John and Jill Ch. 09


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"Do you not see that's not fair to either one of them?"

"Of course it is. Conrad got that job with my father and John's going to have me all to himself. I just use Conrad for hard sex, but John's I love."

"I can't believe you're treating John like this. The way you treated him to start the divorce and even before that, after your second pregnancy. What do you think he would do if he found out you aborted the second pregnancy and then had a tubal ligation? I know John and he'd drop you like a bad habit. You're really taking a chance with your rekindled relationship, acting stupidly."

"You're supposed to be my friend, not John's. Besides, what he doesn't know won't hurt him. I wasn't going to have another screaming brat and ruin my body again just to give John what he thought he had to have. The best thing that can be said about his wife dying was that it relieved John of having to change diapers at his age. He also should have given me a second chance if I didn't want the divorce."

"Are you ever going to tell him the truth, Jillian? What about this grand plan you have for your business? How does that involve him?"

"It only hinges on Daddy's ability to put pressure on that young Ranskovyk girl, Erin. He'll make her an offer she can't refuse and then Sinclair industries will own Rans Furniture outright. They could be making loads more money if they went to automation instead of hand assembling everything that John builds. He'll design the furniture and have computers build them. Of course, I'll be in charge of the whole thing when the corporation is formed and becomes a part of Visions by Jill. I'll have my revenge on him yet."

"Revenge for what, Jill? That man only ever loved you and treated you like gold. As I remember it, you're the one who initiated the divorce proceedings, not him. Jill Sinclair, I would've never believed that my best friend could be so conniving and sinister. I love John to death and I won't stay around to see you do this to him."

Ellie grabbed her purse off the table and threw the chair backwards into the wall as she stomped out of the room and ran directly into John. She gave a little soft squeal in surprise as John held her by the shoulders lovingly.

"I'm so sorry, John," Ellie said in a very soft tone that only he could hear.

"It's okay, friend. I guess this had to happen; I'm just glad it's now," John almost said with a catch in his throat, as Ellie noticed the tears forming in his eyes.

Ellie continued on to the front door, opened it and slammed it hard as she left. The whole exchange between her and John only took about 10 seconds, so Jill didn't think anything abnormal about it.

"That ungrateful bitch," Jill said to herself while slamming her coffee cup down on the table, breaking it into several pieces of porcelain.

"There, there now, there's no reason to take it out on the furniture," John said as he slowly walked into the room.

Jill lost all the color in her face as she saw him and asked if you're in her voice, "How long were you in the hallway?"

"Long enough, long enough," John said with an unmistakable sadness in his voice.

"What did you hear?" Jill asked with definite trepidation in her voice.

"You know, Jill; God has smiled on me professionally in everything I've done. However, when it came to my personal life, he gave me many trials. It seems now that the only bright spots were JJ and Amy. I can't believe that I actually considered getting back together with such a conniving, worthless, bitch. I thought I had to make a decision about my romantic life; but it seems you made it for me."

"Please, John, let me explain?" Jill pleadingly asked in a panicked tone.

"Yes, Jill, please do. Explain to me how you killed our unborn baby because you're so selfish. Explain how you're screwing around on me even while we are dating, when you say you want me back. Explain to me how you're going to ruin my professional life and make me your business slave, while destroying my creativity."

Jill was openly sobbing now as her makeup and face was ruined. She tried to put out her hand over John's and he just slapped it away. She knew she was basically lost.

"You know, Jill, there's one little fly in the ointment of your grand scheme. Erindova Ranskovyk doesn't own Rans Furniture or 3F, I do. I own 75% of the stock in the furniture store, so I can tell your old windbag father to shove it up his ass. Boy, you really are a Sinclair. I really don't know what I ever saw in you. You have absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever other than being a good mother and a half decent businesswoman. Thank you for making this so easy on me.

Oh, and the best thing that Amy ever did for me, was to love me and give me another child. You shouldn't even be allowed to mention her name. I've seen low people in my life, but none beats you. I'll be leaving now; you can deal with Erin from now on at the store. I don't want to ever set eyes on you again except at family functions with JJ. You also better be looking for a place to live because I'm putting this house on the market tomorrow. You're to be evicted by the end of next week. It makes me sick to even look at you."


When John returned home, Erin was waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs. John thought this was too much. He was getting along well with Erin, but wasn't ready for any kind of confrontation with another female tonight.

"What are you doing here, Erin?"

"Well good evening to you too. I thought we might go out and have a beer together and do some dancing. You look like you could use some fun. I'm just the girl that can provide it for you."

"Erin, do you realize you're 16 years younger than me? Hell, I'm an old man. You should be out finding someone your own age, or at least close to it."

"John, you are so full of shit. You were older than Amy and it didn't seem to bother her, or you, for that matter. I've seen the way you look at me. I'm not Amy, John, but I'm somebody that loves you.

You need to know this; we're going to be together. You're eventually going to make love to me and it's going to be fantastic. I think you already love me, but if not; I'll change that. We're going to get married and raise kids together. Don't try to give me any of this crap about being too old. I want you and I'm going to have you. I think you really want me too, I see it in your eyes. We're wasting time here. After all, you're not getting any younger," she said tongue-in-cheek.

They went over to Mainstays and danced a few songs while eating hamburgers and drinking a couple of beers. When the evening ended John didn't invite Erin up to his loft for a nightcap, much to Erin's disappointment.

They worked together the entire next week and Erin was actually floating on air. Frank told John he must've been doing something right for a change. John explained to Frank what happened with Jill and Frank chose not to say, "I told you so." He just smirked at John and he knew what his older friend was thinking.

Erin told John that she was really looking forward to JJ's wedding. She was one of the bridesmaids and John was JJ's best man.

John picked Erin up at her apartment and a they rode together to the church in Hundley, 20 miles north of Culver. The Cathedral there was grandiose, but not gaudy. John couldn't help but notice the beautiful architecture and the furnishings inside of the church. Someone had done a masterful job of building the pews and furnishing the altar. JJ met him and showed him where to go, as well as pointing Erin in the right direction. John happily noticed that his son was not all that nervous. He remembered when he married Jillian and what it did to him that day. JJ always did seem more levelheaded than him, a source of pride for his father.


As John dressed in his rented tux, JJ was talking with him.

"So I guess you mom are kaput, huh?" he asked his father.

"Yes we are and there's no hope; so don't try to talk me out of it."

"Dad, I have no intention of trying to talk you out of it. I love Mom, but she always seemed like a squirrel that's missing a few of its nuts. I told you Aunt Erin was the one for you, if you remember?"

"Do you realize she wants to marry me and have babies?"

"So what, Dad? You're not too old, and you make an excellent father. I'm in a position to be able to reinforce that opinion. I turned out okay and Aunt Erin is a babe. You could do a hell of a lot worse. She's a wonderful woman and would make you an excellent wife, just like Amy did."

John just hugged his son tightly as the preacher walked into the room."Ready, groom and best man? Let's go," the preacher said and led them out to the altar.

They lined up in front of the altar and the rest of the groomsmen lined up, as well. He noticed Jill setting with a rather handsome fellow in a brown tux and asked JJ quietly if he knew he was.

"That's Conrad Peterson, Dad, Mom's sleazy boyfriend."

As the bridesmaids proceeded up to the altar, he finally noticed Erin in her cobalt blue formfitting gown, and thought it looked painted on. He noticed one thing right away, and mentally chastised himself for thinking it in a church. His observation of Erin noted she wasn't wearing any bra or panties. The strapless gown she wore was like a second skin, with absolutely no panty lines. John felt himself stiffening and fought hard to think of other things. Actually, the thing that made him lose his erection was thinking of his ex-wife. John thought to himself, boy wouldn't she love to know that.

As the matron of honor, Adella Molina, Carmella's older married sister, walked up, John noticed that JJ was actually trembling. Then the music came up and Ernesto Molina escorted his daughter up the aisle with pride. John put his hand on his sons shoulder firmly, but gave a gentle squeeze of encouragement.

"Look, Son, here comes your future. Look at how happy and beautiful she is. You couldn't have picked any better. I'm proud of you son. You're going to have a good marriage."

John could see Jill out of the corner of his eye sobbing more than she should have been. He noticed her escort had his arm around her shoulder pulling her tighter. He noticed she finally pushed him away and sat proudly, listening to the service, while occasionally dabbing at her eyes with her handkerchief. John couldn't help stealing glances at Erin as she stood with a small bouquet like the other bridesmaids. She smiled warmly at him as she looked into his eyes with a sparkle. He realized at that moment, just how incredibly beautiful she was. He couldn't wait to dance with her at the reception and decided he was not going to let her out of his sight, if he could help it.


John noticed that the photographer was quite professional and well organized. He had done a number of pictures before the ceremony to reduce the amount needing to be taken later. The photographer's wife helped him in this endeavor and was like a drill sergeant. She told all the guests that had waited to take pictures that there would be no pictures taken until the assigned photographer shot his. If there was any breach of this etiquette, the offender would be asked to leave. This woman spoke with authority, so nothing went wrong.

The photographer shot his required pictures and then allowed others to shoot. Everything went so quickly that there was a little lag time at the church, and everyone traveled to the Molina's. Their garden was beautiful and they spared no expense to make the reception a success. There was a live band that covered just about every song you could want from their pop repertoire. Erin came up and put her arms through John's to stake her claim. When the parents were supposed to dance with the bride and groom, Erin let go of John just long enough for Carmella to dance with him. Then he danced with Jill for the parents dance.

Jill reached up and whispered a question in John's ear, asking, "So there's no chance to forgive me, John?"

"Not a chance, Jill. It makes me feel sleazy even touching you," he said sternly back in Jill's ear. She just looked at him with tears in her eyes and broke off their dance to walk off the floor, not even finishing the dance. John knew it was harsh, but better than she deserved.

Later, Jill came up to ask him for another dance and Erin told her no. Jill was hurt by this, because John just looked at her and told her that he was Erin's escort and wouldn't leave her. Conrad came over one time, while John danced with Carmella's female family members, to ask Erin to dance and Erin politely refused. Although she danced with some of the employees from work that attended, Erin danced only with John the rest of the time. The rest of the time, John only danced with Erin.

Jill took one look at Erin with John and realized all was lost. She had totally screwed up and lost her man for good. Jill realized in her heart that she really didn't deserve John. She just hoped that John would be happy, even though it pained her.

When they were dancing slow one time Erin looked up and whispered in his ear, "I'm not wearing any underwear under this, big boy; does that give you any ideas for later on?"

"Yes, a few, if you must know."

"Well, enjoy the evening, because there's not going to be much left of you in the morning."

"I don't doubt that a bit."

They continued to dance through the night as JJ and Carmella finally left to go on their honeymoon in Aruba. John and Jill had sprung for the trip for the young couple.

"You wouldn't want to sell that old furniture store would you, John?" Boston Sinclair asked his former son-in-law.

"In the words of the great philosopher, not only no, but hell no," John forcefully said while he was dancing with Erin.

"You know you never really didn't deserve my daughter, don't you?" The old man said to John.

"You're right, Boston, I really didn't deserve her, and thank God."

Erin burst out laughing at that comment, and John couldn't help but start laughing as well. The old man stomped off to go back to his table.

"You know you're mine now, don't you, John; now that you've got your ex-witch out of the picture? There's no stopping me now. I've staked my claim and marked my territory."

"Don't you have to pee on something to do that?"

"Later, big boy, later; don't get in a hurry."

John just looked back at her in surprise at her words and replied, "Ms. Ranskovyk, I believe you have a kinky side."

"One can only hope, big boy."

Hearing Amy's personal term of affection no longer bothered him coming from his sister-in-law. He realized she was her own woman and wanted him for who he was and was unbothered by their relationship. John knew he was the luckiest man in the world to have had two women like Amy and Erin who loved him. He finally thought this addition to his personal life was a definite plus.

When they got back to Culver, Erin told John to take her to his residence. "Your place always felt like a family home to me. My apartment's just a single woman's home. I want to feel what it's like to be in a loving home. You, Amy and JJ always fostered an ambience of love at your place."

Are you sure about this, Erin?" John asked as they neared his home.

"I've never been so sure of anything in my life," replied Erin with a sparkle in her eye and a lilt in her voice. "John, I'm not going to lie; I fucked in Chicago a couple of times, but I've never been made love to. I want that tonight. Amy always talked about how tender you were with her. I want to feel that with you tonight. By the way, what caused you to drop your ex-wife like a hot potato?"

John told her the whole story and she couldn't believe it and said, "John, I want to have your babies no matter what. I'll always trust you and you can trust me. I'll never let you down."

John instinctively knew that she was telling the truth. The determination on her face when she said that told him everything he needed to know.

When they reached His building, Erin rushed out of his truck and up the stairs. She had a look of sheer excitement on her face and said, "Hurry, John, hurry," she said as she jumped up and down on the landing. When John put the key in an unlocked the door she pushed it open and ran into the house stripping her heels as she went. When John reached the bedroom she attacked him when he walked through the door. "Get me out of this gown, now."

John reached around to unzip her garment as he watched it slowly drop to the floor. He looked down and saw her nipples at full highbeam. John could already smell her arousal and remembered a similar scent from Amy. He felt it must be a family thing, and dropped to his knees to worship her bush. She had a neatly trimmed triangle above her lips and her clit was fully aroused. John stuck his tongue in her navel first, and then kissed his way down to gently nip her clit. He tortured her lightly blowing on her clit and by kissing around her nether lips, which were engorged with excitement. He was tortured by the smell of her honeypot, and he couldn't hold back any longer. He slid his tongue from bottom to top, while tasting her hot liquid. Erin shot a load of girl cum all over his face and he tried to swallow it all.

Erin looked down at him, holding him by his hair and said, "Good God, John, no one has ever done that to me before. Amy was right; you're a world-class pussy eater. I can't believe I came that fast and hard. Please tell me you will do that to me for the rest of our lives. Your turn now," as she raised up to pull John to his feet. She sat on the edge of the bed.

"God, John, I'm going to have trouble taming this monster," she said as she pulled John's throbbing erection toward her mouth. "You're hung like a horse. Not that I've ever had a horse, I'm not that kinky."

She began sucking and tonguing his shaft with an unbearably arousing technique. It had been a couple of weeks, and the excitement of the evening had John keyed up. He warned Erin of his impending orgasm, and she just looked up with a smile in her eyes as she finished him off. She swallowed his entire load and just smacked her lips when she was done.

"We got the first one out of the way quickly; now for the fun stuff," she said as she began blowing him again with resolve. Surprisingly, she had John up quickly as she plied her excellent technique to his love muscle.

She lay back on the bed with her legs spread wide and her knees up and said, "Now, big boy, make love to me. I need this more than I've ever needed anything in my life."

John slowly knelt between her legs and lined up his steel-hard phallus with her leaking quim. He slid into her vagina slowly as she pushed her hips up to meet him. When he was fully seated in her vagina it felt like she was running a temperature, she was so hot. He couldn't believe how hot the Ranskovyk women were. John started with a slow love rhythm, and worked the speed up to a comfortable pummeling. The slapping of John's scrotum against her perineum was driving Erin nuts, as was the stimulation of her clit. She came again after the third thrust and soaked both their crotches. She looked embarrassed, but John just smiled and said, "Don't worry, Erin, remember I was married to your sister. I'm used to it.

John fucked her through two more small orgasms and then shot his bolus of man cream into her love tunnel, making her come again. Erin told John it was time for a shower and led him by the hand into the bathroom. They both got in together and he started soaping her off paying particular attention to her breasts. They were not as large as Amy's, but were definitely wide, probably a D cup. She had huge nipples, however, and John couldn't resist taking one into his mouth. He chewed and licked with abandon, and couldn't believe when she stiffened and pushed into him spraying him again. She worked on his sensitive dick with a washcloth and cleansed his matted crotch. Suddenly, he felt something hotter than the water spraying his leg, and he looked down to see Erin peeing on him.