Just a Peek: Love Out of Bounds

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It happened one night.
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"God, I can't believe you," Mike spat as they entered the house. "What the hell were you doing with him?"

"You know exactly what I was doing," Samantha glared at him. "I was on a date." One that had been going quite well, too. That is, until Mike showed up to ruin it. She almost cringed when she replayed the events of the night. How embarrassing. He'd made a scene.

"That was your first mistake." His blue eyes looked at her hard, pupils dilated in the darkness.

She crossed her arms and met him head on, "Oh was it? You're saying it's a mistake to go on with my life?"

He moved in front of her and stood there. Time seemed to stop as they studied one another, each not daring to breathe. Finally Mike spoke, "You know you can't do that. Not without me." His voice dropped an octave and she felt something inside her bubble to life. Something dangerous; something she'd tried so hard to keep buried.

Samantha ran her hand through dark hair and gulped. This was too much. He was too much. What Mike wanted just wasn't right. "We've already discussed that. It can't happen."

She made to turn away, but his hand on her arm stopped her. "Are you sure about that?" He drew her closer then whispered in her ear, "Because I know you touch yourself at night... and I know whose name you gasp."

Her eyes grew round at his words. That was a lie, it had to be. There was no way he could know that. Samantha gazed at him with a new kind of fear. He didn't look anything like the boy she'd grown up with. Black hair hung menacingly in his face and the mouth that once smiled so easily was set in a firm line. He was intimidating, but even so, one of the handsomest men she'd ever seen. And that was the problem. She wasn't supposed to be aware of that. She shouldn't notice his broad chest, or his muscles, or be intoxicated with his smell. But then, things had never been right between them.

Samantha wanted to hide from him, but knew he would never allow it. He'd been patient with her all this time, hoping she'd change her mind. But now, he was done waiting - that much was clear. Her eyes found his once again, and begged him to leave well enough alone. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Don't lie to me, Samantha." He gripped her shoulders, "Just admit it. Admit you want me just as much as I want you."

"You know it isn't right... it's sick!" Her voice was harsh, like crushed glass. She saw him wince at her words and immediately felt bad for causing him pain, but what she'd said was true. There was no denying it.

"How can you say that?" Mike held her tightly now, ignoring her attempts to get free. "Do you feel this?" He pressed into her and ground his hips, barely suppressing a groan. "This is how much I need you. It's not sick if I need you."

She wanted to groan with him, to somehow give voice to the inkling of pleasure he was making her feel, but she refrained. Rationalizing didn't suddenly make things okay. "You need to let me go. Now." The heat from his body was seeping into her, slowly interfering with her judgment; Samantha wasn't sure how much longer she'd last. She tried to pull away once more, but he continued to hold her fast. "C'mon Mike..."

"No." If possible, his arms tightened even more. "I can't. You'll just leave me again." She looked at him then, really looked at him. His eyes were wild and filled to the brim with heat - and want. It was unnerving. "I'm so tired Samantha. I've wanted you for so long, and I'm tired of you denying me. Not anymore."

His eyes burned into hers and it was like looking in a mirror. Samantha blinked. He was right; she would leave him - and this time for good. She would walk out that door and probably never speak to him again. Partly because she was scared of her own need for him and partly because she had a hard time accepting the kinds of things they wanted to do to one another.

"I know what you're thinking, and believe me, I've thought it too," he leaned forward and lightly kissed her lips. The contact shot right through her. "But you can't fight what's supposed to happen, and this," he kissed her again, this time licking her bottom lip, "is supposed to happen."

Samantha made a noise despite herself, and Mike closed his lips over hers again. His tongue slipped inside and they tasted one another. She could feel everything he was trying to convey to her then. His want and desperate need pricked the flimsy shell she'd encased herself in. And like wildfire, an answering call sprang forth. Her nipples hardened, almost painfully, and a rush of moistness dampened her. No longer kept at bay, her hands reached up and lost themselves in his hair as she brought herself closer and deepened their kiss.

She was giving in. Their dance had gone on for far too long and it was time to end it. After tonight, whatever was between them would haunt her no longer. Mike had said he was tired, but in truth, so was she. Her dating life was in shambles because of him. No one ever measured up; they either weren't tall enough or handsome enough or smart enough or any number of things. Who could live like that?

They broke their kiss and stood holding one another. For a few moments their breathing drowned out any other sound.

There was no going back.

Mike silently removed her arms from around him and simply held one of her hands. "Let's go."

He led her down the hall to the bedroom and closed the door. His hands immediately went to her shirt and he hoisted it over her head. It landed somewhere off to the side. Samantha swallowed heavily then sighed when she felt him trailing fingers up her ribcage until gently cupping her breasts. He squeezed them softly through her bra and circled their tips with his thumbs.

"You're perfect, you know that?" Mike bent down to drop a kiss while he reached around to unhook and free her completely.

Samantha nipped him back, then tugged on his shirt until he removed it and tossed it the same direction as hers. "So are you."

They paused to let their eyes devour one another. Samantha held her shoulders back, welcoming Mike's gaze as it swept over and heated her. Tentatively, as if he were afraid she'd disappear, he reached forward to gingerly hold each bared breast. Again his fingers brushed back and forth across her nipples and she closed her eyes, inhaling deeply. He let his hands fall to her waist and moved closer so his chest brushed against hers. His body was pure fire and the flames had her gasping at the contact. He unbuttoned her pants then slid them, along with her panties, to the floor. She stepped out of them.

Mike's hands planted themselves on her ass and lifted her slightly to press her sex to the rough crotch of his jeans. Samantha stifled a cry as she wrapped her arms around his neck. The friction was a sharp pleasure that touched her very core. He moved her against him, over and over, teasing her with the illicitness of their actions. Her body was desperate for more. She needed release.

"Mike..." Samantha said his name on a whisper, but hardly recognized the throaty voice. Was that her? Did she really sound so fraught with yearning?

"I know," he answered as he let her go to spread her across the bed. "Soon."

Samantha lied back and watched him remove the rest of his clothes. His body was magnificent, hard and toned -- a fact she'd become painfully aware of when they'd first reached their teens. Her eyes darted further south and a shock of anticipation cut threw her when she saw what had been pressing against her. More wetness pooled between her legs and she shifted restlessly. Mike crawled toward her from the edge of the bed, his face set in lustful determination. He positioned his body next to hers and swept her hair out of her face and over her shoulder. Leaning down, he licked and kissed her neck while drawing deeply on her scent. Samantha arched forward and let her head fall to the side to give him more of her soft flesh. Her arm slipped under his and her fingers dug into his skin as she melded her body to his.

"God Samantha," he lightly bit then sucked a patch of flesh, "This is where you belong. Right here."

He gave her a final lick then pressed her down on her back. She felt one of his hands slide up and down her length before crying out suddenly as his hot mouth enveloped a throbbing nipple. Her hands went to the back of his head and held him there as he suckled and slid his tongue in circles over the tip. Every pull of his mouth sent a spark to her center and all she could do was moan in the darkness at his assault. He moved to the other one and her body jerked in raw sensation. Her fingers curled in his hair and she tried to pull him away. It shouldn't feel so wonderful.

Mike looked up as he released her from between his lips, "It's okay. Let me, Samantha. Let me show you why this isn't wrong."

She opened her mouth to say something, anything, but her voice wasn't forthcoming. His eyes never left hers as he moved lower on her body, his lips and hands burning a trail across her stomach right to the pool of her juices. He slowly pressed her thighs open before placing his lips at the surface of her entrance. Samantha whimpered as his breath kissed her most private area and sent her toes curling. Moments past as nothing but his breathing tormented her ache. Her chest rose and fell in readiness and tension took hold of her legs.

"I used to dream about this," his words settled in her ear as his hands absently stroked the outside of her thighs, "I used to hope you would come to me in the middle of the night and beg me to love you."

His tongue slipped out to trace her nether lips and Samantha nearly screamed. Her hands twisted in the sheets and her eyes closed as he moved his tongue forward again to lick gently at her clit. Out of her control, her body arched as the pleasure wove its way around her. Mike lapped at her harder then drew the sensitive nub between his lips to feast on it. Her body writhed beneath his mouth and his only answer was to spread her legs wider. Her hands slipped from the sheets to again seek refuge in his hair as her hips begin to grind against him.

"Oh my god... Mike..."

He used a hand to open her further and allow his tongue in as far as it would go. Samantha closed her eyes tight as a shudder rolled through her. She was so close. He licked inside her, one deep stroke of his tongue after another. Samantha moaned helplessly. She was the willing prisoner of his mouth. Rocking against him, her body sought the rhythm of relief. Another shudder plagued her as he gave an insistent lick then returned to his sucking. She began to shake as the tidal wave built inside of her. Teeth dug into her lip as more heat flooded.

He licked again then stopped.

The warmth of his beautiful mouth left her and she made a sound. "But you never came, did you Samantha? You knew how I felt and acted as if nothing existed." There was a trace of pain that made her open eyes. She met his, and though her body was still poised on the verge, there was a prickling of shame. Not at what they were doing, but at the years she'd made him suffer -- made both of them suffer. He watched her for a second before probing her entrance with his finger. Samantha groaned as he pushed past her tightness and slid it inside. His thumb brushed her clit making her mouth fall open in a breathless gasp.

He glided the newly slick digit in and out of her as he held her gaze, "How could you ignore me?" His dark head bent down to taste her again as his finger coaxed her along. Her muscles squeezed tightly around him in response.

"Mike... Please..." Her hips moved in frustration and she tossed her head in the pillows.

"Say it again," he moved his finger just a fraction.

"Please... I need it... I need you." Samantha writhed again, this time in disappointment, when the presence was suddenly gone. The bed dipped and then he was over her.

Mike was on his knees as he straddled her hips. He sat back, breathing heavily as he watched her. A faint sliver of outside light reflected the sheen of sweat on his skin and gave a fleeting glimpse of his face. Samantha's eyes slipped lower and were held captive by the hand stroking his thickness. Up and down. Up and down. She followed every movement and her own body responded at his sharp intakes of air. "Look what you do to me," his voice was strained. He stopped his self-inflicted torture and leaned forward to settle himself on top of her. Instinctively Samantha wrapped her legs around him and released a drawn out moan as he pressed himself inside of her.

"Ahhh..." Her arms encircled his back and the tips of her fingers bit into him. He moved slowly, not stopping until his entire length was sheathed. Samantha's eyes opened wide as her muscles tried to pull him in deeper. Needing more, she bucked her hips making them both shiver in shared pleasure.

"Damn it, Samantha," he slid out of her then back in again, "I didn't know it would be this good."

He was hot within her and stretched her to complete fullness. Samantha moaned and let her head fall back, giving herself to him. There was no space between them as Mike melted into her. He licked her neck and pushed in harder. The change had her crying out and holding him tighter. Their bodies jerked with the force of his thrusts, each one creating a symphony of guttural harmony. What Samantha felt was inexplicable. Her body was a physical string of ecstasy being plucked over and over again. She twitched around him.

Mike grunted above her as he slid in deep and held himself there, "That's it, Samantha..." He breathed in heavily and withdrew, only to pound back into her. Her eyes squeezed shut and she cried out again, hopelessly lost against him.

"No," his voice was gravel, "Look at me. I never want you to forget."

Samantha met his eyes and the intensity there was almost enough to send her over. Quickly changing gears, he hooked his arms under her legs and slammed into her, deeper than he'd been before. She screamed his name and fought to breathe, but all the while, her eyes never left his. "Yes... Oh god... Yes...." It was a broken plea said on a whisper.

"Cum for me, Samantha," Mike punctuated his command with another deep thrust, "For me."

The astriction within her reached a fever pitch. Every nerve ending was bathed in pleasure with the promise of more. His eyes were unblinking as he filled her again and again. Her muscles strained around him, tingling and vibrating. He drove into her one last time then everything snapped. Samantha moaned as the waves washed over her. Her whole body shook, the sensations too much for it to process at once. Involuntarily she milked him, even as he continued to stroke her through the turmoil. Her half-open eyes were still glued to his, and as she watched, the very atmosphere shifted and he groaned out loud. Without warning his hands grasped her thighs tightly and he fiercely plunged into her. Still floating on the edge of her climax, Samantha mewled at his roughness. She ran her hands up and down his back and lightly traced her nails over his flesh. A moment later his body went rigid and a rush of warmth swelled inside of her. Mike shuddered with each pulse and she held him until he'd emptied himself.

There was a moment of stillness before he rolled off of her to lie on his back; she snuggled close and rested her head on his chest. His hand absently tucked hair behind her ear as he spoke quietly in the darkness, "My feelings for you will never change. I love you... as more than a-"

"I know," she kissed the skin beneath her cheek, "And I love you, too." His arms tightened around her and it wasn't long until they drifted into sleep.


When he awoke the next morning, Mike was alone. The sheets were still warm where Samantha had been.


This is the first in a series of short stand-alones; I think the title says it all. Thanks for reading! Votes and/or comments are much appreciated.

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OseekerOseeker14 days ago

Too many instructions..

And NO boy would be making any attempt to deny a girl like that.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
the little deer has run away

but she will return when her hunger overwhelms her. It's one thing to deny something that is only a theory, an idea in your mind. It's quite another when that idea has taken on flesh, and has taken you to places you have never dreamt of before.

She will be back. Perhaps pregnant from this night. Perhaps not. But she will return.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

If she hasn't been taking the Before Fucking pill, she now has to hot foot it after the After Fucking pill. Once she gets the proper pills going, they can go back to enjoying each other.

Farmstud30Farmstud30about 13 years ago

I like how the story is written, very discriptive. It does seem short like others have said, but then some stories are good that leave the ending and some of the relationship details to the imagination. On this site I was looking for more, but still liked it.

klaxxklaxxabout 13 years ago
Nice, but...

Stand-alone stories, well, stand alone. They are supposed to be complete within themselves. I agree with the commenter who said that this seemed to be the middle chapter of a three-chapter story. And, yeah, the ending was a bit disappointing. Too abrupt.

Nevertheless, it was splendidly written. Very moving and full of eroticism.

NightReader18NightReader18about 13 years ago

The writing isn't the problem with this piece. It just doesn't fulfill the requirements for being a story. Instead, it's merely a scenario or anecdote. I'm sure many people will enjoy it, but it's missing too much to receive a high rating for storytelling. Anyway, I don't really know how many people are looking for literary merit; the majority of your audience will just appreciate it for what it is. Obviously, it takes a long time to become a good writer.

sabra16023sabra16023about 13 years ago
Great story

Nicely written. Would be nice to see more . Thanks

savannuhsavannuhabout 13 years agoAuthor

I'll admit I'm a little disappointed with the way this story is being voted on. However, I understand: "You can't win 'em all." With that said, I do appreciate the feedback whether good or bad. The fact you were moved enough to take the time to comment speaks volumes. I will never grow as a writer if I can't take criticism and really listen to what people are saying. <p> I will point out that this isn't really meant to be an ongoing tale. It was just a peek at a shared night. But who knows, I might continue it.</p><p> As always, thanks for reading! :-)</p>

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Pulled me in right away. Classy and real. Yes, twins. I wanted to be her and I wanted a man just like him. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
A truly great story

This story was wrtitten more like an erotic novel than porn. I loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Good piece . . .

Good work, with just enough mystery to tease. Ignore the anonymous naysayer- it's YOUR story, so tell it at your pace. Besides, anyone with an imagination can conjure up any number of scenarios. Looking forward to more. Thanks . . . .

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