All Comments on 'Island Survival'

by satindesires

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Who was the holy than Tammy Falwell? I kno me is assnomeous.

LOVe slap-hapy-papy #9

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 1 year ago

Anon didn’t enjoy it,

I’m sure you’re right. What’s your wife’s cell number?

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 1 year ago


Damn good point about democracy.

Buster2UBuster2Uover 1 year ago

Great Writing, Great Story, Great Idea, Fantastic Picture of Humankind, so realistic. I am surprised that Tom didn't make an effort to make Adam. whatever his name was, to disappear. They never posted guards, Tom was an experienced hunter. He prob could have been deadly as well. 10 stars from me. This is truly a great story up there with "February Sucks" "The Bridge" and the "Kobayashi Maru" from Star Trek. Putting normal people in an impossible-to-win scenario. If I was ambitious I'd want to write an alternate ending. LOL But almost 80, I'm not anymore. thanks

mattenwmattenwover 1 year ago

A really well told story with a compelling ending! And yet democracy is the best form of government as long as there is no better one!

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 1 year ago

Margaret was responsible for much of the trouble. Tom could have starved the assholes to weaken them then picked them off one at a time like in a similar story on LW. Margaret would have to be picked off as well. Once only the three couples were left, then Tom could start feeding them again. If rescue eventually came, Tom could dump Helen then.

Pinto931Pinto931over 1 year ago

Interesting story thanks,

Buster2UBuster2Uover 1 year ago

The More times I read this story, the more details come to light! What a Great Story. This is a true Masterpiece of a short story. Putting this exact together for survival, This is Genius! Of Course the middle aged women want to fuck the young hot studs. Any excuse would be good enough for the them. The young Horn Dogs haven't got a lot of choice, so they are all in. However, The three husbands don't really appreciate Their wives acting like the sluts they really are. Those young guys and all the wives just outnumbered the three husbands, and were very determined. This was just an unwinnable situation for the Husbands. The wives and the young Studs were just wanting to fuck and tried to placate the husbands with their balony. If the Wives hadn't gotten so carried away (Hellen) on the Island or going to the publishers party without hubby to have sex just to get back so late the next day maybe they wouldn't have gotten divorced. It is a rare man that can be "OK" with the pain of a cheating wife including the "humiliation" factor or rubbing their noses in it back home. LOL When Adrea said "We've fuck hundreds of times on the island, what is the harm here?" (paraphrase) Still using the excuse of "Survival" LOL That line didn't work with the Hubbies on the Island and didn't work back home. Great Writing. Loved this story. Just reading it again begins to give me the gut ache as if it was my wife and I was one of the hubbies. LOL I'd have been taking them out one by one. No way would that stuff be "OK" with me. Those rugby players would have to REALLY sleeping close together to sleep safe at all.

OnethirdOnethirdover 1 year ago

Interesting- I love castaway stories, though the parts I like are the nature and coping aspects. Build a big funhouse tree like the Swiss Family Robinson! My main issue with the story is how, after just a few weeks, the rugby guys just HAD to be taken care of. That’s kind of silly. It would have been more believable if the rugby guys were just amoral and aggressive and took the women, but then you wouldn’t have the slut shaming that most readers on this site enjoy.

fritz51fritz51over 1 year ago

What a primo story line... cudos & *****

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A ripping yarn. I hoped it would be the adult version of Lord of the Flies, which it was at the beginning. A good read.

Lov2read2Lov2read2over 1 year ago

Great story! I had several thought as I read, not questing your story line as it was very good my thought were just alternatives. They could have worked out a round robin deal where every man spent time with every woman less chance of emotional connections or resentment and the husbands would not have been the only ones being short changed. Another being that they could have made it more business like more like a prostitute, you get :30 min you get in and get out, relief given. Another, husband decides he needs XYZ single guy to help survive, so he picks the one he likes best and brings him in to have his wife do her part under his terms.

As for the comments made about Democracy... BS! Pure democracy is 4 wolves an 2 lambs voting who to eat. In a situation like this it is a no win deal there would always be the same outcome "Lord of the Flies"

LordGeoffreyLordGeoffreyover 1 year ago

A good story but when the arrangements were originally considered, Tom and Bill should have insisted that they applied only to the food providers.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 1 year ago

USA is not, and never was, a democracy. It’s a constitutional republic. The libs are trying to push us towards a democracy as a stepping stone to tyranny.

afanoffanlitafanoffanlitover 1 year ago

That ended well. I can't imagine a driven guy like Tom accepting Helen after hearing her. Too easy to use that to sever any emotional ties. My favorite story by this author

EdgeOfSundownEdgeOfSundownover 1 year ago

While a unique subject to premise the story with, it quickly falls into the boring & overused nonsense of so many stories have on here. Plus no real revenge or BTB took place in the conclusion.

FaithfulToWifeFaithfulToWifeover 1 year ago

5 stars just for the very interesting premise.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Creative, different, clever and exceedingly well done. Strong effort to avoid the usual in a novel, interesting, and reasonably plausible way.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Bozo yry @svhwanze below. I suggest you stay in your lane making lame political commentary on sites like this and don’t go into social studies or civics teaching. Your “constitutional republic” “insight” is really no insight at all; rathe, it’s what teal thinkers would call a “distinction that’s not a difference.” A political sCientist you are not. And anyway, what do have against democracies ? Worried that there. aren’t enough other Trumpy goobers like you to make a real go of it where people actually get a say in their government?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I think Helen and Mary cancelled their married life when they raised their hands, voting 'yes'. It was over that moment. To bad no one won. Tom and Bill came out ahead, but unfortunately there was nothing to win. You need a proofreader. Good story, but grammar needs work..


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Gilligan's Island with a Twist. Imagine that Marianne and Ginger draw straws to see who gets Gilligan and who gets the professor. Meanwhile Mrs Howell entertains the skipper and Mr Howell.

inka2222inka2222over 1 year ago

Amazing story and great BTB! I'd give a 6th star if the husbands found better replacements, as it is you'll just have to be satisfied with 5 stars :P

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Epilogue, Mary and Helen grew older and less atractive quickly and couldn't get the attention of any men, younger, their age or older. Their well deserved reputation as cheating whore sluts stuck with them everywhere they went. They were shunned, mocked, ridiculed and used as an example for how not to live a stupid life. They ended up alone and completely broken women. Nobody cared...

mikaelTmikaelTover 1 year ago

Freaking excellent story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

No matter which side ends up winning, the rules under which every conflict is fought are ALWAYS established by the dirtiest S.O.B. in the fight!

Elias1Elias1over 1 year ago

Excellent Story!

DrgwngDrgwngover 1 year ago

Why the slow reluctant reaction from the husbands. Completely stupid and unrealistic. It was over as soon as the wives voted yes. After that we have a food power structure with only the providers having control. Very lame.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Why no one died?! People are not so skilled to show less emotions when crisis hits the roof. Helen and Adam would have been killed or brutally injured when conspiracy. The nerve of Helen shows she never respected her husband. Such a lowlife living again itself a risk to humanity.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Kept mixing up Margaret and Mary.

No sorrow by wives. No waiting kick to curb way earlier.

Never had sex again after her agreement with group. Condone by going back. Authors keep writing just used her. Don't buy it. Condoning.

DrkmanDrkmanabout 1 year ago

Well it all started well but the rest turned out badly. I only wonder why all of the women, except for the oldest weren't pregnant when rescued.

Elias1Elias1about 1 year ago

Five Stars ... a good story... the two wives used a false premise to become married whores... Tom deserves much better... he was a hero in this story.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Another story where the better-than-gold husbands are knighted and the wives demeaned. I hate these stories and one of them will never get higher than the worst rating I can give.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Tom is a hero? Not in my book. He is an asshole.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Why would the husbands go off hunting leaving the young guys to screw the wives, make the young guys go hunting as well.

Tom seemed to have no interest in his wife once he heard her with Adam, it don't really say how Bill and Mary got on.

In Bill and Toms position I think I would go off and hunt for themselves, the young guys would loose the urge to fuck once they were starving.

If I was pretty much forced to give up my wife there is no way I would be feeding the young guys to keep their strength up, the old guys held the aces but didn't use them

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago


It was very unlikable. I feel like I need a shower. -

I'm sure you're right.


Well, that was different. ....I will say this, if the reader is a man, they can't help but feel for Tom and even Bill. But if the reader is a woman, well... they are smirking and wishing they were Helen. 4 stars from me. - I would ask which you are but your score speaks a thousand words. Sorry ma'am.

tralan69ertralan69er12 months ago


Hey, Captain Oblivious, obviously I was referring to the crew of the ship, sheesh.-

"Sheesh" do you really say that?

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Tom is the best. Cheating skank Helen deserves some STD's and a lonely existence.

lujon2019lujon201911 months ago

I'd have claimed there were no survivors, claimed the crash was due to the rugby players, used the money from the insurance and wrongful death suit to buy a boat, and set up off shore to tell everyone on the island that the world thought they were dead and no rescue would ever come for them

AngelRiderAngelRider11 months ago

"Well, that was different. ....I will say this, if the reader is a man, they can't help but feel for Tom and even Bill. But if the reader is a woman, well... they are smirking and wishing they were Helen. 4 stars from me."

Misogynistic much?

ukrainianukrainian9 months ago

I didn't expect to enjoy this but your quick pace and character building carried me along to the end. Well done. Thank your for writing.

jmmj5jmmj59 months ago

I enjoyed that more than I was expecting.

A bit fantastical? Of course, but that was part of what made it great.

nixroxnixrox8 months ago

1 star for the story. I laughed at the comments 'lujon2019' made below and totally agree.

I am a survivalist and military veteran. If I was ever in this kind of situation, the outcome would have been entirely different.

NickTeeNickTee7 months ago

Tom and Bill should have been the only ones rescued from the island

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Crazy. Helen was basically either a mental nutcase or a heartless bitch with no possibility for empathy. The arrangement was ludicrous. Mary was just a total slut. What did they think woukd happen if they survived and got rescued?

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I've had extensive training with impact and edged weapons from my father a WWll Marine Master Sergeant since I was nine. I always have a blade with me or can fashion one from many sources. I could have had three of these young punks throats taken out before they knew what was happening. No way I would ever see the inside of a prison,so use your imagination on what else I would be capable of doing.

Gumbo25Gumbo256 months ago

Great story, loved it!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Think this woukd have turned into Lord of the Flies really quick. Yes there were the young rugby studs, but they were to busy screwing the women.

And once the vote came down and knowing what he observed of Helen with Adam, why bother hunting for them. Just move to the other end of the island and get ready for possible war. Hunt for yourselves. The wives made their choices. They did not do it for survival. Woukd have been a better storyline one of the wives had resisted ir only had sex under extreme duress. Helen was an unrepentant witch and Mary / Margaret was a slut.

Also surprised nothing happens to Adam and Dan a couple years after the fact.

NitpicNitpic5 months ago

How come Helen and Mary didn't get pregnant with all the cock they were getting.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago


I my book, Just a story written for entertainment.

Reality; my opinion is the Young Survivors would not leave the Island alive.

The husband club would.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

If I'd been Tom, I'd have been hunting rugby players. They'd have to get out into the jungle eventually, once they got really hungry, and I would be waiting. I'm very patient.


As far as the women go, they could fend for themselves. Good luck.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Good story, really liked getting "outside the norm". Five stars!

SeaChangerSeaChanger2 months ago

Excellent and creative.

FaShUnPhOtOgFaShUnPhOtOgabout 1 month ago

I agree with both anonymouses from a couple of months ago. If the rugby players kept pursuing the wives, goodbye rugby players. Accidents happen… falling off of cliffs, getting bitten by poisonous snakes, falling into spiked pit traps, drowning during a fishing trip… you get the picture. And once it was discovered Mary was giving hj’s prior to the vote, exile Mary.

Whether he knew it or not, Tom had the power and didn’t use it. Before the vote he should have made it clear that he’d let them starve if they continued down the cheating path. And then he should have stuck to his guns if they did.

nwaatntnwaatnt24 days ago

The younger blokes could have jerked themselves off.

I could see this situation becoming a problem, Helen showed her form early, what was wrong with one single fuck "there done my job"

In the situation Tom and Bill had forced on them, at the least i would stop hunting for the group, hunt for themselves and tell the young blokes to do some hunting.

With the way Tom was feeling why wouldn't he take Bill with him island hopping, fuck the rest.

When he did get rescued it would be tempting to say "I was the sole survivor"

RocketMan12RocketMan1218 days ago

Helen is always the biggest slut in all your stories. Is it something personal

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I like the loving wives category but it can be difficult to come up with something different and the comments can be ruthless. I try to explore alternate realities or situations with angst. The stories are fantasy and nowhere near realism, most are a bit tongue in cheek, pleas...