It Just Seems Like...

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Best Friends forever?
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Both characters are 18

They were already doing just about everything together as it was. Studying. Getting together to watch TV.

Their parents were very close, even though they weren't neighbors. Their mothers had met at the neighborhood playground when they were little, and then because they were close enough, Carrie and Danny began going to the same schools. From elementary to high school.

But they never considered that they were 'going together.' They just 'were.' It didn't rise to the point of even "going steady." They just... Were.

Danny Brady and Carrie Moore were what had become to be known as "latch key children." Since they almost considered themselves as brother and sister (and most of their school pretty much saw them that way too), it was just natural that they would spend time together.

"When's your dad coming home?" he asked.

"Oh, I don't know. This new job of his has him traveling too much. I know that mom doesn't like it."

"As if her job isn't taking all of her time as well," Danny snickered. "Or my parents too, for that matter."

Sighing, Carrie laughed, "Well, I hope that we manage to get jobs that are better than the 'Rents. You know? Or better than flipping burgers."

"I don't plan on either one," Danny said fiercely. They'd had this discussion way too many times. "I just want to get into a good school. Get away from here. You know?"

They lived in a rather small town in Iowa. The local high school usually had graduating classes that were numbered in dozens (in a good year), and climbed to close to a hundred every great once in a while, depending on whose families were escaping which city to live "in a more rural area." Some of their classmates were sons and daughters of farmers, and after high school, that was the jobs that they were going to.

Carrie and Danny's parents were "fleeing" from Chicago and Urbana respectively. Each couple wanted the same thing — their children growing up in a more relaxed atmosphere than they had.

But to Carie and Danny, Lakeside was "boring." "Good thing we have each other," Carrie once joked to Danny.


And still they felt more like they were were related than 'just friends.'

The phone rang in the kitchen, and Carried sprang up to answer it. Her mother Lauren had to work late again. "I'm sorry, honey," she said on the phone. "But I'm sure that you and Danny will find enough in the fridge to eat, and I hope you're getting a lot of studying done."

"We will, Mom. I wish you didn't have to—"

"I know, Carrie Anne. I wish I didn't have to either. Maybe when your father gets that promotion—"

Carried had heard this before, but cut her off saying, "Ok, Mom. See you when you get home. Love you."

Returning back to the living room where they had spread out their books, Carrie looked at Danny. She was tired of studying. Were her parents jobs all they had to look forward to?

Plopping herself down hard on the couch, Danny looked up suddenly from where he had been intent on his biology book.


"Sorry. You heard my mom. She's going to be late yet again."

"Yeah, well, at least she's in town and this doesn't happen like... all the time. I'm barely seeing my parents these days."

Carrie all of a sudden had the urge to go over to where Danny was sitting, and put her arms around him. In a sisterly way, of course.

"What do you really want to do?" Carrie asked him feeling bored of homework.

"Oh, I don't know," he said, closing his eyes and his book and letting out a big sigh.

"We're learning biology, but they don't want to teach us about Darwin and evolution, cause..." she paused to add a little dramatic flare, "That's evil!"

He turned to her and laughed at (and with) her. 'Why doesn't anyone else make me laugh like that?' he had begun asking himself recently.

They were seniors, and he had asked his parents if maybe he shouldn't be going out and getting a job, like a lot of the other kids at school had to do. "No," his father had told him. "I want you to study, so you can get into a good college. That's why your mother and I are working so hard. So you don't have to."

He could kinda see the logic in that, but he had begun thinking lately that his parents had the kinds of jobs they had, because they were no longer really a couple. They didn't even go on vacations as a family lately, unless it was short trips with Carrie's family. "We want you to have a life," his mother had once said.

Both Carrie and Danny looked up at each other at the same time. They looked, sighed, and then went back to reading.

After a while, Carrie looked up and asked, "Why don't they teach us something useful?"

"I don't know. Like what?"

"Like, sex ed. That's biology, isn't it?"

Snorting at this, Danny only replied with a "Yeah, right."

"Are you still a virgin?" Carrie asked, cocking her head to the side and knowing full well what his answer was.

"I'm eighteen, and I'm a man. So of course—"

"Uh, huh." Leaning over and poking at him, "Of course you are. You don't even go out with any girls. Matter of fact, I'm the only girl you've got in your life."

Getting defensively, "So?"

"So... Aren't you the least bit curious as to what a girl actually looks like?"


"And I don't mean watching porn, Daniel Brady."

Blushing at this, Danny returns to intently reading his biology book again.

"Do you..." she hesitated. "I mean, when you watch—"

"Of course I do," he reacted testily. And with his curiosity getting the better of him, he barely looked up and asked, "Do you?"

"Watch porn?" she replied and then giggled.

"You know. Do you. Do..." and clearing his throat added, "That."

"You mean, do I..." and not being used to saying it to a guy, "Jill off?"

"Yeah." That got his attention. Closing the book again, "Do you, like—"

"Wanna watch?" She was feeling bored, and now she was feeling 'naughty.'

"Ummm. Carrie. Don't you want to find some other guy to... you know... be with?"

"Well, all the rest of the guys at school are either jocks wanting to peg me, or nerdy guys who can't tell porn from their science books," she said with a smirk. He quickly threw his biology book on the couch in between them like it was suddenly too hot to handle.

"Aren't I kind of like... One of those?" Danny asked with a half jokingly, half upset voice.

"Well..." Carrie paused, unsure of how to answer that one. He was kind of nerdy, but then in a cute sort of way.

"And besides," Danny continued. "I kinda feel like we're brother and sister, or maybe cousins. Like that. I mean, our parents are so close that—"

"So we don't go all the way. We just... Watch. Look. Like, up close and... watch."

"I dunno, Carrie. It just seems like... kind of strange. You know?"

"I don't want to wait any more. Can't we do this? We don't have to have, like... have sex. I just want to see what you look like. Don't you? I mean, see what I look like?" And pointing down to her lap, "There?"

They sat looking and not looking at each other for a very long time. This question had just sort of hung in the air between them for a while now. They did feel like brother and sister. And then they had this strong pull that would occasionally bring them almost together, hands almost about to touch hands, and then... When no one else was looking, that is.

Carrie lifted her legs up to the couch, and then crossed them and then opened them wide, posing her now wide open crotch in his direction.

Danny for his part couldn't look at her. He could feel his erection beginning to pop up and got even more embarrassed than he was. He grabbed for his biology book again for cover.

But before he did, Carrie saw his almost fully erect crotch pushing at the front of his pants. She smiled at this, and widened her legs even further apart.

"Don't you want to see the real thing?" she asked him coquettishly. She even bit her lower lip, beginning to feel sexy. Even at his expense.

"So would that mean, like, we'd be going together? I mean..."

It was now her turn to blush and look down. Her feelings had begun to be flowing in Danny's direction as well. Only she was more aware of this than he was. "Guys can be so dumb," one of her female friends Cindy had once said to their group of girl friends.

"Maybe," Belinda, one of her other friends had said. "Until they really know what they want." Carrie had blushed hard at this.

"What, Carrie? Parents haven't given you the 'birds and the bees' talk?"

"I barely even see my parents," she replied.

Danny and Carrie entered into another long bout of silence, neither one wanting to speak the word, 'Yes.'

After a while, Carrie told him, "We're both adults now. And neither one of us has seen, much less had... you know. Aren't you at least curious?"

"Of course I am," he said softly. The hidden pain of his 'manly' shame began coloring his face and neck. "But you're my best friend," he again said softly. "I mean—"

"So isn't that the way it's supposed to be?" Carrie asked with a little too much whine in her voice to her liking. Why is this so hard? she asked herself. No parents. They could be fucking like bunnies and neither set of parents would know. Maybe they would even like the idea. Of the two of them being together, that is.

"Ok," he said, his voice croaking. "Like... in your bedroom?"

"I don't want to do it here on the couch," she said, with obvious sarcasm dripping into her lap.

Taking a deep breath, he rose up to follow her when she left the couch and headed towards her bedroom. Holy shit, he thought to himself. Were they really going to do this?

Carrie went over and sat cross legged again on her bed. "Close the door," she said softly. As if someone could either see them or walk in on them.

He closed it ever so slightly until he heard it softly click. There was some sense of a sound of finality in that sound. As if they were crossing a threshold in their lives. He hesitantly turned away form the door and towards where she was sitting on her bed.

He pulled her chair out from her desk and turned it around. "So what do you want to do?" he asked, with a quaver in his voice he felt ashamed of.

"Ummm. Get naked?" She asked, unsure herself.

"Ok," he said hesitantly. "You first."

"Come on. It's not like we haven't seen each other in a bathing suit before."

"Yeah, but I, uh... never..." he said, self consciously folding his hand in front of his now fully erect crotch.

"Had a stiffy?" She asked gleefully, watching what was behind his hands tent his jeans.

"Ummm, yeah."

"Not really. Remember that trip we went on at Lake Elsinore?"

"Ummm. Yeah?"

"Well, you did then."

"Really? I don't remem—"

"Yeah. Remember? It was kind of cold? You and I got further out in the lake, and you— "

Blushing again, "I don't remember that."

"I do," she said with a grin.

Getting up off her bed, she walked over step by step, and began pulling his hands away, top one first and then the other one, looking expectantly down in front of her.

He whimpered a little as her hand brushed up against him as she took his right hand off. "Oopsie!" she giggled, and then retreated back to her bed.

"Let's do it together. You know, at the same time?"

"Ummm. Ok," he said, still hesitating to move an inch for fear of coming in his pants before he even got his jeans off.

She began looking in his eyes, as she said, "One piece at a time. Okay?" And then began pulling her tee shirt from the hem at her waist, slowly up and over her stomach and then her bra. Dropping the shirt at her feet, she told him, "See? That's not so hard."

Taking his tee off much more quickly, he sighed and said, "There."

She had seen his chest before, but it had been a while. Since then, he had started growing chest hair, and she was fascinated by the change.

Licking her lips and reaching down, she unbuttoned and began slowly unzipping her jeans. Again, very slowly. Teasingly. Watching as his hands once again gripped at his crotch.

Standing there in her underwear, Danny began to notice the little bears and flowers that were on her bra and panties. They certainly weren't what most women their age wold be wearing. "Teddy bears?"

She took both of her hands and wrapped them together and bunched them at her crotch and began swaying back and forth in a little girl way. "I like them," she said. "So sue me!" and grinned and went back to being a woman. "You're next."

Taking a deep breath and pulling his hands away from his crotch, he stood and unbuttoned and pulled — again, much more slowly but un-sensually — on his jeans until they were at his feet. Reaching down and untying and pulling his shoes off, he left his white gym socks on.

They stood, mere feet from each other (and her bedroom was not a particularly large one), and stared into each others eyes. He was trying hard to not stare at her growing nipples tenting her cotton bra, and she not to stare too intently at his now obvious and growing stiffer by the minute hard on.

After a long set of minutes, she smiled shyly and he blushed brightly.

"So," she said finally. "Who's next?"

"Well, you have two pieces of underwear on, so you should go first."

Sighing and getting a hungry look on her face, she reached around to unsnap her bra, once again, pausing before pulling it off completely.

Taking a deep breath, she pulled the bra around from behind her, and with a flourish, pulled it down her arms and let it drop to the floor.

He couldn't help himself. His eyes zeroed in on those perky points of tit flesh he'd only seen before in porn. They didn't have the aureolas of porn stars, but were not small little eraser-sized points of engorging flesh. They were the size of erasers, and they screamed out to Danny to be sucked on.

He didn't know it, but he also licked his lips. She smiled shyly but still hungrily at this, and said nothing.

"Let's take off the panties at the same time," she said. "At the count of three. One... Two..." And with that, she hooked her fingers in the elastic on either side of her hips and began pulling the fabric down and letting it drop after it had cleared her crotch.

Now, Danny was really staring. The thatch of hair that was only hinted at before, was now on full display. His mind couldn't make up whether he wanted to focus on her tits or her lush mound of hair below.

Having hesitated to do the same, Carrie gave hims a nasty look. "Well?" she asked impatiently.

Breathing hard now, Danny more firmly gipped the waistband and yanked his "tighty whitey's" down. Of course, causing his now pumping major blood prick to spring out and then bounce up and ding dong up and down for a few long seconds. It caused her to tittle and then giggle, and then exclaim, "Oh, MY GOD!"

He looked down, as much to watch in amazement at how big his 'little man' had grown, and also at the springing movement. Oh, and to not stare too hard at Carrie's wonderfully nubile little body across from him.

His mind screamed, God, she's gorgeous! Part of him wanted to close the three foot distance and pick her up by those wonderful legs and plunge into that forest right away. Primally take her and impregnate her. Right here. Right now.

But he hesitated, as his prick began sproinging less and less.

"Wow," she said, oh so softly. When he looked up, her eyes were wide and her mouth was heaving open. "Is it always that big?" she asked in awe.

He blushed again, both embarrassed and proud that he was now this big. He watched as the blood kept on pumping it gently up and down without his having to do a thing. It was as if his male member had a life of its own (which it probably did he thought).

"Can I—" she started to say.

"Touch it?" He asked, part of him wanting to scream 'Yes!' but taking a gulp and asking her in return, "Can I see yours first?"

He began feeling like walking over to her again and sticking his throbbing prick right up into that hot hole that he knew was there, taking her in raw, non-thinking animal emotion and lust.

"Maybe we should just... do ourselves," she said in a hush. "While we watch each other. Maybe that would be, you know... safer.

Wanting to both agree and violently disagree, both at the same time, instead he responded with a quiet and simple, "Yes. That'd probably be a good idea."

He sat in the chair behind him, and she pulled the sheets and comforter down on her bed, preparing to sit there.

As she sat and turned her body around to face him, she smiled and said, "Do what you usually do." She spread her legs wide, and placed her fingers tentatively on her mons and prepared to begin stroking herself.

His eyes laser focused in on the opening cavern that suddenly appeared when she opened her legs fully, and he took a deep breath and wrapped his right hand fist around his pole, prepared to yank on it as he watched her plunge her fingers into her hole.

Her right hand went up to her breast and began touching it as gently as she could, first the tip of her nipple and letting out a sharp hissssss as she did. Mewling at her first touch, her eyes glued to his as his hand began stroking up and down his throbbing prick, and her breathing began going faster and faster to match his quickening breathing.

Her left hand began touching her inner lips as they began becoming engorged as well. Her teeth grabbing her upper lip, she began dipping into her wetness and spreading it around.

"I want..." she began to say. "I want to... see it. Up close," she said, her breathing getting heavier and heavier. "Over here," she said, and patting the bed right in front of her, she stopped for a second to pant as her eyes began closing to slits.

He got up from the chair, and then sat down again. Rising a second time, he more firmly walked over to the foot of the bed, and hesitantly sat down, not stroking himself.

"When you... Is it... ummm... messy?" she asked quietly.

"Ummmm. Yeah," he said, and Carrie leapt off the bed and went into the hall linen closet, bringing back a large beach towel and spreading it under her on the bed.

Laughing when she came back, "Well, it's not that messy," he told her.

"Well... maybe I am," she said with a wicked little smile.

He gulped at this, and just said, "Oh."

Now that he was this close, he asked her, "Can I see it really up close?"

She smiled shyly now, and leaned in really close to ask him mischievously, "How close do you wanna be?" She was almost ready to close the distance and kiss him. Please kiss me! she screamed internally at him.

When he didn't take the hint, she leaned back till her back was against her headboard, spreading her legs again, as wide as she could. She scrunched her back down a little to let lift her ass off the bed for a better view.

Now licking his lips, Danny began leaning in towards her as she used her fingers to begin spreading her labia apart. He was almost down to the bed, when she asked him, "Do you want to lick it?"

Danny had heard the guys talk in the locker room about how nasty and skanky their girl friends pussies were. Although he wasn't smelling her as being that bad, he preferred to just see it for right now. "Maybe later," was all he told her.

She pulled her lips even further apart, to reveal to him her inner secret: her glowing pink and blush area leading to her small but enticing tunnel of love. He almost did want to lick and slurp at it, but felt that was too far to go. He wanted to see her masturbate. He wasn't sure that he wanted to go any further than that.

She used her pointer finger to reach into the hole and began stroking it in and out. They both let out a whimper at this. Her for the sensation and the naughtiness of jilling off in front of her best friend, and him for the stroking that he wanted to do, but not with his finger.