Jason and I


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My mind ground to a halt. All thoughts ceased. Jason's hands were on my waist and his groin was on my arse. I felt it for the second time that day – hard, curved, throbbing, and growing like a snake emerging from the confines of its lair. He made sure he grated it on my arse. He wasn't ashamed.

The gears of my mind wound weakly and my thought processing ensued again.

'Move like this,' Jason said, commanding my waist into motion with his hands.

I shouldn't be doing this.

My arse shook softly to the beat.

He's my son.

My hips twirled in circles.

This is so wrong.

My hips twirled and my arse dug out, pressing and rubbing hard against Jason's cock.

This feels good...

All rational reasoning discontinued. Jason's arms imprisoned me. Our bodies fused and we were one. The song steered our movement. I realised how much I missed feeling like this, like nothing else mattered, like I was suffocating in a flood of desire.

We didn't leave the dance floor until much later, after Jason had made me face him, throw my breasts his chest, wine my waist and chaff my thigh against his pulsating dick hidden inside his jeans.

We settled back at our former space. I could feel my nipples prickling as if they were on fire. I was so turned on, it was unbelievable. I don't remember ever feeling like this before. I think it had to do with the fear that my son was directly responsible mixed with the excitement of rediscovering my sexuality.

A few drinks later and we were off to the car park and on our way home. Jason didn't say a word throughout the drive. By now most of the effect of the alcohol had worn off, giving me leeway to contemplate the consequences of my actions.

I was more than ashamed. I had engaged in a sexual act with my son. Above all, I had motivated him when I should have stood my ground and said no. The entire blame was on me; none of this was Jason's fault. I should know better.

We got home to find the house empty. Thank God. I wasn't in the right state of mind to explain to Paul why I was dressed in a form-fitting dress and coming back at this ungodly hour with my son. Jason mumbled a quick goodnight and went upstairs.

Oh, no, it had begun. I had heard of cases where foul mothers had forced their way on their sons sexually and scarred these young boys for life. Was that what I had done to Jason? My head was spinning. What do I do now? What would people think of me? My family – my husband would leave me. My daughter would never speak to me again. I would become another one of society's pariahs.

I made a cup of coffee and drank to calm my nerves. I needed to fix this. I couldn't bear the thought of being accountable for destroying my son's life. After washing the mug, I went upstairs to change. I chucked the dress in the deepest part of my wardrobe. I never wanted to see it again. Ever. I didn't have time to wear a night gown. I picked up my robe, concealed my black bra and panties, and left for Jason's room.

I knocked and called gently, 'Honey?'


'May I?'

'Door's open,'

I turned the knob. Inside, Jason was in bed. His naked torso exhibited an impressive set of contours while the rest of him was hidden under the bed cover.

'Come to thank me for having a great time, huh?' He smiled at me.

'Jason,' I said, sitting close to him. 'I came to talk about what happened at the club. I just ... wanted to say how sorry I am for what I did,'


'It was inappropriate of me. I am your mother. We shouldn't have done what we did. I shouldn't have condoned it. It's not healthy and it's not right. It's morally wrong. A taboo.' I explained in the best possible way I could.

Jason didn't say a word. He threw back the cover and sat next to me. I was shocked, not because of his attitude or his silence, but because he was stark naked. Even worse, his turgid cock, looking imposing in its thick and elongated form, grabbed my attention. I tried to look away but I couldn't.

'Jason!' I said, finally wrenching my gaze to his face. 'What –'

'Mum, it's okay,' he said softly, covering my hand with his. 'There's nothing to apologise about. And you don't have to react like this – you've seen me naked before.'

'Yeah, when you were 5,' I said. My face had turned crimson.

'Mum,' Jason said, his gaze holding mine, 'I love you,'

'Honey, I love you too ... but...' I stared at his cock again and back at his face. It was clear what he wanted. 'But, baby, you're my son. There are of plenty girls –'

'I don't want any other girl. I want my mum.' Jason said.

'Don't say that. I mean, how ... what happened? Did I do something wrong?'

'You didn't do anything besides being beautiful,' Jason ran a finger on my cheek. 'I was there with you tonight. I felt you passion. You wanted what happened to happen.'

'No.' I shook my head in disagreement. 'That was a mistake –'

'Then why are you here?'

'I came to apologise...' I said, flustered. Seeing my son like this was detrimental to my conscious mental health. I felt really hot. I needed fresh air. I needed to get out of here. My nipples were peaked and my inner thighs were getting wet.

Jason moved my hand and placed the tips of my fingers on his cock. My hand jerked away. It was as though electricity hummed along the length of his fat shaft. I couldn't believe I had just touched my son's cock. Jason got hold of my hand again.

'It's okay, mum,' his soothing voice encouraged me. 'It's okay. Just feel it. It's all yours.'

'Jason...' My heart hammered in my chest. I couldn't breathe properly. You could tell from the way my breasts rose and fell, like something was about to rip through my chest in flight.

'It's going to be okay,' Jason's voice was soft and sweet as warm breeze in a cool summer night.

My fingers made contact with his cock. I didn't flinch. Jason made me wrap my hand around his meaty rod. I was shocked to find I couldn't get my hand to make a fist around the thing.

'You know what you're holding right now, mum? You're holding the power of my love for you. A power which I'm ready to give you any time you please. Dad, he doesn't understand. He doesn't love you. Not like I do.'

Jason leaned closer to me and his lips touched mine. Untamed fire and desire spread from there all over my body.

'I'd been trying to get your attention for years. I did everything you asked me to. I listened to you. I opened up to you. I wanted you to understand that I was there for you, more than dad ever was, is or ever will be. I wanted you to understand that I love you. I had to figure out a way to show you, and today I did, though my work isn't entirely complete.'

I was speechless. So everything that had happened today had been part of an elaborate plan schemed by Jason. What could I say? Nothing, actually, I realised. His plan had indeed worked, because these past months I was so into him. I always wanted him around me, I always wanted to talk to him, and I always wanted to be with him. He had become more than just my son. He had taken Paul's place in my heart.

Jason kissed me again. His lips captured my lower lip, licked, bit and released it. Then they attacked my upper lip. My lips reacted. I kissed back. His tongue slipped into my mouth. My tongue slipped into his mouth. My head tilted to one side and his to another while we slowly drank from each other.

Jason broke our long kiss almost reluctantly.

'I'm glad you agree,' he said.

I stared away. Though a big part of me really wanted to proceed with this, there was still some resistance from the responsible me. I was still worried.

'Mum, you felt our love when we kissed. You felt our connection. Listen, this isn't just about sex. It's more than that for us.' Jason held my chin and brought my eyes back to his face.

Another kiss followed. We hungrily devoured our lips. My arms wrapped around Jason's neck as I finally gave in to the throes of passion. Jason's hands parted my robe and squeezed my breasts. I would have smiled if I wasn't so caught up in all of this. This was so typical of Jason. Even when he was a baby, he was always fond of my breasts, grabbing them whenever he got the chance. It felt really good to know that he still craved those breasts which fed him so many times during the years after I had brought him into this world.

I moaned sharply, inhaling deeply and pulling Jason closer to me the second his fingers tugged my stiff black buds. His hands slipped my robe from my shoulders onto the bed and went behind my back to unclip my bra. My boobs popped free, spilling into the open.

I didn't break our kiss. Occasionally I would pause to catch my breath, but then I continued right afterwards. This was perhaps the best kissing session I had ever been involved in.

My bra flung away, Jason now had the freedom to mould my breasts however he saw fit. I can tell you that he didn't disappoint. Where had he learned to do all this anyway? It really didn't matter. I loved him so much that even if he hadn't a clue what to do I would have taught him one way or another.

Jason's lips tore away from mine and began to shower my neck and throat. My eyes closed and a long moan crawled out of my mouth to fill the room. My Jason knew my buttons very well and he was pushing them in the right order.

His lips extended to my breasts.

'Oh, god, mum your nipples are so huge,' Jason groaned, supporting my breasts with both hands and squeezing them. He covered my right nipple with his mouth and sucked.

'Oooooh...' I moaned, smoothing his hair. 'That's right, baby. That's a good boy...'

'You like that, mum?' Jason looked up at me.

'Uh-hmm...' I nodded as Jason proceeded to my left nipple.

When he had dealt severely with my breasts, he lowered to my stomach, and then to my panties.

'Here, you don't need this,' Jason murmured and helped me take off my panties. He spread my thighs and gazed at my pussy in wonder. 'I came out of here?' He asked.

'Yes, you did, baby,' I told him, caressing his cheek.

'It's beautiful,' he said and pushed his face forward.

I bit my lower lip to curb my guttural groan as I felt Jason's tongue flicking my clit. Then his mouth was on my lips, kissing them as though they were my actual facial lips, sticking his tongue and fingers in between, probing me deeper and faster. My body quivered. My arse rocked. I wanted more.

'Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes, baby!' I moaned, cupping Jason's head and urging him with gentle pushes to continue. 'Baby, don't stop! Hmmm! Yeeeah! Make mummy happy! Make mummy proud! Uuuugh!'

Jason lifted his head and weight, and kissed my lips. Foreplay was the key. As our lips and teeth meshed, his hands ran through my brown hair, combing tenderly and allowing his fingers to appreciate my hair's texture.

Later his grip on my waist persuaded me to lie on my back. Then his fingers intertwined with mine. I was pinned to the bed, and my head arched one way to allow him worship my neck with his lips. It felt like heaven, really.

As Jason's body moved against mine, his cock poked my thighs, searching for an entry. I wiggled underneath him, intent on lightening its hunt. By now I desperately wanted Jason inside me.

Finally, the head of his cock found my pussy lips. I arrested Jason's lips with mine just as he drove into me with slow precision. The pleasure of having a thick dick sliding along the walls of my pussy after so long made my body quake. I muffled my cry against Jason's lips.

'You're so warm, mum...' Jason moaned.

I clawed his back with my nonexistent fingernails. My legs lifted, knees bent, and heels rested on his firm buttocks. Fresh tears fell from my eyes. His cock was a miracle I hadn't been looking for but thankfully I had found.

Jason's hips rose and fell in a steady tempo. With each fall, his dick seemed to slam on my G-spot. It drove me crazy. I had to either fuse my lips with his or bite one of his pillows else I would scream and anyone within a four feet radius of our house would hear.

Our rhythm picked pace, hastening eagerly and chasing that elusive climax. My wrists were fastened together in Jason's unbreakable left grip. His right hand, however, massaged my unruly left breast. I practically wept at this point and thought I would stifle as I fought to catch my breath while bucking my hips to assist Jason pound my soaked pussy.

Eventually, I came. The orgasm thumped me unexpectedly and Jason was kind enough to provide a pillow for me to shriek into. My body shuddered out of my control and my hips went into spasms.

'Oh gawd... Oh gawd...' My laboured breathing inflated and deflated my chest. I stared into Jason's eyes and saw all the love in the world.

'I made you cum,' he said.

I nodded, aware that his large cock was still lodged in my cunt.

'You didn't cum, Jay,' I whispered. 'Is something wrong?'

'No. Would you like me to cum in your pussy, mum?'

My heart swelled.

'Yes,' I said. 'Yes, baby, cum in mummy's pussy.'

'Thank you,' his appreciative grin was not missed.

Jason knelt and flipped me over to lie on my stomach. He made sure my knees angled my arse high up and my face rested on a pillow. Then he penetrated me.

Another wild ride ensued. Jason, clutching my waist, pumped his dick in my pussy like a mad man out for revenge. His ferocity was such that I had to hold on to the bed post lest I hit my head against it and slip into unconsciousness. I knew Jason didn't want to hurt me, but he was in a different place right now, a place where his greatest desires were about to be fulfilled.

As usual I kept my mouth firmly on the pillow, limiting the intensity of my grunts and growls. Jason, who had maintained better control during the course of our initial round of intercourse, was starting to lose it. His mouth spewed all sorts of words without bother.

'Oooh mum! Oooh muuum! Oooh shiit your pussy's so good! Fuck! I can do this forever! Forever! Muuummy!'

Jason never talked like that. It was okay. I didn't mind. I would be saying the same things if my teeth weren't sunk into the pillow right now.

A couple of minutes later I felt a new sensation as something warm washed my insides. Jason's hips went into overdrive, hammering my fat arse with the sole intent of emptying every drop of cum from his cock into my cunt.

Then he collapsed next to me in a heap. I put my arm across his chest and snuggled closer to him, our sweaty bodies moulding together. We shared a relatively lengthy, wet kiss before we both relaxed.

Some minutes into the night I got up and put on my bra, panties and robe. Jason was now asleep. I drew the bed cover over his waist, up to his chest, and planted a kiss on his forehead.

'I love you,' I muttered and quietly exited his room for mine.

Paul still hadn't returned. As far as I was concerned, that was in fact a good thing. It meant no one had witnessed me and Jason's fiery lovemaking. I took a quick shower and jumped into bed.

As I drifted to sleep I thought of what tomorrow would be like. Well, as long as Jason was in my tomorrow, I knew I was going to be okay.

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Sonnyw55Sonnyw55over 1 year ago

There should be apart 2 to this story! I luv it!

IncAddictIncAddictover 3 years ago

Short but good! Very nice attempt although there's always room for improvement :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Thank You!

Short and sweet. I LOVE learning Her thoughts and feelings as she makes her choice.

Hope there are or will be more...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I enjoyed this story of incest between mother and son. That is the incest theme that I particularly like. The story is well told. Of course it is not all that plausible, as incest stories seldom are. I liked how he licked his mother's cunt. I would like the son to lick her asshole as well, and possibly fuck her asshole if he can do so without hurting her. Also no rubbish please about the mother getting pregnant. If the sister Cathy joins in, and the two women lick each others' cunts and assholes while fucking Jason, that would be nice too. Eventually Paul should join in and make sure to fuck Cathy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Nice Story

Enjoyable reading. More to come?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
I loved it

Now this is the kind of story i love reading mom and son in love with each other and making love i need more of this story please thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
I come back every once in a while to reread this great story, and...

it never fails to impress me, both in its content and high literary skill. The author gives his age as 18 to 22, so maybe even a late teenager. His youth is evident in his great passion. My guess is that glenlover was hard as he wrote the story, maybe even shooting a load at the end. His hero, Jason, is enthralled by his mother's mommy-hole, the wonderful hole between his mother's legs that he came into the world from. When the boy is face to face for the first time with his mother's cunt he's filled with awe and wonder. His mom's beautiful twat is his own birth canal, he has to finger it delicately, slurp it like he wants to get his head back inside it. He takes his mother's little hand and wraps it around "the power of his love"--his big stiff prick. Mom's reaction is all he could hope for: "His cock was a miracle I hadn't been looking for but thankfully I had found." Her feeling shows why lots of moms nickname their boy's rock-hard prick "Mother's Salvation." Jason introduces his young dick to his mother's incomparable cunt, and fucks it, first wildly and animalistically, overcome by where his cock IS, then gently and lovingly. It's the closest, most intimate connection two human beings can have, a boy's prick up his own mother's lovely coochie. Strong, well-built Jason pounds away with all his youthful energy, mom cums like crazy, and the boy unloads his young balls, giving his mom a great big twatful of his warm creamy semen. Then mother and son kiss gently and smile at each other, the boy's fat prick still buried in his mom's cunt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I'm in need of a cigarette!! lol I need more

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
What Happens Tomorrow

Do you plan on continuing this story?

Does Jason know something about his father,that has caused him to change his relationship with him?

How will the sister react to the knowledge of the change that mother and son now have with one another?

Fubar2kFubar2kover 14 years ago
Well done

Very good story, thank you.

Fubar2kFubar2kover 14 years ago
Well done

Very good story, thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
a fine motherfucking mind

The author gives his age as 18-22 years old. In this excellent story he shows a fine motherfucking mind. Most all guys at to one time or other harbor a strong attraction to their mother's twat and love thinking of what they're aching to shove up it. Mr. Glenlover obviously does, no doubt due in part to his youth and his hot young balls. We need this gifted writer to delve more deeply into his natural urge to shoot his creamy sperm up his mother's cunt, and let us know the really dirty ideas he comes up with.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
One Hot Story

This was one hot story. Please have more of this. Loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
More please more.

Fantastic story. I loved reading this story & I hope you will write more chapters to this great story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Hot story...wait til she winds up pregnant.

The only thing to make it better would be for dear old dad to seduce his daughter when she hits 18 and fuck her in moms bed...thanks for writing.

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