Leader of the Pack Ch. 23


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"This is ridiculous. I don't wear makeup like this," she groused. "He's just going to mess it up anyway."

"You said you were going to cooperate," Sarah warned.

Aislinn growled in response and the two women laughed. After some time they were satisfied with her face and her hair. She had managed to convince them to leave it down. "It's either a pony tail or long. I don't do twists or whatever else you want to do to it." So they let her win that one. They used a curling iron but ultimately it lay in long brown waves down her back. When they stepped back and gave her a satisfied look, Aislinn got up and went after the dress again.

"Don't put it on yet," Sarah said. That was when Sarah held up the box that Cullen had given her. "Cullen picked these out for you," she smiled. "Let's see if he has any taste," she added as she handed the box to Aislinn.

Aislinn's stomach fluttered a bit. He'd never given her a present before. She wished he had given it to her himself instead of leaving it with Sarah. She opened the lid on the black box to see a great deal of white gold and diamonds. The three of them gasped in delight.

"They're beautiful," Aislinn said, breathing again.

Sarah made her put the box down so that she could help her put the jewelry on. There were quite a few pieces of jewelry. They were all made of heavy, loose fitting white gold rope chains that had diamonds dangling from different lengths of smaller delicate chains so that it looked like it was raining diamonds from the heavy chain. There was one for her ankle, one to wear around her waist, and one for around her neck. There were barrettes for her hair as well. That resulted in a great deal more fussing. They were all fitted loosely enough that they wouldn't be broken when Aislinn shifted into her hybrid form.

"It's considered bad luck," Sarah explained. "Not to mention it would really suck to mess this set up." She held up her skirt so that Aislinn could see the golden chain around her ankle. It was simple and very pretty. "Drake bought this one for me when we were mated. He didn't quite have the resources that Cullen does though."

Aislinn looked at herself in the mirror. She had to admit that the affect was beautiful. The light in the room danced off the diamonds. Her heart was beating a mile a minute. Both Sarah and Makeda could see her nerves failing her again. The jewelry scared her. I'm not really in his league, she thought. I can be dressed up. But this isn't me. Aislinn felt a strange calm from the back of her mind reassuring her.

Cullen, she asked him. Are you sure you want me? I mean. This is so much.

Cullen was talking to a small group of men he had just been introduced to. He took a sip from his drink and tried to send Aislinn as much reassurance as he could. Calm down. It's a little late for you to change your mind. That conversation should have taken place before the last time we were here.

Aislinn could feel how amused he was that she was this nervous. Cullen, she started but didn't even know what she was thinking.

He answered something that someone asked him but it wasn't quite the right answer. He cleared his throat and took another drink out of his cup and looked around the room so he wouldn't have to participate in the conversation he had been having before Aislinn called out to him. My love, I want you more than I could every say. And I hope you want me. You don't have to come down here. I know I'm asking a lot of you in this and I didn't even really discuss the situation with you. It's up to you. Cullen's worry shifted at that point from the possibility of Jenna's attack to the reality that Aislinn was just nervous enough to bolt.

Aislinn could feel his entire train of thought shift from Jena and how she had dominated his mind for days now to being scared to death that she was going to leave him, that he had pushed too much on her in too little time, and that she didn't want him enough to be capable of putting up with his life. I'm not going anywhere. I love you too much for that, she told him. But that didn't help his new upset. He wasn't sure he believed her. Aislinn decided that she needed to hurry.

Makeda and Sarah could see the vague look in her eyes and knew she was having a private conversation. From the look on her face it was serious enough to leave her be until it was over.

Suddenly Aislinn's vision seemed to clear and a new resolve over took her features. "Are we almost done?"

"Yeah," Sarah said. "Are you okay?"

Aislinn took a deep breath. "No. But I will be. I want to go down and see Cullen. You guys don't do that bride before wedding bullshit do you?"

"No," Sarah said in concern at her tone.

"So then I can put the dress on now?"


Sarah and Makeda exchanged looks, but helped her put the dress on over her hair and jewelry so that it wouldn't be caught. The black silk clung to her hips and breasts and any other body part that curved. Aislinn looked herself over in the mirror. The halter dipped low between her breasts in front and just grazed the sides. The skirt clung to her hips and legs and flared past her knees to pool on the floor about her feet. She walked away from the mirror a bit and then looked at her back in the mirror. There were a few folds of the dress that sat just above her butt and left her entire back and lower back bare, except for the white gold and diamonds. She had to admit it was impressive.

"It's too bad I'm not better at controlling my shifting," she said softly.

Makeda was confused by that. "What?"

"I've only been able to do it a short time. I'm not very good at it. But Cullen likes the stripes and spots. I've seen him just change parts. So I guess I was thinking it's a shame that I couldn't just have the markings, bare back and all. Thing is I don't really want to do the cat thing yet and it's pretty much an all or nothing process with me."

Makeda grinned. "I didn't know you had stripes. I've only seen parts of you in lighted rooms," she chuckled.

Aislinn couldn't help but smile at that. And the women got another amused look from Sarah.

"I agree. That would definitely add to the affect," Sarah said. "But unfortunately it really is a learning process. I don't think I'm able to just tell you how." She held out one hand and shifted it to a clawed paw then back again. "It's not easy to describe," she said contemplatively.

Aislinn walked over to Sarah and hugged her. Sarah didn't know exactly how to react. When Aislinn let her go she looked at the surprised woman. "I just wanted to say thanks."

Sarah smiled back. "Well, I think we're ready then. Would you like to make an entrance or just appear in the crowd?"

"I'm not the entrance making type."

Makeda shook her head. "Oh but you could be." Makeda was eyeing Aislinn wantonly. "But you're not for me tonight." She grinned wickedly and then walked to the door. "We'll go with you. Are you ready?"

Aislinn nodded and reached down to pick up the front of her skirt. The three women walked across the balcony and down the large staircase that descended from the balcony to the main room. Sarah and Makeda walked just behind and beside Aislinn. There were enough people coming and going on the staircase at that moment that no one in the main room noticed the group as being any different from the rest of the crowd. There were quite a few beautiful women in the cabin that night.

Aislinn looked over the crowd. There were very few people who weren't dressed in black. Even the druids were in suits or gowns. The women who weren't in black were obviously trying to draw attention. There was a red-head in a fire red dress, surrounded by numerous men.

Makeda laughed and pointed to the woman over the rail of the staircase. "I'll not tell you her name, so that when you do meet her you'll be able to say honestly you've not heard of her. That will drive her crazy. But be sure to mention knowing me during the conversation." Makeda's eyes sparkled mischievously. It was strange but that little joke was enough to make Aislinn feel much better. Perhaps it wasn't as scary out here as she thought it would be.

Cullen and Cadifor were talking with a small group of alphas from outside of Cadifor's territory. Cullen was doing his best to look like he was enjoying himself. The last twenty minutes had been pure misery. He wasn't sure if Aislinn would be joining them or not.

Makeda and Sarah were pleased and impressed to see that even if Aislinn was upset she was managing to look every bit the part of alpha mate. It was an important skill that not everyone could manage. Bottling feelings when appropriate for appearances.

Aislinn felt guilty for having upset him so badly. She led the way through the people in the main room. Heads turned as members of the pack recognized them and pointed them out to others who didn't know who they were.

Cadifor saw them before Cullen did. When Aislinn's eyes met Cadifor's he bowed his head to her slowly as if he was mesmerized. Cullen and every other alpha in the group turned to see what or who had earned that great of a compliment from Cadifor. Cullen thought his heart might stop. Aislinn walked up to him and without hesitation she ran her hands up his chest and over his shoulders, pulled him down to her level and kissed him. Cullen slid his hands over her bare back and held her to himself as he kissed her back.

Cullen, Aislinn broke the kiss and pressed her forehead to his. Tá brón orm. Tá grá agam duit. I'll do whatever you need me to do. Anything. Then she kissed him again.

The group who had been talking with Cullen watched the pair kiss with amused smiles. Some of the men had women standing with them but most of them were alone. There was some joking about not being able to wait as Aislinn kissed him. Finally he pushed her away gently, before things got out of hand. Aislinn bit her lip and looked into his eyes. He was alright now. She smiled, having accomplished what she wanted.

"Tá tú hálainn," he said and bowed his head to her. There were very few people who ever gained that compliment from an alpha. Cullen could see how she had managed to get it from Cadifor. There wasn't another woman in the room who Cullen believed could outshine her tonight.

"It's all the diamonds," she said and gave him a hard look that told him, he'd taken it too far.

He laughed. "I never get to have any fun," he grinned back. "Besides, no one will even notice the diamonds if you continue to smile like that."

The group Cullen had been talking with started to return to the conversation. They didn't know if Cullen would be rejoining them or not. "A man can only take so much blatant affection," someone said loudly and then there was more laughter.

Cullen looked back at the group and then to Aislinn again. "Alright. They'll bring you back to me when it's time. For now you're supposed to be mingling with the rest." He ran a finger along her jaw and his thumb over her lip and she kissed it before turning away.

Makeda and Sarah led her off through the crowd to introduce her to leaders from other packs who she would have to know. Cullen watched her disappear into the crowd before he returned to the conversation, a little out of place.

The next few hours turned into a political chess game and Aislinn was grateful that Makeda and Sarah were close at hand to help her with it all.

Cullen's eyes traveled the room. Most of the people here had no idea how much danger would be coming in that evening. Cullen wasn't sure whether he should hope for Jenna to get a grip and leave them be or if he should hope she'd just attack and be done with it. The worst case scenario would be for her to decide to come to her senses enough to not attack tonight but plan for a different night instead. Cadifor reassured Cullen that if the attack didn't come then they'd use the night as it was set up for, a diplomatic meeting, and worry about the next move later. Mostly Cullen was hoping that Jenna wasn't bitch enough to use the beginning of the ceremony itself as her cue to attack. But he knew full well that it was the most likely scenario.

Cullen and Cadifor were standing in one of the rare moments that they were surrounded by a bunch of people. "The part that bothers me the most," he said quietly, "is that there are so many strange faces here, Jenna could have her men in the middle of this room and there's no guarantee I'd notice."

Cadifor clapped his friend on the shoulder. "Stop worrying," he said quietly. "We're as prepared as we can get. The alphas are aware of the situation. They'll keep tabs on their own. Yours are still wary from the last time. We're ready for this. Enjoy the moment. When have you ever seen this many alphas in a room getting along? And druids as well," he said as excitement tinged his voice. "Our time is changing before your eyes Cullen. This is perhaps the most exciting party I've attended in centuries. I for one am thinking that this may need to become a regular thing."

Cullen had to admit that Cadifor was correct. He looked around. The place was nearly a United Nations convention due to the different groups that Cadifor had invited. Some of them had even flown in from different Council member's territories in order to meet the druids. Cullen knew that any number of the alphas who Cadifor had invited had come only to meet the druids and because of the need to understand the newest danger in their world. But the men and women were all mingling and there had been no angry outbreaks or threats. Cadifor had made it amply clear when the invitations went out that this was to be a friendly evening and he'd personally deal with anyone who made his friend's mating ceremony into a brawling match, outside of the possible attack that is. They all appeared to be staying true to their word.

It was getting toward evening and people had already begun to discard clothing. The smart ones had already left shoes and extraneous items in their cars so that they'd be able to find their things come morning. Others were delivering things to their cars in anticipation of what was to come.

Malik approached Cullen and Cadifor, "I was briefed on how the evening should go. But there are a number of others who wish to know if they are permitted to make use of the stone circle before your ceremony begins."

Cullen looked at Malik with concern. "What do they want to do?"

"Bless the event." Malik's gaze was unwavering. "It's one of our traditions and I must admit that none of them had thought they would feel inclined to do it. But after having observed you all night long they feel as though they wish to participate. Consider it a gift and an act of good will for our joint future."

Cullen looked to Cadifor questioningly. He nodded. "This is supposed to be a joining of the druids with the lycans." He smiled at Cullen's flat look, knowing that Cullen didn't like that his mating to Aislinn had taken such a dramatic political turn.

"Is anything required of me or Aislinn," he asked.

"No. But you may wish to be present. It should be beautiful to watch." Malik bowed in thanks and disappeared to tell the others that he had received permission.

Cadifor sent a couple omegas to tell the alphas that the druids were going to demonstrate a ceremony for them if they wished to be present. Cullen and Cadifor didn't have any trouble finding their women. They just followed the trail of moon-eyed young males.


So I'm thinking that I really like Cadifor and Makeda. Maybe I'll go with them for whatever I do next. I've had people ask about other couples- Ranaild and Elise, Sarah and Drake, Keith and Jaylyn. I've got a lot of different angles to take if I continue with this group.

I also thought about doing something with the weres that ended up with the Feds. Don't really know what I'm in the mood for though.

I might jump worlds for a bit. I've actually got something else on the side lines that I've had sitting around for a while that I might get back too.

But as always I tend to be motivated by all the great things the readers have to say. You never know what's going to spark a creative idea.

Next chapter is the actual ceremony and consequently the end. Though since I've been inundated with comments bout Cullen and Aislinn having a liter I was considering an epilogue. We'll see where the mood takes me!

Luv you all!

Thanks for reading…

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
The story

I love this story and don't want it to end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
great quarantine read

I've liked it from the get go. I can't wait to see how it ends but then i'm sad to see it all end. I've liked the world and characters you've created. I could honestly see this being series. You should get this published.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Strange new weres at the Feds

Yes, please! That would make a nice new story!

purple_stonepurple_stoneover 10 years ago

By druids, this was the most beautiful description of a (nearly) foursome that I've read. So sensual it took my breath away. Great job!

Why people don't like Cullen sharing Aisling with another woman is beyond me. What happened to open-mindedness and sensuality and not to mention the animal side of weres? Besides, authors like to explore different things and sometimes characters have their own lives. There's only so much we can do to guide them, present different situations but if chemistry between the new character and our main one happens, it's nothing we can do about it. Deal with it! :P

I was only half joking here, but the reality is, no matter how hard you try, you can't please everyone. Sorry to hear that some people didn't like that aspect of the story, there are some things that put me off as well in some stories, but I thought the sharing was done in a really sensual way and it appealed to me. Can't wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
really lovely,you are the author and you can write ur story d way it suits you.

love,love,love all the stories

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Wonderful chapter and I love how the story is turning out.

For those that are raging over the unnecessary...look at your address bar.

Can you see what website you are on? Also, check to see who the author of this story is; don't be too surprise that it isn't you. Now that we grasped a little bit of reality maybe you can understand that the author is going to continue to write this and any more of their stories the way they intend it to be. It's their vision and with all the many critiques they will receive, it is still their right to continue their work how they see fit. Those threatening to stop reading after 20+ chapters can go away and make their own story and how they want it. No one is holding a gun to your head, forcing you to do something you do not wish to do so move on...your pointless comments will be terribly missed.

...people complaining about girl on girl scenes in an erotic story.

lonesomedove66lonesomedove66about 11 years ago
I have to say if you don't like something....

Then don't read and be brave enough to put your name to it. This was a great chapter and also the sharing, plus the reasons behind it, was done tastefully with the respective partners in agreement. It would have been different if they had shared the women but they didn't and that I think is the key. I like both Cadilfer and Mak, I know I have the names wrong, what they did was in friendship and then they left Cullen and Aisslin alone. That is true love and respect.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Absolutely hated this chapter. Why did there have to be girl on girl. For some reason , in this story it just doesn' t work. Aislinn belongs to Cullen and that's it. No one else needs to be in on their relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

HATE the sharing. It turns me on in some stories - this isn't one of them. It doesn't seem true to the characters at all.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
good stuff =)

i've been reading this story all the way through and i guess i should go comment on the other chapters. some of them are slow, but overall, it's a good story and WORTH it to stick with. i know this is an erotica site, but that doesn't mean that every chapter has to include sex. and i thought the foursome scene was HOT!! i like how aislinn is opening up to the customs of her new life. i don't think it was all that out-of-character. i'm looking forward to seeing how the whole thing wraps up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
When reading

When you read a new story. You have to drop all preconceived notions on what should happen. Not all mates have to be horribly possessive. You all need to read it as is and not as you want it to be. This is someone's version so let it be.

St0rMiESt0rMiEover 11 years ago
You can't do a full sex scene with just the two main characters...

but you devote almost a whole chapter to two girls?

I'm not even going to bother reading the rest.

Another one star vote.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Good read!

If I were your editor, I would have cut the majority of the entire foursome thing. Mainly because it didn't really seem to jive with what we know of Aislinn's human upbringing and currently modest sensibilities. The group sex seemed a little forced and unbelievable (I know - this is a fantasy - whatever). I'm not saying that it wouldn't EVENTUALLY be believable, just that it's not convincing at this point in the story. It's tough to believe that she would be completely modest and monogamous with Rafe as her fiancé and subsequently Cullen as her soul mate, and then that she would suddenly flip a switch and seduce another were couple into having a group session. And we're supposed to believe that, during this group session, her soulmate is okay with being the last to participate while she's already got her mouth on the juicy moving parts of the two other weres. At this point in the story, she hasn't displayed the slightest inclination toward being attracted to females. And she's not displayed one OUNCE of comfort regarding multiple partners, let alone public sex (remember, even at the end of the library scene she was too uncomfortable to make eye contact with an audience). And, here she is, INITIATING group sex? And her mate is suddenly content to see her in a sexual position with two other folks, when he's been jealously guarding her from the casual attentions of even his closest and most-trusted friend? You're asking me to suspend my disbelief here. Don't read this as discomfort with the idea of group sex or lesbian sex, but as an issue with the continuity of character traits in general and the disruption to the natural growth of Aislinn's personal character. It reads as an unnecessary attempt to spice things up when the story didn't need spicing up.

Your characters are great and their growth was spot on until the group thing. It was hot to see Aislinn getting attention from another woman, amusing even, but I just don't see it as being consistent with what you've already established as Aislinn's (currently) human sensibilities to reciprocate so soon and to actually exacerbate and initiate that behavior. Would have been better, later. Don't stop writing (don't know if you have or not, since this story is several years old) but find an editor to help you with grammar and flow.

(Ugh. I hate typing on a smart phone, because this autocorrect crap doesn't help at all.)

Wish you well!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

The four-some thing isn't really my cup of tea, but I can't say that it was bad either. This is the second time that I've read this series and I still get excited over it. Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Oh well, it was a quick read

As I skipped over the parts that I found unappealing. In a way, being somewhat less enthused about these last two chapters makes knowing the story is coming to an end much easier.

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