He was the size of a small mountain and flying. The little lizard was acutely a dragon. The elves and Juan Carlos all spilt off to the sides as the dragon came in for its landing. It landed with Rafa between its front legs. It sent out a small flame that scorched the ground in front of them and roared at the other army. Then it started to shrink and change form. It turned into a naked man. He had dark hair that was just long enough to curl around his ear. He was about 6' 2 and had a chest as wide as Rafa's.

"Before anyone thinks of attacking me I can still breathe fire in this form. I just find it easier to talk this way. Isabella saved my live last summer and she loves him. I am going to do my best to keep them together even if I have to fly them out of here. I am Roger, I am one of the last dragons around and I am also one of the most powerful. I can change my shape and size at will. And I swear in the old magic that any one who lifts a finger to hurt these two will die a painful death of being burnt alive."

Rafa watched as all the armies drew back at this oath.

The Elf king came forward first. "It is an honor to meet you Roger. We shall try and make peace but there is a few things I need to know first. Nesa, Lewis, what happened the night that the house burnt down? We thought you were dead."

The woman that had taken care of Isabella laughed. "As you can see we are fine. Rafa and Isabella had stepped out to have some alone time and then about ten men came into the house. We fought well but, would have failed completely if Rafa hadn't come to help us. We left Isabella in Rafa's care and he carried her away. Soon after the whole house collapsed on us; Apolo here dug us out and has spent that last few weeks nursing us back to health. We heard you all moving in and came to give our side of it." Nesa and put her sword away as she spoke. "I trusted Rafa to keep her safe and he has."

The Elf king held out his hand to Juan Carlos. "Come we have to speak about this Juan Carlos." The five leaders made a small huddle as they talked away form Rafa, and Isabella.

Nesa and Lewis both came over as Isabella held out a hand to welcome them. Roger changed shape into a medium size dragon. His shoulder was at the same level as Rafa's head and he held out his wings giving Rafa and Isabella some shade.

"It is good to see you again little one. You look tired and weak doesn't this mate of yours know you need rest?" Nesa asked.

"We are not mates yet. She had to save me from some poison. And then she had a vision this morning of the whole tribe being killed because of us. So she is tired but I did my best to help her rest."

"You have had a busy few weeks haven't you girly." Was all Lewis could say before they noticed that the leaders were coming back.

"Rafa I will stand with you." Apolo whispered as he stood at Rafa's side.

"I don't think that will be necessary." Rafa could see that Juan Carlos was visibly more relaxed and happier then he had been moments ago.

"We have decided, but there are a few more questions that need to be answered." The Elf king spoke loud enough for all sides to hear.

"Isabella did you go with this centaur willingly?"

Isabella nodded.

"What if we decide to take you way today?" The Leader of the Shape shifters asked.

Isabella held her hand up, the Shape shifter leaned in. He laughed at whatever she showed him.

"She showed me that she would run away from us and try to find her way back to him every time we try to take her away from him.

"Do you choose to stay with him?" The druid leader asked.

She smile and nodded again.

"Do you really want to have him as a mate? You know you can have your pick of any of my kind." The leader of the Werewolves asked and, Rafa could tell he was hoping that Isabella would reject him.

But she shocked almost every one when she reached her lips to Rafa and kissed him till he lowered her to her feet and then very blatantly started to stroke his cock. Rafa became slightly awkward at this behavior but the leader of the werewolves just laughed. Rafa was shocked at the close range of the laugh he looked up a saw that he had come closer

"I get your point." He held out his hand to Rafa. "I want to be the first to welcome you to my pack my son you can call me Zander. You are now an elf, druid, shape-shifter and Werewolf. Take good care of her. And you two should get some rest we want to see you two mated to seal the peace pact that we just wrote up."

Rafa put his hand in the werewolf's hand and shook it. He already liked this man even if they had been enemies.

The centaurs went back to the village to tell of the good news; as the others set up tents and cooking fires Rafa and Isabella were to have three different mating ceremonies to unite the elf, centaurs and werewolves.

Juan Carlos came to Nat's longhouse were Isabella was having some elves attend to her so that she would have the energy needed to make it though the ceremonies.

"I have to thank you. You have made our greatest enemy our friend, so I wanted to give you this." He handed her a light blue robe that was so sheer it was see through. "It is a ceremony robe for when a princess gets married. It is only fitting that you have some things that a princess is meant to have." Before she could ask how he knew of her birth right he left.

Nat pulled the top half of her hair into a pony tail so that it would stay out of her face for the ceremony. Then she was bathed in scented water and dressed in the robe. Nat could feel how nervous Isabella was getting so she whispered in her ear. "Don't worry Rafa will be kind and be as gentile as he can be."

At sunset Isabella was walked out of Nat's longhouse. She was meet by a group of women formed all of the clans. Rafa's mother placed a head dress of flowers on Isabella's head and kissed her on the check. "Welcome my daughter."

The others handed her flowers until he had a beautiful bouquet and then they led her to a huge white tent that had been constructed by the men. The flap was held open for her and that is when she saw Rafa. He was wearing a crown of flowers too. The sight almost made her laugh; he just smiled as he could read her mind he was happy that she was happy at this moment for he knew that the ceremony would be hard on her. Juan Carlos brought her the rest of the way up to Rafa. Then he pulled out a scarf that was the same material and color of Isabella's robe. He had them face each other and placed both of their arms on a small alter that had been placed between them.

"Today we welcome Princess Isabella who was born the mute daughter of a foolish king. He disowned her and made her a servant in the kitchen where she one day would be able to save the life an Elvin child. She took the young elf and in the dark of night ran with out knowing where she was going, knowing only that she needed to save the child. The child it turns out was the son of the elf king and when they were found Isabella was rewarded with a place amongst the elves. They helped her control her visions and how to control her healing powers. They taught her how to channel pain and poison from her body. They also taught her how to share her thoughts though pictures.

This being said we the centaury head counsel declare she is healthy and fit enough to join with this tribe. Isabella, do you agree to be Rafa's mate and, to stay here for the rest of your life?"

Isabella nodded, and smiled up into Rafa's eyes.

"Rafa do you agree that you will care for her and protect her as she becomes one of the healer's of this tribe and a peace keeper between us and the werewolves and the elves? And do you swear that you will not mate with any other as long as Isabella is alive?"

"I will protect her and care for her to the best of my abilities. I will go where ever our tribe sends her and there is no other that I could even think of mating with while she is alive and my heart will stop beating when hers does so there will be only her as my mate for all my life."

Juan Carlos quickly brought a dagger over their arms. He then had them join hands as he tied the scarf around their arms.

"Your blood is her blood and her blood is yours. May it never need to be shed."

Isabella and Rafa could both feel the magic of the ages passing through from one body to the other. Soon their arms were untied Nat carefully covered the cuts with clean bandages. The curtain behind the alter opened to display a large bed that Rafa could fit in. It was high, the edge was at Isabella's waist. Before Isabella knew what had happened she was disrobed by Nat and, gently pushed towards the bed. Isabella blushed at being naked in front of so many. But soon Rafa came though the curtain and shut it behind him. He pulled Isabella close to him and kissed her. The feel of her warm body on his sent an electric current though him. He ran his hands down her back and cupped her butt as he lifted her off of her feet. He set her on the edge of the bed. He kissed down her neck and across her shoulder. He kissed along the collarbone; he kissed down to her breast. He could hear her sighing and starting to moan as he kissed and nibbled on her breast, but he could feel the tension in her body. He kneeled on his front legs and looked up into her eyes.


She nodded.

"It will hurt," he couldn't bear to lie to her, "but soon it will feel good and I will try to keep the pain to a minimal."

Before she could think of what he was going to do he used his hands to make her lay down on the bed. The view of her cunt had him growing even harder and wanting to feel her surrounding him. Instead he trailed kisses from her knee up to her cunt. He knew he startled her because her body did a funny jump when he kissed it. He cradled her butt in his hands as he started to gently lick at her sexy little numb. He couldn't help but smile as he felt her hands in his hair holding him close and urging him on. Then he pushed his tongue into her and curled it along the slick warm sides of her love channel. He soon felt her legs tremble in his hold. He pulled his head up and kissed up her stomach as he moved his hands from beneath her.