It is Never Too Tight


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The water still pounded on us from the shower, streaming over her back washing her hair to cover her face. We stayed locked like a pair of satiated dogs until the hardness of the tub against the knees signaled to time to move.

Too languorous to bother toweling dry we donned the robes provided and lay on the bed. Emma curled into the crook of my arm, her head on my chest. Several minutes we lay silent.

"You didn't come did you?" she asked with concern.

"Not yet." I confirmed.

Eventually we shed the robes and settled to sleep. The next thing I knew was a delicious warm feeling from my cock.

Emma was lying beside me with her mouth on my penis gently tonguing the underside, sending waves of pleasure through my body. What a glorious way to wake but as good as it felt I stopped her as I had other intentions.

"That feels so nice I almost don't want you to stop but we need to get you ready to go to Maine."

"Those jeans we got yesterday and the cap sleeve top that suits your hair colour."

Emma dressed as I asked and looked very beautiful in jeans that showed the curve of her hips and her tight buttocks and the deep colour of the top brought out the range of colours in her hair. The new western boots partially concealed by the jeans finished her outfit so well.

I sat on the edge of the bed and raised my hand. She took it and stood in front of me.

"I want to give you something to take with you, something that will keep me with you, something intensely private. Open the blouse and kneel in front of me. Now make me come."

She took me in her hands and mouth, rapidly bringing me to full hardness. I was so primed from last night and my waking blow job that I knew I would come quickly. Her expert mouth and soft hands worked my shaft while her tongue lapped at the underside of my cock.

"I am coming." I groaned. "Point me at your chest."

My load emptied into the cups of her bra. I was sure that it would remain secret and not show through the blouse.

"Now I will be with you."

I gave her some cash and took her down to the taxi where Peter stowed her overnight bag.

"Look after my woman, Peter." I instructed.

"No problem Boss. I'll call you when we are at her parents place."

I was soon on line to my office and a barrage of work was directed at me.

Somewhere there had been a major bridge collapse with lives lost. I was asked to be on the examining committee.

Halifax was examining the option of a third bridge, again. Would I submit a preliminary design and cost estimate?

There was a progress report on the project I was returning from.

My office manager insisted I look over the summer holiday schedule and the list went on.

Finally I was caught up on the correspondence. Most of my email had been responded to or deleted and three phone calls attended to.

I settled down to design the roof structure of the shoemaker's workshop. All the measurements had to be transposed from my notes to the computer. I had to source the building codes for the area but soon I was able to get down to the part that I loved. All my engineering life I specialized in sorting out other peoples disasters. This was a relatively easy one to fix.

The phone rang as I worked at the design. It was Peter.

"Hi Boss, I dropped her off at her parents home. She and an older guy talked on the doorstep for quite a while but she eventually waved at me and went inside."

"Thanks Peter, you go and have a good dinner on me."

I had to refocus on the project. They would need to double up the number of trusses, add extra support members in the walls and bring the insulation up to code. Some calls to building supply wholesalers for some pricing soon gave me the information for an approximate estimate.

It was quite late by now but I thought I would take a chance on calling Mary MacDonald to let her know I would be dropping by with the roof plans.

I was about to hang up when the phone was answered.

"Hi this is Honey, and I'm too sweet for you." was the giggled statement.

"I have no doubt you are Honey," I replied.

"Oh my God, you aren't who I thought you were." Honey stammered.

"Well if I'm not me then who am I?" I teased.

An edge came on her voice," And who are you anyway?"

"Mary called me her savior yesterday."

"Angus? Is that you?"

"None other. I was calling to let you know that I'll be by tomorrow afternoon with the plans for the roof."

'Mary will be here for sure but I'm not sure where I'll be. She can call me when you

get here. Will you be bringing that lovely girl with you?"

"Not this time, she won't be back from Maine by then."

I returned to my computer to catch up on work till bed time. The bridge collapse took my attention. I needed to determine if I would accept the invitation to be on the enquiry committee. It likely would be a long term commitment.

Sleep came slowly this night. I spent a long time pondering the future with Emma and myself. That she was very submissive was evident but was I ready to be the hard nosed dominant of the role I had taken to this point? Was this kind of relationship sustainable? I had always pictured my partner as being slightly submissive I suppose. I had always assumed I would be the bread winner and decision maker with a nice little wife, almost classic 1950s TV stuff. This wasn't 1950 but fifty some years later and that image just wasn't realistic.

I drifted off to sleep with this unresolved.

I was awakened by the phone ringing. The clock at the bed side showed three thirty.

"Its Emma," she said very softly, "I don't want to wake my Dad. I can't stay here. He has been so mean to me. I'm scared."

"Ok, tell me what has been happening."

"He has been shouting at me the whole evening. Telling me how stupid I was to believe anyone would be over there waiting for a dumb cow like me. How I would have been smarter if he had smacked me around more. The worst was he said he was going to give me to his old hunting buddy for his camp wife whore. That would keep me out of trouble."

"Get out of there very quietly and stay out of sight until Peter shows up. I'm calling him right now. Go now."

To give him credit Peter never once hesitated at being dragged out of bed at three thirty in the morning.

"No problem, Boss, I'm out the door. I'll get her and keep her safe."

"Call me as soon as you are back at the motel."

I paced the room, turning on the TV to occupy my mind. I needed answers to my questions. What kind of up bringing has she had? What kind of person was this father of hers? I would find out.

The phone rang again.

"It's me Boss, I have her but she's in bad shape. It looks like he whipped her."

"Peter. How do you feel about bring her back right now?"

"I can do that. I'll drop back to the motel for my stuff and be on the road in about forty five minutes."

I realized I was out of my depth here. How was I to deal with this young woman who had probably been traumatized since childhood? Through a friend I had met a very clever woman who laughingly called her self "the friendly neighborhood shrink". I fired off an email to her since I didn't have her phone number.

She surprised me by returning an answer immediately. I asked if I could call her to ask advice. Naturally as a professional she was reluctant to do this until I laid it all out for her. Instead she asked the number of the hotel. This I gave her and shortly after she called me.

Her advice was to the point. If I handled things wrong I could really mess the girl up. It was likely that she would have deep issues with an abusive father and she could be unconsciously seeking a replacement.

Emma might even try to provoke me into striking her though as yet I had seen no signs of it. I must not react harshly if it should happen. Instead I should give her a different token to focus on. Oddly enough this was exactly what I had in mind. It seemed my instincts were quite good.

I thanked her a lot and offered payment for the advice which was declined. I hung up feeling somewhat better.

The wait for Peter to arrive with Emma was a long one so I decided to have some breakfast to help pass the time. From the restaurant table I chose I had a view of the front door approach. I would be able to see them arrive.

There was a section of newspapers to read and after many coffee refills I eventually spotted the car. I signed the check and met them at the door.

The moment she saw me she ran up and grabbed me hugging and squeezing me tight. Her eyes were full of tears but she made no sound. She simply looked me in the face then smiled that same sad smile I had seen before.

Yesterday she had left in a new blouse today it was hung around her with the buttons ripped off and a sleeve hanging by a thread. Dirt was engrained in the knees of her jeans and she wore no make up. Her hair was tangled, no longer the glorious wavy auburn crown and she was barefoot. This was worse to me than the weeping waif I had sat beside at a European airport just a few days ago.

The sight of her in this desperate state brought home to me just how much I had come to care for her in such a short time. Right there I silently vowed revenge on the bastard who had done this to her.

We had a wait for the elevator as people were leaving the hotel for their activities of the day. Many were the hard looks from these people at the state of Emma. Not a word was said after they looked me in the face. I suspect there was a deep anger showing there.

Once in the room she started sobbing. So I gave her a big hug but as my arm closed over her back she winced, saying not a word.

"Let me get you out of these clothes and into the shower."

As I removed the blouse and jeans I was relived to see that her underwear appeared undamaged. As I slid her panties down Emma was quiet allowing this with no qualms but as I unhooked her bra she looked up and said.

"You are still in there. I never let you go. You were with me all the time."

It took me a second to understand what she was saying.

"I am here in front of you now you don't need this anymore."

I gave her a soft kiss on each breast just above the nipple where my semen would have collected in her bra cups yesterday.

In the mirror behind her I saw her back for the first time. It was covered with welts about an inch across, the size of the average belt. They were red and fierce looking though the skin was unbroken.

Emma head me gasp and said,

"He always knew how hard to hit without making me bleed. I don't have any scars to prove he touched me."

"Let's get you cleaned up. Then you can tell me about it all."

I ran the shower at a fairly cool temperature and carefully soaped and rinsed her, head to toe. Although I couldn't help admire her naked body and touching her was a delight now was not the time to stimulate her sexually. She had some deep troubles that needed taking care of.

Emma had had a lifetime of training to be submissive to a brutal male. It would take tender but firm care to bring her to happiness.

After gently toweling her dry I took her to the bed and tucked her in.

"Emma," I said as she snuggled down, "I have to go out for a while so you sleep and we'll get some lunch when I get back."

"Ok, I'll sleep now I feel so safe in your bed."

Peter had gone off shift as expected so I took another cab the jewelry design place.

Alexandra greeted me and with considerable pride showed me her creation.

"Emma is a very lucky young woman to deserve this, you know."

To my surprise the piece was finished and was impressive in its perfection. It had the dull luster of polished Platinum. It was of a classic carved pattern with a smooth band at the upper and lower edges. Standing one and a half inches high it was three eighths of an inch thick.

There was a ring attached at the centre so that other adornments could be clipped on. This ring held the only stones on the piece, three diamonds arranged somewhat like an engagement ring.

When connected the seams were invisible. A tiny tube of adhesive was included in the sumptuous box and the package placed in a plain brown paper sack.

Noon had just passed when I returned to the hotel and as I let myself into the room Emma was just stirring.

The thought came to me that I wanted witnesses when I put the jewelry on Emma and who better than the slightly whacky lawyer Honey and Mary MacDonald.

"Come on sleepy head. We have places to go."

With some of her clothes ruined or left behind there was really only one choice for Emma to wear and that was the ice blue stretch satin slip dress. After her hair was well brushed she looked stunning. Once more her ability to come back from an awful experience impressed me.

Peter was still off so the driver I had earlier took us to the shoemakers and this time I let him go as I expected to be here for quite a while.

Mary greeted us like long lost friends.

"Angus, Emma, there you are. Come though to the workshop so I can show you what I have created for you. Before I reveal it to you I have to call Honey she sooo wants to be here when Emma has her fitting."

She dialed, "Hi darling, they are here. Ten minutes? Ok see you soon."

"Honey will be here in about half an hour." Mary said grinning, "She usually figures each hour has about three hundred minutes."

"Wow Emma you look so good in that dress. I wish I could wear clothes like you can."

This little out burst caused me to look a bit closer at Mary. She was a few years younger than me I estimated with a heavier but firm body on a sturdy frame standing about five feet ten. Her denim outfit did look good on her but I suspected she wore denim mostly.

Honey surprised us all by arriving in the ten minutes promised. I guessed that Honey had her Jeep's roof on today by her appearance. Her golden hair was under control and her clothes neater. Today these consisted of a plaid skirt just as short as the one she wore before worn with an equally short white halter top. To be dressed like a high school junior seemed odd for one who was an astute lawyer.

Then the penny dropped and I realized that roles were being played in the lives of Mary and Honey. That they were lovers was of no surprise but how they interacted I was clueless.

Honey rushed over to Emma saying,

"Oh look at you. You look so good I could eat you up."

"Mary, I love her she's gorgeous, can I play with her?"

Mary spoke up," Emma's here to try the boots I made for her. Don't you think we should let her do that?"

With that she opened a cupboard and withdrew a large ornate cardboard box. Placing the box on the work surface she opened it and took out a simple thigh length boot exquisitely made in soft supple black leather.

"There is a problem." Mary stated, "These will not fit with Emma's dress."

Emma looked at me and I nodded. She quickly raised the dress over her head to stand naked.

Mary offered up each boot for Emma to put on, smoothing her beautiful craftsmanship over Emma's legs. Hidden zips and elastic panels ensured that the boots fit like a second skin.

The effect of these tall boots being the only item to adorn Emma's beautiful body was breath taking in its erotic sensuality. As she moved to gauge the feel of the new footwear she was as lithe and graceful as a dancer.

I tore my eyes from Emma to study the reaction of Honey. It was clear that she was as smitten by Emma as I was. I have rarely seen such obvious lust in the eyes of any woman as I witnessed in Honey's. As Emma turned and the welts on her back were exposed to Honey's gaze I was staggered to see a hungry look come over her face not the look of horror I expected.

"Oh lovely," she whispered.

" Were those your gift?" She asked.

"No Honey they put there by her bastard Father," I said grimly. "That was no love play. That was abuse."

"I would have a very hard time doing that even if she were to accept it from me."

"I have a much more lasting token of her importance to me. I want you and Mary to be witnesses to her acceptance."

Honey immediately changed her expression.

"What do you have in mind? No permanent marking I hope."

I opened my brief case taking out the jewel case. Moving in front of Emma I removed the collar showing it to her.

"Emma. I want you to wear this as a token of my place in your life. It is to symbolize my permanent intention to lead you through the rest of your life."

Emma responded with a simple." Yes."

She kneeled in front of me naked save for the boots as I added adhesive to the two pins sliding the two halves together making a single ornate platinum ring about her neck.

Short of cutting with a metal saw the collar was there for ever. Honey led Emma to a mirror so she could admire the collar.

"Oh Emma, I envy you so. You have found where you belong and you will never have to make him prove it. I have to be bad so Mary whips me then I carry my proof for a while in the marks she gives me. The welts on your back seemed the same to me."

With that Honey kissed Emma hard on the lips then sank to her knees bringing her face to Emma's pussy. She opened Emma's labia with her hands and vigorously licked up and down the slit. He tongue entered Emma's body as the nose moved over her clit. With the instinct of a woman pleasuring another, her movements had an immediate effect. Emma moaned in ecstasy holding Honey's blonde head to her sex.

With her emotions already at a high level it was only moments before Emma came on Honey's tongue. She held Honey's head to steady herself as pleasure pulsed through her body.

Mary looked at me with a sort of conspiratorial look as if she expected me to go along with her next move. With a very stern voice she spoke harshly to Honey.

"Honey you attacked Emma without permission. You gave her an orgasm and had your own without permission .You know what that means. I will have to punish you."

"Yes Mary, I need to be punished. I need to carry your marks."

As an aside Mary spoke quietly to me.

"You may find you have to go where you didn't want to when caring for a deeply submissive person. I could never imagine whipping another person but Honey needs it and loves the pain."

"Mary, I know this is important to you but would you hold off any punishment until Emma leaves? She may react very badly to seeing some one with a whip or what ever you and Honey prefer."

"I have another favour to ask. I'd like Emma to wear the boots back to the hotel but she can't wear the dress. Is there something she could wear here?"

Mary thought for while and then smiled.

"I have the answer. Honey will give Emma her clothes and as punishment will drive home in the nude."

The sight of Emma with her beautiful new boots, a tight halter top and a short skirt made shorter by Emma's extra height and the boots heels was stunning.

Mary said," Wow! Those truly are fuck me boots. I think they are well worth offering as new line to select customers. I think Honey should drive you to the hotel. It will save getting a cab and add to her punishment.

The ride back to the hotel was an adventure. Working through the traffic of Boston with a naked driver and a backseat passenger with not a lot more on wondering if we would get stopped was a little nerve wracking but passed without incident.

As we said goodbye to Honey she said," I'd love a three way with you and Emma. I do do special men once in a while."

"Perhaps we will one day. Good night Honey."

As the elevator rose to our floor I played with the idea of another test for Emma but the car stopped at an intermediate floor and a family of two girls and their mother entered.

The mother looked Emma up and down, sniffed and turned her back to us while the two mid-teen girls gazed in envy at Emma's attire.

The elevator stopped again and they stepped out as the older girl turned and said,
