Katala and the Fox Ch. 02


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The strong, warm body holding her to him warded off the nightmares. There was definitely something different to this girl, but in a good way, and axel knew she needed him, just as much as he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

When she awoke she snuck out of Axel's arms, grabbed her bow and arrow, and started down the rungs.

"Where are you going." Asked Isan. She sighed, resting her head against a rung.

"I need to hunt, and there are still a couple of magical items, ingrediants, that I have to get, before I leave for the warriors market to sell my wares. The snazzleclaws, surprisingly left, i'm guessing because of Howl, so I need to leave. I'll be back though."

Isan got up, walking over to the ladder.

"Then I'll come too." She looked up and started to protest, but he motioned to Axel and they both knew there was no way he would be happy if she didn't bring him, even though Axel and Isan knew perfectly well she could take care of herself. Besides, Isan would come with her to guarantee she would return more than he was to protect her, which she didn't need. She sighed, nodded at Howl who nodded back, the message clear that he was to alert axel what they were doing when he awoke

. She looked at him again and motioned for him to follow. They stopped on the second floor. She handed him a bow and arrow and conjured up a pure blue bird of energy.

"Practice shooting at it. You're not leaving here without a good deal of skill in archery. You need to be fast, and accurate. Every time. You can't miss a shot, because it could mean the difference between life and death. Trust me. I've had more than enough of my share of really bad injuries. I can heal super fast. Almost instantly. Well, that and I'm immortal. I know because I once had my head chopped off by an animal. It took me awhile to find it again. I had to cut my head off again a couple times after that to learn to find it quickly. I've been immortal since birth. I don't know if any of the others of my kind had it. But it's how I've survived all these years. So shoot. Start shooting, and don't stop until you can shoot it and hit it every time while it flies at its full speed." She left him to practice. An hour later, they were still there and Axel had awakened. He jumped down the ladder to find a frusterated looking Isan and an amused Kata. Finally, she couldn't take it any more.

"Okay, okay. Stop." She stepped behind him, took his arms, and showed him how to shoot. She did it with a distinct lack of emotion except for determination, in which to show him how to shoot. Axel would have felt jealous if he hadn't known Isan since he was a kid. Finally, Isan shot the bird. She smiled.

"Good, now do that a couple more times, and axel start practicing too." She decided she would skip the warrior's market and hunting till tomorrow and showed and taught Axel and Isan how to shoot with accuracy every time and with speed, she taught them how to sword fight, and she even taught them how to use throwing knives.

She was so good at it, by the end of the day, they were both skilled archers who could shoot with speed and accuracy, good sword fighters, and knive throwers, again with speed and accuracy.

They were amazed and pleasantly surprised by Kata who just smiled and waved it off. She jumped out of the tree after telling them she was hunting for food, and five minutes later came back with five squirrels. She roasted them, and salted them, then served them up. It was delicious. The most tasty treat they had ever tasted.

She was telling them about the warrior's market.

"I sell the magical items I get from monsters and beasts to them. Like the poison claws and spikes and hides I got from the snazzleclaws. I made one hide into an armor already, a light one mind you, and only the top part. The other two are to remain untouched though, as requested by the armor vendor that I'm selling the hides to. I keep some of the magical items I get and make them into weapons and armor or clothes, sometimes keeping them or selling them to the market."

She stopped. She stood up, body tense, and narrowed her eyes.

Her eyes widened and her face grew a little pale. She looked to her side and a second later howl jumped out of the thick leafy wall and walked towards her. There was no doubt they could communicate together with their minds. She looked at him and he nodded. She looked shaken, but only for a moment, before she straightened up, and looked like a fierce warrior.

Howl growled, puffin out, which made him bigger, the spikes on his back shooting up, become taller and sharper, the horns growing longer and his claws unsheathing. His eyes, the pupils and irises pure black, expanded, until his eyes were completely black.

He was a terrifying sight to behold and Isan and Axel had no doubt that he was a powerful guardian to be reckoned with. The deadliness mixed with protectiveness for Kata made him seem all the more fierce. Kata walked over to a shelf, grabbed a belt and strapped it on. She strapped throwing knives, very sharp and deadly, and ninja stars, to it, then strapped a long, sharp dagger to her leg, pulling on a pair of long, tight, boots that went to under her knees.

She had on a simple, tight, black, sleeveless shirt. She had on tight, black pants. She grabbed a black sleeveless hood that reached her waist and was made of a strong, protective material, though it was light and flowing, a little tight, and she left it unbuttoned. She pulled on black, leather, fingerless gloves.

She grabbed her bow and arrow, glancing at them and telling them to stay there, then walking over to the wall of leaves and jumping through onto a branch, parting the second wall of leaves to glance out.

A large, hulking shape told her everything she needed to know about this beast, confirming her fears that it was a very very very deadly, DEADLY, creatures that she had the unforntunate unluckiness to run into once before, an expierance that still caused her to shudder at the thought even today.

Axel jumped onto the branch beside her, Isan on the other side of her. They saw the huge creature disappearing through the trees. It was then she realized something.

It was headed towards the village.

Her eyes widened, face paled a little, and froze as the truth hit home.

"Merry mother of gods." She breathed. The destruction it would leave, the lives it would rip from bodies, the death that would reek in the aftermath for years afterwards. And the only one that could save them was her.

She fought it once before, she could kill it again, she could save the village. But would she want to. The thought of facing the beast once more almost left her shaking. She shook her head.

"No." she said. Axel and Isan looked at her. "I am not going to let it slaughter innocent beings. I am not going to let them die knowing I could have stopped it. I'm going after it." Axel and Isan started arguing but she whipped around and glared at them, the look so fierce, frightening, daring them to disagree. That look kept them from arguing any more. Axel was persistent though.

"Kata . . ."

"NO!!!!!!!!" she shouted. Axel and Isan were stunned and more than a little intimidated by the fierceness, stubbornness, and determination they saw in her eyes. "SIT!" they stumbled back and sat on the floor with a thump. "You are ABSOLUTELY! NOT! GOING! The level of deadliness that creature has, the destruction, and death it can cause, is so high, it's suicide for you to come with me, and I will never forgive myself if anything ever happens to either of you. YOU WILL STAY HERE AND YOU WILL NOT MOVE AN INCH!!!! I will have Howl, and this creature is so powerful, and deadly, that it will kill you both with one swipe of its hand. You know I can take care of myself and with Howl at my side even more so. I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP SO STAY HERE! AND IF YOU MOVE SO MUCH AS AN INCH FROM THIS SPOT I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND GUT YOU BOTH! UNDERSTAND!" They didn't even think of disobeying her. They found themselves praying they would never have to face her fury. As the saying goes. Hell hath no fury, and at that moment, they were sure the saying was talking about Kata.

She summoned a viewing portal so they could watch her battle the creature, then she put a binding spell around the tree to keep them in it. She turned towards them once more.

"NOT! AN! INCH!" she shouted, before jumping out of the tree, followed by Howl. They stayed sitting on the floor for fifteen minutes before the creature appeared on the viewing portal in front of them.

They sucked in their breaths. It was as big as a small cottage, it was pitch black, a creature made out of shadows, with big red eyes, a single black dot in the center of each, its claws were huge, as were the spikes on its back and head and tail. Suddenly five throwing knives landed in an eye. The second they pierced its eye they began burning it, showing there was acid on them, and really powerful acid too. Within seconds it was blind in one eye.

Then Kata jumped onto a branch and swung up and over, flipping onto its head, landing on it's nose and stabbing it in the eye, before flipping backwards and landing on her feet, after which she dashed under its stomach, slicing through with her dagger as she ran, before diving to the side to avoid the massive tail.

Howl launched at the distracted, and now almost completely blind creature, literally shredding its nose to ribbons before leaping underneath it to its soft under belly. The creature roared.

Howl and Kata dashed and dodged the attacks, slicing its belly until it burst, its organs flooding the ground where Howl and Kata had been a second earlier before they dove to safe ground to avoid drowning in the blood.

The creature howled and slashed, catching Kata in the back. Kata screamed, and spun around, leaping into the air, flipping, and bringing her dagger down into the creature's back. It moaned and bucked, trying to throw her off but she hung on. Howl leaped under the neck, rolling, and slashed across it before jumping to the side.

The creature yelled and collapsed. Kata slid to the ground. She had a giant hole in her back. Howl padded over and licked her back before lowering kneeling so that Kata could grab onto his back. She jumped on, grunting, and laid still, to stop blood from flowing even more. They started home, Kata bleeding, and silent.

Axel and Isan paced, their animals close to the surface, wanting to race to her, given how injured she was. But they knew, even with a hole in her back, she would still give them hell. When she and Howl finally got into the house she gently slid to the ground before she was snatched up again by Axel, who gently brushed a stray lock behind her ear and kissing her strongly on the lips, head, and cheek.

He turned her over. The giant hole was now just a deep cut in her back, and they were astounded at her healing abilities for the second time since they met her. Within a couple minutes it was a small scratch and she shot up, before remembering where she was. She sighed.

The battle had been gruesome, deadly, almost life taking, and any other warrior would have died not five minutes into it. She was strong though. She tried to squirm away from Axel but he held her close. She sighed and shoved. He was flung halfway across the room.

She got up and wearily made her way over to the weapon shelf and disarmed herself. Axel picked himself off the ground shocked, Isan just stood there shocked. They shook their heads and Isan went over to look at Howl's wounds. Howl licked Isan, already protective over him and Axel now, though not as much as he was with Kata.

Axel started walking towards her and she flung her head back and groaned loudly. She threw the remaining knives down, jamming themselves into the wood, and turned towards him.

"For the mother love of gods Axel. How many times do I have to throw you off me before you realize it is damn near impossible for me to die, and I don't need you to worry about me because there is no reason for you to and I don't need you to protect me." She sighed, rubbed her head, and wiggled her finger at him to follow her up the ladder to the third level. Isan and Howl left the tree to run together, not wanting to be present at the tree for what they knew would come, as always did with unmated true mates.

She turned around once they reached the third level, about to give him an earful.

"Look, I. . ."

Axel pushed her against a branch, his body pining her between him and the tree. His lips covered hers as his tongue slid along her lips, slipping in as she gasped. His hand rubbed the sides of her breasts as she moaned. He broke the kiss.

"I know you can take care of yourself." He whispered against her ear. "I just want to hold you close though, to fight with you, and to hold you as I make you scream my name, as I thrust into you, as I lick you and devour you, and as I make you mine." He felt her shudder and smiled mischievously and triumphantly. She was his. Isan and Howl were gone, as were all the other animals, sensing a were about to make Kata his, and the tree did have a sound bubble around them.

He lifted her up, wrapping her legs around his waist as he gripped her wrists behind her with one hand, the other holding her small but lovely ass. He walked over to the bed and laid her down.

He grabbed her boots and pulled them off, then grabbed her pants and pulled them off, gripping her shirt as he kissed her, tangling his tongue with hers, he pulled her shirt off. He pulled back to pull his shirt off. She tried to scramble away, suddenly shy, but he grabbed her ankle and pulled her towards him.

He pinned her arms above her head. He kissed her luscious mouth as his free hand roamed over her body, stroking underneath her breast causing her to arch her back and moan.

He smiled mischievously as he broke the kiss. He grabbed a scarf nearby and kissed her on the mouth as he tied her wrists together to the head board. He pulled her legs apart, breaking the kiss to look at her, arms above her head, tied to head board, effectively pushing her breasts out, her lips swollen from his kisses, her hair disheveled from running his fingers and hands through it, her legs spread apart, and her pussy. He groaned.

Her pussy, bare, the lips swollen, and wet. He kissed her lips, then travelled down, to her neck, licking and nipping, down her breasts, stopping to lick each nipple once, then continuing down until he was looking straight at her glorious pussy. He licked the slit from bottom to top, causing her to arch her back. He smiled mischievously. He remembered her dream. He decided to have some fun.

"Do you remember your dream. Of me eating you out, sucking on your lips, as I thrust my tongue into your tight hole over and over." He whispered huskily. He grinned as she moaned. He gripped the top of her thighs, holding them apart as his thumbs parted her lips, leaving her completely exposed to him in every sense of the word. She whimpered.

He just smiled and started to lick her exposed pussy every where, dipping his tongue into her hole just a little, licking up her sweet and a little tangy juice, licking and sucking. He enjoyed her taste. Finally he plunged his tongue into her hole, causing her to moan. He thrust it in and out, wiggling his tongue in her hole as he dove in again and again. She screamed as she came.

Axel watched her, beautiful as she came, then he thrust a finger into her and she screamed louder as her orgasm went on. He thrust in two fingers, her tight pussy, clenching around them, squeezing them, as he rubbed along for her special spot. He smiled as he found it.

He licked her clit as he rubbed it, then sucked her clit into his mouth, sucking on it as he triumphantly heard her scream again, shaking. When she finished he crawled back up her body and she summoned flames into her hands, burning away the scarves.

He was a little shocked, maybe a little more, and when she pushed him down on the bed and licked his nipples before licking down to his groin, he groaned. His eyes almost bulged when she licked his dick from the bottom to top and swallowed it. A strangled moan came out, and his eyes flashed greener, darker and turned flame redish orange. He gripped the sheet with one hand, the other gently brushed through her hair as she worked up and down. He squeezed his eyes shut as she licked while sucking, licking the hole at the top. When she stayed still, nose against groin, his hand fisted in her hair, and he let out another strangled groan.

Kata..." came his strangled moan. She just kept sucking up and down, until finally he pulled her away. He pulled her up and then flipped them over quickly, her on her back and him over her, and he gripped his cock and rubbed it three times, before his cum spurted out onto her belly. He moaned as he finished. He bent down and licked it off her belly, swirling his tongue in her navel. He crawled back up her belly and she placed her hand on his chest.

"Not that I wouldn't love to continue but the creature I just faced did rip a hole in my back, which would still be there if Howl didn't lick it, though it would be healing quickly, Howl's spit is amazing with healing power. On its own, that wound would be gone in a day, so my healing powers aren't so great. And I am immortal."

Axel smiled and kissed her, tongue licking her lips and tangling with hers before he pulled back, laid down, and pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her, cradling her to his chest, where she rested her head against it, head tucked under his chin.

"I understand." He whispered in her ear. She shuddered and he smiled. He kissed her neck and nuzzled into her hair. They fell asleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Amazing story!!!!!!!

chococat452chococat452about 11 years ago

Can't wait for the next chapter. Great work :)

NekoNekoNekoNekoabout 12 years ago
really like

I really like the feel of this story, but there are some things that keep throwing me.

Changes from first to third person POV, then in Ch1, her age, is she ten, seventeen or a hundred???

Things like that make it a bit more difficult to read your work...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
What a mumble jumble!

I donĀ“t buy your story. This is just a brainwashed fantasy, immature and only for children to read. How is it possible for all of her kind to get killed whereas she is immortal - she would not need to hide even as a child - this is just too idiotic to read further. I never have read all the japanese fantasies, but I think You are following in their lead and it is just loughable to think adult readers to like this kind of immature behaviour she is showing all the time! Not worth even a single star!

SunsilkWaterSunsilkWaterabout 12 years ago
Patience and practice

I can tell that I would be very interested in reading your series but I can also kinda tell that this maybe your first time writing a story for the public to read. I'm delighted that you want to share a very original and intriguing story (not that many stories with fox boys in it and an evil elven council) with other people but wouldn't you like for everyone to read it after your writing has been perfected? That way people can fully enjoy the imagination you want to share with everyone. I'd recommend an editor, they can be a great help since they would be reading it for the first time like a viewer would but you'd get the benefit of seeing what they think of the story and your writing before you send it out for the viewers to read. It is up to you though to decide what it is you would like to do.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Poor choice in recounting her history-- you just copied and pasted the first few paragraphs. Unless the introduction was copied and pasted from this section? We either should have been introduced to Kata as an already grown woman and then found out about her history at the same time as Axel and Isan did, or we should have gotten a slightly different account.

The fight scene didn't go long enough, and wasn't very detailed. I didn't feel panic for Kata. You need to be more descriptive and show the scene rather then tell it.

Her reasoning for stopping the lovefest wasn't very good either.

'"Not that I wouldn't love to continue but the creature I just faced did rip a hole in my back, which would still be there if Howl didn't lick it, though it would be healing quickly, Howl's spit is amazing with healing power. On its own, that wound would be gone in a day, so my healing powers aren't so great. And I am immortal."'

The fact is, it was healed quickly by Howl's saliva. She didn't say, "although my physical wounds are healed, I'm too exhausted" or something of that nature. Then she says that her own healing powers aren't so great because it would take a day to heal rather than being instantaneous. And what does being immortal have to do with it? He already knows. Please, please, please get an editor.

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