It's Good To Be The Bull


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After a while, the whole party arrived, Melanie and Tony, and then Aurora, who instantly seem to take charge, like a film director. This was her big show. Ha ha, "Places, everyone!" I thought to myself, as she directed Melanie to sit on the bed, and told the three of us to wait in the closet for our designated "Victim of love."

"He should have the other key. He'll be bringing a portable potty chair with him to set up in there (pointing to the bathroom), and he thinks it's for old Danny Peckerwood, only... he's the one whose gonna be in it. If all goes as planned. That's part of the surprise." She explained.

Doesn't sound like a very nice surprise to me, I thought. I could pretty much guess what happened to guys who ended up underneath one of those potty chairs, and yeah, it was probably as gross as it sounded. Not my thing at all, yech!

"Are you ready? He'll be here any minute."

"I guess so...I don't know why I let you guys talk me into this. This is kinda mean." Melanie replied.

"Don't worry about it. Ben WILL like it, and we'll get the cabin next door all to ourselves- away from these two." Tony replied. "Yeah, I know he used to like you, so that's why it's so perfect; we all get what we want. And hopefully, unless he fucks up, which I sincerely hope he won't, Ben will get a night to remember with his new girlfriend, too." He added.

"I still think it's kind of cruel. I mean, does he like what you do to him? How does he put up with it? It sounds kind of gross, and really mean. I mean, I used to LIKE Ben, too. Almost had a crush on him, even. He just wasn't confident enough to make his move."

"Well, that's the point. That's why he's mine now, my little boy toy. And I know it's weird, but he actually DOES like it. He's the perfect submissive. Obedient, kind, and...kinky. That's why he was never right for you." Aurora replied.

"So...what...what do I do?"

"Just sit there, talk to him! And remember, you're gonna offer to remove his cock cage and make out with him. Here, better give you a key!" Aurora said, tossing her one of her spare keys to her boy toy's chastity cage.

Turning to Tony and me, she said, "Here...guys... hide in the closet! Hurry up!"

We ducked into the closet and closed the door. Melanie was supposed to keep a lookout for our victim, but meanwhile Tony, Aurora and I took the opportunity for some make-out action. That is, Tony and Aurora did. He grabbed her and pinned her against the closet wall and started feeling her up. I was kind of annoyed. Aurora was obviously in super raging horny slut mode, but the two of us had, after all, agreed we were going to be together this night. Tony didn't really need to be chasing my action, especially with HIS date sitting right outside. Just to mess with him, I reached over, put my hand down his loose fitting boxers and grabbed his dick and squeezed it.

"HEY, fucker....!" He barked. At that point, Melanie gave a loud warning knock on the closet door.

"SHHHHH! Here he comes!" Aurora hissed. We all snapped to attention. I heard the key turn in the door and Ben walked in.

"Melanie!" What are you doing here!" Ben asked.

"Ben, oh my God! How have you been!" Melanie replied

"Great, know; I'm still running around like a mad road runner doing chores for Aurora. You know, she's actually really cool once you get to know her. She really is. So, how come YOU'RE here?" I heard Ben reply.

"Oh... I was just resting here. I actually slept here last night. I love these little cabins, aren't they cute!"

They continued the small talk for a while, until I heard Melanie ask, "Who is the lucky guy whose head gets to be in that box?"

"Uh, Gusher." Ben replied, referring to my nickname.

You wish, fucker. I thought to myself. The irony of this was almost too delicious.

"Wow, heh heh. Do you think he'll like being peed on?" I heard Melanie ask.

"I don't know," Ben replied. "Frank's kind of a dick."

I stifled a laugh. Yeah least I know what to do with mine, ya fucking simp, I thought.

"...but he has such a nice one!" Melanie replied.

I smiled at that. She had, of course, seen it up close more than once.

More small talk. He mentioned how the toilet box thing was meant for Danny "Peckerwood" Binz, (The "Mean girls" name for him was "Lil' Peckerwood") and that old Dan probably wouldn't like having his head in a piss bucket, and I laughed again at the delicious irony that was about to unfold. Eventually, she popped the question. "Would you like me to unlock you?"

You know, there were times when I sometimes hoped that these slave guys would at least stand up for themselves once in a while, show some trace of their manhood, but even I thought Aurora's cruel trick was a little too much. Just the thought of that torture device on my cock made me cringe. So at this point, I found myself rooting for this guy, thinking to myself "Please...dude...don't do it, no....dude, you have no idea...don't do it, man!"

"Um, I can't." he replied. "She'd find out. That's why."

So, I was actually relieved for him, even though what was coming probably wouldn't be that much better. But at least he won't have to walk around wearing some medieval torture device with spikes sticking into his dick.

Aurora looked over at me and nodded, then I pulled the sliding closet door open. The three of us walked out. She looked at Ben and Melanie, sitting on the bed, and announced, "Congratulations Slave, you passed my test!"

"Ha...hay uh...what's going on!" Ben turned around, looking like a confused and guilty toddler with his hand in the cookie jar.

"We put you up to a little test, to test your loyalty. It was Arielle's idea, but I liked the idea so I went with it" she said. "But don't worry, you passed with flying colors!" She then walked up to Ben and kissed him.

"Uh, thank you. But then, what about Arielle, and how did you get Melanie to go along with it?"

She explained that she and Melanie had arranged to switch the cabin bookings with Arielle since she was going out of town, and that Melanie would get it the next two consecutive weekends while she got it for this weekend. "Just us two... or rather, us three!" She said, grinning wickedly.

"So, then did I prove myself, Mistress?" He asked, weakly.

"Of COURSE you did slave. I'm proud of you. But first, I want you to know what would have happened to you had you failed." And with that, she reached into her purse and pulled out the steel, spike-lined cock cage. Ben turned white as a ghost.

"I would have let you out of that cock cage you're wearing, but I guarantee you would have liked THIS one a LOT less. After an hour of your tiny pathetic cock locked up in this, I guarantee you would have been in agony, begging me for forgiveness. And don't think I would have let you out of it any time soon."

"But don't worry," She continued. "I'll not only let you out of the one you're wearing soon enough, but if you serve me and my stud well tonight, I promise you will earn a reward. You've been waiting sooooo long for that reward, haven't you?" She said, leering at him with a knowing and seductive smile.

She turned to Melanie. "So, Melanie, what do you think? Do you think he will earn his reward tonight?"

Melanie just blushed and looked away. "I don't know. I hope so." She shook her head, clearly uncomfortable with the whole scene. I didn't blame her.

"So, Ben. I guess that means, we'll have this cabin to ourselves. You obviously won't be serving Arielle, but rather, you'll be my little plaything tonight."

"Well, then, what about the toilet? Doesn't Arielle still need it for Danny?"

"Oh, yeah, don't worry about that. Arielle's not even here. She's on her way to Hawaii with Angus. You're the one being toileted tonight. I forgot to mention that. But don't worry, it will just be us. We don't want the entire club clogging you up, do we?" She laughed. "And, I won't need your toilet slave services right away. I still need you up and about for a while."

"Okay, Mistress. What should I do?"

"Make sure the cabin is clean, stock the refrigerator for tonight and for tomorrow morning, and after you're done, just wait here for us. Watch TV, go down to the beach if you want, just stay out of people's way. And we'll see you HERE, at eight this evening. Eight PM SHARP, slave." She said, pointing at the floor, and in her most authoritative and commanding voice that she could muster. It cracked me up that she spoke to him like that, but all of the "Mean girls" treated the slave cuck dudes like this out here. Even, apparently, when they were actually romantically involved with them back on the mainland.

Since we had a few hours to kill, we ended up just hanging out by the pool, splashing around. After a bit, I decided to play a couple games of volleyball with the guys at the sand court, then joined a pick-up game of tackle football on the grass- no shoulder pads, just guys banging on each other, letting off testosterone. What the fuck, we're men, though I realized I was pretty overmatched, as at least one of the other dudes out there actually played professional football. I hadn't played competitively since high school.

Maybe I better save some of that testosterone for Aurora later on, I thought, after a particularly nasty play where Vonsell Robinson knocked me backwards nearly ten feet.

Aurora had sauntered off to chat with some of her girlfriends, but eventually I thought I better go find her. It was getting on towards eight, and I hadn't eaten yet. She had told me that Ben was to be our designated chef for the night, but I was getting hungry in more ways than one. There was always plenty of temptation on this island. It WAS a sex swinger's club, after all. But I had already been promised a hook-up for the night, so I was "Taken" so to speak.

I found Aurora inside the main house sipping margaritas by the bar. A girlie drink, I thought to myself; just give me a rum and coke, or good ol' fashioned beer, any day. But I saw she had changed into this tiny, pleated red skirt and was wearing her knee high black leather go-go boots. Dang, she had looked good in her little bikini, but when I saw her dressed like this, in her naughty punk rock schoolgirl outfit, if anything she looked even sexier than ever. She had even told me once she didn't like wearing panties under her skirts. "They just get in the way" She had said. Knowing this made her that much more irresistible, knowing that she was virtually naked, as that tiny skirt covered very little of her tan, sexy body.

"Hey babe... So, how much for a fling? Fiddydollas? Hunnert?" I said in my sleaziest voice, that would have earned me a slap across the face (Or a drink thrown in it) just about anywhere else but here, and with just about anyone else but her.

"More than you could afford, creepo!" She said, smiling up at me, her black eyes pooling with lust that betrayed her hard-to-get act. I leaned over and kissed her passionately. But after a bit she pulled away, and drew out a keychain with a button on it. "Maybe we can go back to MY place, and work out a deal."

"Okay! Let's go then! I'm down"

"Allright..." she replied, and, smiling, she pressed the button on the keychain. I knew what that button was for. It delivered an electric jolt to her hubby's metal chastity cage. Assuming he was back at Cabin Two waiting for us, I could imagine him standing in the kitchen, doubling over in agony as he waited for us.

The sun was starting to go down as we strode into the cabin without even bothering to knock. Ben stood there in the kitchen at a military "Tennnnn-HUT!" pose, clearly expecting us.

"Greet our guest, slave! On...your...KNEES!" Aurora barked, before he could even manage a "Hello."

He crawled over to us and stopped and knelt in front of me, and then said "Greetings, Master... and Mistress." I stood there, thinking, okay, so what the fuck do I do now?

"Greetings, slave." Aurora said. "I see you have the place spotless and ready for us. That is good..." she said, demurely. "But there is one thing. You made Melanie feel guilty and embarrassed tonight. I realize that is not your fault, so I shouldn't punish you for it...but, I feel like punishing you anyway. Just so we all understand who is the boss here. Go stand against the wall and pull down your pants!" Aurora barked. Ben quickly got up and, scrambling, pulled down his silly way-too-short cutoff jeans that he was apparently forced to wear. He stood there, feet apart, hands splayed against the wall, shorts pooled on the floor at his ankles, with his bare ass hanging out waiting for her to have her way with him. I could see his cock in its metal cage, and thought, how do guys even pee standing up, wearing those things, let alone get a hard on? Yeah, that spiked thing she had threatened him with may have been worse, but I certainly wouldn't want to be wearing the one he had on now.

Aurora strode up to him, and, reaching in her purse, she pulled out a short leather flogger. She apparently kept all manner of torture devices designed to keep her boy plaything in his place in that little purse. Her trademark "Slave Accessory Kit."

She began swatting him with it repeatedly, slapping his bare ass over and over again. He tried not to cry out, but I could see him becoming visibly more and more uncomfortable, as he just stood there and let her physically assault him with that leather flogger. He wasn't the only one who was uncomfortable though. I wondered, do I really have to watch this? This is awkward as fuck! Maybe I should just, like, go in the other room or something. But as I turned to leave, Aurora turned to me and just waved her hand, silently commanding me to stay and watch.

"You will RESPECT the women on this island!..." she continued, swinging her flogger (...SMACK!)


"....And you made MY FRIEND MELANIE FEEL AWKWARD!..." (....SMACK!)

"...which made ME look bad!" she screamed, (With a particularly hard whack that made him cry out.)

"...and THIS..." (Smack!) " for even THINKING that tiny and pathetic cock of yours could EVER satisfy her!" (Smack!)

"...or ME!" (SMACK!)

She was really unloading on the poor bastard now. It was actually making ME hurt just watching this scene.


" THANK ME, bitch slut, for teaching you a lesson!" (Smack!)

He whimpered a thank you at this, while I just stood there, cringing at this awkward display of psychotic female aggression. Dang, why does he put up with it?

Ben's ass started turning red from her repeated swats, and I could tell it was really starting to hurt. She seemed to sense it, too. She gave him one final, extra hard smack that left him whimpering.

"Holy fuck..." I said. I didn't know what else to say. Other than, "how did either one of us end up with this crazy bitch?" but I thought better than to say that. At least, one of us was getting to fuck her. Or so I hoped anyway.

"Had enough, slave?" She asked, finally.

"Yes...Red..." He said, almost chocking back a sob as he gave what I later learned was they called their "Safe Word."

"Good. Then, you can pour our drinks and start cooking for us. Do it now, Slave! Oh, and after we are done, you may cook something for yourself as well. A well fed slave is a happy slave, right Frank?"

"Yes maam, damn right!" I agreed.

Oddly, Ben was a good cook. He apparently had taken the time, while we were out relaxing, to stock the cabin with food and beverages from the pantry at the main house, and now commenced cooking a meal for the three of us. His spiced pork chops were cooked perfectly, juicy and to perfection, and the vegetable sautee was seasoned and tasty as well.

"Dang, I see why you like this guy. He's a pretty good cook." I said to her, after all three of us had eaten and were comfortably digesting. We were watching a really terrible Paulie Shore movie on DVD. Something about a caveman, though I guess the term "Terrible Paulie Shore Movie" was somewhat redundant; were any of his movies actually good? I was only half-assedly paying attention to it. Aurora and I were cuddling in bed, my hand reaching under her skirt and gently rubbing her upper thighs. While Ben, being relegated to his status as a slave, was forced (in no uncertain terms by his psychotic girlfriend) to sit on the floor.

"Excuse us for a sec," Aurora said suddenly, and grabbed my arm and drew me outside, to the front of the cabin and out of earshot.

"So you see, Ben IS a pretty good cook. But he's good at something else, too."

"What's that?" I asked,

"Oh, a little something I've been teaching him."

She told me then, exactly what she had been teaching him to do. And I balked at it.


"It's for his humiliation. I make him do it to please me, and that's exactly why he gets off on it. He's not really gay or even bi."

"Well, fucking neither am I!" I said.

"Shhhhhhh!" She said, sharply hissing at me.

"And, I get off on it more." She said. "It turns me on. And both of you boys want to see me turned on; because then, I'll do just about anything."

"Well...okay, but I dunno, I know that Tony, and some guys have let other dudes do this, but it's really not my thing."

"Just do it...for me."

Everyone does things for you, I thought. You chicks certainly know how to play us dudes. Okay, Maybe I will go along with this and let him do it. I mean, if I had the right mindset, it was really, in a way, much the same as her doing it herself.

We went back inside.

Walking over to Ben, Aurora commanded, "On your knees, slave."

Ben knelt in front of her, groveling at her leather boots.

"Frank and I are going to need some privacy, but before I put you in your place for tonight, we need you to get us ready. You know what to do."

"What, mistress?"

"Frank needs his dick sucked. DON'T you, babe."

I groaned inwardly as she said this, but Aurora elbowed me, so I had to say something.

"You look so pretty there with my dick in your mouth, bitch!" I barked, like a schoolyard bully. Maybe she was right; maybe being a schoolyard bully would be fun for a bit.

I pulled down my pants, exposing my genitals in front of him.

"Ben? Go down on him. NOW! And give it to him good, but make sure he doesn't cum. Just get him hard and ready."

I closed my eyes and tried to imagine it was Aurora herself, or one of the many other girls on the island I had an eye for, actually worked! Despite my inhibitions, I found myself actually getting hard, my cock actually growing to full size in his mouth.

And dang if he wasn't good at it, too. Just the right amount of suction, as in lots of it, with very little teething, which always made me uncomfortable. The guy was almost a natural cocksucker. Almost, anyway. Aurora apparently HAD been training him to do this; in fact I would argue that the only blowjobs I had gotten on this island that were better were from Amy Cavazo, and even that was debatable. I thought to myself, man, I'm getting sucked off by this hot girl's boyfriend, while she watches, because I'm way more of a man and way more of a badass than know, I could get used to this!

It's good to be the bull.

I was almost ready to blow a load down his throat and all over his face, when suddenly Aurora, sensing that I was just on the edge, commanded him to stop.

"Good boy!" She cried gleefully. "Look, you get a reward! Aurora said. "You get to remove your chastity device. Of course, your hands will be chained so it's not like you can pleasure yourself, but at least your tiny pathetic cock won't be confined."

"Go into the bathroom and lie down!" She ordered him.

"You! Wait here!" she ordered me.