Lady in Red Ch. 12


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Gwen hurried back down the hall and into the waiting room. It was filling up with worried parents and families. At her entrance, the crowd suddenly went silent. Gwen saw Amber Stahl standing near the soda machine and rushed over to speak with her.

"Can you get me on TV really quick?" asked Gwen. "I'll trade you information for a chance to ask for blood donations, but I need it done now."

"I have the van set up to transmit already. If I let them know I have a story, they'll patch me right into the network. This story is still just breaking across the country. Everyone wants to know what happened. You tell us what you know and I'll keep you on as long as you want. The station is dying to break some factual information on this event. Let me make the call."

"Two minutes and we're on, Gwen!" reported Amber after calling her station. "I'll count down the last ten seconds with my fingers. When I hit one, you start talking. This'll be live and it's going network!"

Gwen gathered her thoughts as Amber set up her camera and placed a device in her ear. The crowd was watching and listening to the two women as they prepared for the broadcast. Then Amber began counting down from ten. As she reached one, Gwen began to speak.

"Sparta came under attack today. Five terrorists, steeped in hatred and driven by ignorance attempted to destroy our school, and kill our students and staff. But what these cowards did not count on was the courage and determination of us Spartans.

"I stand before you now, covered in blood. This is the blood of heroes," stated Gwen emphatically as she pointed to her herself. "I proudly wear the blood of Spartan heroes. This blood was shed in defense of life, shed by Spartans shielding, protecting, and fighting for others. Jared White personally pulled me out of harm's way and held me with his back to the shooters, taking bullets intended for me. The shooter called me 'The Whore in Red' as he pointed his gun at me. Jared pulled me in front of him and intentionally took the bullets meant for me. That's truly the stuff of heroes!

"I saw Billy Marsh do much the same thing for my friend Charlotte. He purposely stepped in front of her, protecting her from these lunatics. He and Jared are in this hospital right now, fighting for their very lives. There were many more acts of incredible courage and sacrifice as these cowards, armed with guns and covered in explosives, attacked innocent, unarmed students and teachers.

"I had a discussion with my boyfriend a while back. I told him I was going to be a doctor and he told me he intended to follow family tradition and join the Navy. Then he revealed that he was going to be a US Navy SEAL, like his father before him. I argued that doctors saved lives while SEALs took lives. He told me that the Navy has saved more lives than doctors.

"It's to my shame that I ever disagreed with him. This morning, he demonstrated exactly what he was trying to explain to me. He overheard a terrorist on a cell phone and instantly made his decision. He killed the man with his bare hands, disarmed the bomb the man had strapped to his body, and then picked up the two handguns the man was carrying.

"These pathetic terrorists probably spent a few weeks at some terrorist training camp learning to shoot and make bombs. My boyfriend learned self defense and hand-to-hand combat from his father, a Commander in the Navy SEALs. He became expert with a handgun, with both his left and right hand! When he came through that doorway this morning armed with those guns taken from the dead terrorist, it was never a fair fight. Those cowards had no chance. He killed every damn one of them in a blazing gun battle! I saw the bullet holes in the dead suicide bombers when I cut the wires to the bombs they had concealed on their bodies. To a man, they had two bullet holes in their forehead! A bullet to the body may well have detonated the explosives. Steve realized that and somehow shot all four armed terrorists in the head, saving hundreds of lives and preventing the destruction of our school. Suffering from two bullet wounds and lying in his own blood, he then explained to me that the bombs were wired to be detonated both manually, and remotely, and how to disarm them.

"Now I'm finally seeing what he tried to tell me that day. We need good doctors, and we have some very good ones working desperately to save the lives of our heroes as I speak. But we will always need men and women with courage and skill; trained in combat and prepared to protect us from harm. Steve Hammer is such a man. If he doesn't survive this attack, I may not either.

"Spartan blood lies in pools on the gym floor. This is a small hospital, short on the needed supplies for an emergency of this magnitude. They're accepting blood donations at the Wellness Center at the Sparta Mall right now. I'm appealing to the Spartan Nation to join me in donating blood to help save our wounded heroes. Sparta is no longer just a town, or a school district. From this day forward we, all of us, are the Spartan Nation. As soon as this interview is over, I'm heading for that Wellness Center. I'm calling on the Spartan Nation to do the same! I will not remove this blood that's been shed by Spartan heroes from my person until we collect at least 100 units.

"These heroes lost Spartan blood, and there is no finer blood on the planet. I'm calling on all of you to donate Spartan blood for your Spartan heroes, and to do it now!"

"Gwen! Let me explain why you're not wearing a blouse," stated Charlotte as she stepped in front of the camera, wearing only a bra and jeans and covered in blood. "Many of us used our shirts, belts, even pants to bandage and treat our wounded brothers and sisters. That's why you may see many of us only partially clothed and covered in blood, and we couldn't care less about how we look! I'm going with Gwen to donate blood, Spartan blood, for our courageous heroes. As Gwen just told you, we are the Spartan Nation!"

When they finished speaking, Gwen and Charlotte hugged briefly and then looked around. "How will we get to the Sparta Mall from here?" asked Charlotte.

"Ladies, if you'll allow me. I'm Jared's aunt and I'm headed over to give blood right now and I'd be proud to give you both a ride. How badly was Jared wounded?"

Paula and Diane managed to finally sign Kate out and get her into the car. As Paula was signing for Kate, Diane explained that her daughter had sought refuge in the local pharmacy and should not be counted as missing. By the time they reached the drug store, it was packed with stunned people. Entering the building, they were struck by the silence. No one was speaking.

Then Kate pointed to the wall behind the registers. A TV was turned on and Gwen was speaking about the attack on the school. Everyone was watching and listening intently as Gwen described the events of the morning. She was wearing only a red bra and skirt. She had blood smeared on her face, arms, hands, and chest, yet she looked beautiful as she spoke clearly, but with emotion about what she had witnessed. When she called for blood donations and ended the interview, more than a few people headed for the door with tears in their eyes.

"Come on. We're going to the mall," declared Diane when Stephanie ran to her. "I'm going to donate blood for the first time in my life. Tell us what you saw while we ride over there, Stephanie."

It took Gwen and Charlotte a matter of five minutes to reach the parking lot of the mall. They had to park a distance away because of the crush of traffic. As Charlotte and Gwen walked through the mall toward the Wellness Center, the crowd began to step aside for them. They were ushered inside immediately.

"Whatever you said on TV must have been taken to heart by everyone," stated the lady that sat them down and offered them forms to fill out. "We're swamped and people are still lining up. They're all talking about the shootings and your TV interview. People really want to help in a time like this and you gave them a way to do it. I called the Red Cross and they're sending more help over here as quickly as they can. You'll get your 100 units and then some!"

By the times the girls were finished donating blood and had recovered well enough to leave, the crowd outside the center had increased dramatically. People suddenly stopped talking and watched as Gwen and Charlotte walked exited the center. Gwen took the time to thank everyone for donating. Soon she and Charlotte were walking along the line of people waiting to donate, shaking hands and expressing their gratitude to everyone. Over and over she was told by complete strangers that they were praying for the victims to recover.

Gwen eventually came to her mother and Aunt Diane in the line. She hugged both of them. "Gwen, you need some rest and clean clothes! You can't help anyone if you become ill. Look at you. Let me take you home to clean up and change, and maybe rest for awhile."

"Mom, I can't clean up, or go home. I promised I'd stay this way until we collect 100 units of blood. So did Charlotte. We won't go back on that promise. What those guys did for us was beyond anything I can describe. They risked their lives to save ours! They took bullets intended for us. How do we repay that? We can only try. We're sticking this out. When we're done here, we're going back to the hospital."

"They've set up some donation centers in the mall for people to give to the hospital fund. You should visit them and comfort even more people. Remember that you've got to stay healthy for Steve and the others."

At the mention of Steve's name, Gwen began sobbing against her mother's shoulder. "Mom, if Steve dies, I don't know what I'll do! I don't think I'll want to live!"

"Then keep doing what you've been doing. Be strong. These people need someone to show them what to think right now, and how to feel. They're in shock. You need to lead by example. Be positive and confident. Laura and the other doctors will do everything possible for Steve, and all the injured. You've become the face of courage and hope in this awful situation. Show the world why people turn to you in times of need."

"You're right, as usual, Mom. Come on, Charlotte, let's get moving," replied Gwen as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

The rest of the morning was pretty much a blur as people, mostly strangers, approached Gwen and thanked her for letting people know what had happened at the school and for starting the blood drive. It gave people a way to show support for the victims.

The Macy's department store manager found Gwen thanking more blood donors outside the Wellness Center. "I understand that you two aren't cleaning up or changing until a hundred units have been collected. I also understand that they are very close to your goal and will soon surpass it. Macy's wants to help you girls any way it can. We have a clean changing room with a shower. We'd be honored if you'd pick out whatever clothes you want to wear when you're prepared to clean up."

"I don't have my pocketbook with me," responded Gwen. "And I don't feel like shopping right now anyway."

"No, you misunderstood. Just take what you need to wear. We won't charge you for anything. It's just our way of trying to help you girls in a very difficult time. It would be our honor to have you select whatever you need from our store."

Before one that afternoon, Gwen and Charlotte were clean, and dressed in new underwear, jeans, and sweaters.

Amber Stahl called Gwen and asked for an interview to update the viewers and to answer a few unanswered questions about the attack on the school. They did an interview by the Wellness Center. Once again, they were on live TV. They answered questions about the success of the blood drive and offered sincere thanks to everyone that donated blood or had given money to the hospital fund.

Charlotte offered her observations on the attack and the courage shown by her fellow students and teachers. She described how Gwen had called Laura and then passed out phone numbers so students could seek help from professionals in rendering first aid. She described how she felt when Billy stepped in front of her before she could be struck by the hail of bullets fired by the terrorists. Then she described in very glowing terms how relieved, yet terrified, she was when Steve Hammer strode into the gym with two handguns and the obvious ability to use them well.

The girls caught a ride back to the hospital as soon as they finished the interview. Being away from their injured friends was weighing on them heavily.

Shortly after Gwen and Charlotte returned to the hospital, Gwen and Laura met in the hallway. "Steve's going to be okay, barring infection or complications. Billy's out of surgery and his vital signs are good. Again, if there's no infection, he should pull through. He had a bullet in a lung and another just over his heart. It was touch and go for awhile. Jared's in pretty bad shape. He's strong as an ox, but he was shot twice in the lower back. One bullet hit a kidney and the other wound up in his stomach. He's suffered a lot of internal bleeding. We're doing everything we can. If he survives the night, there's a good chance we can save him."

"My God!" gasped Gwen. "Jared took those bullets to protect me. Billy saved Charlotte and Steve saved us all. Look at how much pain and suffering they're enduring for us. Can we visit with any of them?"

"None of them have regained consciousness since their surgery. That's normal considering the scope of their operations and the anesthesia administered. You two have done a wonderful job getting blood donated. We've used a lot already and we're not done yet. I'd tell you to go home and go to bed, but I know how determined girls in love can be. I have something I want to show you later, Gwen. You'll be amazed."

Gwen rejoined Charlotte and repeated what Laura had told her. Charlotte responded, "In ten years, we'll be working in the new wing of the hospital. Let's hope we never have to deal with a day like this. We'll be going home to Billy and Steve and probably thinking about having kids by then."

"Ten years is a long time. Will Billy and Steve wait around ten years for us? Will they even like us by then? How can you be confident about anything that far in the future?"

"I'm not going to make Billy wait ten years. I was thinking today that if he's feeling well enough, and I sure hope he is, his waiting will be over on prom night," confided Charlotte. "I can't tell you how bad I felt when I thought he might die before we ever made love."

"I know what you mean! I was thinking the same thing about Steve. When I saw him hit by those bullets, my heart stopped. If he died I would have never forgiven myself for not having made love to him. Maybe Steve and Billy will both get lucky on prom night."

The two friends walked into the waiting room to find several men in dark suits checking the ID of the people waiting for news of loved ones. Just as they were approached by a big guy in a suit, Gwen heard a murmur from the crowd. Looking toward the entrance, Gwen recognized Governor O'Malley. Ignoring the security guy, Gwen headed for the Governor.

"Gwen! How're you doing? I came as soon as I could," stated Governor O'Malley as he embraced Gwen. "We'll do everything we can to help the injured. You can be sure of that. You've done a wonderful job during this horrible situation. I watched your plea for blood donors this morning and had tears in my eyes. I want you to meet someone."

The Governor released his hold on Gwen and stepped back to indicate a tall man standing next to him. Without thinking, Gwen moved in and hugged the man tightly.

"Mr. President! Thanks for coming to Sparta. We appreciate all the support the government has given us today. It'll mean so much to all the kids and teachers that you care enough to come here to be with us. It's been a really bad day!" admitted Gwen as she gently sobbed into the chest of the president.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This author can sustain nail biting, spine chilling terror, drama and suspense as good as any modern American writer.

fishkoppfishkopp8 months ago

Honestly, with the soap opera/comic/"over the top" construction of the story, I am starting to wonder if the "Walldorf"-like anon who is repeatedly commenting below and on the other chapters (and with a real long breath, some of those comments are a year appart each pair), isn't HDK himself with his own version of "breaking through the fourth wall"... (somewhere, HDK is even reacting to the anon, would that be "breaking through the ceiling" then?!? ;-) )

On the story itself, I am reading it for the third time, hoping for book 4 to come one day (@HDK?!? ;-) ), and even though there are some elements I do not like, I am still enjoying myself immensely, so 5/5...

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I cant imagine Biden being at the scene of you know the thing

Rapier875Rapier875about 1 year ago

You sure know how to write a tear jerker !

bhojobhojoabout 1 year ago

Wasn't Governer o'malley Governer Leary ? After all his daughter is Amber Leary

joeoggijoeoggiabout 1 year ago

I’m such a sucker for this story. Do I like it? Sometimes. Do I hate it? Sometimes. But the author has put together a great bunch of characters that makes me NOT want to put this story down. Damn him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This was the best part of this Story so far .. Keep up the good work . 5 Stars

Comentarista82Comentarista82almost 2 years ago

Steve took them out fast, but Billy's and Jared's bravery aren't far behind (although Steve killed 'em all). Gripping and quite the emotional plea from Gwen to get blood donated quickly. 5

gatorhermitgatorhermitalmost 2 years ago
Ironic Chapter

Sadly it is not foreign terrorists killing innocent school children but out own demented home grown monsters.

I believe 100% in the second amendment but there is no reason that a teenager who can’t buy smokes or beer should be able to buy any kind of firearm he desires.

For those of you commenting about “over the top,” it took me reading almost the entire two series before I got it - these stories are an un-illustrated series of comic books. Once you get that, the stories make sense.

Ravey19Ravey19about 2 years ago

Emergency plans well laid up and rehearsed. Emotional throughout.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
This is like a train wreck

It’s so over the top I can’t stop reading it will he be the first man to kill osama Ben ladins successor single handed will he be president of the world will defuse a nuclear bomb with a ball point pen and a paper clip will she find the cure for cancer and will he give her 12 orgasms with his 12 inch super phallus on prom night can’t wait to find out lol in the story of this is Sparta lol

UncleGrahamUncleGrahamalmost 4 years ago

On the previous chapter you posted that you weren't going to read any more of this story, but you are still able to comment on it? How does that work?

Jealousy is an awful emotion. Perhaps it's time for you to go home and tell Mommy all about it.

Maybe she can help with your struggle to imagine a nickname for yourself?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Has someone as already posted,what a load of bollocks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Why didn't Steve ask Tyler to open the door slowly so he had more time to kill the terrorists before they realised what was happening and it would also give him a bit of cover.As for the phone messages to and from Laura what a load of hogwash.

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