Lisa James - The Party


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"Eight strokes with the cane young lady," said her landlady glancing meaningfully at the boy, "who would you like to give them to you......mmmm?" Lisa saw the intention immediately,

"Oh Miss, please, please, please not him, I couldn't bear it, please no!" The ladies laughed uproariously, all agreeing that Timothy was the perfect choice.

"Ask Master Timothy to punish you and address him properly or you'll be very sorry my girl!" Lisa stared wildly around the room, the thought of the boy punishing her in front of them all filled her with shame. A young boy being allowed to cane her would be dreadfully embarrassing but she knew there would be no escape. She looked at his grinning face and hard cock, the women were staring at her intensely, waiting to see her sink to this new depth of humiliation. Very quietly she said,

"P...P...Please Sir," she swallowed hard, "will you cane me?" The boy responded with a forceful "Yes" much to the ladies delight.

Yellow and wickedly thin, the cane was extremely supple. He bent it double in his hands as Mrs Henderson forced Lisa over the back of a dining chair.

"Stick your fat arse out for the cane you little tart," said the older woman, "we all want to see you get it and I know you want us to watch!" Timothy swished the cane through the air experimentally, the noise was enough to make Lisa's red bum cheeks flinch and clench in anticipation. She knew it was going to hurt horribly.

"Go ahead Timothy, as hard as you like. We all know the dirty girl deserves it," said Mrs Henderson, "and remember to count each stroke out loud for us young lady." There was a whirr as the cane sliced through the air then it wrapped itself around the fullness of the already very sore bottom. A white hot line burnt it's way into Lisa's consciousness, she screamed in shock and pain, her hands grabbing her wounded flesh.

"Aaaaarrrrrrrrhhhhh! Oh God! Please! Please!" Doubled over she suddenly remembered what she had to do, "One!" The cruel indignities she suffered so far were nothing compared to this.

"Get your hands away girl! Get over that chair at once!" Taking careful aim he brought the cane down across the flinching cheeks again. Her hips and bottom wriggled in the most extraordinary way in their response to the searching intensity of the thin cane.

"Oooooooooooohhhhhh! Oh God! Oh God! Two!" She continued to squirm and twist in the most provocative manner, no longer worried that she was blatantly displaying the pink folds of her most intimate flesh to the boy. The strokes continued to cut her bottom and at every one her full hips rose. It seemed endless, her shrieks, the pain, the humiliation that it was a young boy doing this to her. Amidst the gales of laughter she wondered if any of them knew how much it hurt and if they cared? Dark stripes soon crossed the swollen cheeks in all directions. At the eighth and final stroke she collapsed to the floor crying hysterically, her hands clasped to her wounded bum cheeks, rubbing the tight flesh in an attempt to ease the ferocious burning.

"Stand up girl and thank the young gentleman properly," said Mrs Henderson laughing, "he's managed to teach you a much needed lesson by the look of it." Lisa stumbled slowly to her feet, tears streaming down her very red cheeks.

"Th....Th....Thankyou for caning me Sir," she sobbed.

"Now I think it would be a nice gesture if you demonstrated your

appreciation in a more practical way young lady. Christine needs to be on her way and obviously we can't send her nephew away in that state!" The ladies eyes were once again drawn to the furiously stiff penis. They began laughing and giggling as Lisa's face went through a series of contortions. Her disbelief was plain to see,

"I couldn't Miss! Not in front of everyone, please don't make me, he's just a boy!"

"Shut up you stupid girl! Now you ask nicely to be allowed to suck him or we'll all take a turn with the cane and believe me you'll wish we hadn't!"

Lisa looked frantically around the room hoping that some miraculous happening would reveal a way out for her. But of course there would be no escape, their expectant eyes met her own with amusement and excitement, they wanted to see her defiled in every possible way. Wanted to see her suck the boy, wanted to see her squirm with embarrassment. Wanted her to do exactly as she was told. The threat of the cane made her comply. Very quietly she asked,

"May I suck your cock Sir?" Wild laughter filled the room.

"Yes you may," he said sternly, playing his part perfectly for the ladies. He sat down on the chair his rigid penis jutting excitedly upwards from his lap. Lisa immediately knelt in front of him hoping to get it over and done with as quickly as possible.

"Just as I thought," said Joanne, "look at her she can't wait to get at it!"

"She's certainly a little tart!" said Helen. Susan Sellers watched intently, her eyes dancing with excitement and a wetness in her knickers. This evening had opened her eyes to a whole new world. Watching the woman humiliated had awakened her own sadistic impulses and had turned her on amazingly, just as much as playing with the boys hard on had.

"Hands behind your back girl," shouted Mrs King as Lisa bent forwards to take the shiny engorged head in her mouth. The boy gasped at the exquisite sensation as she took almost the whole of his length into her throat. As she sucked she moved her head back and forth, licking his glans all over. The women made remarks about her technique, how she was obviously a whore and commented on her sluttish nature before collapsing amid roars of laughter. She didn't hear much of their teasing as she was concentrating on the hard cock in her mouth. It didn't take long, suddenly the boy convulsed and grabbed her hair. His penis exploded in her mouth and he groaned loudly as spurts of thick semen filled her throat. She swallowed as quickly as she could surprised at the volume of come that pumped out of the young cock. Totally spent Timothy collapsed back onto the chair. The ladies clapped and giggled amongst themselves.

As the boy left the room to get dressed all eyes focused on Lisa, their attention making her embarrassingly aware of her nakedness once again. Mrs Henderson made herself comfortable at the centre of the settee. Alison, her mother and Helen joined her. Together they all looked expectantly at Lisa who was still kneeling on the carpet.

"Come here girl," said Mrs Henderson placing a cushion on her knee, "lie over my lap on your back, get a move on!" Jackie, Joanne, Miss Cooper and Susan all moved their chairs closer so they wouldn't miss what was going to happen next, sure in the knowledge that it would involve maximum shame, and hopefully pain, for Lisa.

As for Lisa herself she was horribly aware of how wet and sticky her pussy and bumhole were. In truth she'd been turned on since she'd had to put on the awful party dress several hours before. Anticipation, fear and her imagination had kept her moist until actual events had overtaken her fantasising. Several times she'd been forced to the edge of orgasm but then denied. Pain from the spankings, the strap and the cane was even now turning to a pleasant glow which suffused her sex totally. Her boobs were tingling but her bum and the back of her legs were still sore, this just added to her state of extreme sensitivity. She was so turned on it was frightening, the more humiliating the situation had become the wetter she'd got. Sucking the boy's hard excited cock had set her pussy pulsing madly, especially having to do it in front of them all. It was certainly getting late, the boy and his aunt looked as if they were getting ready to leave, so whatever was about to happen would probably be the final test of her obedience for this evening. She stood up, aware of the women's frank appraisal of her nudity, and went to stand in front of her landlady. With boobs wobbling delightfully she gingerly sat down on the cushion. Mrs Henderson grabbed her hips, turned her to one side and forced her down on her back. She gasped as the rough material of the cushion cover rubbed against her sore buttocks.

Lisa's head rested on Mrs King's lap, her legs rested across Alison's and Helen's knees, but the cushion beneath her bottom pushed her pussy upwards. Her plump hairless pubic mound thrust shamelessly forwards, her legs falling slightly apart as her face burned. Positioned this way the wet slit of her vagina was totally unprotected.

"Hands above your head." She did as she was told. "Ladies if you'd be so kind." Strong hands immediately gripped her ankles and wrists. She felt helpless as the women gazed down at her bare front.

"Well young lady you've proved tonight what a disgusting little girl you really are. You seem to have no shame where this fat pussy of yours is concerned." Lisa squealed as the woman suddenly thrust a finger between the slippery labia and into her wet hole. Involuntarily her hips lifted to meet the invading digit. "You seem to enjoy showing it to everyone we meet so it seems only fitting that I should punish it for you!" Lisa gasped, frightened but aroused by the threat. She didn't dare speak.

"Smack!" The sting took her by surprise making her squeal and grind her bottom onto the cushion.

"Smack!" She writhed madly across the women's laps, tears springing to her eyes.

"Smack!" The hand bounced off the plump pussy flesh. Her clitoris and labia stinging ferociously she began moaning and crying,

"Owwwwww!...Ahhhh!..God Noooooo!" The women held her securely as her smiling landlady continued to smack the unprotected pussy. Lisa's screams began to bounce around the room as the blows continued, her pubis quickly turned pink then red. The stinging fingers caught her clitoris and pussy lips again and again. Fluid leaked out from the wet slit and spread across the writhing thighs,

"Dirt dirty girl!" said Mrs Henderson as she carried on slapping the sensitive flesh. Lisa screamed and groaned, pleasure and pain flowing together in an overwhelming flood of sensations. She was crying hysterically by the time it finished but the women still held her tightly. As her eyes opened and her vision came back into focus she realised the boy was back and had been watching her shameful display. Her faced burned with humiliation.

"Well my girl Timothy has school tomorrow so he's got to go. Christine thinks it would help his education if he saw how a dirty girl like you reacts when she reaches orgasm so that's exactly what we're going to do now! We're going to make you come so the boy can watch, now you'd like that wouldn't you with us all here as well?" The women and the boy were laughing loudly as Lisa began writhing and pleading,

"No No No Please not in front of him! I've been really good please Miss, please don't make me come for him. Oh god!" She closed her eyes to try and escape their laughter and mocking faces. She jerked violently as a hand moved suddenly up the inside of her thigh. Her eyes shot open to see Susan Sellers leaning forwards and smiling broadly as she caressed the soft thigh. Fingers touched her pussy and began to part the swollen labia, she threw her head back and gritted her teeth desperate not to react but a long moan escaped her throat.

"Come on you little tart lets show Timmy how you like to come on someone's fingers," Susan said, coaxing another groan from the helpless woman. The girl's fingers delved in and out of the slippery crack, sliding up to tease the hard clitoral stub then back to the moist opening. She began to use both hands, pushing several fingers in and out of the soaking slit and at the same time pinching and rubbing the inflamed clitoris. The orgasm Lisa so desperately craved began building low down in her belly, she didn't want the grinning boy to see her come, it was so embarrassing but she couldn't help herself. Hands began squeezing her boobs and pulling her nipples adding to her arousal. Then it was happening, her vaginal muscles began contracting on the teasing fingers. The boy stared in wonder as she writhed in sexual abandon. Spasms overtook her muscles and her moaning suddenly increased in volume and intensity. She jerked herself violently on Susan's fingers consumed by pleasure so intense it was almost painful. The release was all consuming and as the throes of the orgasm passed she gulped in air, groaning and panting as the tingling between her legs slowly subsided. Through half closed eyes she looked at the boy's hot face. His obvious delight in seeing her most private of moments made her shudder with humiliation. Susan pulled her fingers from the soaking pink crack.

Lisa was roughly pushed to her feet as the women began saying their farewells. The boy treated her to a triumphant smile as he left the room with his aunt. Trembling she was left alone standing by the settee. She heard them leaving then Alison came back and handed her the horrible party dress to put on.

"Right you little tart, you're going home now but I've been thinking. Tonight has been so much fun I think I'll hold another party and next time I'll invite some men as well. That'd be exciting for you wouldn't it?" Lisa's worried red face emerged from the neck of the frock. Alison laughed at the young woman's reaction to her threat as her mother, Helen and Mrs Henderson returned in their coats.

"We'll be off now Alison, thanks for a lovely evening. Lisa's really enjoyed herself. I'm sure she's dying to do it all again sometime!"

Sitting in the back of the car on the way home Lisa's pussy and bum and boobs all felt sore and she was exhausted. She'd almost dropped off to sleep when she suddenly realised the three women were talking about her. She listened in horror as they began to discuss ways in which they might test her obedience in the future. To her dismay men and boys featured in lots of their ideas and they laughed and giggled at each suggestion. Being made to expose herself in public places sounded awful and sent shivers down her spine but when the word dog was mentioned she cringed in fear and disbelief. Surely they couldn't mean it, they had to be joking just to frighten her. She prayed they were.

When they arrived at Helen's house she insisted they come in for a hot drink. After a few moments reluctance Mrs King and Mrs Henderson agreed.

"While we have our coffee would it be alright if James examined your little girl Jean? I'm sure he'll be fascinated to see how she's been disciplined." Much to Lisa's chagrin her landlady agreed immediately. Apparently it was an excellent idea and would teach Lisa another lesson which she wouldn't easily forget! Once inside the house Helen explained to her husband that he could examine the blushing young women for a while. Earlier in the shop he'd been able to have a quick look at her charms but now he had a much better opportunity. He smiled broadly at his wife as he ushered Lisa into the living room, the three ladies retired to the kitchen. Sitting down in an armchair he made Lisa stand in front of him.

"Get that dress off you little slut I want a proper look at you this time!" Lisa knew better than to argue. Slowly she pulled it over her head her reddened breasts spilling out towards him.

"Looks like that fat pussy of yours has been taught a lesson or two tonight, put your hands behind your back." With her heart beating rapidly she did as she was told. Standing naked in front of him was dreadfully embarrassing but she was getting wet and hot between her legs again! Maybe everything they'd said about her was true...she was a slut! His big hands moulded themselves around her very sensitive breasts. He squeezed hard making her gasp in pain. Tears sprang to her eyes as he pulled at the stiff nipples.

"Turn around and bend right over you little tart. Let me have a look at those secret little holes of yours!" As she bent with widely spread legs he whistled at the sight of her buttocks and thighs, they were bright red and crisscrossed with darker welts. By the time the women came into the room a few moments later Lisa was writhing and gasping as he roughly explored both of her openings. She began to sob as his fingers stretched her open,

"Well James what do you think of my little slut?" asked Mrs Henderson. Helen's husband turned and smiled, his fingers deep inside Lisa's belly,

"You were right Jean she can't get enough of it. She's nearly come and I haven't even touched her clit!" He turned back to Lisa,

"I bet you'd like to come and help Mrs Scott and me in the shop one Saturday wouldn't you, you dirty girl?" Lisa sobbed more loudly as they all laughed.

Their laughter was still ringing in her ears when Mrs King dropped them off an hour later outside the house. Mrs Henderson told her to have a quick shower then get to bed. After all it was Friday tomorrow and work beckoned.

"Did you have a lovely time tonight young lady?" she said, "Your behaviour at times was quite disgusting! Letting that boy touch you, whatever next! Obviously you enjoyed pleasuring his penis as well! I think I might discuss you with his Aunt, Miss Cooper, she knows how to curb a dirty girl's bad habits I'm sure. No doubt she'd get her nephew to help her!" She smiled wickedly at the panic stricken and very red face of her lodger,

"Off you go then!" As she watched the young woman scamper up the stairs, red bum cheeks flashing from beneath the ridiculously short dress, she thought what an excellent evening it had been. The next time they'd make the girl go even further, she grinned, ah yes.......the next time!

The End.

YNHumiliator - November 2001

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AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

Implausible and silly!!!

The dumb kid was given a naked woman told he can do anything he wants with her - and only does fingerbanging!?!? How in the fook did he ignore having a hard cock?!?!

AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

Holy fuck! The idiot kid has a stark nekkid big titty adult woman bent over- he’s handed lube -told that he can do whatever he wants to her and if she protests she’ll getting in trouble and he can ‘stick his fingers in and things’ and ass cleaned enema - and all he does is——

Any boy past puberty might lube but definitely be more than some fingerbanging getting his dick jerked.

disappointing silliness

AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

Def need sequel

AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

Talk about tension in a story! A storm of tension in fact! An adult woman stripped naked and at the mercies of her betters knowing that at any moment any one of them could say “Go on! Get her!” and in an instant shed have an equally naked boy on top of her doing his best to drill for oil. Don’t know what would be funnier: her knowing he’s a virgin or him furiously huffing and puffing struggling to cum with the harness on

AnonymousAnonymous30 days ago

The old lady needs to wear a strapon with water filled balls and give Lisa her enema by repeatedly emptying her balls in her ass!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Serious good story through start to finish. Hot to see females dominating each her and making her cum by end story after suck suck boy on knees no clothes at feet. She know at his school lessons he will tell all friends able look at her boobs sex parts and hit bottom

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Wish was longer!

LOLed at when Lisa getting her private parts played with by Tim at the same time Susan was teasing him by playing his

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Fun story needs work…

Some cliffhangers though

1. “Nothing and nobody had ever been so far inside her bottom before.” - a subtle way to say she has experience with guys banging her ass

2. “…both of her holes were penetrated simultaneously for the first time in her life.” - Hhmmmm?

3. Timothy’s pecker harness - in the story it’s completely pointless yeah she’s embarrassed to be naked and seeing a boy with an extra-hard pecker but other than there’s really no reason for it her fear doesn’t really make sense.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

This story is a fav! If you would ever add more please do think about having Lisa spend a week with Mr Mrs Scott. Alternating between the couple as they have fun with her would be fun for them and spicy dilemma for Lisa. It could bother Lisa’s morals that he is married man but also embarrassing that wife is enjoying herself too… even if just laughing as she walks in on him getting sucked by the toy or walking in and having a casual conversation all the while he’s punishing her

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Hell if you want to drive Lisa insane by not letting her orgasm just make it impossible for her to. Put a cap on her volcano can’t vent need

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Like how both Scott’s had fun with Lisa. She gotta do a 3way with them as a fluffer

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Hahaha she had to them ask the boy if she could please suck his cock love it

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

“Lisa's eyes bulged and she groaned loudly as both of her holes were penetrated simultaneously for the first time in her life.”

Hmmmm sounds like that might be a good way to make sure she’s being a good girl with an extratight pussy when boys fuck her with smaller penis. Be impolite not to make them feel like they are big and they are really stretching her pussy

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

From ‘head-down ass-up’ to receive her enema, to stripping naked for the ladies to play with shes kept humiliated and aroused. Really liked how the boy was naked too and she could see his hard cock. Since Lisa supposed to be a good girl how about she have to help shave his cock balls sometime

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Cool story. Woulda preferred more teasing Lisa to edge of orgasm and keeping her there especially if done by naked boy. Adding to her humiliation and helplessness

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Helens husband is the man!

In no time flat he’s ordered Lisa to get naked and get her hands back out of the way.

I’ll bet when he was in heaven squeezing those big tits, and tugging on her hard nips.

The best part tho was when he just casually tells her to bend over that he wants to check out her holes before giving her the ‘ten pin bowling ball treatment.’


AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

What da foooook! Having a boy tell her to open her legs before eventually popping her in the pusss! That’d be almost as bad the metal clips were!

Do have one question tho when he’s gonna whip her pussy would she be facing him or her back to him?

If facing away from him she’d have the helpless uncertainty of facing unable to expect the strike.

If facing him she’d have the humiliation of standing perfectly still and being unable to do anything about anything.

If she’s standing facing him If he aims just right he’d also get 2x the points if he’s able to not only get her pussy good but also for whip to continue forward and up. Now she’s looking at not only a sore pussy but now a welted perineum and a rapidly swelling butthole that had to stop the super sonic tip of a whip.

I’d bet she’d be shrieking and howling!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I’ve always enjoyed all you stories over the years..

This one is definitely a fav. I’ve always wanted to share my personal scenario.

This is the perfect Lisa story. Her humiliation and pain all just snowball so well.

What if this same exact format was re-visited with Lisa being punished but in addition the boy is being punished also. Readers prolly don’t care about that but while Lisa is in the bathroom getting her enema she could also be hearing the boy hollaring as the ladies punish him.

Holly or whoever could even torment her a little that “Some people say when guys feel enough pain it tend to make them excited in other ways… like aroused, but a lot angrier.” Vague implied threats to increase Lisa foreboding.

Lisa walks in and the boy is already naked and welted up.

Soon she’s undressing and the games begin.

Eventually she has to face the boy, and both are given a whip. They are to whip each other anywhere they choose with the other hand on thier head, and the one who the ladies decide did theirs the weakest has to stick thier butt out for the cane, and at the end whoever yelled the loudest gets extra, or whoever flinched before they got hit.

Now they have to whip each other or stand still. It’s difficult for Lisa since she’s already humiliated to be intimidated by him, and he already has an erection that twitch’s as she yells.

Despite her best efforts halfway through her whip barely nicks his scrotum. Needless to say he’s in agony, finally he stands back up and Lisa is very very intimidated as he’s now very angry at her.

The ladies all laugh as Mrs Henderson tells her to open her legs. “To make things fair” After he taunts her with the twirling whip for a few minutes, Lisa is left voicing her disapproval several octaves higher, after his whip slams up into her wide open puss.

Needless to say after Lisa regains her senses, he proceeds to truly exert effort and destroys her with the whip, driving her to her knees. But despite the hurricane from the whip he’s not just happy to welt the naked ball of tears, he then utterly dominates her, laughingly ordering her to roll over on her back and to spread eagle to show her surrender and yielding to him, by holding his whip to her throat, announcing that he had won and she was submitting to whatever he wanted, and that she was begging for him to claim his prize. They all laugh at her, and she’s told “…later..”

Of course he taunts her by ordering her not to move, then testing her with the whip.

He then gets her to instantly obey him only using the threat of his whip or poking slapping her with the handle. Much to the entertainment of the ladies, he “guides” a now very meek Lisa to perform all sorts of humiliating things: lewd poses, embarrassing positions, having her name her body part as he strikes it, having her to admit by shouting to doing all kinds of sexual depravities, lick the ladies to orgasm, try out toys, requests to be inspected, all the while fingering herself just to the very edge of orgasm, and whenever she gets “too close” she’s gotta start fingering her ass to cool herself down some.

After she returns from a him ordered kitchen snack trip mrs Henderson orders Lisa to get on her elbows and knees and for him to walk around her. She starts asking him all sorts questions about Lisa: Was he having fun? Is she attractive? His favorite part(s) of her? What he would like to do next?

It goes on and on for quite a while. Needless to say he’s getting more and excited as he’s eyeing the very tired welted exhausted Lisa. His ego and blood is pumping, he just knows what coming and he can’t wait. She is very humiliated beyond mortified to have been so dominanted by him and now on display, she just knows what’s coming and that he can’t wait.

After a loooooooong time he is reminded that since he is being punished he is to sit down, and Lisa is told to masturbate him with only her hand

He’s in agony as he’s not allowed to give full vent to his frustration, Lisa is overjoyed that she only has to wank him.

Lisa desperately attempting to salvage even a shred of her dignity, tries to console herself that even though he beat her naked and reveled in her submitting, at least she only has to wank him off this time… however any trace of smugness is ripped away as Mrs Henderson orders her to aim his cock at herself.

Afterwards after Lisa is ordered to orgasm for them, the boy is promised that next time, if he behaves, Lisa won’t be using only her hand.

Be a nice twist on things while stay same

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Cool story

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

OMFG!! She put the clips on her pussy lips her clit hood! Ow ow ow ow ow that would be like a guy having his balls in a bear trap! Then totally ignoring that’s most likely she is still very inflamed, and tender to the point that due to the restriction from the swelling, any penetration would now be very uncomfortable, instead of letting her sit on ice, they then proceed to repeatedly jam her hard with the pink dildo. lol

Just wish that when she was getting paddled they’d at least once have hit the base of the thing in her ass. 8 inches suddenly slamming forward would definitely wake her up!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Like Susan and mr and mrs Scott. When they were talking at the end Lisa heard Ms Henderson mentioned inviting ’men and boys’ to the next party. Even though it’s been a long time if the author would write more.

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