It Isn't Just an Orgy


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"They aren't really gone," she admitted to herself. It wasn't that easy. "I'm just not going to let them hold me back anymore." She looked at the signal strength on her phone. It was enough to make the call, although if they drove any further, it would disappear. Maybe her courage would too. Despite her own advice to Hawk about not rushing decisions while decompressing, she couldn't take it any more than he did.

Getting out of her car, Isabel went around behind it. She punched the number into her phone, took a deep breath, and pressed down on the green button. It felt like it took longer than usual for it to make the connection, and she worried that maybe it wouldn't go through. She almost gave up and ended the call when it started to ring.



A third time.

Isabel started to worry it would go to voice mail. "Fuck, what'll I say?" she thought but then the ring stopped.

"Hello?" a woman's voice answered. It had been months and they only had a few days together, but Isabel instantly recognized it.

"Rachel?" Isabel said, feeling her throat as dry as if still on the Playa. She swallowed and tried again.

"Chelle, it's Isabel. Can you talk?"

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy6 months ago

Mourning …. If a soulmate is leaving us behind thats the most horrible painful helpless feeling spreading through your body mind and soul and leaving a empty shell …. Healing , on the surface to further exist but deep down the burning happen to our soul, cant be solved …. Moving like a living death minion

Wow this tale was impressive and beautiful ….. its hard to express my emotions because im missing your talent but im honored and lucky reading this soulful tale


LiberalMindsLiberalMinds10 months ago

And please be Nice to them!

LiberalMindsLiberalMinds10 months ago

My god! Why am I crying so intensely? This is just devastating. It’s so sad. The first temple scene was just magic and sad, tears blurting out. My god, I don’t know what to say. I need, no, I demand Chelle’s and Isabel’s story. And I want it now. It’s not fair leaving us in oblivion.

hotwifehusbhotwifehusbabout 1 year ago

I was blown away by the writing in this story. As a Burner myself, you really conjured what it's like to be in the dust for a week. Your writing chops are impressive. I really enjoyed the characters buildup as they got to know each other because when the sex arrives, it's transcending. Just like in real life, it turns out! I'm so joyful to discover you have a ton more stories here. Thank you so so so much.

Roti8211Chanai643Roti8211Chanai643over 1 year ago

A different type of story!

Really good, regret, closure and the strength to go forward!

Really resonates with me!

Thank you so much!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So powerful and original, yes like most Burning man is new to me, but you portray it so well. Thanks so much for this even for yet more tears you write so well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

More 😭😭

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This is one of my all time favourite stories, thank you

Captain MidnightCaptain Midnightover 2 years ago

I had never heard of Burning Man before this story.

It's been more than four years now. Will there be a follow-up or a side story about Rachel?

artistkeithartistkeithover 2 years ago

When I read, "she pulled out a little wrinkled scrap of paper" I completely broke down. Teras are still pouring down my face as I write this. You touched the painful spot where I keep hidden all of the loves gained and lost over a lifetime. It just broke open the walls, as there were no gates to open. I'm not sure if I should thank you or curse you. Now I have to figure out if I can get to and survive Burning Man.

As I've said before, you are a gem of a writer.

Runner4069Runner4069almost 3 years ago

Absolutely brilliant, such an emotional and wonderful work, and I learned alot about Burning Man and am glad it exists for you and others enjoy it for it's original intent.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I was absolutely gripped by the story. I wish it were possible to give it more than five stars.

I don't know much about Burning man, so I was very interested reading about it from a participants point of view. Exploring Isabel's feelings about Chelle was a great read, you articulated them brilliantly. And her liaison with Pixie was just right, caring and supportive, but temporary.

But most of all you teased us throughout with Isabel's decision. The story engaged my emotions as I hoped that Isabel would reverse her decision to let go of Rachel, but felt that inevitably she would not. Then when the box burned part way through the penultimate page of the story, it was an anticlimax. Perhaps I should have guessed there was still another twist in the tale. So if I felt tricked by the ending, then of course I have to forgive you because it was the ending that I had hoped for all along.

Air_DryAir_Dryabout 4 years ago

I was very mopey after reading Out of Bounds this afternoon. I wanted them to try so bad but much of what surfaced was all the pain in my life the last 6 weeks plus. It's all very personal and I thought of spilling it but for now I won't. All the feelings hit me again while I neared the end of this story. I couldn't hold back tears at the end. I am hoping Rachel will want to hear Isabel out like so many other readers. I will be watching for more involving Rachel. If Isabel is back in her life I'd be happy for that but cautious. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
We want more! We want more!!

Please and thank you. 😉😇😁

MigbirdMigbirdover 4 years ago
Isabel and Rachel

Can see that you infrequently share your work on this site, which for readers is unfortunate because you craft very good stories. The relationship between Rachel and Isabel is captivating not to mention frustrating for the reader because the story cannot be done (?). You write well, and I for one would look forward to more about these two women (and other stories from you).

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