[K][T] and Family Ch. 08


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Instead I placed the balls in my mouth, raised the hem, then held it tight to my midriff using my left forearm. That done, I could contemplate placing the balls. This was also a two hand job—one to part, the other to insert. I hoped to do it one handed by being quick. When I touched my vulva, the shock almost undid me. I was surprised to find that I needed no lubrication. Instead, my outer had lips already parted and my clit was forward and quite sensitive. It was a simple mater to push the balls into my well, though the process left me gasping.

On returning to the dance floor, I had another surprise. Siobhan held a CD player. That was not in keeping with the period. Then Francine announced that she and I would be dancing. Oi vey. I was tempted to use stronger language. This was a nightmare partly because I could see the path, but not avoid it.

Siobhan had to have brought The Nutcracker. In the entire ballet repertoire, The Dance of the Prince and the Sugarplum Fairy may be the most famous duet dance. The Fairy's part is all on toe point, while the Prince does some leaping and a lot of lifting. One part was impossible in heels and the other merely dangerous. Still, the performer in me stepped forward. I handed Christine Sean's scarves, while I considered the challenge.

Music is music. I knew this music like I knew my name. The choreography is an expression of the story. All the leaps and twirls form the language, but other languages are available. Francine was ballet trained, but most of her experience was Broadway. We could do a Rogers and Hammerstein version. The floor emptied., I stepped to one edge of the crowd and Francine stepped to the other.

In spite of the situation, I had time to be amused. Francine had announced that this was unrehearsed, but it was not true. I had played the Prince to her Fairy one whole afternoon. I remembered that day and tried to channel Anton Tupelov from the night of the performance. The pressure of my corset reminded me of his hands on my waist, which reminded me of Sean's hands. Francine was fortunate I was not lifting her at that moment.

Considering the handicaps, it went well. Francine may not have been en pointe, but she moved almost as if she were. As the Prince, I only needed to be on my toes, so I could focus on being muscular. Francine spent the time flaunting her silk drawers. Too soon, it was over. Francine curtsied and I bowed to enthusiastic applause. Heady stuff.

As the applause died, Siobhan strode out and announced that it was time to throw the bouquet and garter. I had completely forgotten, so I had no spare garter. I blushed to think I had almost held up my stockings with a belt. Sean removed garter, then Christine handed me a bouquet. I could not tell if I had carried one at the ceremony, much less if this was it. Like so many details, Siobhan and the others made the arrangements.

I never saw who caught the flowers. The young man who caught my garter promptly shoved it in his pocket. It was a good thing we needed to change, because the garter was not coming back. Sean thanked everyone for coming and invited them to stay til ten o'clock. Once we exited the room I felt like collapsing in his arms.

It was not til we reached the bedroom that I remembered the scarves. Christine was holding them as if her life depended on them. In a sense, it was. Christine would rather die than fail this sort of task. When Sean asked for them, she presented them like crown jewels. When Sean told her pack to them in my carry-on, they became two pieces of cloth. I had to hug her for that. Rather than pack both, I decided the vivid red went well with my drab travel dress, much to Sean's amusement. I covered my hair with it. Let the symbolists read what they wished.

Suddenly, it was time to go. I told Christine to find Sharon and join her yoga class while I was gone. In the hall outside the Ballroom, Siobhan had seven of her eight grad students lined up. There was not a dry eye as I hugged each. In the Ballroom, all the guests were lined up. We were showered with pink and white flower petals, rather than rice. Outside, instead of petals, millet seed rained. I liked this deferral to modern interests. Rice is a symbol of fertility, but it harms the birds that eat it. Millet is also fecund and is a common bird seed.

As we descended the stairs to the drive, I could see the Bentley standing ready, trailing a mismated pair of Army boots. I would hazard Siobhan had a pair that were the mirror image. This was where the Amish chose to make their respects. I let Sean do the talking while I hugged Evaine Schaeffelker. I told her that I would need a steady supply of maids and cooks, plus there would be a garden to attend. She told me the girls would fight for positions.

When we turned back, Siobhan and Lars awaited us. I hugged Siobhan and told her I was very proud. She flushed and nodded, misty eyed. Siobhan never took praise or thanks easily, so that was a big concession. At the car, George and Russell waited at the front, but Gerald was holding the door. Before shaking hands, Sean and Gerald came to attention and exchanged salutes. Then they shook and did an uncomfortable A-hug.

Shaking my head, I gave Gerald a proper hug. In his ear I whispered, "Tell your daughter how proud you are." He started in my arms, then relaxed. Gruffly he said, "Watch your head and remember that sunblock is your friend." It was the first real clue I had about where we were headed. Sean slid in beside me and we pulled away.

Looking back at the house, I realized it was my home. When had that happened?

Chapter 29—Onward

Interlude: 25th Anniversary


The ball was a huge success. Aunt Francine essentially started a second career that night. Martel Dance Academy already existed, but the popular impact of the Youtube video is hard to overstate. Mother admits to doing the editing of the video, which should explain everything. She claims it took more of her time than the Will Smith movie.

One of the other videos Mom edited is of Aunt Jo. That one stayed in the family, because you have to understand how awkward Aunt Jo was growing up. She claims to have found confidence in Uncle Lars' arms. Maybe. I think she always had that drill instructor side. It runs in the family. I think she learned to relax that night. She would never be pretty or petite or graceful, but she was just as good as the other guests fumbling through the new dance steps.

Entertainment Tonight—May 26, Monica Parsons reporting.

ET: Once again I am with Francine Martel at a wedding in central New Jersey. Francine, a while ago you asked if I wanted to watch you dance Ragtime. You didn't say you would be giving dance instructions to all the guest and you said nothing about doing Swan Lake. First, when did you learn all this about dance in the Gay 90's.

FM: [laughing] It was The Nutcracker, not Swan Lake, but you got the composer right. About Ragtime, I have always loved Scott Joplin. I must have watched The Sting twenty times as a child. Years later I did a stage revival of the movie Ragtime, playing Evelyn Nesbit. The adaptation was musical and I had to learn several dances—the Cakewalk, the Grizzly Bear, and so on. That started the ball rolling. Michael—that's Dr. Michael Foxworth, the band director—has a similar infatuation with the period.

ET: You two seem to have hit it off.

FM: No kidding. If he were twenty years younger I would drag him to my priest and start him on instruction classes. I promised mother I would marry Catholic.

ET: What if he wanted to become a priest?

FM: [laughing] That's good. Old, but good.

ET: What about the ballet?

FM: That was Siobhan, the groom's sister. She organized this whole event in four days. Throwing things out, and having them stick, is a talent of hers. She showed up with a CD of the music and the player. The rest was obvious.

ET: What do you mean?

FM: When Sheila was fourteen years old, she danced that piece at Lincoln Center, with one of the Russians. We spent three months practicing for the audition. Of course, back then she danced the girl's part. I was on stage to see it.

ET: So you had practiced before.

FM: I had, more than ten years ago. That was the Sugarplum Fairy, in case it was unclear. Sheila practiced—and won—the same part. Tonight she danced the Prince. She only did that once that I recall. We were out of boys, so she partnered with me. I was smallest.

ET: She did that cold? It didn't look like it.

FM: I said she was better than me.

3:4 Magazine—June edition

While Dr. Foxworth dressed and played Sousa for the wedding, it quickly became clear he also has a darker passion. Darker as in skin color, specifically Scott Joplin. Dr. Foxworth has orchestrated more than a dozen Joplin and Lamb pieces for jazz or brass ensemble and marching band. In this he was not alone. Various jazz artists recorded ragtime pieces as part of their basic repertoire. What was news to us is the influence of Sousa on Scott Joplin. Dr. Foxworth explained in detail how marching music influenced ragtime—and vice versa.

He was joined in his explanation by noted Broadway performer Francine Martel. Miss Martel became the unofficial MC of the ball, demonstrating many of the less familiar "one step" dances. One step refers to taking one step per beat. Both teachers at heart, Miss Martel and Dr. Foxworth formed a dynamic team, explaining, demonstrating then leading piece after piece.

Miss Martel also did a demonstration in a Romantic vein, as in Russian ballet. Siobhan (pronounced jo-vahn) Richards, sister of the groom, broke with the period theme by using a CD player. The music was from The Nutcracker, the Dance of the Prince and the Sugarplum Fairy. Not surprisingly, Miss Martel played the Fairy. The Prince was performed by the bride, Sheila Schwartz-Richards, whom Miss Martel freely acknowledged as a better dancer. Three:Four magazine concurs, which is high praise. Miss Martel is quite good herself.

The dancers were attired in full length gowns and heeled shoes. Traditional ballet was impossible. The result owed as much to Andrew Lloyd Webber as Tchaikovsky. Miss Martel whirled and posed in her Latin heels. Mrs. Schwartz-Richards provided support and counterplay with effortless grace, belying the strength required to do the lifts. As a fusion of modern stage dance and classical ballet, it was one of the best I have seen. Look for video links at our website—www.3:4.com

Chapter 29—and Upward

Interlude: 25th Anniversary


There isn't much more to tell. They drove to the airport and spent the next day on planes. Dad complains that there was no internet access over the Pacific Ocean. Mom smiles and says she found the trip soothing. Only my mother can find airline travel relaxing. Dad claims it was because she brought work. Mom says that he brought work for her. Dad doesn't contradict her, so that's probably true.


Tossing bird seed struck me as subtly wrong. It was one of the million details I approved without rethinking. The Unique Bride article said it was my idea. Having a full page sub-article, about me, in a bridal magazine no less, blew my mind. My grad students found it comforting. I never knew how much their stories smoothed things when I returned to Hanover. A lot of things were very different by then.

Once Sean and Sheila were in the Bentley, Gerald gestured to me. Thinking he had some details concerning the guests to discuss, I put on my boss hat and went over. We stood for a moment, watching the tail lights round the curve. Gerald said to himself, "Now, therefore, go..." That is one of the more famous lines from the Bible. Jesus went to Heaven, leaving his disciples standing on a hill top. I knew just how he felt.

When he turned to me, he wore his own boss hat. This was it. Gerald considered evaluations to be teaching moments. They were detailed and lengthy. Bracing internally, I met his gaze. He said, "You did well.", nodded and turned away. My mouth may have fallen open. At least two of the staff's did.

Elspeth watched the exchange, nodding. I asked, "Who?" She replied, "My Grandmother. To hear her tell it, she corrected Cotton Mather's sermon notes before each service. He's right, you know. There were half a dozen competing interests. You had final say over all of them. When you were in Town, all I had to say was, 'Miss Jo thinks...' and that was the way it was done. Authority permeates from you like perfume in an elevator." Damn Skippy. A coin dropped.

I said, "You like that particular perfume." Elspeth blushed. I continued, "You know that Christine is a submissive. I was planning on tying her up and teasing her with a feather duster for an hour or so. If she is willing, I'll let you watch. I'll let any of you watch. Since there are Amish down the hall, it will be necessary to restrain and gag everyone." The scent of aroused female told me her answer. "Now, go take off those wet panties and tell everyone else."

I did not expect much sleep.


Every girl supposedly dreams of her wedding. I had no such illusions about Sheila, but I thought the Ball would lift her spirits. No joy. After a couple of dances, the two of us were back at schmoozing, so she never got out on the floor. I had more luck sending CC after kegel balls and restraints. It tickled my fancy when Sheila decided to wear one of the silk scarves over her hair. It was easy to visualize the same scarf over her eyes, while I put her body through its paces.

Once we were in the Bentley, things were better. Sheila wanted to get close and snuggle. I could sympathize, but we had a lot of traveling to do before we reached the south Pacific. Instead I had her open the picnic basket and pull out the nosh.

Sheila had liked the cheese and crackers from our first date, so I had selected food along the same lines, plus fish. We had rosemary flat bread, neufchatel, smoked oysters, pickles and an assortment of condiments. On the side were oranges and pears, followed by coffee and 85% cocoa solid chocolate. California was hours away and I had no illusions about airline food. Even first class food is marginal and we were stuck in coach.

Sheila seemed pleased to have something to do. Working on a tiny cutting board, she spread the neufchatel evenly on the bread, added lines of sriracha and wasabi sauce, topped them with smoked oysters and slivers of sweet pickles, then rolled and sliced it like so much sushi. I was impressed. Where we were going, I could get her training with a certified sushi chef and fresh off the boat fish. Sheila would like that. I peeled and sectioned an orange. When it was all ready, I had an inspiration.

Leaning close, I whispered, "Imagine that scarf on your head has been folded and used to bind your wrists behind you." Sheila's eyes widened, but her hands moved behind her back. "Now, another scarf has been folded and bound over your eyes. You are helpless and blind. You hope that I will sate the hunger you feel, but fear I will only give you food. Is this not so?"

Sheila closed her eyes and said, "Yes, Sir, it is so." Her scent told me I needed to take action to save her dress. Fortunately, there were napkins handy. I had her raise up, so that I could pull the hem of her dress up to her waist. I put three folded napkins on the leather seat, then let her sit. I informed her, "It will not do to have this car smelling like the Mercedes. I gave Russell a bonus for keeping you on the road with such distraction." As I said this, I pulled two fingers through her moist folds. On the word "distraction" I put my wet fingers under her nose. Sheila flushed, but made no response. That's my girl.

This was the kind of play I could continue for hours, and I intended to do so in the week to come. However, we were nearing Princeton, so I needed to hurry things along. I fed her slices of roll up, wedges of orange and bottled water. When I finished, I told her that her hands and eyes were free, so that she could pour coffee. I ate by feel, because watching Sheila was important. She managed to unstack the cups, pour the coffee, stir in cream and unwrap the chocolate without letting her dress cover her lap. Again, we were out of time.

I said, "Well done. You may cover yourself and enjoy the coffee. I promise to dip some chocolate in you, at some point, so you can compare flavor. For now, just think about the balls in your pussy and try to relax. We can take them out on our second air leg." This time her eyes went wide, then narrowed. I needed to stay on guard.


As the car pulled away from the house, I thought of my first view of the house seven days earlier. It had been a life changing week, but I thought of Sean's house as the end of the road. Silly me. It had been the beginning. So much more happened in the last week, my mind could not take it all in. The one surety was Sean. He seemed to think along the same lines, because he took charge.

Our drive to the airport in Philadelphia would take less than an hour. Even so, Sean had brought food. At his direction, I made two rolls of cream cheese and shell fish. I would have served them, but Sean had other ideas. He told me to consider myself bound and blindfolded. I let out a mental sigh of relief and told him this was exactly what I needed.

The first thing Sean did was have me raise off the car seat. He pulled back my skirt so that I was not sitting on it. Before I was allow to sit, he put a stack of napkins on the glove leather seat. As he worked. he made an embarrassing comment about the trip back from Brooklyn. I had no clear memory of that drive, but the car still smelled of sex on Friday. There is good embarrassing and bad embarrassing. This was not the good.

Before I could decide what, if anything, to do about it, Sean ran his fingers through my cleft and held them under my nose. Not good. I was not a puppy that had just shit on the floor. There was a limit and Sean was getting very close. Maybe he sensed it, because he changed the subject to coffee and chocolate. Just to prove I could, I kept the skirt up at my waist as I served him.

Sean ended the scene and gave appropriate praise, not that I cared. Then he jerked the chain again, by reminding me of the ben wa balls. That was one step too far. I spent the rest of the ride thinking how Christine would handle the situation. She had a gift for finding blind spots.


After dancing with Sheila, the rest of the evening was pale. Sean and Sheila left with due fanfare, which was a chance to give the band a break. I gave a couple of interviews and signed autographs, but it felt like coming down from the mountain. Dancing the Sugarplum Fairy was in my bucket list. Who knew?

Siobhan came back in and I could see something significant had happened. I asked Elspeth, who told me Gerald—picky, fussy, check it three times Gerald—said nice things. I was stunned. Elspeth was in complete agreement, comparing it to an A from Dr. Mandrigan, whoever that was.

I sent her off while I looked for my date. Jason and I had an understanding, but I wanted to nail down the details. It was easy. I looked for a large collection of young women and gay men. I had dated rock stars with fewer groupies. It made me wonder how many of them had seen the picture and how many just followed the crowd. No worries. I can jump lines with the best.