Karma - Intervention

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Karma gives and intervention and dispenses karma.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/05/2024
Created 10/29/2023
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Yes, another Karma story. Sorry, but she just fascinates me. For those of you that expect Karma to be a fire sword wielding cast-iron bitch, this isn't her, This Karma has compassion. She hates giving bad karma to people, but she does it out of necessity. She had compassion for those in bad situations that they can't see a way out of. I prefer thinking of Karma as a force for Justice yet tempered with compassion. If I have to be punished for choosing between two bad choices, I would hope that the person that decides my punishment would at least temper that punishment with the knowledge that I tried to pick the least bad option.

Again, I want to acknowledge LT56Linebacker for inspiring my character. My Karma is different than his, but reading his excellent story about Karma inspired me to create my own Karma character. He really does have a lot of great stories, and you should check them out. Besides that, his handle is based upon one of the greatest linebackers that ever played the game.

Karma - Intervention

As soon as I entered the bar, I saw her. Hair black as night with natural blue tinges. Ocean blue eyes, 5'4" tall, 34D breasts that only sagged slightly due to their size, an ass sculpted from a gazillion lunges in the gym, and legs sculpted by the gods that were shown off by the short dress she was wearing. Without so much as an invitation, I made my way over to the table she was sitting at and sat down across from her.

"Do you mind if I share your table?" I asked after I had already sat down.

Her natural politeness conflicted with her current purpose.

"Actually, I am waiting for someone who will be here shortly." She informed me.

"Oh. That's not a problem. He has been unexpectedly delayed. Don't worry about that. By the time he gets here, we will be finished, and I will have already left."

"Excuse me? How do you know why I'm here, who I'm meeting, and why he is running late?" She asked me. I looked over the table at her. The waitress appeared beside me, and I ordered my drink, as well as another for her. I then looked back at her and began speaking.

"Maria Espenoza. 31 years old. Born on July 14th. Raised in a conservative middle-class family. Graduated from Hoover High school with a 3.91 GPA. Graduated college with a business degree with a 3.98 GPA. Married to Anthony Espenoza two months after graduation. Two children. A boy, Justin, aged 3, and a girl, Gloria, age one and a half. You are happily married, but your boss is threatening to fire you for something that you didn't do. He framed you and is threatening to fire you and have you arrested for embezzlement unless you have sex with him. You are here to meet him to cheat on your husband in order to keep your job and your freedom. So, yes, I know exactly why you are here and who you are supposed to meet.

"As for how I know that he is running late, he is right now changing a flat tire. He is rather fat and out of shape, so it is taking him a bit longer than normal. Also, his cell phone does not have service where he is at, so he can't contact you and let you know."


I looked across the table from me and was awed by the beautiful redhead that had sat down uninvited at my table. I'm completely straight and never even looked at another woman before, but I still had to admit that I would willingly follow her to her room for a night of sexual bliss.

Truthfully, I was dreading tonight. My boss, Dennis was blackmailing me with being fired and possibly convicted of a crime that he framed me for unless I had sex with him. I really didn't see a way out of this without acceding to his demands. I loved my husband, and just the thought of cheating on him repulsed me. Besides that, Dennis was old, fat and completely unattractive. I had been trying to figure a way out of this situation for the last couple of weeks, but I was having no luck. I thought about confiding in my husband, but with his temper, he probably would have killed my boss and spend the rest of his life in prison. I had pretty much resigned myself to a couple of horrible hours of mental agony to just get this over with. That was when SHE sat down at my table.

"Who are you, and how do you know all of this?" I asked.

"I am Karma." She introduced herself. "I am the Goddess of Justice. I understand that you don't believe that. Most people believe that I actually exist and dispense Justice to those that have done wrong. That is true, but there is more to it than that. I not only dispense Bad Karma to those that deserve it, I also dispense Good Karma to those that deserve that as well. The issue is that, while most people believe in me, very few really think that I actually exist. Now, here I am, a redheaded beautiful woman sitting at your table, and you still don't believe that I am who I say I am.

"The thing is it simply doesn't matter. What matters is your decisions on the choices that I am going to give you. Choose wrong, and you will receive the bad Karma that will follow you for the rest of your life. Choose correctly, and my Karma will bless you for the rest of your life. I should warn you that you have already chosen incorrectly in not informing your husband about your situation. For that, you will have a bad time in your marriage for a time until you can get through it. That is assuming that you choose wisely. Choose wrong, and it will get a LOT worse. In fact, it will eventually get so bad that you will probably not survive it. The choices from here on out are yours alone."

She finished her drink and began to stand up. "Wait!" I cried out. "If you know so much about this, please help me to find a way out of my situation." I begged her.

"Are you sure?" She asked. "If I give you any help, the next time that you fall will magnify your punishment. Are you willing to risk that?"

"I Love my husband, and I am willing to do anything for him." I told her with conviction.

"Even after 30 years when the sex gets boring?" She asked.

"Even after thirty years, making love to my husband will never be boring. I will endeavor to keep it fresh and exciting. Even if that fails, there will never be any sex that would compare to making love with my husband. I love my husband, and I would never willingly betray him." I insisted.

I looked directly in her eyes, because I was completely serious. I had nothing to hide. The very thought of betraying my husband was repulsive to me. As I looked into her green eyes, I watched as her eyes changed, they got darker, and I was sure that I saw storm clouds building in them I watched as lightning flashed. Tornadoes built and spread destruction wherever they went. After several minutes, the clouds cleared, and peace came back.

"Very well." She spoke. "I see that you are good woman and regret what has happened to you. I will help you out of this situation. I will also bless you with good karma for this instance. Keep in mind that if you ever stray again, the bad karma I will unleash on you will be 10 times what it would have normally been."

"I agree to your conditions." I affirmed.

"Very well." She stated. She slid a device across the table to me. "First off, do not go anywhere with him. If you need to, make another date for next week. I don't care what excuse you make but put him off for tonight. Second, make sure that you get him to admit that he is blackmailing you and that he set you up. Get him to admit his crime. Next, when you get home tonight, be completely honest with your husband. Tell him everything. Tell him where you were and what you were really doing tonight. Do not leave anything out, and don't try to softball it. Yes, it will be scary, but that is the price you need to pay to get your rewards."

With that, she dropped a couple of large bills on the table, stood up, and left the bar.

OK, so in order to keep from repeating everything, Dennis arrived about 15-minutes later. He complained about the flat tire as he was gulping his first drink. After his third drink, I steered the conversation back to the reason that we were here, He said that he had already reserved a room at the hotel across the street. I emphasized that I couldn't meet him there today as I was on my period. That was a sure-fire way to kill a guy's erections I also stated that I really didn't want to cheat on my husband and that he knew that I had not done want he was accusing me of. After having a couple of stiff drinks, his tongue loosened up and he admitted what he had done and how he did it. He insisted that I meet him the next week to have sex with him, otherwise he would turn me over to the police. I agreed to meet him again a week from today.


I left the bar after giving my warning. I very rarely directly contact my targets, except for rare occasions when I am trying to seduce them. This was a special case. This was a good woman that was put into an impossible situation. She deserved some help. Yes. I am Karma, and I bring bad things to happen to bad people. I really don't like doing that, but they make their own choices. In most cases, they deserve what I bring to them. I really feel bad when I need to give bad karma to a fundamentally decent person that made a couple of bad decisions. What really hurts me is when a really good person is forced into a bad decision because they don't see any options. This was one of those cases. On top of that, my real target in this case was not her, but it was the bastard that was trying to manipulate her. If I could bring some really bad karma to him, and some good karma to her, that would be the best outcome. It all depended on her decisions from now on.


I answered the door after the doorbell rang. When I opened the door, I saw a redheaded Goddess standing there. No, I didn't believe that she was an actual Goddess, but she had the looks for it. She was the most beautiful woman that I had ever seen, or even imagined for that matter.

"Can I help you?" I managed to stutter out.

"No. There is nothing that you can do for me. I am here to help you and your wife."

With that, she suddenly reached out and placed two fingers on each of my temples. She then continued speaking.

"Your wife was pulled into a bad situation by a very evil man. It is important for you to understand that nothing bad happened, and she will be just as pure as always. She will be coming home very soon, and she will probably explain everything to you. What is important for you is that you need to be compassionate and supportive of her. I am now removing all your anger, so that the two of you can discuss these issues reasonably. Also, I cannot have your rage causing you to do something foolish and end up in prison. Rest assured that the perpetrator will be justly dealt with. I am Karma. He will receive his due. If you act accordingly, I will also bless both of you with an abundance of good karma. Support your wife as she needs it. Love each other, and your blessings will grow."

With that, she removed her fingers from my head, turned, and walked away.; Maria arrived shortly after, and we had a very long discussion into the night. Oddly, I found that my anger was completely absent. Normally, hearing some of the things my wife told me about what had happened would have caused me to fly into a rage and demand that I use that rage to inflict unspeakable harm onto the man responsible. Instead, I was overcome with a sense of peace that allowed me to comfort my wife and not go out seeking vengeance.


It was three days since I met Maria at the bar. I have to say that I was very disappointed that she was on her period and couldn't go back to my hotel room with me. Still, I was fantasizing about next week when I would finally claim that Lucious body of hers. Yeah, she thought that it would be a one-time thing, but I would be videoing her and use that video to blackmail her into coming back for more until I got tired of her.

My phone suddenly rang pulling me out of my fantasy.

"Dennis Northcut" I answered

"Mr. Northcut. This is Kim Twerlinger, PA for Mr. Kieth Jennings. Mr. Jennings has scheduled a meeting with himself, you, and the HR Manager in five minutes. You need to shut down your computer and start heading over to the HR office immediately." The feminine voice on the other end of the connection stated.

"Uuumm, Ms. Twerlinger, I am right in the middle of finalizing the Swansen proposal. It is due in three hours. I have...."

"YOU DON'T HAVE SHIT!" She screamed into the phone. "Get your fat ass to the HR department RIGHT FUCKING NOW! I shouldn't have to remind someone like you that Mr. Jennings is the CEO, and when he says jump, you should already be 6 feet in the air. Besides, the Swanson account was handed over to Maria Espenozsa earlier this morning."

"What? I'm her manager. I should have been informed of that before it ever happened. Not only that, but I'm very concerned about her ethics and her work. I've actually been getting ready to fire her."

"Whatever." She huffed. "Regardless, you now have three minutes. You should probably start running." With that, she clicked off the phone.

Well, that didn't go well. I was rubbing the road rash off my ass after skidding across the parking lot when I was thrown out of the building. The box of my personal items landed with a crash beside me. That fucking bitch had actually recorded our conversation where I admitted to her that I had framed her and was demanding sex to hide it. Not only that, but three of the four tables around us had other employees and their spouses sitting there, and they all recorded the conversation as well. I was told that the police would also be visiting me in the next couple of days to discuss the fraud and sexual harassment that I was doing. Oh, and to top it all off, those recordings would also be sent to my wife in case she wanted to use them in her divorce.

It was five years later. I was coming out of a bar, having struck out again with the cheap whores working there. Suddenly. Some big guy in a ski mask grabbed the front of my shirt and spun me around. At the end of the spin, he released my shirt, and I was propelled into the brick wall of the building. He then began to beat the living shit out of me. The wall and the force of his blows kept me propped up against the wall until my legs finally gave out. I lost count of how many times he kicked me in the balls before I mercifully passed out. The last thing I remember, and it will be forever burned into my brain, was the vision of the most beautiful redhead that I could ever imagine standing oddly to the side and laughing as the giant of a man continued to beat on me.

I spent two months in the hospital. They had to remove both of my testicles, because they were so badly damaged. I would never be able to have sex again. Both my knees were destroyed, so I would need to use either a wheelchair or a walker for the rest of my life. My hands were shattered, so it took a long time to type on a computer. Needless to say, the rest of my life was fucked. I ended up with permanent disability. Yeah, I heard of some idiots that try to get that on purpose, but when you have been trying all your life to retire in luxury, disability benefits are not the way to go. It is only a fraction of your previous pay, and if you try to get extra money, they reduce your benefits to compensate.

It was a week before I was to be released from the hospital. I still had no clue where I would go. That's when the redhead showed up in my room.

"What the fuck do you want? The last time I saw you was when you were laughing as that ogre was beating me half to death. Who the fuck are you anyway?"

"Well," She began. "To answer your questions in order, I don't want a single thing. As to who I am, I am known as Karma. Yes, I did laugh as you were getting beaten. That was done by someone that you wronged a long time ago. He had to wait to get his revenge on you so that he wouldn't be suspected. Now, what I am doing here is to inform you that things can really get worse. It all depends on your choices. Continue to make bad choices, and your situation gets much worse. If you decide to make better choices, things will either remain the same, or they could even get better for you. It all depends on you."

"You say that you are the mythical Karma? Well, I don't believe that. I think that you are one of those fakes that these psychologists are throwing at me in order to buy into the crap that they are selling. I was doing fine until that Maria bitch fucked everything up. I'll be out of here in a couple of weeks, and I can just pick back up where I started from. SO, now you can go back to whichever psyco sent you here and tell them that I don't need anymore of their psychobabble and just leave me alone."

"Very well." She spoke as she demurely stood up. "At least I tried." With that, she strode out of the room."


After explaining what happened to Antonio, Maria and Antinio's relationship became even stronger. They both discovered that complete honesty was the foundation of a great marriage. They also discovered they could trust each other with the unvarnished truth. Yes, there were some hurt feelings, but the fact that their mate was comfortable with being completely honest and open with them helped mitigate the hurt. Their love grew even deeper. When Dennis was fired, Maria was promoted to his job. It was originally done as an incentive to keep her from suing the company, but she was so good at management that she was promoted again six months later. By the time she retired, she had been promoted to regional manager. That was as high as she could go without getting an MBA, which she had no desire to get. Antonio died at the age of 96 years old. Maria, not being able to cope with the loss of her lifelong love, followed him a month later. Neither one was ever even tempted to stray from their marital vows throughout their lives. A gorgeous redheaded Goddess looked in on them from time to time, and she continued to bless the happy couple. They lived their lives in happiness and luxury. Neither Maria nor Anthony ever spoke about a trip he took five years after the events of this story. It should be mentioned that Anthony was approximately 6'5" tall and weighed 280 pounds of raw muscle. He only wore a ski mask once in his life. That was for a few minutes during his solo trip five years after Dennis tried to blackmail his wife. Other than Maria and Anthony, the only other person that knew of that event was a redheaded Goddess who stood to the side laughing.

Dennis didn't fare so well. He ignored the advice of the redhead. Sure, he could no longer get an erection, but that did not stop his desire to humiliate and degrade women. Because of the bad references from his previous job, he was only able to get work as an assistant manager at a fast-food restaurant. He was smart enough to stay away from the underage high school students, 15 will get you 20 after all, still there were plenty of attractive undocumented female workers there. Dennis's final undoing was picking the wrong undocumented woman to exploit.

Dennis remembered that vision to his dying breath. He had a pump surgically installed in his penis. He had just finished inside of her in the missionary position. He was still not sure if it was real or just an after effect of his orgasm, but he still recalled seeing it. It appeared on the white wall of her bedroom, just above the headboard of the bed. A vision of a redheaded Goddess laughing at him. She then looked directly into his eyes and said, "I warned you." She then gave one more laugh and disappeared.

A month later, Dennis noticed a strange rash on his crotch. It went away after a couple of days. A week later, he felt a painful burn when he peed. He decided to get tested. Sure enough, he had a couple of STDs. He got the shot, then took the prescription meds. A month later, the rash and the burning sensation were back even stronger than before. He went back to the clinic. They referred him to a specialist. These were newer variants of the typical STDs. They had mutated and were strongly resistant to antibiotics. The girl had quit and disappeared by that time. Her records were forged, so there was no way of finding her or even finding where she came from. The doctors tried everything that they could think of. Nothing worked. Slowly, Dennis shrank away.