Light Rays Coming Out of the Computer Ch. 04


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"Please cum inside me," she begged. "Please. Please!"

"Fuck," Kerr grunted, his lips curling.

"Please, Kerr. Please cum inside me. I need you inside me."

"Fuck," he cried. "Fucking... fucking..."

"Yes," she screamed. "Yes!"

Kerr's face stretched, his jaw going slack and his brow racing up over his forehead. As his thrusts slowed to a stop, Freya curled her legs around his back and hooked her feet together to pin him deep within her. His thick, warm cum flooded over her lips and down into the crevice of her ass. He groaned loudly as she squeezed him in waves, milking his cock with her warm, wet walls. Her arm was a blur as she stroked herself, and Kerr whimpered as she clamped on his overstimulated tool.

"Freya," he gasped. "I-hnnnnngh... I need to... I need to..."

"A few more seconds," she panted. "God, just... a... a..."

Freya screamed as Kerr grabbed her other nipple and twisted, her second orgasm finally touching down after hovering just out of reach for so long. He collapsed on top of her, whimpering as she clenched his softening rod, and fell slightly to her side. They remained that way for hours, entangled and passed out in a damp pool of sweat and cum.


Kerr was gone when Freya woke. She still felt exhausted physically, but much of the mental fatigue had melted away. Her skin felt stiff and sticky, and the half bath in the corner called her name so sweetly. The steady thrum of the SMR below deck was the only indication they were still moving. Twenty minutes later, feeling a little bit more human, Freya wandered through the unfamiliar halls of NS 4021. She'd already taken to calling him Jerry. Also, the ship was a he.

"You poor dear," Freya said upon entering the mess. Roxie was cleaning her guns there when Freya walked in, and it pained her to see one of her Synths in such disarray. Logically she knew Roxie wasn't in any pain and that it was all superficial damage, but that didn't change the feeling of a knife twisting in her stomach. "Come on."

Roxie was strangely quiet as Freya lead her into the cargo bay. She had to have the Synth pry open the trunk space, and Freya winced at the disarray of parts and tools. "I don't have an Ani-skin printer in here. I can fix your eye, but..." Roxie extended her index and middle fingers, and pointed vigorously at her face up and down the length of torn skin. Freya frowned sadly. "You want me to... staple it? It won't grow back, child." Roxie smiled and shrugged, nonplussed. "Oh, and I don't think I have any purple eyes..." That hit harder, but Roxie still seemed alright.

Freya carefully peeled back the Ani-skin from the left half of Roxie's face. Fortunately, there seemed to be no damage to the actual skull; merely to the ocular unit. The eye was a quick replacement. Roxie chose a green one from the meager color selection. The two of them had to search the ship for a bit before Roxie found a staple gun suitably small and powerful enough. Freya marked off and drilled a dozen tiny pilot holes so the ceramic wouldn't crack, and within an hour, Roxie was done. The Synth stared at herself in a bit of chrome on the mangled remains of the taxi, and smiled.

"For the Beez," she said, shaking Freya's hand.

"You said that before. Who is Beez?"

Roxie smirked and looked around, and said "Beez," with a shrug of her shoulders as if to imply 'duh'. Freya made a mental note to check Roxie's internals later as the Synth headed back toward the mess.


Jerry was not an overly large ship. Freya wasn't up on her lingo, but if she was reading the terminal in the cargo area, the SMR unit had just been replaced and had a theoretical range that circumnavigated the globe many times over. There was a tiny spark of hope burning brightly within her as she made her way, through trial and error, to the bridge.

"Four! She had four of them," Kerr laughed, as the door swung open.

"What did you do with them all?" her guy chuckled, through a communications setup.

"Oh," Kerr said, blushing a little and turning when he heard Freya approaching. "You really don't want to know the answer to that."

"I really do," her guy said quietly.

"You two getting along?" Freya asked, as she sat down carefully in one of the high backed chairs with a view out the front port. She promptly lifted both of her feet up onto the edge of the seat and huddle against her knees.

"He is a funny guy," Kerr said.

"You're too kind," her guy said, with a hint of sarcasm and something else.

"Do you know where we're going?" she asked, to no one in particular.

"Going? You're already there. Well, nearly enough."

"What?" Kerr slid his chair along a row of stations and tapped at a display. "Where was it, where was it... Ah!" A holomap overlay lit up the wall beside the front port, and Kerr shook his head. "I thought you said we were the white dot."

"You are, my good man." Freya looked out the window at the rolling green hills and dense, albeit low, canopy.

"No we're not," Kerr said, perplexed. "Green Mountain is still the closest city to us... That or Schenectady." Freya looked again at the hills. They were... evenly spaced... and in the distance, great peaks.

"I assure you that you are nearly there. Or here, I suppose I should say."

"Is this map right?"

"Kerr," Freya said, slowly rising out of her chair and staring. The peaks were...

"How do I check the date on this map?"

"Kerr," she said, more insistently. "Look." Those peaks were getting closer too quickly to be mountains far away. A deathly quiet fell over the bridge as nature slowly gave way to concrete. The rows of low hills became rows of rubble and toppled buildings, and the valleys between the hills became streets. The tallest structures, miles yet ahead, had gaping holes in the scaffolding. Some were tipped over against each other, perilously suspended at impossible angles. Freya screamed as Roxie appeared next to her, the Synth's grim expression made even grimmer by the hatchet-job repairs.

"Welcome to New York," her guy said. "The city that sleeps."

Silence resumed. Kerr came over to stand beside Freya as Jerry floated along, two hundred feet above the ground. An indescribable mix of emotions, somewhere between horror and dread of threats both in front and behind, drove her to seek Kerr's hand. Though he squeezed back reassuringly, his face was tight with fear as they looked out over nuclear ruination.

Both humans gasped as a crater, easily a half mile across, came into view on their right. Over two thousand feet of nothing but black scorch marks. Ground zero. Jerry banked softly away, slowed to a stop, and began to descend. Kerr's fingers were like a vice as the long white ship went down, down, down, and then continued when Freya's sense of distance thought they should be hitting the ground. Down through a hole in the street, somewhat larger than Jerry, they descended.

Jerry's external flood lights kicked on, illuminating an entirely different city. Largely free of the wanton explosive destruction they'd seen above, this area was also equally quiet and seemingly uninhabited. Jerry spun and began moving forward again, and Freya could see why this ship had been chosen. The streets, though mostly intact, were not particularly wide. Jerry floated along, hitting the occasional tilted street light to little effect, through the deserted undercity, for miles.


"Unfortunately," her guy said, after clearing his throat to break the silence, "you'll have to travel on foot from here." Jerry settled down gently in front of a particularly low support beam, and the SMR entered it's cooldown phase. Freya and Kerr looked at each other and nodded. "The radiation is nominal here. I wouldn't set up a tent and try to live out there, but you'll be alright as long as you don't dawdle."

The two of them wandered slowly through Jerry's quiet, fluorescent halls. Freya began to panic when they saw that the loading bay door was already down.

"Relax," her guy said, through the PA. "It was just Roxie getting a head start. She'll be making a few trips back and forth for all the items in that taxi. You two just worry about getting here. Roxie left you two flashlights and one of her pistols just in case. You shouldn't have any trouble, but there are some... things... that make their homes down here. Best to be safe."


The flashlights were wholly inadequate down in the bowels of the undercity by Freya's reckoning. On the other hand, she would have needed about 15 arms and 20 flashlights to be satisfied. Kerr had the pistol. She couldn't put her finger on what he was doing wrong, but she was fairly certain he'd never fired one before and would regret firing that one.

Time, more than anything else, seemed to be the big killer down here. Huge cracks and pits stained the otherwise-identical concrete structures. The echoes of load-bearing groans in the distance were constant; the faint sounds of shuffling feet, were not.

After a while, the buildings gave way to a massive debris pile like an imploded building. They walked slowly along the edge of it, flashlights darting back and forth, until Roxie came running out of the center of it. The Synth smiled and waved, and ran back inside. Freya ran after it, desperate not to be left behind, and Kerr followed suit seconds later. Deeper and deeper they ran, never quite losing sight of their guide but not catching it either. Not until they rounded a corner and found Roxie waiting next to an open door leading under a pile like all the others around it. Once they got close, Roxie gleefully sprinted back out into the gloom.

The first room past the door was a much nicer living room than Freya's own. Or at least, it had been once. The entire space was immaculately clean, but she couldn't imagine why there were six separate devices in the entertainment center, or what purpose they all served. The kitchen beyond, decorated in a similarly sleek style, was cleaned to a mirror finish on every surface.

"End of the hall," her guy said. Freya thought it was a little odd that he hadn't met them at the door, but she was accustomed to not always doing business face to face. The sexbot trade was, by and large, not a hugs-and-handshakes crowd. As Freya descended the few steps past a side hall, a section of the wall beside her opened inward and slid away. She recognized some of the equipment as belonging to a mini-fabrication system, but not others. It wasn't too dissimilar to her own work space, once she really stopped and looked. Old, yes, but nice. A green light pulsed in the middle of a rack of servers running the length of the left wall as she entered.

"Hello," the green light said. "It's so wonderful to finally meet you. I am the Motherfucker."

It was a long time before either Kerr or Freya moved.

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OmenainenOmenainenalmost 4 years ago

So much yes it’s like a brain orgasm. This is like Christmas come early. I kinda wondered why I liked the character of Ashley and now I know.

AwkwardMDAwkwardMDabout 9 years agoAuthor
Our sincerest apologies

Literotica took eight days to reject the second chapter of The Huntress, when it normally approves them in three. The Huntress Ch 2 contained an editing error that gummed up the works. This chapter, submitted five days later, was approved first by accident. If you've only read one chapter of The Huntress, it's enough.

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