Lauryn's Lake House Evolution


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"You should go show them how it's done then Lauryn." Michelle piped up suddenly. Lauryn realized what she'd gotten herself into then.

"Uh...I can't? I'm naked right now remember?"

"So what? The guys were too." Michelle countered.

"Easy for you to say, you're not the one doing it!"

"Alright, then let me give you some encouragement." She grabbed the white unicorn, and suddenly pulled herself up onto it.

Lauryn's hand was over her mouth again. "Oh...mygod!" she blurted into her palm. At first, one couldn't see anything except her back as she squirmed into the raft. But then she flipped over to sit in it on her back. Even in just the moonlight, the group could clearly see her bare breasts.

The knot in Lauryn's chest returned again. She had no excuses now. Was she really about to have to be totally naked in front of everyone? It seemed so unfair. She thought quickly.

"Fine, but since we can only see your boobs," she reasoned, "I'm keeping my bottoms on."

Michelle looked around and shrugged, "Ok, seems fair."

Being topless didn't seem quite as bad...she'd worn low-cut dresses and tops before - hell her bikini showed quite a bit already.

Lauryn found her bottoms she'd been clutching in her hand, and pulled them on underwater. Swimming to the ladder, her heart was beating incredibly fast. She couldn't believe she was going to do this! Still, she wouldn't be the only one, and what was the problem, anyway? It was pretty hard to see her.

"Here goes..." she thought to herself. Taking a deep breath, she pulled herself up, and out of the water. She was doing it! The cool air suddenly on her bare breasts added to the reality of it.

On the dock, she dropped her bikini to the side and found the flamingo she was in before. Setting it down in the water, she found her footing on the edge. Ted was right, the molly did have her feeling like this might be a much bigger effort than she thought it would. She'd have to rely on muscle memory; she'd done this thousands of times before.

Looking back, the flamingo raft was in position. She just needed to do it. Swinging her arms, she jumped as high as she could, attempting to get her hips up and over. Tucking her legs, she knew she'd got the flip to land. She spotted the hole of the flamingo where she wanted her butt to go, and started to come out of her tuck just in time.

With a giant splash, the raft and water cushioned her landing to cheers from the group. She raised her arms in triumph, beaming at the group.

"Damn Ted, she just really embarrassed us." Brent said to his friend. "Guess I gotta be the one to redeem us then!"

He rushed out of the water to attempt his backflip again, when Lauryn had a wicked idea. As he set up, she got out of the flamingo and secretly grabbed Brent's raft under the water.

Jumping high, he started his flip, when she pulled the raft away. He only had time to yell as he landed, butt and back first in the water. Surfacing, he looked for the culprit. He found her laughing, parrot in hand.

"YOU!" he screamed, swimming toward her as the group cracked up. This time he dunked her and she squealed. She tried to swim away and she dove under, grabbing her, once again her body pressed against him momentarily. She definitely felt her breasts rub against him; it should have been awkward or embarrassing but...she didn't care this time. Breaking free from her grasp, they both came up smiling.

"What a jerk!" he scoffed.

"Sorry I couldn't resist." she teased.

Was she...flirting with him? It seemed like it. She'd already noticed that he was pretty cute, and realized that she had really enjoyed feeling his muscular body up against hers earlier. Perhaps she could find a way to feel that a little more?

She smiled as she saw Sandy and Dave off to the side, discreetly making out with each other. "Get it girl!" she thought to herself. God that looked exciting, their hands all over each other, and naked, too! How hot!

A slight breeze picked up and she felt herself shiver slightly. Damn! This had been so fun, and she didn't want it to be over yet because she was cold. She saw Brent shiver slightly too.

"Wanna join me in the flamingo?" she offered without thinking.

"Alright!" he said enthusiastically.

Chest fluttering, she climbed through the hole of the raft and propped her upper body up on it. He went under and she felt him come up behind her in the raft, his muscular body brushing against her back to her delight. Settling in, his chest pressed into her. He was so fit, and so fun...and so hot. She settled back into him, feeling electric where his skin met hers. Was this wrong of her? Her body touching his didn't have to be a romantic thing did it? She didn't mean it to be, which seemed then to be a good enough a reason as any.

"'s getting chilly!" Sandy piped up, interrupting her makeout with Dave.

"Should we go back in the hot tub?" Michelle asked the group.

"Back in the tub!" Ted shouted. He climbed out of the water, suddenly, still naked, and ran toward the house. Michelle followed right after him and, with a laugh, grabbed all the swimsuits before chasing Ted back to the hot tub.

"Michelle!" Lauryn screamed, seeing her top being carried back toward the house. Slipping out of the raft away from Brent - to her brief disappointment - she scrambled through the water to chase her friend. She had to wait for other naked partiers to go up the ladder first, and it was then she realized she'd probably have to get back to the lighted house topless. Looking toward the house, she realized then that Michelle hadn't actually put her bikini back on. She was totally naked! Lauryn felt...relieved - it made her feel a bit better that she wouldn't be alone in her nudity, and that she'd still at least have her bottoms with her. Finally getting her turn to go up the ladder, she ran back to the house, adrenaline spiking as she came into the light, her breasts now very visible to everyone. However, nobody commented as she approached...perhaps they'd already seen a lot more than she thought.

She hadn't noticed that Brent had found a way back before her until she saw him waiting in the tub - Brent and his friends had already filled it up. Bubbles and steam rolled off the surface of the water; they'd found out how to work the jets too! Michelle was already sitting on Ted's lap...but there didn't seem to be any more room to sit. She seemed to notice Lauryn's pensive look.

"Just sit on Brent's lap dork!" She laughed. Lauryn knew he still had his shorts off...but reasoned that it wouldn't be too big a deal as at least her bottoms were still on.

Michelle and Ted shifted over, giving her room to step into the hot, bubbly water. Finding her footing, she put her hand on Brent's leg for balance, smiling at him, and found her seat on his lap, being sure to stay a bit forward on his legs...she didn't want to squash any of his parts. Settling in, she leaned back into him as she had in the raft, releasing a large sigh at the feeling of his strong bare chest muscles on her naked back. A smile creeped across her face as his hand found her thigh. She realized she might be letting on her enjoyment on to the rest of the group a bit too much, and her mind raced for a distraction. She lit up as a perfect one came to her.

"So Steve couldn't make it tonight huh?" She said, glancing first at Ted, then at Michelle.

"No..." Michelle trailed off.

"What happened at the river Michelle?" she asked.

"Well...uh...I was kinda bad, and you all can't tell anyone outside of this group...but it was so amazing!"

As Michelle told her story, Lauryn found she couldn't help but fidget against just was so wonderful feeling her skin against his. Her hand was behind her, wandering across his body. In turn Brent's hands began exploring her body, one hand moving to her stomach while the other traced her thigh.

She felt Brent's hand move up slightly higher on her front, toward her chest. Her heart was racing as it moved closer to the bottom of her breasts. A small bit of touching wasn't so bad was it? He'd already touched her boobs in the water, even if it was by accident. His hands paused below her tits and she smiled to herself...he was being so respectful. She glanced back over her shoulder at him and nodded slightly, signaling she definitely wanted him to continue. His hands started moving up her front again and grazed the lower part of her breasts. She stifled a gasp as his fingers reached her nipples, before rolling over them, taking her boobs completely in his hands. Grasping his leg harder in response, he began slowly kneading her tits unbeknownst to the crowd. She hoped he knew how much she was enjoying it, the raw feeling of his hands grasping her naked breasts.

After a few moments of this, one hand remained on her left breast while the other moved down her body. It was an electric sensation, the tickle of his fingers moving over her skin under the water. Especially exciting was the direction they were travelling: down her front, down her stomach, to the top of her bikini bottoms.

Lauryn bit into her lip as the tips of Brent's fingers slowly roamed over her bikini line. She nodded again as she had before. Listening to the details of Michelle's dirty escapades while Brent tantalized her had her wondering if she'd ever been this turned on before. His fingers found the fabric next to her crotch, before slowly creeping under it. She gasped as one finger found the soft skin of her labia, tickling her slightly. He could only feel so much under her bikini that way, however, and he retracted his hand briefly, grasping the fabric of her bottom. Was he going to...?

Her stomach leaped at the feeling of her bikini bottom being softly pulled just to the side, the warm water and bubbles of the hot tub suddenly finding her now exposed, although not yet visible, privates. This time she could barely contain a whimper when Brent's finger found the lips of her pussy. It was so hot to think she was being touched this way, especially with all of these other people around.

"You know, nothing's stopping you from having more fun like I did too Lauryn," Michelle suddenly suggested with a smile ."Do you still have your bottoms on?? You would feel SO MUCH better if you just took them off..."

What did she mean by that? She was just having fun with her friends, and maybe just getting a little...touchy...with Brent. But she was loving the thought of being totally naked along with the rest of the group, and of course with Brent.

Gripping the strings of her bottoms with her fingers, she exhaled before she raised her butt off of him, slowly pulling her bikini off her body. She was completely naked once again, the whole group right there. Michelle was right, the warm water felt incredible on her bare privates. Slowly her now naked ass found his bare legs, but this time she backed her butt onto his dick. She leaned back against him once again, finding his cock with her labia, sighing deeply at the feeling of it. Slowly, she began rubbing herself on him, his chest heaving against her. God this was so hot. And it wasn't sex either, was it? She could let herself feel his cock slowly slide over the lips of her pussy, spreading them slightly, teasing her hole, and tickling her clit. She could do this with Brent for just a while longer without being bad...

"Whew! It's getting hot in here!" Michelle exclaimed, looking at Lauryn and Brent with a smile. "I think it's time to go hang out on the couch?" A nice soft couch did sound great to Lauryn right then.

"We could go there..." Lauryn agreed softly over her shoulder.

Brent moved his hands to her back and legs and suddenly felt herself being picked up. Yelping with a laugh, she did her best to try to cover her pussy as it was now completely out of the water. It was a rush of exhilaration, being totally naked in the open, and having this hot guy carrying her: feeling his skin against hers, with his hard muscles pressed against her now completely naked body. Before he took her too far, she grabbed the towel she'd left for herself earlier and dried herself off in Brent's arms while he carried her inside. Ted sat next to Michelle on the couch, and Brent laid Lauryn down next to her. Lauryn sat herself up against her beautiful friend, while Brent sat next to her legs. The crowd of guys found seats on the couches and chairs around the room, all looking Michelle and Lauryn's way.

She was still covering her pussy with her hand, but she didn't know why anymore. Everyone else had shown off their privates already, and she really wanted to join in, especially since, from this angle, Brent would be the first to see. Blushing, she moved her hand, exposing her slit to Brent. His mouth fell open at the sight of her.

"Thatta girl! " Michelle encouraged her, "Um, feel free to continue doing...whatever you were doing in the hot tub..." She teased. Lauryn wasn't even going to pretend to be upset at Michelle's chiding; she wanted so badly to keep going further with Brent. She was leaned back against Michelle, legs spread in front of him, with a dirty smile across her face.

Brent moved closer to her, his stiff cock pointing like an arrow between her thighs. Gently he placed his dick against her lips, and began lightly pressing his cock against her pussy. Her chest heaved once again.

"...why not just feel you a little bit?" Michelle whispered the suggestion softly. "Just see what it feels can totally stop whenever." It was a beautiful idea to Lauryn. The idea of being penetrated by a hard prick sounded so much better than it ever had right then.

"This is so bad!" Lauryn whispered with a laugh, covering her face with her hands. It was bad, she knew. A good girlfriend wouldn't be in this position, naked among multiple men that weren't her boyfriend, legs open and inviting this hot stud she'd just met that day. Brent moved closer to her, his hard, thick cock positioning itself against her now very wet slit.

"Dennis doesn't have to know..." Michelle reassured her. He didn't, did he? And if he didn't find out, what would the harm be? Would she feel guity? Perhaps...but would that be worse than the disappointment of not letting herself experience this incredibly hot situation?

She ached to know what it would feel like: his cock going into her. She wanted to be bad, and she knew the molly was likely helping her feel that way. But, she found herself wanting to let the molly make her be dirty. She wanted to let it unearth her desires. Lauryn slowly grabbed his cock and found her hole with the tip of it. She'd just let him control if it went in or not...she'd let whether she did this, be up to him.

Brent's expression was focused as he grabbed his cock to keep his aim into her true. He pressed forward slightly, and chain lightning spread all through her as her pussy lips began swallowing first the tip, then the head of Brent's dick. He stopped briefly, savoring the feeling of the tightness and wetness of her cunt, before continuing. A moan escaped her then, feeling it push even further into her young, tight, wet pussy. Inch by inch he consumed her hole with his cock, her soft whines accompanying him.

Finally, he stopped and she knew why: Brent was all the way inside her. Completely full with his hard member, she couldn't believe what she was feeling, just from his penetrating her. But she knew the possibility for more was there to explore...

"Maybe now you should try letting him go in and out for a little while..." Michelle continued.

Lauryn knew she was passing a threshold with this...or had she already passed it by letting him in her? She just knew she wanted to feel what Michelle was suggesting more than anything.

She reached up and grabbed his waist without a word, and slowly pushed him out of her; the emptiness filled her. Perhaps she could just feel it in her for a little more. She pulled on him and he got the picture, pressing his hard prick back into her. The slow, deliberate fucking was just incredible; she felt like she could appreciate every millimeter of his cock entering her.

They did this a few tantalizing times before she let go of him and he took over, beginning a wonderful, steady stroke. He was pushing his cock in and out of her now, and she had a moment of reality. She was fucking him. She was letting this hot guy press his thick, hard cock in her tight, wet pussy over and over again. Everyone could see it too. She was cheating on Dennis...but...well...right then she didn't care. She needed to keep going, to feel him fucking her.

She began moving into him with each thrust, driving his cock deeper into her, and she found herself beginning to moan. The feeling of this incredibly hot guy piping his hard, bare prick in an out of her cunt was so intensely erotic at that moment. Looking over, she saw the rest of the group all watching her.

"Mmmm...ohhh...ohhhh god...oh god everyone's watching!" she laughed in between moans, eliciting laughs from the onlookers.

"It's ok! You look so fucking hot Lauryn..." Michelle reassured her. She really couldn't believe she was doing this, that so many people could see her totally naked, that so many people could see her, on her back, legs spread wide, allowing Brent to fuck her.

His cock was spreading her open wider than she'd ever felt before, pushing deeper into her pussy than she'd ever had one. Dennis was average; Brent wasn't. Her pussy had never been filled this way.

He leaned down closer to her and the pleasure increased even further as his pelvis brushed her clit with each stroke. She reached up and grabbed his hip to help drive his member into her further, and harder. Her moaning grew louder with his getting closer, deeper inside her pussy. She squirmed at the feeling of his body pressing into her, the molly making every contact of her skin with his even more intense.

She heard Michelle's breathing grow stronger, followed by moans. She turned her head to see Ted's face between her legs, his mouth on her beautiful cunt. Once again Lauryn was astounded, having a front row view of her friend getting her pussy eaten. She'd allowed herself to feel this incredible pleasure, to let this hot, handsome, fit guy fuck her. And now her friend was getting her pussy licked right next to her. It was easily the most erotic experience she'd ever had. The pleasure rapidly began growing, and growing, and then exploding.

"Oh fuck...oh god Brent...ohhhhhh...oh fuck Brent I'm gonna cum!" she began yelling.

"Yes girl...cum...fucking cum Lauryn!" Michelle encouraged loudly.

"Ohhhh...yessssss!! YESSSSS!! OH FUCK YESSS BRENT!! OHHHH FUCKKKKKKKKKKK!!" she heard herself wailing as the warm euphoria of her orgasm began to spread from her pussy through the rest of her body. She'd never cum like this before, never felt the intensity with her whole body this way. It was weeks...months...maybe even years of sexual urge starting to be released, and she was screaming it into the room full of her friends. She didn't care; this was exactly what she needed. Handsome, hot, sexy Brent was making her feel the most intense pleasure she'd ever experienced.

She yearned for it to last forever, but felt the waves retreating soon enough to her disappointment. She'd HAVE to get there again. In the meantime, she was still recuperating from this first, massive orgasm.

"Ohhh...ohh...ohhh my god," she laughed. "WOW!" Brent, Michelle, and the others watching laughed with her at her intensity she'd just showed them.

As the last bits of her orgasm faded, she thought about what she wanted next. She decided she wanted to try a now.

"Can I...can I ride it?" she asked Brent shyly.

"Of course!" Brent responded with enthusiasm. Her heart sung; she couldn't wait to take his dick in her that way. Sliding his cock out of her, she got off her back and he moved over. As they switched positions, she noticed Ted, still between Michelle's thighs...only this time, he was aiming his absolutely rock hard cock at her hole. It was an unbelievable sight, watching Ted guide his prick slowly up to her friend's wet pussy right next to her, then witnessing the tip of his dick disappear into Michelle's hole, and seeing her sigh from the pleasure. Lauryn was giddy to feel that herself again.