Jennifer Playing

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Jennifer's teasing goes further than she planned.
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Returning from the ladies room, I scanned the bar looking for Michael. There he was, sitting on a stool at the end of the bar. As I walked toward the bar, I realized that the stool beside him was occupied by another guy, who was engaging Michael in conversation.

The man looked to be about the same age as Michael, about 10 years older than me. He was not very well dressed, wearing a ratty looking t-shirt and old looking blue jeans. He definitely had a blue collar look about him.

As I approached I could hear that they were engaged in sports talk about the football lockout. Being that the stool on the other side of the stranger was vacant, I decided to sit there and maybe have a little fun, pretending like I did not know Michael. I knew that such a little game would likely turn him on very much, so why shouldn't a girl have a little bit of fun.

I sat down nonchalantly, purposefully not making eye contact with Michael, as I tried my best to give off an "I am a stranger" vibe, hoping he would be perceptive enough to catch on. Perceptive he was, as Michael simply looked back at the guy beside him who was still spouting off with his irrelevant opinions about the state of the game.

After a moment or two, the approached and asked what I would like to drink. I ordered a glass of red wine. Without asking me what kind of red wine, the bartender retreated to fill my order with whatever cheap house wine they were trying to pass off as drinkable.

When the bartender returned with my wine, the guy beside me noticed my presence as he glanced my way, as I paid the bartender. His glance turned to a second take, as he was clearly surprised by the brunette beauty that was beside him.

The fact that I was leaning forward to pay the bartender, which caused my blouse to gape open presenting the bartender and the now gawking stranger an eyeful of my cleavage along with the slight exposure of my black lace demi-bra.

The bartender did his best not to stare, as he turned and walk down the bar to serve another customer. The stranger beside me was not nearly as subtle, though, as he seemed to lose his train of thought as he continued to stare at me, looking my body up and down.

All of a sudden, boldly, he said to me, "Holy shit, if I had noticed you sit down I would've bought you that drink."

I looked him in the eye and smiled, and then said, "Well, if you like you can buy me my next glass of wine."

Turning in his stool away from Michael and more toward facing me, he enthusiastically replied, "It would be my pleasure, beautiful." He then took it upon himself to introduce himself, "Hi, by the way. My name is Steve."

Politely I responded, "Hi Steve. I'm Jennifer."

He then held his over sized mug of beer up to toast with me. I obliged, bringing up my glass of wine to clink glasses. I then took an overly large sip of my wine, to further calm my nerves, as I continued this little charade with Michael sitting approvingly just one stool over.

Steve then asked, "So, Jennifer, what brings a gorgeous girl like you to this bar?"

Lying, I responded, "I'm in town alone and staying here at the hotel, so this bar was convenient."

"Oh yeah?", he responded, then continued, "What room are you staying in?"

A bit flabbergasted at how forward Steve was in asking, I paused as I tried to come up with a response. "Well, I haven't actually checked in yet, so I don't yet have a room."

Looking at my left hand, Steve then said, "I see you're not married?" nodding to the fact that I had no wedding or engagement ring on.

Of course, he was technically correct, being that I have only been living with Michael in a common law relationship for a couple of years now.

"No, I'm not married.", I confirmed.

"So no boy friend, or girl friend, either?" He asked in a bit of a perverted way.

"No, no boy friend and no girl friend either. Sorry to shatter your dreams on that one."

Steve laughed.

Continuing with his boldness, he then suggested, "Hey, being that you haven't checked in yet, I have an idea."

"You do, do you ... and what might that idea be?"

"How about you save the money and just come stay with me instead? I have a decent little place not far from here."

Feigning annoyance, I responded, "So let me get this straight, Steve. You want me to forgo getting a hotel room and instead agree to go stay with some random, drunk stranger that I just met in a bar? Do I really look like that much of a slut?"

As I asked the question, I saw Michael almost choke on his drink as he tried to contain his laughter.

Steve was defensive, "Hey, so I've had a few to drink and I might be a little bit drunk. And no, I don't think you are all that much of a slut, although you sure do know how to dress sexy!" he added as he stared at my cleavage.

"My eyes are up here, Steve."

"Well my eyes can't help but stare at your apparently perfect little titties.", he countered.

I don't really consider my boobs to be all that smallish. I mean, I know they are not huge, but I happen to think they are actually proportionally just right. Still, it seems that so many guys are apparently enamoured with huge tits, because it seems that having my boobs referred to as small or tiny has been a recurring theme over the years.

Being that Steve threw my boob size out there, I thought I would take that theme and go with it to see where it leads. "So you think my tits are too small?" I asked with a subtle pout.

"Well ..." he started with a slur, then continued, "... They're definitely not the largest tits around. Hard to say if they're too small, though. All cooped up under that tight shirt of yours and that cute bra you have on. Maybe you should take your bra off and let me have a look?"

Steve was noticeably drunk, but he was surprising me with how crassly bold he was being. There it was, though, an opening for me to draw Michael into the conversation.

"You sir, " I called out to Michael, "I know you have been listening. So what do you think, are my titties too small?"

Michael was finishing up yet another sip of his beer, again trying not to laugh, when he spun around to face us and answered back, while staring at my boobs, "Well, your boobs look really nice. They're definitely on the small side, but I wouldn't say they're TOO small."

Michael loved to insult me in front of others, so I knew he was loving this.

I feigned being offended, "You guys are both assholes." I then turned and drank the last of my wine.

Michael played the gentlemen, "No, no, don't get me wrong. I think your breasts, what I can see of them, look fantastic. I meant no offense. Please, let me buy you another glass of wine to make it up to you."

Steve turned to Michael, protective of his prey, that being lil'ol me, "Hey, back off buddy, I have dibs."

I tried to diffuse the suddenly growing tension, "Boys, quit being boys. Steve, I said you could buy me my next glass of wine, so you can go ahead and do so now." Then I turned to Michael and said, "You, what's your name?"


"Well, Michael, you can buy me a glass of wine when I am finished with this next glass that Steve here is going to be so kind as to buy me."

Steve then caught the attention of the bartender and motioned for another round of drinks for he and I.

The bartender went on his way to oblige.

Steve then turned his attention back to me and the topic at hand. "So, Jenny ..."

Oh how I have traditionally loathed being called "Jenny". I swear, whenever I am called Jenny I hear Forrest Gump's voice saying it.

Steve continued, "... back to your tits. What do you say you take your bra off and flash me a look, so I can see if they're too tiny or not."

Challenging Steve to see how far past the line of proper decorum he might go, I countered, "Well Steve, if you want my bra off so badly, then perhaps you ought to take it off yourself."

From behind Steve, Michael was approving in mouthing, "So hot!"

I tried not to, but could not help but let a small smile escape, revealing that I was well aware of what Michael was thinking and feeling. I was sure that his member was stiff and straining against the material of his pants.

Steve had failed to catch on to the hint of sarcasm in my voice, instead seeking reassurance that he had permission. "Jenny, okay, if it's okay with you, then I don't mind that I do."

Steve stood up out of his stool and placed his hand on my back, using his fingers to search for my bra clasp, feeling through the silky thin material of my blouse. Upon finding the clasp, he began to fiddle at the clasp trying to undo it with one hand, to no avail.

Not deterred, though, he stepped closer to me and brought his other hand onto my back as well, now using both hands in an attempt to unclasp my bra. With his second hand now helping, it took Steve no time at all to suddenly and expertly unclasp my bra.

With its release, my mouth let out a barely discernable gasp as the freedom from the constriction of my bra felt oh so good. Instantly, I could feel my nipples harden. Judging by Michael's bugging out eyes as he stared at my chest, the sight of my hardening nipples was visibly noticeable through the think material of my blouse.

Steve then instructed me, while peering down the front of my shirt at my cleavage, "Jenny, you'll have to help me with getting those bra straps off."

As Steve was uttering the command, the bartender brought our round of drinks, interrupting Steve to confirm that it was on his tab, all the while not taking his eyes off of my boobs. There was no doubt the bartender was enjoying the show unfolding before him, even though he turned and walked away.

In compliance with Steve's command, I reached up my left sleeve and slid my left bra strap down under my elbow, allowing me to slip my left arm free of the strap. I repeated this with my right bra strap over the other arm. I then turned to Steve and challenged him, "Well, if you want my bra completely off, you'll have to reach in and pull it out.

Slowly Steve placed his right hand onto the bare skin of my chest just below my neck, then let his hand slowly slide down my chest until he was able to grab onto my bra, between the cups. He then slowly pulled up. At first there was resistance because of my boobs being still inside the cups, but then all at once, Steve had pulled my bra far enough up that my boobs fell free, as he completely removed my bra from my body. In the process, the pressure of the bra being pulled against my blouse caused another button to pop free, allowing even more of my cleavage to be revealed.

At the same time, I could tell that my nipples had now become ragingly hard, as my excitement grew exponentially.

Steve couldn't resist commenting, "Well, your tits still look too much on the small side. They look all perky as can be, though, I'll hand you that. And your nipples, wow, they look awesome!"

I turned my gaze from Steve to Michael, as I tried to bring him back into the conversation. "What do you think, Michael, still too small looking?"

As I was asking the question of Michael, Steve crossed yet another boundary of good behaviour, as he took the liberty of grabbing my boobs, with only the thin material of my shirt between his hands and the bare flesh of my tits, and he began to squeeze them.

With Steve now fondling my boobs, Michael answered, "Steve's right, your tits look smallish, but he's also right in that they look fantastically perky."

Not wanting the show to become too lewd, I gently grabbed Steve's hands and tried to pull them from groping me further. As I took his hand and began to pull them away, though, without permission, Steve leaned into me and began to kiss me.

His boldness again shocked me, but rather than pull away, though, I let him continue to kiss me. As his tongue invaded my mouth, I played along, letting my tongue mix with Steve's turning the kiss into an intense session of French kissing.

I love to kiss and even though Steve's breath and taste were less than appealing, the kissing caused my excitement to grow further. My hands relaxed and in fact, guided Steve's hands back to my breasts. He was more than happy to oblige, right away resuming the fondling of my "tiny" titties.

While continuing to kiss me, I felt Steve's left hand leave my right boob and begin to fiddle at my blouse. Just like that, he had managed to undo yet another button. Immediately, he then slid both of his hands underneath my blouse onto the bare flesh of my boobs. His hands alternated between squeezing my tits and twisting and pulling my still very erect nipples.

Pulling his tongue out of my mouth, Steve disengaged the kiss, instead moving his lips to my neck and nibbling my neck down to my shoulder. I was feeling nothing but pure, depraved ecstasy at being so publicly groped and fondled, right in front of Michael. Steve was about to turn it up even a notch more, however.

Suddenly, Steve let his left hand fall off of my right boob and he slid it down my front onto my thigh. He continued to lower his hand down to the hem of my skirt, then with his hand on my bare thigh, he moved back up underneath of my skirt, sliding his hand between my legs.

I could not help but slightly open my legs to give easier access. In no time at all, he found the crotch of my now soaking thong panties. By the way he began to rub me, I knew that he was well aware of just how soaking wet my panties had become. Suddenly my eyes opened and grew wide as I felt one of his fingers slide past the side of my panties, making easy penetration inside of me.

I pushed my hips slightly upward and forward giving the signal of approval. He slid a second finger inside of me and began move them in and out and back inside of me. Amazingly, he was managing to skilfully apply just the right amount of pressure to my clitoris, further stimulating me to the brink.

As drunk as he was, Steve must have sensed that I was now completely his, as he whispered into my ear, "Let's go out to my truck."

Of course he drove a truck, I thought to myself with a chuckle.

Steve was right, though, I WAS indeed now totally his for the taking. My answer was short and to the point, "Okay."

Steve pulled his two fingers out of me and brought his soaking wet fingers to my mouth. I readily closed my lips around them, slowly sucking my own juices clean off. Mmm, I tasted so tasty delicious.

Steve then took me by my hand and began to guide me off of my stool and toward the door. I flashed Michael a smile and then mouthed, "See you soon." I gave Michael a final wink as I followed Steve out the door to his truck.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Fucking slut!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Need more stories like this

5 stars.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

A story about a cuck watching his whore wife walk out with another man. Wow! Something new.

KevinandNinaKevinandNinaabout 9 years ago
Great tease! Sometimes the foreplay is erotic enough

Great story.

Well written.

All the details without getting bogged down in minutia.

The best thing about a story like this is we get to imagine what happened next.

Filling in the blanks for us would probably ruin it for me.

We both enjoyed it. A lot!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
oh boy

is she gonna get pounded hard. 4*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Jenny sounds like a snob. A sexy snob though. For letting this little scenario of hers progress as she did though, I hope when the guy gets her out to his truck he pounds her relentlessly a fills her slut hole with all his cum, punishing that wanker bf Michael, by impregnating his slut snob.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Hot, Enjoyable - BUT

I wouldn't be there when she came back in.

Gone, long gone - never to return.

Hot story though, Thanks!

ErotonautErotonautabout 11 years ago

Is Michael an idiot? His girlfriend is heading off with another guy and won't be back till he's fucked her. What is it with these impotent jerks?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Loved It

Loved your new story. Just enough teasing to keep us interested. I have had a similar situation happen to me in a hotel at the DFW airport Hyatt. I still get hard thinking about it. Thanks for bringing back the memories.


In AnticipationIn Anticipationalmost 13 years ago
Don't understand the haters . . .

I think it's a hot fantasy, likewise got hard reading it. I suspect that the bad comments are made by really insecure guys who would be insanely jealous in this scenario. Oh well!

prop69prop69almost 13 years ago

Fantastic start of a great story. I am soooo HARD just reading the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Hot story. You sound sexy and hot and I wish I had a hot liberated wife like you. I don't get all the hate comments coming your way.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Typical whore fodder. Jenny you sound like a small tittied slut. The story started hot but then you whored it up way too quickly like little slutty whores usually do. Sp next chapter he fucks you in his truck cums in you making you pregnant then dumps you ib an ally dumpster like the gutter slut whore thst you are.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Pretty interesting

You have a pretty good way of sliding through your story...all of the right stuff to give a good picture of what is going on. Could use a little more background scenario, like little stuff going on around the bar...etc., but the bartender is a good bit. Maybe a little more information of what her physical aspects are....all of them. Really enjoyed it though.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpetealmost 13 years ago
This description of "teasing" reaches new heights in stupidity....

...but I see it thrilled the cuck crowd.How about a chapter two where Mikey reveals to this punta nina that Steve is a co-worker who he sold his current fuck pig (her)to. And then he splits the money with her, just before leaving to find a new fuck-pig. Cause what the hell, fairs fair in junior high.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
1 star

Another wimp cuckold and whore story. If the boyfriend had any self respect he would leave the bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Regular Event

If they don't do this very often, then it's erotic. If, however, this was a first - Michael now is a wimp, a cuck, a loser and/or - he isn't there when she comes back in!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Right out of

Right out of the dumpster, whore girlfriend, fag boyfriend. No loving wife, as a matter of fact, no wife at all.

deadonedeadonealmost 13 years ago
just a straight formula

gutter slut cheats on boy friend/husband

boy friend/husband wanks in corner saying how sexy she is

she and everybody laugh at boy friend/husband

Yawn. Yawn.

next time finish the stupid story

p.s. JPB can crank out more in week that are at least somewhat different then the standard formula then you will in a year

Just quite and go tell your wife she looks cute with 4 other men fucking her.

BigTXTeddyBearBigTXTeddyBearalmost 13 years ago
Nice start

Definitely liked the flirting action and how it progressed. How to see another chapter or along something of the same lines.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
expected a lot

..n was horny.. bt u cheated

readinggpreadinggpalmost 13 years ago

Great first chapter.

Love how it's a spontaneous encounter that they're involved with. I was hoping for the story to be carried out to the ending but now you definately have my attention for chapter 2.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Trash JPB clone

Run of the mill cheating bitch story. Puke.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
good start

enjoyed this bit hope chapter 2 continues in the same vain

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