James & Jasmine Ch. 02


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Nicole reached out and lightly ran her fingers along Jasmine's side, from just below her breast to the flair of her hip. She could feel her nipples stiffen and present themselves through the thin fabric of the dress. Jasmine knew the dress showcased her body: her large full breasts, her shapely torso and tightly toned ass. She could see the hunger in Nicole's eyes as she ogled her pokey nipples and sensed they were both beginning to feel a deepening erotic connection. Jasmine allowed her own gaze to caress Nicole's décolletage without trying to hide the fact that she found the view alluring.

"So, tell me, Jasmine. Are you staying in Paris after tomorrow or returning to New York?"

"Well, we are staying tomorrow night and then leaving the next morning for Nice. We'll stay there through the weekend and then return to New York on Monday."

"Nice? Really? Oh, how interesting," Nicole replied, suddenly very excited. "You know, Pierre and I have a villa overlooking the sea just outside of St. Tropez. We are going down for the weekend too. You and James should come spend a night or two with us. I know you've probably already paid for all your accommodations in Nice, but we would love to show you that area. Our villa is very private, sits on the water, but has a lovely pool, a beautiful tiled patio to sunbathe," she said with a smile and another survey of Jasmine's sinuous curves. "Oh, please. Talk to James and join us. We'd love for you to visit," she pleaded

Jasmine could tell this wasn't just a polite offer. And she had to admit, she was very enamored of Pierre and Nicole. They were a worldly and interesting couple, but also very warm, welcoming and incredibly sexy. And, as James had suggested, there was a lurking sensuality to the way they both talked and moved that was both alluring and inviting. Jasmine did love the thought of getting to know them better. The interest was most definitely mutual and the thought of a sexy overnight or two at their villa gave her a shiver.

"Well, I'll have to talk to James. He's made all the arrangements. I am truly along for the ride. And one of a lifetime, I must say. You should ask him, Nicole. I'm sure he'd have a hard time saying no to you," Jasmine said with a conspiratorial grin.

"Maybe. But I'll mention this idea to Pierre. I'm sure he'll insist. I don't know – we may even have to make it a stipulation in our contract. No deal unless the two of you come visit us for a couple nights in St. Tropez," she said with a warm laugh. She has the sexiest giggle, Jasmine thought to herself. She felt Nicole lightly brush her arm again as she flushed with arousal and a sudden and growing need; her stiffened nipples giving away her current state of mind. They rejoined the men and sat down to dinner. Nicole leaned over to whisper something in Pierre's ear and he smiled and nodded.

"Already done, mon cher. I found out James and Jasmine were going to be in Nice for a few days and I insisted they join us for an evening at least, if not two. James has tentatively agreed, but was going to talk to Jasmine first." All eyes turned on Jasmine as if it was all up to her.

"Fine by me," she replied, and they all raised their glasses in a toast full of warm laughter. She smiled at James and he winked at her in appreciation.

The dinner and wine were wonderful and the conversation flowed smoothly. Jasmine became aware of the barrage of sensual undertones as the evening unfolded. Subtle glances, light touches, a glimpse of skin, the profile of a curve, a sexy giggle and conversational innuendo all rolled together to create an erotically charged atmosphere – and all with a sexy French accent.

The evening whisked by and soon after dinner the foursome was seated once again on the leather sofa enjoying a very old cognac. Nicole was snuggled up against Pierre and the two looked very comfortable together. Her dress was riding up high, exposing her lean smooth thighs, yet she seemed not to notice, or not to care. All four were feeling a warm glow from several bottles of fine French wine and Jasmine found her mind wandering. She watched the rich young French couple with keen interest – wondering what they did in bed. She felt naughty thinking such thoughts, but she found herself fantasizing about how much she would love to watch them fuck – suddenly imagining Nicole riding Pierre, her lovely body impaling itself on his length, up and down, her soft breasts swaying and jiggling, while they watched in the mirror of their bedroom. She snapped out of her daydream state and brought herself back to the moment at hand.

She and James were seated closely, his arm on the back of the sofa, her thigh pressed tightly against his. While they weren't snuggled up quite as closely as their French hosts, their closeness still belied a purely business connection. Feeling emboldened by the wine and her sexy hosts she placed her hand on James's thigh as they talked. She saw Nicole glance at where she had laid her hand and they shared a look. Jasmine still felt a little awkward, but she also knew all of that was going to change in the coming days. She felt James begin to lightly rub her bare shoulder as they talked.

"So, Jasmine," Pierre asked, his piercing dark eyes now turning their focus to her. "Have you done much modeling before? You seem to be a natural," he complimented.

"Not really. A bit here and there. A few boyfriends have played with a camera a time or two. Nothing serious," she answered, melting at the intensity of Pierre's gaze and the personal nature of his question. She loved the way his gaze slid up and down her body; clearly enjoying the view. She could tell he seemed to appreciate the way the natural shape of her breasts stretched her dress.

"I must say, that is hard to believe," Pierre continued in his sexy French accent. "You have a great presence in front of the camera, as you do in real life. And you do our lingerie proud, I must say," he said, as he tipped his glass in her direction.

"That is an understatement," added Nicole.

"Why, thank you," Jasmine responded modestly, shifting her legs so the slit slid further up her long lean thigh. She could see both of her hosts eyeing her leggy display and sculpted calves, accentuated by her sexy strapped heels. She felt emboldened by the sexual aura of her hosts, coupled with the slick wetness gathering between her legs. The alcohol was certainly adding fuel to the fire as well.

"And, James. Were you present during the shoot?" Pierre queried as he sipped his cognac and eyed James over the rim of his snifter.

"I was. I wasn't going to miss that for the world," he laughed.

"I don't blame you, James," said Nicole. "I would have loved to have watched that shoot," she added with a delicious smile.

Nicole leaned forward to place her glass on the coffee table, making sure that her low-cut dress hung down enough to give both of her guests an eyeful of her large soft hanging breasts, barely encased in a black bra with a frilly edge. Jasmine eyed them hungrily and shifted her gaze to Pierre who was eyeing her just as carefully. As Nicole placed her glass on the low table, she looked up to find both James and Jasmine eyeing her luscious bust. She smiled knowingly, satisfied that her leaning over had caught her guests' attention. She sat back and placed her hand high up on Pierre's denim-clad thigh.

"What can we bring when we come to visit on Friday?" James asked.

"Nothing. Just yourselves," Pierre replied. "Bathing suits are optional as well, so no need to bring any with you," he added with a broad grin. "We have plenty of sunscreen for the sensitive places."

Perhaps it was her competitive spirit or that the wine had further fueled her own desires, but Jasmine waited a few minutes before repaying Nicole for the lovely view she had afforded. She'd been cradling her snifter for some time and decided to lean forward to place it on the coffee table too. As she did so she curled her shoulders slightly, knowing that the bodice of her dress would hang down enough to afford a wonderful view of her own breasts. They might not see her nipples, but the shape and slope of her full soft bust would let her lovely guests surely know that she was not wearing a bra, as if there were any doubt. She glanced up quickly, as Nicole had, and found both Pierre and Nicole staring at her dark seductive cleavage with looks of unbridled lust in their beautiful eyes. She smiled at them both.

"Wonderful," said Jasmine in a soft whisper. "We'll travel lightly, then, and look forward to sharing the sun."

The comment elicited a soft groan of approval from Pierre as he tightened his grip on Nicole and she slid her hand between his thighs.

James interrupted the gathering moment with a declaration.

"Well, we really should be going. We have to meet a client tomorrow," he joked. "And we need to be in top form. So, we thank you for the wonderful dinner, exquisite wine and fine company."

Jasmine was a bit relieved that James had broken the spell she was under, but a bit disappointed at the same time. She could tell from the body language and conversation that staying much longer might have led down a path they weren't quite ready for. 'Maybe by Saturday,' she thought to herself, 'in St. Tropez.' She shivered at the naughty thoughts that raced through her head.

They each embraced their hosts, much friendlier and less formal than when they had arrived, and made their way down the elevator and back to the car that was waiting right where they had been dropped off. They were a block from their hotel when James told the driver to pull over and let them out. They climbed out in front of a small café and the driver departed.

"I thought we should have a night-cap, even though we probably don't need one," James offered.

It was a warm Paris evening, so they sat at a small table for two on the corner; perfect for watching the world go by. They each ordered a glass of wine and James toasted once they arrived.

"To an amazing day," he offered.

"And night," she said. "And to what's left of it too," she added with a twinkle in her eye.

"Indeed," James agreed.

"So, I'm curious, James. Where are things headed here? I know you're a most eligible bachelor back home and have many women at your disposal. Am I a passing convenience on this Parisian jaunt or is there something else at work here?" Jasmine had a way of being direct when the situation warranted and this was one of those times. James eyed her carefully as he took a sip of his wine and responded.

"Jasmine, I won't deny that I've enjoyed the company of a few women since my divorce. But I will tell you, unequivocally, that I have never been so drawn to a woman as I am to you. You're bright, you're kind, you're creative, you're spirited..." He paused. "And you are, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful women, if not the most beautiful, I have ever laid my eyes on." Jasmine blushed a little and cast her eyes down in embarrassment. This was not exactly where she'd been expecting the conversation to go.

"So, to answer your question, I'm not sure either of us knows where this is going yet. But I assure you that, whatever it is and wherever it is going, it will continue once we're back on our home turf. I hope you trust me when I tell you this. I'm totally enraptured by you." He lightly touched her hands as he made his point.

"Mmm. Thank you, James. The feeling is mutual. And I must say, I'm glad we're taking it slow and steady. It's so much more, oh, I don't know...fun and erotic this way," she said, holding her glass out to clink another toast.

"Oh, I agree. And tonight, of course, it's my turn to return last night's favor. Tonight you play by my rules," he stated with an air of finality.

"Well, I suppose I can live with that...as long as your rules are fun," she chided. "What do you have in mind, pray tell?"

"You set the tone last night. So I will follow suit. Tonight we'll go to your room and tonight I'm going to keep my clothes on," he said.

"Ohhhh, I'm not sure I like these rules so far," she joked. James ignored her and continued.

"And tonight I get to touch you, Jasmine. Tonight I get to explore every inch of your exquisite body. I plan to leave you in much the same state of bliss as you left me last night. And I can't wait," he suddenly exclaimed. "So drink up and let's go."

Jasmine laughed and took the last swig of her wine. James did the same, dropped a 20 euro note and a few coins on the table and held out his elbow as she stood up. She cradled his bicep and pressed her warm body against his as they walked the short block to their hotel.

As Jasmine slid her key card into the slot, James murmured to leave the door ajar – he'd be right there. Jasmine freshened up as James slid quickly into his own room and reappeared in a few minutes holding several things in his hand. Jasmine watched with interest as he set up a small wireless speaker unit on the shelf above the headboard, placed open bottles of wine and water on the bedside table, along with a lotion of some sort.

"You're very prepared. Quite the Boy Scout, aren't you?" she joked.

"Always," he replied. He queued up some music on his IPhone and as a throbbing bass beat and electronic flourishes filled her room, James sidled up to Jasmine and stood before her, cupping her cheek and looking into her eyes.

"So beautiful," he exclaimed, before leaning in for a soft kiss. He gently palmed the side of her face as their lips met – barely touching. He leaned back to look at her. "First order of business. Hair up," he instructed.

Jasmine smiled and saluted in jest. "Yes sir," she replied, as she coiled her long mahogany tresses and clipped them casually above her head, strands falling to either side. "I assume there is a method to your madness."

"Most definitely," he said, as he moved to stand behind her. "This way I have much better access to your ears and lovely neck," he whispered, as he placed a soft kiss on her left shoulder and nibbled his way up to her ear. He could feel her squirm and arch her back, moving her round bottom against his body. "Because my first goal," he continued as he nibbled her earlobe, "is to find out where all your sensitive spots are."

"Of which there are many," she cooed sexily as James wrapped his arms around her body and lightly placed his palms on the gentle rise of her belly. The feel of her soft slender body made his erection soar and he knew she could now feel his rigid thickness against the deep cleft of her ass.

"Well, I think we can put ears and neck on the top of the list," he whispered softly. "I'm going to bet your back is one long sensitive spot too," he continued. "And, of course, that soft spot on your inner thigh just above the stocking line. Maybe just behind your knees. Those are surely on the list," he added. Jasmine pressed her ass back against his rock hard root and turned her head to kiss him. Their kisses were getting a bit more desperate now and Jasmine realized that James had barely touched her, yet she was already soaking wet; her tiny thong drenched with arousal.

"Yesss," she panted. "All of them."

"But, if I was a betting man," he said, slowly beginning to slide the right spaghetti strap toward the edge of her shoulder, "I'd wager big money that one place that is super sensitive is your..." He paused and kissed his way up to her earlobe again and whispered, "...nipple."

"Mmhmm. Good guess. Are you going to lick them, James? Will you suck my nipples? Please?" she begged breathlessly. Her hands began to reach behind to grab James's erection, now tenting his pants at an awkward angle.

"Now, now. Hands off, young lady." Jasmine pouted as she released her grip on his raging erection and placed her hands over his as he caressed her body. James leaned down over her shoulder, leering down into her heaving cleavage, now more exposed with the right strap hanging mid-arm.

"What a wonderful view," he stated, looking down at the swell of the upper slopes of her glorious breasts. "I've never seen anything so completely intoxicating," he continued. He gathered her between his arms and squeezed, forcing her breasts to bulge and ooze above the bodice line that barely contained her bust.

"So did you enjoy leaning over for Pierre and Nicole earlier?" he asked. "I saw that move and saw their reaction as well. They were entranced, as am I." James watched the full flesh of her breasts rise up and down as she breathed deeply with gathering excitement; her skin flush with arousal.

"I did enjoy it, James. I was so turned on when we were on their sofa. You got us up to leave just in time. I was going to get us into trouble," she laughed.

"I know you were. I was your knight in shining armor," he joked. "But next time you're on your own. It could be a different story when we visit them in St. Tropez."

"You think so? God, I would love that, so much. Mmm, they're such a sexy couple. I wanted to watch them."

"Mmhmm. Me too. What do you want to watch, Jasmine? Do you want to watch Nicole slide out of her clothes? She has such a sexy body. Maybe she'd pull Pierre's cock out of his pants and suck it as we watched?" James had moved his hands to Jasmine's shoulders and was kneading her neck as he leaned back toward her left ear; his hardness still planted firmly against her pliant ass.

"Yes, oh God, James! How did you know? I do want to watch them," she admitted. "I kept thinking about them having sex – right in front of us." James put his mouth against her ear again.

"Do you want to watch them...fuck?" he asked, with an accent on the "k". He bit the left strap in his teeth and edged it off her shoulder. Now, with both straps down, her bodice held onto her jutting bosom by sheer friction. She waited for James to remove it and expose her breasts. She pushed her chest forward, hoping he'd bare her tits once and for all.

"Oh, James. Yes. But they're our client. I shouldn't think this way. It's..."

"Hot," James finished her sentence. "Way hot. And I bet you'd like them to watch you too, wouldn't you, Jasmine?" Jasmine's breathing was labored now and her body was squirming for contact. "Would you like to strip for them? Show them your lovely naked body so they can drool over you? Can you imagine seeing Pierre get hard as you unveil your body? And just think how wet Nicole would be," he continued. "Can you just imagine Nicole stroking Pierre's big hard cock as they both leer at your naked body, Jasmine? I bet you'd love to turn them on." James was on a roll.

"Mmm, yes. I do want them to see me, James. I want them to want me – just like I want you to want me," she implored. James knew the feel of his erection against her backside made it quite evident how much he wanted her. There was no question.

"Did you think of what they must do in bed? Would you like to join them, Jasmine? Would you like to get in the middle of that?"

"Oh, fuck! Yes, James. I do. I would," she replied. "When Nicole showed me their bedroom, all I could think about was them fucking in that bed," she confessed. "I was so turned on with the way she was showing me their most private space."

He lightly grasped the top of her dress now and pulled it down, slowly – finally exposing her protruding tits, so soft, round and supple. Her nipples were distended and pointed high and proud above her perfect bosom.

"God! What perfection?" he seethed. Her breasts were so full and soft for such a slender girl. James cupped each in the palm of his hand, feeling their supple fleshy weight. His thumb and forefinger came together to lightly pinch her rock hard nipples and she groaned at the pressure. Then James licked his middle fingers, one at a time, and returned them to lightly graze and circle her areola. Both of them looked down at her distended nipples, glistening lightly with James's saliva.
