J the Sleuth Ch. 03: Mommy Dearest


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The fact that the man had stopped gasping halfway through Alex' speech, with his lifeless eyes staring up at the ceiling, added credence to Alex' postscript; he was talking to the corpse for show.

A moment later, the door opened, and Rodenko himself was standing in the doorway.

"Come in, Alex," he said. "And someone get rid of that," he said to the rest of the room, motioning toward the body on the floor.

"What happened?" Alex asked, as soon as the door had closed behind them. His tone wasn't mocking or accusatory, these were two professionals discussing work. "She wasn't a civilian. The way she reacted when the car was hit was too perfect; too precise. Her reflexes were so quick you'd have thought she knew in advance it was coming. So who was she? And why didn't I know?"

"CSIS," Rodenko responded. "I did some additional digging after your call. I'm sorry, my friend, I didn't know myself, or I would have included it in the dossier. The man who was supposed to background her... well, his body was just dragged out of the house, so you've already solved that particular problem."

"An accident is out of the question, then," Alex responded. "She'll be expecting another attack, and be ready for it. If that's how she reacted to a surprise, she'll be formidable against an attack she knows is coming. Are you sure you want me for this? There are others who are better suited to a brute force attack."

"I know it's not your usual thing, but yes, I want to make this right. We gave you bad information; let me redeem myself by paying you to take her out the "old fashioned' way. It doesn't need to look like a surprise anymore, you're right that it's too late for that. Just make her gone. But I'll pay your usual rate, even though I don't need your special skills."

"As you wish," Alex replied. The truth was that he wanted to finish this thing. What he'd said earlier was true, when you tried to finesse things too much there was always something that could go wrong; he'd failed in his assignments before -- the first time. But there had always been an opportunity to try again, and he'd never completely failed an assignment. He was glad this wouldn't have to be the first.


J let out a long, low, whistling breath, like the sound of a tea kettle boiling, as her orgasm washed over her. She was currently bent over a bed in her hotel room, with Ken's cock mercilessly plunging into her pussy from behind. She managed to unclench her fists, which had been clawing at the sheets in desperation; it had been such a long build to this climax that she'd started fucking back at him in desperation. Anything to get the release her body was demanding.

Not that she was complaining. It had been a bit of a buildup, but this was her third orgasm since Ken had slid into her. He was some kind of machine!

Sometimes she needed to take her time with it, and make love, and other times she just needed a good, hard fucking. This was one of the latter, and Ken was giving her what she needed. As soon as they were in the door of the hotel room, K and Roger had disappeared into the other room -- J always got a multi-room suite, when she could, for just such moments as these; this wasn't the first time she and her mother had needed endorphins at the same time -- and J and Ken had started making out. Not long after, they were tearing each other's clothes off, and Ken was bending J over the side of the bed, thrusting his thick cock at her. She was wet and ready, and soon the orgasms began.

Finally, finally, as she started to come down from her climax, she felt his rhythm start to change, and then felt his cock pulsing as he began shooting his load into her waiting cunt.

"Yes!" she cried. "Give it to me! Fuck, yes!" The culmination of taking his load after so many orgasms made the whole thing seem complete.

When he was finished, he collapsed down onto the bed with her.

"Christ you feel good," he panted at her, as he tried to catch his breath.

She turned back to him, admiring his body once again, before noticing he was still hard. He was one of those men who didn't lose an erection right away – always a great opportunity for her!

She lowered herself down to take him into her mouth, so that she could clean their cum from his cock. To her surprise, he still wasn't going limp -- if anything, after a few minutes, he started getting even harder! So, never one to waste a hard cock, her friendly act of cleaning turned into a real blowjob.

Before long -- much before she was expecting -- he started moaning. "Oh jeez," he called out, "I'm gonna..."

Before he could, she quickly swiveled around, lowered her pussy back onto him, and took another load into her sopping cunt. She had her eyes closed, with extreme focus on every sensation of feeling his pulsing cock, his cum entering her, and, eventually, starting to leak back out. For the moment, she was blissfully content, with a sore pussy leaking fresh cum as a reminder of why.

She gently collapsed on top of him, letting her breasts and rock-hard nipples rest on his chest, and kissed him. She hoped he'd continue to stay hard; it was so comforting to feel his hard cock resting inside her, and she enjoyed the warmth of his skin next to hers.

Now that they weren't being as loud, she could hear her mother's cries from the other room. Roger must have been equally skilled in the bedroom, because K was a demanding lover, who could easily wear a man out if he wasn't able to please her. (J was embarrassed how much she knew about her mother's sex life.) But back in the bar they seemed to know each other, so K had likely had Roger in the past. He had to be good for her to give him another round.

Finally, Ken's cock started to wilt within J's pussy, until it flopped out. She was satiated, for the time being.

"I'm gonna grab a shower," she said. "Help yourself to the minibar, or if you want we can order room service when I get out of the bathroom. Maybe Mom and Roger will be ready to eat by then, too."

She took a long, leisurely shower, letting the hot water roll off of her body. She was able to soothe her muscles, which had spent quite a number of hours in the car earlier, as well as to wash off the sweat and cum from her session with Ken. By the time she left the washroom, with a thick, fluffy robe on, she felt purified and rested. An orgasm (or three) did wonders for the soul, and so did a hot shower. Both in a row were J's idea of heaven.

She passed Ken on her way out, who also wanted a quick rinse, and found the others lounging in the living room. Roger, in his pants but no socks or shirt, was sipping a Heineken out of the bottle; K, in a fluffy hotel robe of her own, had a glass of wine. Both of them had damp hair, so they must have had their own showers, or taken one together.

Although K looked very relaxed to the casual observer -- as well she should, after all of the screaming J had heard earlier! -- J could tell that her mother's mind was racing. The endorphins were at work. J let her think, turning to address Roger.

"You guys want something to eat? They have room service here."

"Yeah, I'm star- er... yeah, I could eat," Roger replied, with a sudden blush. J could tell that he'd been about to say he was starving, before he'd realized he would be telling J -- K's daughter -- what a thorough fucking K had just given him. Maybe not what a daughter would want to hear about her mother, he'd assumed, when he caught himself. But J was far from being a prude.

"I'm sure you could," she responded with a smile. "Any man who finds himself in Mom's bed usually comes away with an appetite!"

K threw a pillow at J, in retaliation for the tease, but J's trained eye could tell K's mind was still elsewhere. Her mom was getting an idea.

"So Mom tells me that a lot of firemen hang out at that bar. Are you a hose jockey, too?" J figured she should keep Roger talking, to give her mom more time to ruminate.

"Sort of," Roger replied. "I'm an accountant. There are a couple of fire stations in the area, and I go back and forth doing their books, keeping track of supplies, that kind of thing. Almost like an office manager. Not an exciting job, though when things are dull -- as they often are for firemen -- they help me with my workout routine, so that I can stay in shape."

"I guess they do!" J replied. "You're definitely in good shape for an accountant!"

He had the good grace to blush at the compliment. "Th... Thanks," he spluttered.

At this point Ken rejoined them, in his boxer-briefs. He'd taken the whole casual vibe farther than everyone else, but nobody seemed to mind.

"We were just thinking about eating," J said. "Any preferences for food?"

"Something we can share?" he suggested.

"Good idea!"

J went to grab the menu, did some thinking, and then called down to order up some appetizers, a bottle of wine (so that her mother wouldn't have to make do with the mini bottles in the bar), and some Jim Beam. It's what the men had been drinking back in the bar, and she could go for some bourbon herself.

They settled in and made small talk, but the food arrived before too long. Anyone who rented this huge suite was going to get the hotel's best attention; you order food, you get it right away!

J had the guy place the trays on the coffee table around which they were all sitting, and before long they were picking at the various shareable dishes she'd ordered. Most of them also had glasses at hand, to sip from.

She eventually noticed that Ken was unable to take his eyes away from K, and when she glanced over she realized why: K's robe had fallen open, just a bit, but enough that a breast and its pert, pink nippple was clearly showing. J hid a smile at the sight; she knew that her mother was always acutely aware of her surroundings, and if her robe was open it was because she wanted it open. K obviously wasn't finished riding the high of her endorphins.

She glanced over at Roger, who was also smiling -- in his case, more at Ken than at K. He obviously wasn't offended that K was getting ready to switch partners; instead, he was amused at the way Ken was practically salivating at the sight of a boob, like a teenaged boy.

The flirting didn't last long, before Ken needed to take action. He stepped up to K and leaned over to kiss her, sliding a hand inside her robe to cup a breast. She moved to give him better access and to let her legs slide open; as she did, her robe fell open even more, exposing her exquisite body to the room. J wasn't looking forward to watching her mother get fucked -- who would? -- but she was heartened to know that her mother was still in such good shape. With those shared genes, maybe J would also look that good at that age...

K broke off her kiss with Ken long enough to turn to Roger. "Hey Rog," she said, "why don't you show J your... special skill?" She then went back to Ken, reaching up a hand to bury her fingers in his hair and pull him down for another kiss.

With a smile, J turned back to Roger and raised a quizzical eyebrow. What the hell did her mother have planned for her now?

Roger rolled his eyes, but it was clear he was doing it in good fun. He approached J where she sat and knelt down in front of her, coming in for a slow, gentle kiss, as he brushed her robe aside and reached in to wrap an arm around her. His other hand found its way to her pussy, and started to gently explore.

He knew what he was doing. His fingers weren't fumbling, nor was he going straight for insertion (as so many inexperienced guys did). He wasn't even going for the clit, just yet, knowing that she needed to be warmed up. His fingers were simply getting to know this new pussy, exploring her labia, reaching around to slide along her taint. She began to kiss him more hungrily, as he explored her.

He broke off the kiss, and started to gently kiss his way down her chest and tummy, until he found himself face to face with the pussy he'd been exploring. His tongue now replaced his fingers, and god, it was amazing. J couldn't figure out what it was about his tongue, but it was working magic on her, and he hadn't even touched her clit yet.

But just as she had the thought his tongue did hit her clit, while one of his fingers simultaneously slipped inside her. Fuck! He was making her so wet, and he'd barely gotten started!

J's head lolled back on the back of the couch. She noticed movement out of the corner of her eye, and looked over to see a very confused look on Ken's face. K had gotten his pants off, and was giving him a very thorough handjob, but that wasn't causing the consternation: K had her face buried in his ass, and although J couldn't see it, she knew her mother's tongue was exploring his asshole. His confusion stemmed from the fact that he was enjoying it so much; like all men, he'd been raised to be distrustful of anything entering his ass, even the tongue of a hot, naked woman.

J smiled to herself, but returned her attention back to what Roger was doing to her clit and pussy. The finger inside her was lightly rubbing her g-spot, and his amazing tongue was working her clit; not the tip of it, he had flattened his tongue against her clit, so that it was warm, and wet, and high pressure, all at once. J closed her eyes, revelled at the feelings, and moaned as she let another orgasm wash over her.

As she started to come down, she glanced back over to see that her mother was now giving Ken a blowjob, and he seemed much less confused about it than he had about having his salad tossed. This was what sex was supposed to be like: his cock in a hot woman's throat while she played with herself on the couch in front of him. Her other hand was around back, and she probably had a finger in his ass, but he seemed less concerned about it by this point.

J's attention was brought back to her own nether regions when the sensations changed, though she couldn't figure out exactly what Roger was doing. And then it hit her: he'd inserted his tongue into her pussy, but she hadn't been able to place the sensation because it was so fucking big! She'd never had her pussy stretched out by a tongue before, and it was delightful.

He hadn't taken his attentions away from her clit, he simply rested his head against her mons, and curled his tongue up into her, so that it was also against her clit while he did so. How long did that fucking thing have to be, for him to pull off that move?!? The sensation was exquisite, and she buried her fingers in his hair, pulling him as close to her as she could, and rode his face. Very soon she was cumming again, but instead of letting a warm and comforting orgasm wash over her, this time she was screaming her way through it. Her legs were wrapped around Roger's shoulders and twitching as she came.

She glanced back over to see that Ken was now balls deep into K. She was lying back on the couch, not far from where J herself was, eyes closed, enjoying the stretching her pussy was getting. Having just experienced Ken herself, J knew that K would be in for quite a ride.

But she couldn't pay attention for long, because Roger was increasing the pace and intensity of what he was doing to her pussy. It was like he was trying to wring climax after climax out of her, and so far he'd been very successful at it! He'd added a couple of fingers back into the mix, really working her g-spot, and he now suddenly snuck his pinky into her asshole. She came again, letting the breath escape her once again in her trademark "boiling tea kettle" whistle. But this time, the orgasm was long, and hard. Her hips bucked, and she grasped at the couch behind her; a tear trailed down her cheek. One hand found found something warm and she grasped it, realizing that it was her mother's hand. K was having an orgasm of her own, at the moment, and they held each other's hands as they rode through their climaxes.

When J finally came down, Roger finally extricated his tongue, and got up, discarding his pants as he did so. He easily slid his cock into her wet pussy, and began fucking her. She could feel the movement of the couch as Ken continued to fuck K, as well, and the two men quickly got into a rhythm with each other.

J lay back, closed her eyes, and tried to experience the moment as fully as she could: her breasts swaying with each thrust Roger made into her; his cock stretching aside her pussy walls; a light bite on her nipple, as he playfully pecked at it; the slight motion of the couch, as Ken fucked K; the sound of K's whimpers, in time with Ken's thrusts.

Eventually, both men were ready. "I'm gonna..." they both said, almost at the same time, at which point they both pulled out, letting their cum rain down on the women's bodies. J was especially impressed with how much cum landed on her own tummy and breasts; she had to assume Roger had already cum at least once, when he was fucking K earlier, but she ended up fairly covered by the time he was done.

"Come here," she said, gently, when he finally was, and brought him into range to take him into her mouth, and gently clean off his cock. "Mmm," she moaned lightly, as she tasted his cum.


Alex had been up at 3 the next morning, making the rounds of various hospitals. With the injuries the woman had sustained the day before, she'd likely ended up in an emergency room somewhere. At this time of night, after a shift change, it had been easy to impersonate medical staff and get the nurses to tell him anything he wanted to know.

Sure enough, at the third hospital he'd visited, he'd found out that a Jane Doe had been admitted the day before, but had "escaped" when nobody was looking. That was definitely his girl! After finagling access to her charts, he'd realized his task was going to be more difficult than he'd thought because she wasn't as injured as he'd assumed. She was formidable! A bullet through her engine block like a literal bolt out of the blue, and she'd had enough presence of mind to not only fake an accident, but even exaggerate how injured she was!

Not that she was totally healthy, however. There were some lacerations, and probably some internal bleeding. If it came to hand-to-hand combat, Alex would have an edge. He hoped it wouldn't, though, because a bullet would be much cleaner. He wasn't into any kind of dramatic fight scene to end this thing, he'd be much happier if he could just shoot her in the fucking head and be done with it.

Now he was just randomly driving around Ottawa. He knew that the chances of simply running into her accidentally were close to 0, but until he came up with a better plan, he'd drive. His chances would be absolute zero if he didn't try!

To his surprise, his phone rang at 7:00.

"Yes?" he answered, through the car's bluetooth.

"Alex, I presume?" a voice responded. Obviously female, and not trying to hide or disguise her voice. In the back of his mind he was impressed with the car's sound quality; the front of his mind was more concerned with who was calling him. He didn't recognize the voice, but he'd have pegged the owner at mid 30s.

"It is," he replied, "but I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage, Ms. ...?"

"I'd have thought that would be obvious," the voice answered. "I assume you've been looking for me."

"Ah. Ms. K. A pleasure to meet you! You're right, I have been looking for you. I assume you've been looking for me too, yes?" As he spoke he pulled into a nearby parking lot, so that he could focus on the conversation at hand. He lay his head back against the headrest and closed his eyes, trying to picture the woman on the other end of the phone. It sounded like she was on speakerphone, so there might be others listening as well.