It's a Monster


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"Sneaking out," asked Grace. Of course, she was sleeping on the couch. The second bedroom was supposedly mine, although I hadn't actually used it since the third week that I had been here.

I turned the light, on so she could see me. "Nope just going out for my run," I said.

"You run?" she asked. I just nodded.

"Can I go?" she asked. I nodded again. I busied myself in the kitchen while she quickly changed. I noticed that her running gear imitated mine.

We drove my Mustang to the park. I started out at a very slow pace as usual.

"You don't stretch?" she asked.

"A lot of studies have shown that stretching before a run promotes injury," I said. "I warm up by running slowly then as my muscles warm up, I increase the pace. I stretch after the run to help me stay flexible and to recover from the run. In the summer, or when it's warm, I stretch by the car. On cold days, like this morning, I do it back at the house while I make Glory's breakfast."

We talked while we ran and after a couple of miles, we had increased the pace until I could tell that it was challenging for her to maintain. I backed off a bit so she'd be able to complete the run.

When we got back to the house, she hit the shower immediately. I hit the kitchen. I started the coffee and put bread in the toaster. I made eggs the way Glory liked them and cut up some fruit. I went into the bedroom and kissed Glory awake before setting the tray down on her bed. I went back to get the coffee and found Grace there staring at me.

"Good bacon," she said.

"Eat the eggs too," I said. "I made them for you. I figured that you'd probably like them the way Glory does."

"But there won't be enough for you," she said.

"I hate eggs," I said. "Just the smell of them makes me sick."

"Then why'd ...?" she asked in confusion.

"Because Glory loves them," I smiled. She got a plate and sat down on the edge of the bed, munching along with her mother as I got into the shower.

"Mom, is he putting on a show for me," asked Grace when I was out of the room.

"Nope," said Glory. "He makes me breakfast almost every morning. And he does more than his share of the housework too. He's a good guy, Grace."

"I know dammit," spat Grace. "This is really fucked up."

* * * * * *


A week before Halloween, everything changed. My plan was to show up at the company Halloween party and use the formula to win Galan back. But setback after setback in terms of being able to extend the length of time that it was active had me changing my plans. In order for the formula to work the way I needed it to, the effects had to last at least a couple of hours or so. All I had succeeded in doing so far was to increase the active time to 9 or 10 minutes.

I ran into Galan that day too. We were in the parking lot. He was getting out of our Mustang, just as I was getting out of my car.

"Hi Galan," I said with as much cheer and enthusiasm as I could muster.

"Look, Beth," he said. "You already ruined my life. I'm glad you're happy, and you got over us so easily. However, can you give me a break. I'm just not that God Damned cheerful, yet, okay?"

I smiled. Not because I was happy about Galan being miserable. Although I was happy that he was miserable. It only proved that he still loved me and that getting over me was tough for him. The real reason I smiled was because with the way that he was feeling, I was sure my plan would work. I was also sure that I probably didn't even need the formula. Galan had always loved me the way I was.

My day was routine. I spent most of my time in the lab. I did a lot of normal chemical analysis and testing. I mixed a batch of a new drug that our research department had come up with. I went out into the office a couple of times, but only if I absolutely had to. Lately I have taken to doing all of my office work and ordering just after the office workers left for the day. That way, I wasn't subjected to the hundreds of little digs that they took at me. Avoiding the fat jokes and comments about how I lost Galan, was worth staying a few minutes later.

However, as I've mentioned it was about a week before Halloween that it all came apart. I was heading for Todd's office to leave my order list on his desk when Craig cornered me.

Since Galan had caught us, I had always made sure to keep my body totally covered. It had been my joy at Galan's love for my body that had caused me to go around displaying all of that cleavage in the first place. Galan's love had convinced me that bigger women could be sexy too. However, the only thing being sexy had gained me was more attention, and it was all the wrong kind of attention. And it came from the wrong people.

"Hey Fat ass," smirked Craig. "I've noticed that you're covering all of that fat up lately."

I didn't bother with a reply.

"I guess your wimpy boyfriend isn't going to do anything about us fucking you," he laughed. "I was scared for a while that he was gonna tell our wives and tell the old man. But all he did was dumped YOU. I guess even wimps don't want a big fat slut like you."

I was very close to tears. There was nothing I could do about it. We were alone in the office. Even if I made a report, it would be his word against mine.

"I'll bet that fat pussy is as dry as the desert," he laughed. "Tell you what. As a favor to you, I'm gonna fuck it for you, one more time. Get into Todd's office, now!"

"No!" I said sharply. "Never again; I won't cheat on Galan again."

"You must be the dumbest fat slut on the planet," he sneered. "You can't cheat on Galan. He dumped your fat ass. But if you're so worried about him ... How hurt do you think he'd be if I e-mailed him a couple of the videos of you sucking and fucking the three of us?"

"No, don't do that!" I said.

"Then get your fat ass in that office and pull those tits out and those panties down," he said. I had no choice. Just as I started towards the office, something changed. My tears stopped flowing. It wasn't that I wanted to have sex with Craig. It was that I had a reason for it. I was going to let Craig have me to prevent doing further harm to Galan. There was nothing I wouldn't do for Galan. Craig's phone rang at that moment, and he answered it while pointing towards the office.

So while Craig jabbered away on his phone. I pulled the vial out of my pocket and took a large gulp of my formula. Even as Craig followed me into the office, my body changed. All Craig noticed was that I pulled my hair out of its bun. He hadn't noticed the change in my height as much because I was walking. I bent over Todd's desk and slipped my now too-large panties off as Craig stepped up behind me.

He ripped away my lab coat and gasped at the changes. The smile on his face was priceless.

"Holy fuck!" he gasped. "Have you been working out. You're fucking gorgeous! We might have to make a habit of this!"

Suddenly, he couldn't wait to get his dick into me. He was also much gentler with me. He stroked my breasts and tried to get me aroused. When he did penetrate me, it was almost lovingly. He started stroking in and out of my pussy, softly yet firmly.

"You like that, Baby?" he asked. And to tell the truth, I did. I felt guilty about it, because it wasn't Galan. But it felt good. I was a young healthy woman who was used to an above-average amount of sex. In some ways it was Galan's fault that I enjoyed it.

After all, it had been Galan that'd fucked me every day while we were together. My body was used to having a lot of sex, and it was enjoying it whether I felt guilty or not. Sure I was angry at Craig for forcing me to do this. But I really didn't mind him fucking me.

It felt really good. I was feeling warm all over. I really thought that it was the sex. I was feeling so warm and so powerful; I felt more powerful than ever before. I started pushing my body back against Craig and then ... nothing!

* * * * * *


Things had been really strange since Grace came to stay with us. I didn't know how to put my finger on it, but there was a very strange dynamic going on between the three of us.

I just wanted things to go back to the way they were before Grace came. She seemed to put a cramp in the way things had been. For one thing, Glory couldn't very well run around the house naked with Grace there. I also couldn't fuck her any time I felt like it, in any room of the house.

That didn't mean that Glory didn't do her best to reduce me to a pile of boneless flesh every night in the privacy of our room though. However, there were signs that we might have to give up even that.

"What does that feel like?" Grace asked Glory one morning.

"What does what feel like," asked Glory.

"You know ... When he fucks your booty hole," asked Grace sheepishly.

"It's uhm ... Different," said Glory. "Not every woman likes it. You have to get used to it."

"Well you obviously do," said Grace. "Did you do that with Daddy?"

"Honey, I barely had sex with your Daddy. I barely had conversations with your Daddy," spat Glory. "He was too into his fucking job to even think about fucking me."

"Is that why you cheated on him," asked Grace. Glory looked as if she had been slapped. Tears rolled down her face, and suddenly everything was different. Glory finally looked ... Her age. Her face fell and her confidence with it. Lines appeared on her face that had never been there before. Glory looked like a nearly sixty-year-old woman.

And before I even knew that I was moving, I was. She went to put her beautiful head down on the table and never made it. I was suddenly between them, hugging Glory for all I was worth.

Grace shrank back from the fury in my eyes. For what seemed like a very long time, no one moved and nothing was said. Then Glory squeezed my hand. She turned and patted me on my wrist. Within seconds, she breathed and then my Glory came back. She shook her head, and the lines on her face disappeared. Her confidence came back and with it her smile.

"Grace, I never cheated on your father," she said finally. "I'm sure that he thinks I did, but it never happened. There are two ways to look at this. The first is because your father actually gave me permission."

"He what," said Grace!

"He told me that I could go out and find a man and have sex with him," said Glory. "I was always after him for sex, and we NEVER did it. I don't know if he lost interest in sex in general or just in sex with me. But finally, he told me that if it was that important to me, just to go out and do it. He told me to be discreet and never tell him about it. So under those conditions what I did can't be considered cheating."

Grace just sat there with her mouth open. "So ... Uhm what's the second reason that you didn't cheat?" she asked.

"Because I didn't actually do anything," said Glory. "I started dressing up and going out in the evening. Your father noticed me going out and never said anything. What he finally found out though was that although I wasn't actually doing what he thought I was doing, I was doing something. For the first few nights, I went to the movies, alone; or I went and visited with old friends. Grace, I never had sex with anyone, as much as I wanted to. I was hoping that your father would get jealous and tell me to stop. I just needed to know that he cared, or he wanted me. What I really wanted was for him to claim me and tell me that I was his woman and if anyone was going to fuck me, it would be him.

"It never happened. So I used those evenings to meet with my lawyer and served your father with divorce papers. Even then, Grace, it wasn't too late. I thought that he would sit down, talk to me, and try to save our marriage and our family. He never did. When he was served, he didn't even bat an eyelash. The normal thing is for the person served to be shocked or to complain. They usually go out and get a lawyer. More than anything else they talk to their spouse and ask them ... why?

"Not your father. He looked over the papers, saw that it was the usual 50/50, sell the house; each keeps our own cars and retirement packages type of divorce. Then he got out a pen, signed the papers, and gave them back to the process server. When he got home from work that evening, he packed a couple of bags and told me good-bye. I always suspected that HE had another woman on the side. I hired a PI just to find out. I wasted my money. It took them a month of watching him before they even felt guilty about taking my money. There was no other woman. Your father moved on as if we had never been married. He put all of his time and effort fully into his job then.

I, of course, was devastated. It took me years to get over him ... " I snorted loudly when she said that and Grace looked at me.

We went on about our business after that. That evening when Glory and I got into bed, she surprised me. "Galan, I'm sorry, Honey, but I'm just not feeling it tonight."

It was the first time in a long time that we didn't have some kind of sex. There was a big thunk, as the handcuffs I had hidden under the covers fell to the floor, and I just settled down to sleep.

"Galan," she said into the darkness. "Could you still hold me?" I moved over closer to her and wrapped my arms around her. She sighed contentedly.

* * * * * *


Everything was just fucked up. For the past few years, I'd had one thing in my mind. Even though I was an adult woman at twenty-seven years old, I wanted what all kids want. I wanted my parents back together. The college I'd attended was relatively close to the house I'd grown up in. My dad still lived there, so we'd spent a lot of time together.

I spent a lot of time talking to him. It took me a long time to break through his hesitance to talk about his marriage to my mom. The funny thing about it was that he always maintained that she had cheated on him. After so many years of hearing it from him, I had really begun to believe that my mother had cheated on him. I believed that my mother was some sort of deranged slut that had broken my father's heart after more than twenty years of marriage because she couldn't keep her legs closed.

However, after talking to her and hearing her side of things, I was taken aback. I knew from the way she looked when she told me her side of things that she was telling the truth. I also knew from the way she talked about him that she still loved my father. And since I had grown up around my dad, I realized that perhaps neither one of them were to blame. They were just two people who loved each other who somehow got out of sync.

My dad was a few years older than mom. He'd had a heart attack about a year ago and was going to retire later this year. He dreaded it and had all sorts of regrets about the way things between he and Mom had ended. I knew that he would leap at the chance to have her back.

This caused a huge problem for me. My real reason for being here, for being back in Mom's life was to see if the unrepentant slut that I thought she was, had learned her lesson and could be coerced back into her husband's life and trained to be a good wife.

Now I realized that my mother was simply a woman and like most women, she needed to be loved and cared for. The problem was that my mom was already being loved and cared for.

When I first saw her and Galan together, I was shocked. Who watches their mother crawl naked across the floor, and give a guy a no-hands blowjob and comes away unscarred? Not me for sure. Who watches their mother getting fucked in the ass and enjoying it and walks away from the experience without being changed? Again, that's not me.

From that first night, I was torn by Galan and very confused. Galan was pretty. There is simply no other way to describe the man. At the same time, the things he made my mother do both revolted me, and intrigued me. At first, I was determined to get my mother away from him. I knew that I had to be very subtle about it. My mother had always been very headstrong. That was probably where I got my determination from. I knew that if I just told her to kick him out of her life, they would probably end up married. I was sure that my mom was just being used.

The next few days were a revelation. I found out that not only was Galan not freeloading off of my mom, but he was a great help. He not only paid her rent to stay with her, he paid a lot of the household bills. He also did a lot of the chores and housework around the house. From talking to my mother, I found out that it had been she who asked him to move in with her. It had also been she who started them having sex.

The more information I found out, the worse things got for me. First off, there was the fact that Galan spoiled my mother in ways that my father never had. He woke up early just to make her breakfast when he didn't have to show up for work until he felt like it. He also spent most of his time and effort on my mother. The amount of attention he paid her was ridiculous. I was nowhere near shocked when my mother told me that Galan had told her that he loved her. I could believe it. It was apparent in his every action.

I was further shocked when my mother confessed to me that the only reason that she held herself back from allowing herself to fall for Galan in return was the lingering love she had for my father. I love my father, but I had to admit that my mother would be a fool to go back to him. My grand plans and schemes were now up in the air because I simply couldn't bring myself to do anything to hurt Galan.

In fact the more time I spent with him, the more I realized that Galan was probably going to end up hurt one way or another in this situation. If my parents got back together, he'd be the one left out. If he stayed with my mother, he'd be the one to lose out because he had stars in his eyes when he looked at her.

Galan would never willingly walk away from that kind of love. So as my mother aged, he would match his activity level to hers and even though he had her, he would miss out on a lot of things in life that she had already done. My mother was far too old to have children. That meant that a man as loving as Galan was would never share that love with his own offspring. That in itself was a crime. The more I found out about Galan the worse things got.

I found out later that Galan wasn't some kind of freak with a fetish for older women. He'd gotten out of a relationship with a woman who was his age only a few weeks before he, and my mom moved in together. I stopped by my mom's job to take her to lunch once and got a look at the woman who Galan had been hurt by. She was a fat girl, but a really pretty one. She seemed to be pretty broken up by losing him too.

I guess in most people's minds the easy way out of my situation would have been to reunite Galan with his former girlfriend. Then I could go about getting my parents back together, and everything would be right with the world. The problem was that I had someone else in mind for Galan. After all the woman had been stupid enough to cheat on Galan, so she clearly didn't deserve him.

And every day that I spent with Galan convinced me more of that fact. For a man of his age he was very astute when it came to life in general and women in particular. Galan loved women. However, he limited himself to one at a time.

We talked a lot while we ran in the mornings. I once asked him why the hell he had fallen for my mother when she was more than twice his age. My mom at a little over thirty years older than Galan was close to being too old to be his mother. She was almost grandma range. If my mother had gotten pregnant at fifteen and her daughter had done likewise, my mom could be Galan's grandmother.

Galan told me that beauty doesn't have an age or a shelf life. My mother had been very beautiful when she was young. That beauty still survived. She aged well and was still very pleasant to look at. She had also taken care of herself and was so active that they did a lot of things. I saw that for myself. My mom and Galan went everywhere. They went to apple orchards and for walks in the park. They went to movies and out to dinner often.
