Landlord Makes a Nude Day Barter


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Hoping to change her mind, he knew what she was going to say before she said it and he dreaded hearing her words.

"Don't worry, Tara, you'll find a job. Something will open up, soon," he said hoping to persuade her from finishing her thought.

"I don't want to do this, but I'm going to have to drop out of school and move home with my folks, at least, until the economy gets better and until I can find a good enough of a job to support myself, again."

Only, he figured she was giving him notice of moving out of his house. He didn't realize that she was giving him notice of moving out of his life.

"Drop out of school? You have one more year until graduation. You'll be a Senior in September. You can't drop out now. You'll never go back. You'll never finish." You'll fall in love with some guy, get married, and have a bunch of kids. Then when he leaves you, as a single mom, you'll have to work at a lower paying job because you won't have a college degree. He wanted to say all of that, but didn't. Instead, he just said, "You'll regret that decision your entire life."

"What else can I do, John?"

"You can stay here with me," he said. We can have hot sex every night and cuddle naked every day, he wanted to say, but didn't. "You'll pay me, whatever and whenever you can. Don't worry about the money. I don't need your money, Tara. Really I don't."

"No, I can't do that. Thank you. That's very kind of you, but I'm not comfortable doing that," she said pausing her thought, as if trying to think of a way to compensate him for his generosity. "I have no way of repaying you."

How could a woman so beautiful and a woman with such a body say that she had no way to repay him? You can give me sex in exchange for your room and board, he thought, but just the thoughts of that sickened him. They were friends. The fact that he was old enough to be her grandfather filled and she was young enough to be his granddaughter filled him with as much disgust as it did lust. Yet, the naked sight of her made him crazy with the want and the need for her to remain in his life and living in his house. He do and say anything to keep her from leaving.

"If you won't accept my charity, what if you cooked and cleaned the house for your room and board. How's that? That's a fair exchange."

"My cooking and cleaning for you is hardly worth my room and board. Besides, I'm a lousy cook," she said with a laugh. "I don't have any other skills. I'm not handy with tools. I'm not much of a gardener. Right now, I'm feeling a little worthless."

"You said you're an English major. Right?"

John was in a panic. He'd say, try, and do anything to make her stay. He didn't want her to leave, not now, not after celebrating a holiday naked with her. She was the best thing that had happened to him in years. She made him want to live life again.

"Yeah. So?"

"Well, English majors love to read. Right?"

"Reading is what I live to do, that's for sure," she laughed. "I can't tell you how many books, stories, and poems I've read in my life."

"That's what you can do for me."

"What? What can I do for you, John?"

She stopped his train of thought with her loaded, innuendo filled question. He loved it when she asked him, what can I do for you, John? Immediately, he had a long list of things that he would love for her to do for him. He'd love it, if she'd allow him to explore her naked body, while French kissing him. He'd love it, if she'd allow him to make sweet, passionate love to her. He'd love it, if she'd allow him to eat her pussy, while reaching up to caress her big tits and finger her nipples. He'd love it, if she'd agree to give him a hand job. He'd love it, if she'd agree to give him a blowjob. He'd love it, if she'd agree to stay with him tonight and forever, while giving him hot sex day and night.

"You can read to me," he said instead, while allowing the long list of his wants to play through his mind like a looped short movie.

"Read to you?" She looked at him with a puzzled expression on her face, as if he was pulling her leg. "Seriously? You want me to read to you?"

Still, he could tell that he piqued her curiosity and he was proud of himself that he thought of something to keep her here with him.

"My eyes aren't what they used to be. They get tired easily, as soon as I start reading a book. I used to love to read, especially before bedtime. Except for perusing the morning newspaper, the back of a cereal box at breakfast, and looking at the pictures in a magazine, I don't read much anymore because of that. Now that I'm not reading at all, I've been having trouble sleeping. It'd be swell if you could read to me."


"Yeah, I'd really like that. I really would."

"Okay, sure, I can do that for you, John. That's the least that I can do."

"Trust me," he said. "That's more than enough for you to earn your room and board. Matter of fact, get a book and you can start reading to me tonight. Maybe that will help us both sleep."

"What kind of book?"

Suddenly, she was filled with the same excited exuberance that she had when she ran to him naked to wish him a happy Nude Day. He mood was contagious and now he was excited by the thought of her reading to him.

"It doesn't matter. Anything. Something you'd like to read to me."

"Okay, sure," she said disappearing up the stairs to find a book.

Before she returned, John turned on the overhead light and reached for his bathrobe. With the room brightly lit, he hoped she'd show up wearing a short, low cut, sheer and sexy nightgown, something that she'd accidentally flash him her tits and/or pussy, every time she moved to turn a page. Only, she surprised him by returning to his room still naked. For certain, he figured with the light on, she would have put on some clothes, but when she didn't, with her being comfortable around him naked, he didn't bother with his bathrobe either and stayed naked, too.

Now he really had a story to tell the men at the bar, a story even better than the one that Walter loved to tell about seeing his daughter-in-law naked, when he opened the bathroom door, as she stepped from the shower. He really never believed Walter's story about his daughter-in-law giving him a blowjob. Only, even if he still went to the bar and drank with the men, he wouldn't tell anyone about this. This was just between him and Tara.

This was a special moment and all that happened today was something so personal that he wouldn't cheapen it, by making it lurid, and ruin it by broadcasting it in a barroom filled with drunken, horny men, who wouldn't understand the relationship that was suddenly blossoming between them. Besides, they wouldn't believe him. With all of them being so old and undesirable, they'd never believe that a young, beautiful woman would want him. They'd all figure he was making it up, confessing his fantasy, and/or being delusional. For sure, they'd figure the death of his wife had caused him to lose his mind.

Unexpectedly, instead of pulling up a chair, Tara sat beside him on the bed and began to read to him. His throbbing erection was only a few inches away from her hand and he wished she would accidentally brush by it, as she turned a page. Distracted from her words, she sat so close to him that he could feel the heat from her body and that stirred his lustful horniness deep within his soul. He found the sound of her voice more soothingly erotic and sensual, instead of arousing and sexual. Only, his erection never diminished, as she read. Matter of fact, while he stared at her nakedness, his cock grew even stiffer.

She held the book low enough to give him a constant view of her breasts and high enough to give him a continual view of her shaved pussy. Watching her lips move, while forming the words of what she read gave him reason to fantasize about kissing her. He imagined moving his cock to her full lips and she taking him in her mouth. There sitting in the brightly lit room naked with him, she made him so very horny.

It had been a long time, since his cock was as hard. It had been a long time, since he's had sex, other than by his own hand. It had been a long time, before he was married, since he's been with a woman other than his wife, other than Margret.

Maybe with her being naked and because he had a clear and continual view of her tits and pussy, was the reason why he was so excited and he was. He couldn't remember being as sexually excited, as he was now with her sitting beside him, while naked on his bed and reading to him. He had a never ending erection, something he hasn't had, since he was a much younger man and it excited him that she was looking at his cock, every time she turned a page.

"I'm sorry," he said suddenly feeling as conspicuous as he felt perverted. He covered his erection with his hand, after she noticed his stiff cock. She stared at it long enough to interrupt her reading. "I'm so embarrassed. I haven't had sex in several years. My wife died three years ago and she was sick for a few years before that, too sick for us to be intimate."

She looked at him, before looking down at his engorged prick. She returned her look to his face, again, and gave him her trademark sexy smile.

"There's nothing to feel sorry for, John," she said staring at his hand that partially covered his cock. "Matter of fact," she said biting her lip, while staring at his cock, before looking up at him with her big, blue eyes. "That's certainly something I can do for you and something that I'm good at doing."

"What's that?"

He looked at her with confusion, before looking at her with recognition that turned to excited disbelief.

"I can help you out with that," she said nodding her head and looking down at his erection again. She dropped her hand from the book to his thigh.


Hoping she meant what he thought she meant, he couldn't believe she'd agree to give him sex. Surely, it was just his horniness, surely, it was just him wanting her so much, and surely, it was his over active imagination that was giving him those inappropriate sexual thoughts.

"I can give you a bit of relief. I don't mind," she said moving her hand further up his leg. She was touching him, albeit only on his upper thigh, but she was touching him at a place where he now clearly understood her meaning. Her hand felt so soft and warm and his cock throbbed with his imagined thought of her touching his penis. It had been a long time, since Margret had touched him there and he yearned for her to touch him there, too.

"No, really, don't be silly. I can't ask you to do that. That's wrong. You're younger than my daughters," he said looking at her with excitement that washed away with his disappointment. "Trust me, this is enough, plenty, that you're here with me, while we're both naked and reading to me," he said moving his hand away from his cock with a nervous laugh. "I can take care of this later," he said looking down at where she was staring.

His throbbing cock was in plain sight of her now and her hand was so close that if he turned his body to the side, it would be in contact with her fingers and she'd be touching it.

"I can take care of this for you now," she said reaching out her arm and taking his cock in her hand. "I can read and stroke you at the same time," she said staring down at his cock again, while slowly stroking him. "Obviously, it's all my fault. I'm the one responsible for your sexual excitement, after getting naked in the backyard."

He couldn't believe it. Tara held his cock in her hand. She was running her soft, long fingers over the head of his penis, while fondling his cock, before slowly stroking him. She was giving him a slow, erotic hand job.

"You don't have to do this, Tara," he said looking at her, before looking down and watching her stroke him. "I don't want you to think that you need to do this to stay here," he said hoping she'd continue and wouldn't stop.

"I don't think that, John. I want to do this for you. Besides, I'm very skilled at giving hand jobs. I've given quite a few hand jobs in my life," she said with a little laugh. "It's been a while for me, too, since I've had a cock in my hand and I'm enjoying playing with your penis. It's so big and hard."

"Oh, God. You're hand feels so incredibly good," he said briefly closing his eyes, before opening them to watch her. He didn't want to miss a moment of Tara giving him a hand job. "Only, do me a favor."

"What's that?"

"Don't read. I can't focus on what you're doing, if you read. Just continue to do what you're doing now," he said closing his eyes briefly, before turning his head to stare at her tits. "I especially like it, when you look at my cock, while stroking it.

"Okay," she said closing the book and putting it down. "By allowing me to give you a hand job, you're doing me a favor, as well."

"I am? How?"

"I've been so very horny, lately and even more so after celebrating National Nude Day with you. I've been so busy with my studies that I haven't had sex with anyone in a while, either. That was the real reason for the Nude Day barbeque. I was hoping to get lucky with Tom's friend, Mike, by flaunting my naked body, under the pretense of Nude Day," she said with a laugh, while stroking him faster. "Seeing your cock at the barbeque, especially when you were walking around with an erection has made me terribly aroused, horny, actually. You really do have a big cock, John. I love your big cock," she said staring down at it, while stroking him faster.


"Oh, yeah, I've been soaking wet all afternoon thinking about touching your cock, only, I didn't know how you'd react. It was so hot upstairs and I was making myself even hotter, by wondering if you were down here sleeping in the nude."

"Oh, dear," he said. "I was thinking the same thoughts about you."

"Only, if I came on to you and if you rejected me, I didn't want you to be so insulted and offended that you'd ask me to leave. Matter of fact, I was upstairs masturbating to the thoughts of having sex with you, which is really why I came downstairs. I was hoping you were still awake. I was hoping you were still naked and I was hoping to see your big cock, again."

Insulted? Offended? Here he was thinking himself the pervert by lusting over her and she's been lusting over him and his cock. Go figure.

"Ask you to leave? I'd never do that. I'd never reject you. You are welcome to stay here, as long as you want, Tara," he said looking down at her hand, while watching her stroking him faster. "You are welcome to touch my cock and give me a hand job, whenever you want," he said with a laugh.

"Thank you, John, I'll keep that in mind," she said sharing his laughter.

"Can I do something for you?"

"If you don't mind, yeah, you could play with my breasts and finger my nipples. I like having my nipples pulled and twisted, while giving a hand job. I can masturbate myself, while I stroke your cock."

"Sure, I can do that."

So, there they were, Tara stroking John's cock and masturbating herself, while he fondled her big tits and fingered her nipples. Then, when he leaned over to take her nipples in his mouth, she leaned over and down to take his cock in her mouth. She was blowing him. He couldn't believe that his beloved Tara was sucking his cock.

He looked down to watch her. He needed to see his cock in her mouth. Only, her hair surrounded his naked body in the way that Lady Godiva's hair covered her nakedness. With a gentle hand, he cupped her hair out of the way and she turned her head slightly for him to see her working on his cock with her mouth and tongue.

"Do you like to watch me blowing you?"


"I enjoy an audience, too," she said removing his cock from her mouth momentarily to speak, before taking all of him in deeper.

"Blow me, Tara. Suck my cock."

"I love your big, cock, John," she said looking up at him and smiling.

With that, she became more aggressive with her blowjob. Bobbing her head up and down, she swirled her tongue around the length of his big prick, while making all the cock sucking sounds that men love to hear and that shows the woman is enjoying sucking their cock, as much as they are enjoying having their cock sucked.

Married to Margret for nearly forty years, the only women he had ever been with, except for that prostitute that he was with in Saigon, while stationed in Viet Nam, he had never experienced a blowjob like the one he was getting now. Margret didn't suck cock. She dabbled. She mouthed it, while licking it a few times. He never even ejaculated in her mouth.

He watched Tara suck his cock, while he played with her tits. For someone so young, she was a great cocksucker. It felt incredible when she cupped his balls, while sucking him and then alternated her hand to stroke him. Never would he have expected her to give him a hand job, but she did. Never would he have expected her to give him a blowjob, but she was.

"Tara, I'm going to cum," he said expecting her to remove his cock from her mouth.

Only, instead of removing his cock from her mouth, she stroked him faster, while still blowing him, sucking him, and licking him, before reaching down and cupping his testicles. Margret never cupped his testicles and, when Tara did that in such a gentle and loving way, it felt excitedly wonderful.

"It's okay, John. I want you to cum in my mouth. It's not a blowjob, unless you cum in my mouth and unless I swallow," she said removing his cock long enough to speak and long enough to give him her sexy, trademark smile.

"Oh, God, Tara."

Playing with her tits, pulling and twisting her nipples, he exploded all that he had in her mouth, within a few seconds of her cupping his balls.

He couldn't believe she blew him. He couldn't believe she sucked his cock and allowed him to cum in her mouth. He found it so sensually erotic, when she swallowed all that he had to give.

He didn't remember falling asleep, but he did. He slept like a baby. He couldn't remember when he's had such a good night's sleep. When he woke up the next morning, he was surprised that Tara was still there sleeping beside him. He turned and spoon her, while cupping her big breast. It surprised him that he immediately had an erection.

"You're up, early," she said reaching behind her and grabbing his cock. She turned and stared at him, before stroking his cheek and kissing him lightly. Then, she French kissed him. "I want you, John. Make love to me. I love doing it in morning."

He had to get up to pee first and while in the bathroom, he had second thoughts. He didn't think he could satisfy her in the way she had, no doubt, grown accustomed to being satisfied, when with a younger man, but he did. They lived like that for nearly a year, until she graduated and left him and that small town to begin her life elsewhere. She sends him a postcard regularly and returns to see him, every July 14th, where they spend the day celebrating Nude Day naked, before making love.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Damn nice story. I quite like the slow buildup. Good job.

AmbermineAmbermineover 13 years ago

I'm new year but I love the way you slowly build the stories... they are all about anticipation... delicious... so restrained and understated... it is always such a turn off for a reader (me) when graphic porno cliches are thrown in your face; yours instead, just insinuates ... you leave enough for my imagination to fill in... your patience pays off... how can he win her round to what he wants, unless he knows what she desires first, it has to proceed slowly... they are both unmasking themselves to each other... in a way a genuine relationship of equals is created... the story is equivalent to the writer seducing the reader... both the seduction and story have to proceed gently...well done!

myass_yourhandmyass_yourhandalmost 14 years ago
Not to get involved in a comment battle...

but this story was incredibly erotic and had me throbbing. Well done, darlin. :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Both pleasant and frustrating

I enjoyed the story but found the pace frustrating. The introspective pauses that let us into John's head tended to be a bit long I think. Steping away from moving the story along like that is fine if you don't stay away so long that the flow starts to feel jerky. Other than that, I did enjoy the story. I haven't read your work before but look forward to reading more soon.

andtheendandtheendalmost 14 years agoAuthor
No alts, just me.

Sorry, no alts, just me.

To the poster below, apparently, you don't have any friends or any fans who read your story and maybe you're jealous that I have friends and fans, who read, vote for, and leave a comment on my stories.

I'm sorry you are so lonely, but I'll be your friend, if you can just be nicer and not so mean.

Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment on my story, even if it is a mean one.

Actually, the more mean and bashing comments you leave the higher up the new stories you raise my story giving me even more reads. Thank you for that.

CarBuffStuffCarBuffStuffalmost 14 years ago
You comment is as silly as you are.

Maxfly, your comment is just silly.

The story flowed. The story is coherent. From the first paragraph to the last, it told a story of a lonely widower. Perhaps, if you read the story, you'd understand. Perhaps, if you lost a love one, you'd understand.

Yet, what you understand is how to bash the story of a writer.

If you didn't like the story, just pass it by and read something else. Why did this story bother you so much that you felt the need to bash it and the writer?

andtheendandtheendalmost 14 years agoAuthor
In answer to verbose

I write erotica, not X-rated sexual stories. If you want that, read someone else. My thing is telling a story with plenty of character build up and that takes plenty of narative, ala James Michner.

I prefer the slow, smoldering build up rather than the raging inferno.

Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting.

CliAndCliAndalmost 14 years ago

Very naughty......but......very nice.....

HornyDevilSatanHornyDevilSatanalmost 14 years ago
Dirty, perverted, and sick

This was my kind of story, dirty, perverted, and sick.

You'll be going to Hell writer and I'll see you there. In the meantime, this was a hot story to see a man more than 40 years older than the girl having fantasy sex.

SisterGoodieTwoShoesSisterGoodieTwoShoesalmost 14 years ago
You ought to be ashamed

You ought to be ashamed writing a story like this and having that old man take advantage of that sweet young girl.

You're going to go to Hell.

I loved it!

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