Lady in Red Pt. 02 Ch. 16


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Steve's cell phone rang just before three A.M. and he quickly answered it when he saw that the caller was Jason. The two spoke briefly about the disaster and the efforts that were being launched to assist the people of Barnesville. Jason and Lisa were flying down on the Red Lady and Steve promised to meet them there.

By three, Steve was gently knocking on Stephanie's door. She opened it immediately and she was fully dressed. "Are we renting a car or what?" was her first question.

"I thought I'd ride a bike down. I have Sunday and Monday off so that's not a concern. It's about six hours away and I think I might be able to gather some volunteers along the route. You can hire a limo or rent a car to get there. I need you to find a Harley dealer that'll sell or rent a bike this time of night," answered Steve. "Then you need to get this out to everyone on social media. Jason has already activated our warning system, so things are happening right now."

"I'll get hold of a dealer and make a few calls to get the social media thing in gear, but I'm riding on that bike with you, so don't even think of leaving without me," warned Stephanie.

"I won't have room for a bunch of clothes," warned Steve. "I'm taking some underwear, jeans and a couple shirts. And I'll be on the road as soon as get my hands on the bike. Can you be ready that quickly?"

"Hell, I won't even take any underwear, or shirts," replied Stephanie with a straight face. "All I need are my birth control pills, and you can carry them in your pocket for me."

Steve frowned at Stephanie's suggestion until he saw a big grin spread across her face. "Seriously, I can be ready in a few minutes, so don't leave without me!"

Steve pulled out of the dealer's lot at three thirty with Stephanie clinging to him as he accelerated down the street. They had not gone more than a few miles when they saw the first rig with a 'Lady in Red' sign with their logo on it. The truck was pulling into a lumber yard as they drove by.

"Jason's hard work is paying off already!" observed Stephanie. "That truck's loading up with supplies. It already has the magnetic signs in place and he'll be headed to Barnesville within the hour."

Steve and Stephanie picked up about thirty riders in the hours before dawn, but once the sun came up, bikers began joining them in much larger numbers. As they rolled down the interstate, they passed dozens of big rigs with the 'Lady in Red' logo on their doors. Without fail, the semis would blow their horns and wave as the bikers roared past them.

As people woke up and turned on their TV's that morning, they were greeted with the news of the devastation in Barnesville. After showing videos of the destruction, the news went on to show the trucks loaded with building supplies, food, water, construction equipment, and any other item possibly needed in an emergency. Every one of the rigs carried the 'Lady in Red' logo. They were gathering a huge parking lot a mile from the worst devastation, waiting for instructions and permission to proceed.

Jason and LIsa were shown exiting a sedan and speaking briefly with civil defense people on site. They took time to grant a brief interview.

"We're here to help these people anyway we can," asserted Jason. "We need permission and direction as to where our assistance is most needed. That's the only thing holding us back at the moment."

Lisa responded to a question asked about having enough supplies for such a large disaster. "As we speak, trucks are rolling this way from every point on the map within an eight hour drive. If we don't already have what the people need, we soon will!"

Paula, Ted, Diane, and Will had gathered at Paula's shortly after Lisa explained that she and Jason were flying out to Barnesville. Their friends began showing up to join them as they became aware of the situation. Jordan and Charlie stopped in before sun up.

They were all watching the news programs and listened to the brief statements given by Jason and Lisa. Then the picture switched to a long line of motorcycles traveling down the local interstate with an even longer line of semis following behind.

"That's got be Steve leading that group!" exclaimed Jordan. "He's in Nashville this weekend. I wish Charlie and I had flown out to meet him."

"Well Stephanie did fly to Nashville and that sure looks like her sitting behind Steve on the first bike!" pointed out an excited Diane. "I hope she's careful. I never dreamed my little girl would be doing so many amazing things."

Jason was soon given the needed permissions and information on the issues rescuers faced and began deploying his trucks and equipment. It soon became evident that the lacked the needed manpower to unload and transport supplies over the debris filled streets. Trucks with excavating equipment were unloaded and more operators were sought.

There was enough local talent to get the job started, but the devastation was impressive and headway was slow in the making. News crews were everywhere. Then a distant hum was heard that soon became a loud roar as hundreds of bikes came around a corner and headed to the staging area.

Steve led the group into the lot and quickly parked. Seeing an idle excavator he climbed on it and headed it toward the damage. As he came up to Jason and Lisa, he turned the machine off and spoke briefly to them. Then he stood on the track of the heavy excavator and addressed those that had ridden in with him.

"If any of you are qualified to operate any of this equipment, step over to the left by that skid-steer," requested Steve as seven men and a woman moved to stand by the machine. "Okay, Jason will speak to you about what he wants you to do. The rest of us will get our instructions from Lisa."

Steve reached down and pulled Lisa up to stand next to him as she addressed the group "We're still in the search and rescue mode. The area's emergency personnel are taxed to the limit and beyond. We will assign you to assist the rescue people any way you can. Usually that will mean lifting and carrying debris so they can search for survivors. Please follow their instructions and stay safe. We do not want even one of you to become a statistic today.

"The red pickup parked to my left is packed with heavy gloves and work boots if any of you need them. Drinks and food will be supplied a little later. This gentleman in the blue jacket will break you into small groups of four and drop you off with to assist rescue personnel. Please be careful, and God bless you all!"

Over two hundred men and women moved to the truck to get gloves. Some tried on and wore the offered work boots. Steve climbed back into the seat of the excavator after helping Lisa down and drove it up the street to get instructions from Jason.

Over the next five hours, six injured people were pulled from the rubble, as well as two bodies. Helping save lives was exhilarating for the volunteers, but finding that people had died dampened those emotions.

Lisa spent her time directing supplies to where they were most needed. Property owners with limited destruction received plywood and tarps to cover the damage to their homes and to keep out the weather. A dozen different restaurants were represented with food trucks that constantly prepared meals for victims and volunteers. Some of the trucks had traveled over two hundred miles to help with the recovery. If there was something needed that wasn't available, Lisa or Stephanie would immediately pull out their cell and make calls to get it there quickly.

Trucks brought in huge dumpsters for the debris and hauled them away as soon as they were loaded. Jason had even arranged for teams of insurance adjusters to cover the area to document the damage with photos and notepads. They knew that some insurance companies would not accept their findings, but recovery was the main goal. Waiting days for rain and bad weather to cause more damage was not an option.

By noon, crews of carpenters were making repairs on damaged homes as quickly as city inspectors would issue permits. Steve worked through the day, stopping only for an occasional drink, and finally for a hot meal as darkness fell.

Reporters were constantly seeking interviews with Steve. He referred them all to Lisa and Stephanie as he ran the excavator. Stephanie was asked where Steve had learned to operate heavy equipment.

"The guy's a US Navy SEAL," was her stock answer for any question regarding Steve's qualifications. "When we find something that he can't do, we'll let you know."

When it began getting dark, work did not stop. Dozens of large lights and generators were brought in as crews of new volunteers constantly arrived to relieve those that had labored all day.

Sunday night, Steve pulled out a sleeping bag and spread it off to the side of dozens of others in a grassy area near the staging area. Lady in Red had supplied them for volunteers that asked for them. All of the local hotels and motels were filled with workers and news people. Steve was surprised when Stephanie and Lisa came over by him and spread out two more bags.

"Jason and I felt that we couldn't be living in luxury while the regular guys were sleeping on the ground," explained Lisa. "It would be sending the wrong message. So here we are, camping out."

"Well, I'm glad for the company, but it's supposed to get chilly tonight. Jason and I are used to it, but you girls may be in for a bit of shock," responded Steve.

"I have thermal underwear and heavy pajamas," allowed Stephanie as she placed her bag alongside Steve's.

"With good bags like these, you're supposed to sleep naked and control the temperature by unzipping the bag if it gets too warm," chuckled Steve.

"Yeah, right," laughed Stephanie. "You'll come up with any excuse to get Lisa and me out of our clothes."

"Actually, Jason told me the same thing," revealed Lisa. "I'll be sleeping naked with Jason tonight. He promised I'd be warm."

"I imagine he'll keep that promise, but I'll take my chances with long underwear and pajamas," insisted Stephanie.

Steve was exhausted after being up for so long and spending the day operating heavy equipment. He had quickly showered in the park's bathrooms by the pool, which was drained for the winter. The bathrooms and showers had been opened for use by the volunteers and those displaced by the tornado. He peeled off his clothes, except for his boxers, and crawled into his sleeping bag. He was asleep within a few minutes.

Sometime during the night, he was jostled. He opened his eyes to see Stephanie in the dim light from the staging area. He couldn't contain his smile when he realized she was naked except for s pair of bikini underwear.

"Move over, Smart Ass! I broke into a sweat from all the clothes I had on, and then I almost froze to death. I should have listened to you. You've survived in jungles and deserts, so why not in a grassy field in Tennessee? Would you please wrap your arms around me until I get warmed up?" insisted Stephanie with chattering teeth as she zipped up the very crowded sleeping bag.

Steve chuckled in her ear as he wrapped his arms around Gwen's cousin. "You smell great and feel even better, Steph. Now go to sleep."

Stephanie wondered if she should feel insulted by how quickly Steve fell back to sleep with her nearly naked body in his arms. Then she wiggled her butt around and felt a very respectable erection poking her backside. Grinning like the cat that got the cream, she placed one of Steve's big hands over her left breast and soon joined Steve in slumber.

It was almost dawn when Steve was awakened by Lisa's voice very close to his ear. "Any idea where my little cousin is? Her sleeping bag is empty, but yours looks awfully full. Are you having a party in there?"

A small hand reached out and lowered the zipper on the bag. Once it was down halfway, Stephanie's head popped out of the bag next to Steve's. "I was cold, okay? It was all perfectly innocent. Steve was a true gentleman. He kept me warm all night."

"I bet he did!" laughed Lisa as she snapped a picture with her camera. "I guess his big warm hand is keeping that boob warm, although that nipple would appear to be quite chilled, or something."

"Steve! How could you take advantage of me like that?" demanded Stephanie in mock anger. "I guess I must have offered too much temptation for the guy to resist. Lisa, would you hand me my clothes so I can get dressed before people start showing up and ruin my reputation. Imagine how awful it would be if it became known that I slept with Steve."

"Yeah, I can only imagine," deadpanned Lisa. "It's practically destroyed Gwen's career. The good news is I got a picture and just texted it to Gwen, Mom, and your mom. I just wonder which one of them will be the most jealous."

"You did? Really? Could you send it to me, too?" asked Stephanie. "I may forward it to the Star Enquirer anonymously, and then deny that Steve and I are lovers. Isn't that how it works?"

"Actually, I believe it is. I'll send the picture to you, but I strongly urge that you not let it be published anyplace if you like your job, and like hanging around this caveman of Gwen's," threatened Lisa as she handed Stephanie her clothes. "Gwen knows that Steve has a weak spot for you, so don't push it too hard."

"He does?" asked Stephanie as she looked up at Steve as he lay quietly listening to the two women.

"You have a weak spot for me? That's so cool!" exclaimed Stephanie before she gave Steve a smoldering kiss.

"Hey! I have a real big weak spot for you, too," insisted Jason as he stood over the couple in the sleeping bag. "I could use a kiss and a handful of boob."

"You had your hands full all night, so don't get greedy," laughed Lisa. "A lot of men would be satisfied with my boobs, don't you think, Steve?"

"I've got to see a man about a horse," insisted Steve as he pointedly ignored the question and climbed out of the sleeping bag and quickly slid on his jeans. "Be careful about any pictures, and be sure that Gwen knows the truth. I can take a joke, but I can't take losing Gwen, even for Steph."

"That was something like a huge compliment, wasn't it?" gasped Stephanie. "That guy likes me, at least a little."

"That's an understatement," responded Lisa. "If Gwen didn't have him completely under her power, you'd have a very good chance. Now let's get something to eat and get to work. We need to get cleaned up for the TV interviews!"

Jason, Lisa, Stephanie, and Steve put in another long and grueling day. When they prepared for that night's sleep, Stephanie was a bit subdued. "Paula called and told me to at least keep some pajamas on, and that I should not sleep with Steve again. She made me delete the picture you sent to me, Lisa. She said that she and Mom and Gwen deleted them, too. We need to be a bit more careful with our images and especially Steve's. I know she's right, but it was so much fun!"

"I'm sure it was, but we have enemies trying to ruin Gwen's career and we have to be sure we don't give them any ammunition," reasoned Lisa. "I knew Mom would put a stop to it when I sent the picture. I wasn't trying to be a bitch, but we all love Gwen and don't want her hurt in any way. It never even occurred to any of us that you did anything wrong, other than climb naked into a sleeping bag with studly here."

"Mom called, too. She was very understanding, but made me promise to act more professionally, especially away from home. Then she asked if Steve behaved himself since my breast was obviously in his hand. I told her that I put it there after he fell asleep and she just laughed a little. Then she had me call Gwen and apologize.

"Gwen was great. She told me that I needed to be more careful in the future, but she understood how a shivering little girl might decide to crawl into a toasty sleeping bag with her boyfriend. She never even asked me if Steve behaved. She really is amazing and they make the best couple I've ever seen."

By the time Stephanie finished speaking, Steve was once again snoring lightly. Jason was obviously asleep as well. Lisa and Stephanie shrugged to each other before Stephanie climbed into her bag and Lisa carefully slid in next to Jason.

"One thing I've noticed about these Special Forces guys is that they can sleep anyplace, in any conditions," observed Lisa. "Jason said that they learned that in training, since sleep was brief and in uncomfortable conditions. Nothing fazes them now."

The next morning saw Steve and Stephanie say their goodbyes to Lisa and Jason. Steve had to be back in Washington early the next morning and Stephanie was flying back to Sparta from the Nashville airport. Jason and Lisa were going to spend a few more days on scene to be sure their goals were accomplished.

The weather had warmed up and the sun was shining brightly as Stephanie climbed on the bike and wrapped her arms around Steve when he started the machine. They were in Nashville by mid-afternoon and on their flights a short time later.

When he landed in D.C., Steve glanced at the TV monitors in the gate area. There was a breaking story about the House Ethics Committee investigating accusations against Gwen Anderson for undetermined ethics violations!

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ShapachanShapachan11 months ago

Be Gone vile TROLLS

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Only about seven people watch the academy awards anymore. No one cares. And the “Tits on parade” aspects of it are long gone with the nudity in nearly every film and photo’s on the internet.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 4 years agoAuthor

Anon, why do you keep reading the story over and over and expect it to change? That is the definition of insanity. You commented today, 3 months ago and six months ago. Do you have a calendar set to remind you when it is time to make an inane comment on my story? The good news is every time you comment, I am credited with another view, and they are adding up. You are actually my most loyal fan, by far. As far as Steve getting a motorcycle in the small hours of the morning, yeah, really rich guys can buy or rent anything, any time of day or night. The dealer knew where he could get it insured, although Steve does not need it. He can afford to self insure. Your objections are pathetic and indicate your lack of imagination and reading comprehension. Thanks for commenting. I do not delete your diatribes. They amuse me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Steve mentions a motorbike at 3am and 3.30 am they are on their way ,what rubbish.Firstly no one would be prepared to open at that time and if they did it would take at least an hour for them to arrive and the paper work alone would take another how,and how did they get insurance?.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Ha Ha Ha......omg

Anon :-) you are such an ahole. :-)

Thanks for your comedy relief. ...

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

We've been here before,it is nothing but repetitive crap.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Why on earth,would Qwen need Cheryl to help with her Congress work.?She has Ashley and her team for that.As usual,too much repetitive crap.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Get the bucket!

A commenter on a previous episode mentioned the possible need to throw up. This Oscars episode surely pushed him over the edge. “Suspended disbelief” is becoming even more of a challenge, but I’m still reading. I’m waiting for Steve to actually have sex with his girlfriends mother. This is Lit after all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Poor Kate

Does Kate have some health's issues, like being late in brain developpemnt? She is acting and speaking at 22 like she was at 16.

During those last six years Stephanie has got degrees in business and accounting, has found a job that she has leave for working at Lady Red Company, and Kate who have the same age is just in her first year in law school.......

rightbankrightbankover 7 years ago
I realize the title of the story is Lady in Red

but are they missing a financial opportunity by not having a parallel line of clothing for men?

Let the Hearings begin.

ManofMithgarManofMithgaralmost 9 years ago
Another smash hit

Thanks for another great chapter of LIR. I always look forward to new chapters in the lives of your great characters. Keep them coming.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
He's BACK!

Thank goodness you are back HDK. I have been suffering terrible withdrawal symptoms for the last few months. This Chapter was excellent but I suspect the fun is just beginning with our favorite politicians working their "magic" back in D.C. This story line calls for some Will Rogers quotes. Really enjoying the whole thing.

Thank you very much HDK.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

This series is fantastic. The characters are wonderful. The author deserves nothing but the readers' thanks; and, the encouragement to keep the chapters coming! I only wish I could buy this series by the book, instead of wait for each new chapter. I read Kindle Books by the truck-load, and none of them are better or more fun than this series. Mr. Author: Bravo!

dozendozenalmost 9 years ago
Great story...

...but I do not think that it is fair to finish a chapter on a cliff hanger, when the next chapter does not come out for weeks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Fabulous story

I thought this story was over. I was happy to see this new chapter. I have seen a comment saying this story is unrealistic. I say all these stories on this site are some form of fantasy. Read them as such.

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