Jack's Snow Day


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Giggles erupted.

He looked at Tanz. She was so very lovely. "What... what would you like to know?"

She smiled that whole body smile at him and his eyes widened in delight. She was absolutely radiant!

"We'd like to know about... the other ways to make love," she asked breathlessly.

He smiled and shook his head. "Which ones? There are many ways-"

Excited trilling burst out from a few guests.

"All of them!" Tanz gushed leaning closer to Jack.

He chuckled. "I don't think we have that kind of time." Her face was so close to his. "I would like to kiss you though. Would that be alright?"

"Yes Jack! The Queen mentioned something about kissing!" she breathed.

The image of Queen's face close to his and her reaction to his kiss returned to his mind and he felt himself begin to swell. That felt sooo gooood. He smiled. "I only showed her the initial stage of kissing."

He reached up to the back of Tanz's head and ran his fingers through the thick fur there. Her eyes became dreamy then flew wide as his lips caressed hers. The dreamy look came back full force as he nibbled his way across her mouth. When he pulled back she was swooning.

"Ohhh that was nice!" she sighed.

"How was it done? I could not see!" Julli moaned.

Tanz's eyes went big. "You must show her Jack! Then she can show Phan!"

Jack looked over at Julli who was smiling back at him eagerly and a little nervously. He was surprised and looked at Phan who was nodding. He moved up onto his knees and moved closer gesturing for Julli to do the same. Once they met in the middle he took in the differences Julli had to Tanz. She had much lighter coloration in her fur. Her front was almost butter yellow with grey rosettes and stripes while the longer fur was dark grey. Her eyes were light grey and wide with excitement.

"This is just the initial touch. It's gentle and light and very sexy." Jack said to his audience while he kept his eyes on hers. He gently held her face between his fingertips and she was already gasping from that. He looked at her to see if she was ok and she looked at him expectantly. He leaned in and gently kissed her trembling lips.

"Ooohhh!" Julli moaned and slumped against him.

Jack looked at her in surprise then over to Phan who was looking back in alarm.

Julli began to resurface and Jack moved her into the arms of her husband.

"I think that was a little too much for her," Jack said in surprise.

Tanz knee walked out to Jack's side on the cushioned surface. "It is all so new to us and you are so different. It can be... overwhelming."

"It was much easier to see what you did when you were in the middle. Perhaps you could demonstrate with Tanz and we could repeat with our spouses?" Hahn suggested.

Tanz nodded excitedly as she looked into Jack's eyes. Then she focused on his mouth hungrily and Jack's libido woke up again. He leaned in and kissed her as his hands massaged her scalp by her ears. She moaned and trembled as his mouth moved on hers. He pulled back and they were both breathing hard.

He looked to the others and they turned to their partners and mirrored his actions fairly closely.

"Slower Hahn. Savor the moment," he suggested gently. The male slowed and Berris sighed.

"Geng, you may kiss Mirs at the same time he is kissing you. It feels better when both partners are actively participating."

All of them picked up on that tip and soon moans were heard from the couples.

Jack smiled at Tanz and she suddenly leaned in to kiss him again. He was a little surprised but this time he caressed her lips with the tip of his tongue. She pulled back and trilled as her body went through a tremble.

"What? I missed that!" Hahn blurted.

Tanz was looking at Jack's mouth hungrily again. "He stroked my lips with his tongue!"

"Just the tip and lightly," Jack corrected.

"More!" Tanz moaned and pressed her body against his as she kissed him back. Her tongue came out to play and Jack struggled not to smile as he teased it with his own. Her body was grinding against his and her breathing was coming in gulps. He was seriously tenting his pants and she was rubbing against him.

Jack sucked her tongue into his mouth and Tanz made a garbled trill and sagged in his arms as her eyes rolled back. Jack tried to hold her up but the cushions under him were a poor foundation and he toppled back with her in his arms. At least the landing was soft though her body was heavy on top of his.

Faces appeared above his. Phan and Julli were looking down at him with excitement and concern warring in their expressions. "Jack! Are you alright?" Phan asked.

Jack chuckled as Tanz was coming around. "Yes, I think she just got a little too excited."

"Jack. Jack. Jack," she mumbled as she began to rub against him.

"What did you do there at the end?" Hahn asked, always sounding a little petulant at missing something fun.

"We were caressing tongues and I sucked on hers," he said and heard Berris trill excitedly. From his position under Tanz he couldn't see anyone else but he certainly heard the muffled trilling they made as they tried out this new kind of kissing.

"Jack you are so big. I want to make love to you but you won't fit." Tanz moaned softly.

"Other ways, Tanz," he sighed.

She pushed herself up to look into his face. "Show me these other ways! Show me!"

Jack laughed and she smiled down at him. She made a happy noise, pushed herself off and grabbed the bottle of Lussht to take a mouthful. Then she leaned over Jack and pressed her mouth to his. He parted his lips and she let half of the Lussht slide down her tongue into his mouth.

As he swallowed he realized she'd given him quite a bit this time. The bloom of heat shot out to the edges of his body and he sighed as everything felt so incredibly good and intense!

She sat back smiling shyly at him as he got back up to his knees. For a moment the room threatened to accelerate away from him but he focused on her and he caught up.

"That was a very sexy way to share the Lussht. Thank you!" Jack said to her. Julli grabbed the bottle, took a swig and pushed her husband down onto his back to kiss him some of the drink. Berris did the same as did Geng.

"The other ways!" Tanz begged cutely.

Jack began unbuttoning his shirt and her eyes twinkled happily as he pushed it back off his shoulders. He tossed it up onto the ledge that ran around the pit. Her eyes went immediately to the slave collar.

"Ohhh! It's beautiful!" she gasped and her hand twitched.

"You may touch it if you'd like," he said and her hand was immediately sliding over the delicate patterns etched into each.

"It- It's connected to you!" she blurted when she realized it didn't move freely.

Hahn was immediately next to them. "May I?" he asked.

Jack nodded and Hahn examined the links very closely and touched them to see their movement.

"How are they connected?" the doctor asked.

"Millions of microscopic metallic tendrils bonded to my nervous system," Jack said quoting the Chuuruthian doctor.

Hahn's expression hardened. "The Allsa Komanae. Permanent?"

"Yes, but I'm coming to terms with that." Jack said and was surprised by how calm he was. Instead of the fear and depression he normally fought against he just felt echoes of them. He sighed in relief.

Each of the guests came forward timidly and he let them all examine the collar with their fingers. He realized he really was coming to terms with the collar. Finally.

Once they moved back Tanz smiled at him and reached for the fastener on her kilt.

"Wait. Please allow me," Jack urged and she smiled and nodded to him. He undid his pants and dropped them, tugging them off and tossing them up on the ledge with his shirt. Now all he had on were silk boxers which he was tenting.

He guided her onto her back in the middle of the pit and leaned over her to kiss her again. She moaned happily. He moved his lips down her neck and kissed his way down to the waistband of her kilt. He undid the fastener and slowly peeled it back as he followed the fabric with his lips. She was writhing on the cushions and panting in nervous excitement.

"You aren't going to eat her are you?" Hahn asked suspiciously.

Jack snorted as that was exactly what he intended.

"Nothing painful as that. The occasional bite," he nipped at the inside of her thigh and she spasmed. "...and scratch." He dragged his nails over the inside of her other thigh and she trilled.

When he kissed her just above her wet lower lips her hips came up off of the cushions and he pulled the kilt from under her. She lifted her head to look down at him desperately. Jack made sure he had everyone's attention then he ran the tip of his tongue around her opening, stroking the tendrils and gathering up her sweet fluids.

"AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Tanz cried out and everyone jumped. Hahn looked like he was going to intervene but Jack had been keeping an eye on him since his question about eating her. He had a hand up to stop Hahn then pointed to Tanz's face as he continued to stroke her with his tongue.

It quickly became apparent that Tanz was not in pain when she grabbed Jack's horns and ground his face against her wetness.

"NNNNNNNnnnnngggggaaaaahhhhh!" she grunted as the intense sensations tore through her.

When Jack switched to sliding his tongue deep inside her she began to shake and jolt. He pressed his lips to her lower ones and thrashed her with his tongue.

"AAAAHHHH!!! AAAHHHHH! GGAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!" she screamed as she gushed over Jack's face. He tried pulling back but she had a death grip on his horns. He had to wait for her to relax before he could come up for air.

Finally her body rocked through its last jolt and he pulled free. He looked up at Tanz's face and saw her eyes were closed and she was breathing hard. He wiped her juices off of his chin and sucked the honey flavor from his fingers.

He looked at the shocked faces of the others and smiled. "Delicious!"

The ladies all gathered around Tanz's face as her eyes rolled and she panted.

"Tanz? Are you ok?" Geng asked gently.


They glanced at each other over their friend's face.


Expressions became nervous and the men looked uncomfortable.

"So goooooooooood," Tanz finally managed to get out.

"I hope you were watching closely because I don't think Tanz will be up for another demonstration for a little while." Jack said to the men.

Surprising Jack, Tanz lifted her head to look at him. Her eyes looked a little dazed but there was no mistaking the heat in that expression. The ladies helped her sit up and she clung to them for support when the extra pressure on her groin made her tingle sharply once more.

"It was good?" Geng asked and once more her friends laughed at her question.

"Yes, Geng it was incredible! I liked it very much!" She sighed. "Jack is right, though. I need to rest." She paused then looked at Jack. "Did I... did I grab your horns?" she asked meekly.

Jack laughed and nodded. "Only with all of your strength. I could tell it was a goooo-" The room went soft focus and Jack slumped back on the cushions as the first wave blasted him with euphoria. It felt wonderful but in the back of Jack's mind a voice was saying it was too soon... and too strong.


Eyes closed, he could only smile as that voice sounded so smooth and sweet. Like... honey. "Yes, honey?" He chuckled at his little joke. The voices were quiet as they talked amongst themselves. His mind tried to put names to the voices but sometimes he couldn't get his brain to cooperate.

"Did he call me 'honey'? What's honey?"

"Do you think he's experiencing his waves?" Definitely Phan.

"Something is trying to escape from the garment he is wearing!"

"Ah! Yes, I saw it when we were at the hot spring! That's his sexual organ. It's on the outside and inflates when he is excited." Beautiful Tanz.

"Inflates? With air?" A deeper... male voice. Probably Hahn.


"Hmmm... inflate was the wrong word. No, it gets hot so it's probably blood." Definitely Tanz.

"You felt it!?!" That was... Geng.

"Accidentally!" A pause. "It was very hot and hard!"

"I want to see it!" An excited Julli.

"It's moving on its own!"

"Jack, can we see it?"

He was starting to drift back into his body and he felt himself throbbing in his boxers. He hadn't heard the question but knew someone said his name. "Yes?"

There was a tugging sensation then gasps.

"Why is it so big?"

Jack began to chuckle.

"What's funny, Jack?" Tanz asked.

"I'm not big. I'm just average sized. I'm very flattered though. Thank you," he sighed with a smile.

"Why would he feel flattered about having an inefficiently large fertilization delivery organ?" Hahn asked.

A bold hand grasped Jack's cock.

"It is hot and hard!"

Jack opened his eyes and saw the ladies all sitting back on their feet as they knelt next to his outstretched legs. Julli was the one holding him but she removed her hand so Berris could try. Finally Geng squeezed him in her grip.

"Easy on the plumbing Geng, I may want to use it someday!" Jack chuckled.

The husbands were sitting behind their wives. Because he was tingling so wonderfully Jack had a naughty idea. He grinned slyly as he looked at the men.

"What's that look for?" Hahn asked suspiciously.

"Something you're gonna like. A lot!" Jack purred. He looked to the wives. "Ladies, it's time for your husbands to show you how much they learned watching Tanz and me."

Berris' eyes lit up as she was very eager to experience the licking method. She was unsure if her husband would be willing.

"I'm not-" he began.

"You're not a weeny, are you Hahn?" Jack said with an evil grin. "There are definite rewards if you do this and only disappointment if you don't."

Hahn looked at Jack, unsure how to respond.

"Trust me on this Hahn. Your lady will love it and you will be greatly rewarded!" Jack cajoled the male who finally nodded. Berris trilled and rubbed her face on his and he couldn't stop himself from returning the affection.

When Berris began to move to lie on her back Jack spoke up. "No. Stay on your knees but don't sit down. Lift your bottoms for your partners and spread your legs. Alright boys, you know what to do. Get those tongues working! Listen to their reactions and repeat the stuff they like."

Phan was the first to plant his face between his wife's cheeks. She trilled with delight and pressed back as he worked her feverishly with his tongue.

"OH! OH! OH! YES! PHAN! YES!" she gasped.

Not to be outdone by the Minister of Finance, Hahn energetically if sloppily began licking up and down. Jack saw the frustration on Berris' face. "Stiffen your tongue Hahn! Rub and probe, circle and suck." Berris immediately began trilling happily as Hahn altered his method.

Geng dropped her face to the cushions with her ass in the air as Mirs took her to heaven and back.

Tanz watched her friends all experiencing the bliss she'd had and smiled down at Jack who looked like he was going through another wave. She reached out and took his cock in her hand, marvelling at the heat, firmness, and its soft texture. Jack closed his eyes as bliss swept through him.

"Jack, I want to give you pleasure. Tell me how!" she said softly.

He opened his eyes and saw the beautiful female smiling at him. "Kiss me."

She leaned down and brushed his lips with hers and when she brought her tongue into play she felt his cock jump in her hand. She pulled back and gave him an impish look. Mimicking what he'd done for her, she kissed her way down his body until she was facing his erection. She looked up at him and extended her tongue. She smiled at Jack's excitement. When she stroked his shaft with her tongue he sucked in a breath and stiffened.

"Does that feel good?" she asked.

"Incredible!" was all he could manage. The pleasure of her licking him while the Lussht magnified his awareness of every sensation was rocking his world.

She ran her tongue up and down his shaft and sucked on his balls. It was Jack's turn to writhe and gasp under her ministrations. She noticed a droplet of liquid at the top and licked it off.

"Salt!" she exclaimed excitedly.

Jack jumped and the others paused to look at her.

She smiled up at Jack's dazed and confused expression.

"I tasted salt!" she gushed.

"Uh, yeah. I understand it can taste salty. Is that ok?"

"Yes!" she said with delight and began licking again with great enthusiasm. Jack threw his head back.

"Salt!" she cried again and smacked her lips. Jack grinned then his eyes widened as he saw the other females move closer to stroke his cock with their tongues. The males looked a little upset their mates were ignoring them. Jack saw the husbands were all very excited.

"Guys, it's time to make love to your ladies... from behind."

Phan needed no further instructions. He brought his hips in close behind his wife and drove himself home, pulling his wife's hips back to meet his pelvis. Hahn and Mirs quickly figured it out and they were soon pressed up tight against the asses of their wives.

"Don't just stand there, rock your hips in circles," Jack suggested.

Again, Phan was first to get into the groove.

"OH! AH! OH!" Julli cried out with each roll of his hips. She was struggling to keep her tongue involved with licking.

"HAHN! SO GOOD!" Berris moaned, slamming herself back into him. He grinned at Jack as the Human had been right. This reward was incredible!

Geng was beyond being able to make coherent sounds and refused to stop licking Jack. "UHHN! UUHN! UUHN!" she grunted again and again. Mirs was in heaven.

The surface of Jack's cock was covered in saliva and he felt his balls tightening up.

"Oh my god! I'm going to cum!"

"Now?" Tanz asked.

"Yes!" Jack cried out as the sensation of four tongues stroking and licking pushed him over the top. He erupted with a huge force, ropes of cum shooting upwards to land on the faces and tongues of the four females. They squealed in excitement as they tasted the liquid. None of it was allowed to go to waste as they licked themselves and each other clean. Then Geng's orgasm burst forth quickly followed by Julli's and Barris' from their husband's rocking and thrusting. The three males moaned loudly as they reached their own releases slightly after their wives.

Another wave from the Lussht crashed over Jack's already dazed senses. He just had time for one last admiring look at the stars above before the wave tumbled him all the way under.

Chapter 7

Jack blinked as sunlight crept down his forehead to poke annoyingly into his sleepy eye. He squinted and shifted his head to avoid the light but it was no use. He was up. Once more he realized he was intensely hot. He tried to move but a weight was lying across his body. He squinted against the sunlight and saw he was buried under furry bodies. Seven of them to be exact. He saw no kilts and felt no clothes on himself so he was waking naked in an orgy pit.

What. The. Fuck.

He tried to put together the events of the night before and recalled the lovely meal and the fascinating conversations he had with the Shreen who were currently sleeping on him but his memories began to fragment and twist shortly after that. He noticed the large bottle of Lussht lying on its side amongst the cushions.


He knew some of his memories from last night would resurface but he still had holes from the dinner party two nights ago. He wondered what grief he'd created for himself, Gee and Bal, or Queen Elissa last night.

First things first. He had to extricate himself from the orgy pit.

He slowly slid his left arm free and used that one to get his right arm clear of Phan's grip. Now that he had both arms he pushed against the cushions and wiggled his body slowly out from under the pile of sleeping fur. He found his shirt, pants, and shoes but his boxers were likely somewhere under the pile of Shreen. He pulled his clothes on, slipped on his shoes and found his coat on the chair in the dining room.
