Lilith's Emporium: The Beast Within


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"Sure, maybe I'll do that."

"You alright?"

"I'm... I'm fine." She said kissing him still tasting to bits of blood left in his mouth. "Relax, Ill go put supper in the fridge and I'll be right back." She said grabbing a t-shirt and sliding it on before heading out to the dining room.

She took all the food and placed it in the refrigerator and got herself a drink. She stood there in the kitchen wondering what the hell had happened in there. It was the best sex she had ever had but she started to transform like she did in that vision she had at Lilith's. She was starting to question her own sanity as she didn't believe in the supernatural but something was definitely wrong.

"Stacy, is everything alright?" She heard Troy call from the bedroom.

"Be right there." She said placing down the glass and heading back into the bedroom with him getting comfortable as he wrapped his arm around her.

She felt safe and comfortable with him but something inside her was different. She thought about her ex boyfriend from years ago because it had come up when she spoke to Nessira and how he would trash the way she looked and also the parts she didn't tell her. She began to feel a rage inside her that started to make her growl a little thinking about it. She could actually see herself attacking him but whenever she thought of Troy she felt a calm come over her.

She tried to get some sleep but she knew she had to get a handle on whatever was done to her before she did hurt someone or even worse Troy. That night she had a very vivid dream similar to the one she imagined at the shop. She saw her ex boyfriend Brandon and she was chasing him. It was through the woods and she could hear his footsteps and his breath. She could smell his scent and felt the ground beneath her feet as she ran on all fours chasing him. She pounced on him and growled as he coward in fear. She could smell the fear and see it in his eyes as she had him pinned to the ground ready to rip his throat out. She tasted the sweat as her tongue traced up his neck and along his face. She could hear his heart moving rapidly and she was enjoying him in his current state until she opened her large wolf like jaws and bit down hearing his screams until she realized it was her screaming as she shot awake from a sound sleep.

"Woah Baby, are you alright?" Troy said waking up with her and putting his arm around her to comfort her.

She was covered in sweat and breathing heavily and he could see how shook up she was. He kissed her forehead and held her close as she calmed down in his arms. She felt safe and relaxed in his embrace and quickly calmed herself. She looked up at him and kissed him before they laid back down together.

"Are you okay?" He asked once more.

"Yeah, just a bad dream is all."

"Oh okay, just worry about you, are you gonna be okay while I'm gone?"

"I'll be fine. Troy, when you get back I want to talk to you about something though."

"Actually I wanted to talk to you about something as well."

"Okay, so Tuesday night, dinner?"

"Sounds good, my flight gets in early."

"Then I'll take the day off and meet you at the airport."

"Okay, sounds good."

"Yeah, I love you Troy!"

"Seriously, are you alright?"

"I will be, I promise." She said kissing him and climbing on top of him grinding against him through the blankets.

"Damn, okay round two it is!"


Stacy Saw him out after another sexual round that left her feeling that something was definitely wrong. It didn't get as bad as the last time but still was enough to bother her a little so she got in her car and headed back to the shop. She pulled up to Lilith's Erotic Emporium looking for answers. She walked up to the door and saw it was locked and there was a sign on the door saying they would be closed until Wed of next week.

"Fuck!" She said before she looked inside and banged on the glass seeing if anyone was in there.

After five minutes or so of no one answering she gave up and got back in the car. She headed back to Troy's place and tried to relax which wasn't too difficult. A few days went by and she was starting to feel a little strange. She laid on the couch for most of the day and she found herself missing Troy a lot more than she thought she would. She began to fantasize about what she would do to him is he walked in. She saw herself jumping him and tearing off his clothes just to get his throbbing cock inside her.

The more she imagined this the more turned on she got. She was getting very horny and started to feel very weird as she noticed her teeth growing again becoming like fangs in her mouth. She looked down and saw her fingernails starting to grow and her vision start to change as well as she stood up starting to freak out a little by what was happening to her but she could not deny the extreme lust she was feeling at the same moment and wished Troy was there as if she knew fucking him would stop her transformation. Stacy didn't know what to do so she began to rub her clit and start fingering herself violently trying to get some sort of satisfaction or at least enough to stop this. She could feel her muscles expanding and heard her jeans rip open as her legs got thicker.

"Oh God, what is wrong with me?" She said as she had no control over what was happening.

She fell to the floor and started to transform growing fur as a blood lust began to fill her. She wanted to eat flesh and fuck someone to death and could feel the creature inside her breaking out until it was done. Stacy was still aware but her perception of everything had changed. She ran for the door and everything got a little blurry after that. She remembered chasing someone down and alley and maybe even attacking him. There was a lot of running and growling she remembered and even some fucking but it was all unclear.


Back at the shop Nessira was putting out some new merchandise when she heard the door open. A little confused she walked around from behind a shelf and saw a blonde woman standing there with a stern look on her face staring at her.

"Um, hi Victoria, what brings you in here?"

"Maybe you'd like to explain why people are claiming a man was killed bu a werewolf in New York last night?"


Victoria pulled out her phone showed Nessira a news report about a man who was found naked in an alley with his throat ripped out and apparently with traces of semen around him like he was fucked before he was killed.

"Um, okay I can explain this..."


"Okay, a woman came to me suffering from PTSD from a past relationship, she needed something to boost her sex drive so I awoke her inner sexual beast but I think I awoke too much."

"Nessira, I don't care if the occasional dick head dies but this is a problem don't you think?"

"I know I know, I can fix this!"

"Can you reverse what you did to her?"

"Um, well no, but I know a way she can gain more control over it, I will fix this I promise."

"You better, I promised Lilith I would give you a chance so don't make me regret this."

"Calm down Blondie I got this."

"I will kill you Nessira, remember you work for me."

"Yes Victoria."


As the sun came up she found herself in a small park sleeping in a bush. She looked herself over and saw she was naked and covered in dirt and blood. She began to panic a little not sure what happened last night and tried to cover herself. She suddenly felt a hand in her shoulder and a calming sensation wash over her as she looked and saw Nessira standing above her.

"You? YOU DID THIS TO ME!" Stacy said trying to attack her starting to growl again but Nessira reached out and touched Stacy's forehead and said "Cessabit" to which Stacy fell to the floor and began to calm down and return to normal.

"What the... what did you do?"

"It's a calming spell, you should be okay for now." Nessira said wrapping a blanket around her as they sat on a bench together.

"What the fuck did you do to me?"

"Listen I am here to help you so please watch your tone!"

"My tone? You turned me into the big bad horny wolf!"

"I know, things got a bit out of hand?"

"You think?"

"The shop is a way for supernatural creatures to feed off sexual energy, people die sometimes, you were just another customer but... I can't reverse what was done to you but I can help."

"How, haven't you done enough?"

"I deserve that, but look the beast feeds off of sex and passion so as Long as you and Troy have sex every couple of days you'll be fine."

"Well the times we've had sex so far I went a little feral, I don't want to scar him every time we fuck!"

"Okay, there is a way to stop that or at least gain more control over it."


"You aren't going to like it."

"What is it?"

"I think you know, you've been dreaming about it."

"Oh God, Brandon?"


"I have to kill him?"

"He was the one who caged the beast, it won't be satisfied until it gets revenge."

"Is there any other way?"

"I wish there was, but no."

"What the fuck! I should kill you, I should let my beast out and fuck you to death you redheaded bitch!"

"Look, for starters that sounds really hot, but it wouldn't work, I am a Succubus!"

"Of course you are."

"That doesn't shock you?"

"You turned me in to a werewolf, I think my shocks are worn out!"

"Fair enough."

"So I have to kill Brandon, then what?"

"Then you will have more control, you may still experience some feral nature if you don't fuck every few days but worse case I may have some remedies for that back at the store."

"Why are you doing this, why are you helping me?"

"I don't know, I feel a little bad that I let too much of your inner beast out, then you were on the news and then my boss yelled at me."

"I was on the news?"

"Never mind, right now I am going to help you, in fact I will even kill Brandon for you if you want, if you see his death it may be enough for your beast to find peace."

"I don't know, this thing seems pretty violent."

"It wants revenge, it's all your sexual desires, once the rage has been extinguished it will focus on sex and lust."

Stacy started to think about killing Brandon and how she didn't want to. She was not s killer but the more she thought about it she began to feel a new type of lust start to fill her, a blood lust. She imagined herself chasing him down again like her dream before and sinking her teeth into his neck, tasting his blood. The thought of doing that got her very hot and turned on as she began to touch herself. Nessira watched a little confused by what was going on.

"Stacy, are you okay? Like I said I will kill him for you, it's the least I can do since.."

"NO!" Stacy said in a deep voice with a growl behind it. "He is mine!" She continued as her eyes turned black and started at her.

"Shit, well okay then." Nessira said a little shocked at her eyes being black instead of red but glad it was early and there wasn't anyone around to notice them. "We'll have to find him first."

Stacy calmed down and let herself return to normal before taking a deep breath. "I know where to find him, but first I need a shower."


A few miles outside the city not too far from Lilith's shop was a little dive bar where Stacy remembered Brandon spending most of his time. Stacy and Nessira were on their way there in Stacy's car which Nessira felt strange riding in as she usually flew but this was a different change of pace for her.

"What was his name?" Stacy asked.


"The man I killed last night?"

"I don't know, but if it makes you feel any better his wife had nothing nice to say about him."

Stacy sat silent for a while like she wasn't sure what to say or how to feel.

"Okay I need to ask you something." Nessira said. "What did he do to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Brandon, what did he do?"

"I told you, he used to make me feel like shit constantly."

"But there is more to it, the beast wants blood, you got angry when I offered to kill him for you like it wanted the pleasure itself."

"It's none of your business."

"Look Stacy, I am really trying to help you here and that's something I haven't done in a long time so could you please cut me some slack?"

Stacy was silent for a moment before she finally said "He hit me."


"He hit me a few times, I know I said he used to belittle me and that's why my confidence was shot but towards the end he started drinking and hitting me, a lot."

"Shit, I can see why you want to rip his throat out, but I kinda figured that was the case."


"The man you killed hit his wife, apparently a lot, so you have a type apparently."

"Oh, that actually makes me feel a little better."

"What about Troy, what's he like?"

"Troy is amazing, it was actually him who stopped Brandon before."

"Really, how?"

"Brandon and I were out at a party and Troy was there, he was a friend of a friend or something, I didn't know him but Brandon was being a dick all night and then got drunk and slapped me when he didn't think anyone was looking, Troy saw it and decked him knocking him out."

"Wow, I like this Troy guy."

"I ended up leaving with him and... it was months before we started dating but he was so much nicer and kinder and just everything I wanted in a man. He helped me get all my stuff back from Brandon and was just there for me in every way Brandon wasn't."

"He sounds amazing, so when you came to my shop?"

"I wanted to be there for him, not just as a girlfriend but sexually like he had been there for me in every other aspect of our relationship, and I had heard from a coworker about your store, she told me you could help me with my problem."

"Really, what was her name?"

"Janice, it's weird she used to be kind if a bitch then she just sort of changed all of a sudden."

"Oh really, how so?"

"Just all around, she started working things out with her husband, she actually fired the guy people suspected she was sleeping with during a party, then he was found dead later that night, I heard it was suicide but it was weird circumstances, anyway she told me to check out the shop because it helped her."

"Lizeth, you sexy little beast you." Nessira said under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, is this the place?"

"Yes it is." Stacy said with a growl.

Nessira looked at the bar as the car parked. She checked out the area before she turned back to Stacy but she was already gone. A little shocked by her speed she looked over and saw a car with 4 slashed tires but still couldn't see her.

"Damn she's fast!"

Nessira watched this guy come strolling out of the bar with a drunken swagger. She wondered if it was Brandon until he walked over to the car with the busted tires and knew it was him. She watched him throw his hands in the air looking pissed off before he started walking down the street. It was a thickly wooded area so Nessira got excited knowing Stacy was hiding in the dark ready to pounce. Brandon walked down the street headed home to sleep off his current state. He was pissed that someone would slash his tires but figured he deal with it in the morning after a good night sleep. As he walked he suddenly heard something like he was being followed.

"Hello?" He said looking around not seeing anything before he continued in.

About a quarter mile later he heard some twigs snap and looked all around again. He didn't see anything at first but he started to hear a growling noise coming from the woods across the street. He felt the hair stand up on his neck when he saw to eyes in the dark glowing from the reflection of the nearby street lamp and could see the breath coming from it.

"Holy shit." He said backing slowly into the woods.

He knew it was dumb to go into the woods but he figured he'd have a better chance than out on an open road. He turned and ran as fast as he could hearing the creature following him which made him.panic a little. He did not look back and just ran as fast as he could until he tripped over a down tree and fell flat on his face getting a mouth full of leaves. He waited for the wolf to pounce on him but nothing happened. He waited and rolled over looking around and wiping the leaves off his face but he didn't see anything. He breathed a sigh of relief thinking maybe he had lost the wolf and started to brush himself off.

"Hello Brandon." A woman's voice said from the dark.

"Fuck shit! Who... who's there?" He said looking all over.

"It's been a long time hasn't it." Stacy said stepping into the moonlight so he could see her.

"What the... Stacy? What are you... why are you naked?"

"You think I'm sexy now don't you?"

"Well yeah you look incredible but... what's going on here?"

She suddenly straddled him pinning him to the ground a little quicker than he was expecting. "You want me don't you?"

"Holy shit, you look amazing but I thought you were with that asshole what's his name?"

"Oh you mean Troy?" She said leaning down on top of his chest. "Don't you worry about him, this is about you and me."

"Hey, if you want to fuck on the ground in the middle of the woods for old times sake I'm down, but I think there is a wolf nearby."

"Don't worry about the wolf, she's already got you." She said licking his face as she grinded against him getting him hard.

"This is too weird, maybe I drank too much tonight."

"You always were a bit of a drinker, but don't you worry, when they find you the paper will read something like drunk attacked and killed by wolves"

"What are you talking about?"

She looked down at him with black eyes that reflected light like a wolf did and he started to panic. She began to growl as she got closer to his face and started to smell him. He was turned on and terrified at the same time not exactly sure what was going on or what had happened to Stacy.

"Look you, get off of me, this little game is over, don't make me... what the?"


In the dark Nessira had sprouted her wings and was trying to find where the both of them had run off to. She had heard footsteps but everything had gone quiet so she wasn't sure where to look but all that soon changed when she heard a blood curtailing scream of a man in the darkness and knew where to land. She landed a few yards away and saw a large beast in the darkness on top of someone. It was dark but she could see fur and hear a growling breath and what sounded like flesh tearing. She walked a few steps closer when the creature turned to her and she saw those eyes and a large jaw dripping with blood. Brandon was on the ground with most of his throat missing.

"Holy shit!" Nessira said looking at the scene before her.

Stacy climbed off of Brandon and walked towards Nessira with a violent look in her eyes. Nessira was actually starting to get a little nervous as this was a very intimidating creature standing before her and even though she was powerful she didn't want a fight if she could avoid it. Stacy stopped and began to return to her human form shrinking down to normal size. Her fur disappeared and her claws retracted until she stood there naked with blood covering her from her mouth down to her stomach.

"So, feel better?" Nessira asked.

"I want to go home." Stacy said as Nessira walked over and spread her wings wrapping them around her to keep her warm before she brought her back to the car leaving Brandons body in the woods.


Stacy was in the shower letting the warm water hit her face and wash the blood and dirt from her skin. She felt different after the events that had happened that night and began to feel a calming peace wash over her. A part of her felt guilty for the men she had killed despite the fact that they were both horrible people but she was ready to put it all behind her and move on with her life with Tony while also trying to find a way to explain her change in sex drive.