Lonely Rhodes


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When he reached her crotch, he skipped her pussy and continued his teasing by working up her inner thighs. When he reached her pussy, he admired it a bit. It was well groomed, and only had a small neat patch of light brown hair just above her dripping slit.

Brett then began kissing and licking her pussy, working from the outside and moving inward. When his tongue fucked her sensitive hole, it was greeted with a grateful moan. Between the moaning and the thrashing, it was clear that Kim approved of his actions. It was not long until she began screaming that she was close. Brett switched his attention to her clit, and seconds later she came. Brett drank her sweet juices as they gushed from her pussy.

As she came down from the orgasm, Brett positioned the head of his cock at her wet entrance. He then slowly began thrusting his hips forward, driving his hard cock into her tight pussy. Kim put up no resistance, instead asking him to go harder and faster.

Soon Brett was doing just that, and his hard fucking so soon after her last orgasm was enough to quickly push her over the edge. As Kim came, Brett decided to shift positions, and was able to get her on all fours. He then lined himself up with her pussy from behind, and continued to fuck her.

A while later, when he could no longer hold it any longer, he came in her pussy. As he shot his cum into her, he felt the walls of her pussy contract as she came for a third time. It was only as they lay cuddled together that he realized his mistake.

"What's wrong?" Kim asked, apparently noting his distress.

Brett then admitted, "I, uh, just came in you. I'm sorry, I should have worn a condom or something."

Kim kissed him and said, "Is that all? Well thank you for your concern, but I'm on the pill, so we are okay." She then smiled and stoking his limp cock, hinted, "In fact, whenever your little friend is ready, my pussy is ready for more." Brett felt his cock start to harden at her words, and a few minutes later it was at full staff. Brett went to rise off the bed to fuck Kim, but she pushed him down and mounted him.

As she lowered herself onto his hard shaft, she said, "It's okay baby, Kimmy's going to drive this time. Just lay back, and let me make you feel real good baby."

She then began raising and lowering herself on his hard shaft. Slow and steady at first, but getting faster as she went. Brett simply admired the beautiful woman as she bounced up and down. He especially enjoyed the bouncing of her sizable tits. After a while, Brett reached up began caressing Kim's body, her tits and tight ass being his favorite spots.

Kim rode him through two more orgasms before Brett came in her pussy again. When he was spent, he pulled her into a tight embrace.

As she drifted to sleep, Kim hugged him close and said, "Don't let go. I don't want to be alone anymore. So surrounded, yet so very alone..." Brett was left pondering her statement as he too drifted of to sleep.

When Brett awoke the next morning, he expected it all to have been one giant dream. However, when he found Kim's warm slumbering form still cuddled against his, he knew that it had not been. He kissed her and she stirred.

"Good morning," he said with a smile as her eyes opened. He chuckled to himself when he realized that this was the second time he had woken her.

"Morning," Kim said, stretching a bit and giving him a great view of her tits. She then leaned in and kissed him. She smiled and said, "You were wonderful last night baby, and god did I need it. It's been ages since I got laid, much less had sex that good."

Brett thanked her, and after putting his boxers back on, went to the kitchen to see about breakfast. Kim located her bag, extracted a robe and put it on.

Over breakfast, the pair made plans for the day. It seemed that Kim wanted a guided tour of the island, so they set out after breakfast. This tour took longer than Brett's first one due to a detour at the falls for a naked swim. They also picked up a bulk of Kim's clothing from her cabin on the way through. After the previous night, Kim insisted on sleeping with Brett. Not one to refuse a pretty girl wanting to share his bed, Brett agreed.

For the remainder of the two weeks, the pair lived primarily out of Brett's cabin, although they went to Kim's when they used the beach. As promised, Brett also taught Kim to canoe. By the end of the two weeks, she was fairly capable on the water. When the pair was not hiking, swimming, or canoeing, they often sat around, enjoying the wilderness and talking about their lives.

Brett got all the basic information. She was 25, and came from Georgia, which explained her accent. She had two older brothers who were married with kids. Brett was pleased to learn she had no boyfriend of any kind, much to the distress of her mother. Kim simply had not had time for one, as her marketing job with a major record label kept her too busy for any real social life. This, of course, explained the loneliness Brett had sensed after first meeting her, not to mention her cryptic statement that first night.

In turn, Brett shared his information, telling her about his family and job. He also explained his love of the outdoors, and cited it as the reason he decided to spend his well earned vacation time here. To his delight, Kim seemed to share his love for nature as well. Although the cabin had not been her idea, she found it both extremely relaxing and invigorating.

The more they talked, the more perfect Kim seemed for him. He would have proposed right there and then if there was not something bothering him about her. It was little things really, but she seemed tense when he asked her about work, or that she seemed to be hiding something from him.

Then, there was the shower singing that one morning. It had seemed too familiar, but he just could not place the tune. It was silly stuff, but he could not help feeling that it was all connected somehow. He decided to trust her, and figured that if it were important, she would tell him. On the their second to last night together as they cuddled on the bench after dinner, it seemed Kim was finally ready to reveal what she was hiding.

"Brett, I have something to tell you. As you may have guessed, I haven't exactly been totally honest with you. Remember when I said I did promotional work for a major record label?" Brett nodded, and she added, "Well, that's not true. Truth is, they do promotions for me." She took a deep breath and admitted, "Brett, I'm Kelsey Rhodes." She looked at him hopefully as she waited for an answer.

Brett opened his mouth and said, "I know."

His answer surprised even him and a shocked Kim responded, "You did? Oh no, you're a reporter or something. I knew you were too perfect," she said with a groan, hurt filling her eyes.

Brett, alarmed by her shift in attitude, quickly explained, "No! No, that's not it at all. I just guessed, I swear. I mean, you look like her, you work for the record label, and then there was the singing in the shower." She looked confused and he said, "I, ah, caught you singing one of your songs the other morning. I only just realized where I had heard it before. So I did not know for sure, but I had a strong hunch."

"Why didn't you say anything?" She asked. Brett rolled his eyes and said,

"Yeah, that would have gone well. 'Say baby, are you that pop star, Kelsey Rhodes?' It would have made me look crazy. Besides, it seemed that you went through a lot of trouble to be Kim while you were here. I figured if you needed to be Kim, then who am I to wreck it?" He paused, then added, "I like Kim a lot better anyway. She's one smart, sexy, and talented woman. By the way, you really should not let them over mix your voice. It sounds great as is." Kim smiled with tears in her eyes.

She kissed him deeply and admitted softly, "Thank you. You have no idea what it means to me to hear you say that."

Brett smiled and said, "You're quite welcome. I meant every word, but I dare say we have some thing to discuss tomorrow. How about we take a stroll around the island and discuss this Kelsey business and what it means for you and me?"

Kim smiled and said, "Thank you for understanding. I knew, or rather hoped, you would. And yes, your idea for a stroll tomorrow sounds like a good one."

"Well good, that's settled then. One more thing though, and then we will leave this alone for tonight. I know its obnoxious, but please bear with me." It seemed she already knew what he was going to do, and she giggled and nodded. Brett then stood and did a weird victory dance as he chanted, "I fucked Kelsey Rhodes," over and over again.

Kim laughed in delight watching him and when he was finished she said, "Yes, you did, and quite well I might add. I am really going to miss your little friend."

Brett then said, "Thank you baby, and sorry about that, but I had to celebrate. Oh, and my little friend will miss your tight pussy more."

They retired to bed soon after and Brett gave the pop princess a fucking befitting her title. When they were finished and Kim had caught her breath, she said, "Wow, you outdid yourself baby. What got into you?"

Brett did not even answer as it was obvious, and she answered her own question, "It was Kelsey wasn't it?" Brett nodded, a bit embarrassed, but Kim said, "Well, if I had known that was the fucking I would get with you knowing that, I would have told youmuchsooner." Then she kissed him and said, "And don't worry, I'm not mad about you working out your Kelsey fantasies. Just don't do it every time."

Brett felt relief wash over him as he smiled and said, "Deal."

The next day, as promised, was spent discussing Kim's career as Kelsey. How she had gotten her break, where the name Kelsey Rhodes had come from, and why she was making headlines in New York while she had been on the island at the time were among the bigger topics.

That was the easiest answer. After the initial fun of super-stardom had worn off, Kim had tired a bit of the public scene, and wanted rest for her world tour that kicked off just after she got back. So they sent her to a remote island by herself to unwind and find herself. However, the record company, not wanting to admit their new star was feeling burnt out, decide to hire a double to keep a public profile while the real Kelsey prepared for the tour. In Brett's opinion, the double was definitely doing that given the radio update he had heard earlier.

As for the name change, it appeared that they found all parts of Kimberly Anne Ryder too boring. So Kim borrowed her childhood dog's name and, not wanting to just be 'Kelsey', had them add Rhodes to her name. Kim really did not mind too much, as it helped keep her family out of the spotlight, at least for a while. She was thinking about legally changing it to stop confusion, but wanted to see how her tour and second album went first.

That album was the other reason she was out here alone. Brett thought at first he had hindered her effort, but she assured him it was quite the opposite.

As she elaborated the point she smiled and said, "Actually I was going nuts here by myself before you showed. Being around you grounded me quite a bit. Just getting to be Kim again, if only for a while, helped more than you know." She then blushed and said, "Besides, you awakened some feelings that were long dormant, and gave me quite a few new ones. I already have several ideas I am working on. If anything, you cured a major case of writer's block. I dare say, my next album will be filled with songs I can trace back to my time here."

Brett smiled, glad to have been so much help. Now that they were on the future, he turned the discussion to what was next. This had no easy answer. To be honest, no matter how deeply he cared for her, it would be a difficult climb, even without the Kelsey issue. After all, it was already a cross country relationship, as he lived in Chicago and she lived outside Atlanta.

When they added the fact that she was a mega star, it only made a bad situation worse. It was too much to risk for something that could, maybe in time, become serious.

Each briefly discussed their plans for the coming months and thought of ways that maybe a continued relationship could be possible. While it seemed neither wanted to say goodbye for good the next day, they could not come up with a solution either. They instead decided to sleep on it, and talk it over in the morning. They figured that if tonight was to be their last together, it was better to not worry about tomorrow or life back in the real world.

That night, they each came up with a going away present for the other. Brett cooked a feast for them, and after dinner Kim sang "Georgia on my Mind", saying it reminded her of home and when she first learned to sing. Brett gave her a standing ovation, and as she joined him on the bench she elaborated about the song,

"My grandma taught it to me," she said with a smile and she continued, "She used to say that no self respecting Georgian could call themselves a singer without knowing that song." She sighed and said, "That was when it was fun and easy, before all the contracts and agents and pressure." Brett looked at her oddly and said,

"But you reached your dream Kim. I mean, people would literally kill for what you have. You made it in a tough industry." She looked down and said,

"I know I should be thankful and happy, but if everything is so great, why does a part of me feel empty? I'll tell you why: because I am a gimmick, a blip on the pop culture radar. And when I fade away, all of these people around me will leave and I'll be back in Georgia." He raised her chin and said,

"People care about you Kim, and those that only like you for your fame don't deserve you anyway." She laughed a bit and said,

"Yeah, sure, people care. That's why I was banished to an island for two weeks, not because I was bitchy. Who cares about me?"

"Well, your family for one Kim. From what you told me about them, they seem very close to you. I bet you also have a few true friends. Don't let fame and fortune cause you to forget them." He paused and said, "And for what it's worth Kim, I care about you deeply, pop star or not. You are the kindest, smartest, and sexiest woman I have ever met. You have real talent, and if you only let the world see the real you, I have no doubt you will be around for quite some time."

"Really? You mean it? You care about me?" Kim said hopefully.

Brett thought a second then said, "Kim, I think I love you."

Kim's face lit up and she said, "Really? Because I think I love you too." She said and kissed him. After the kiss she requested, "Take me to bed and love me Brett." Brett needed no second request.

He carried her to the bed. Unlike their first night together, this time things were slow and sultry. Both parties were clearly basking in the warmth of new love as Brett slowly and sensually made love to Kim. When they came together at the end, the feeling Brett had was unlike any he ever had before. That night, they fell into a deep contented sleep, cuddled in each other's arms.

The next day was departure day for both. Brett would canoe back, so he was leaving first. The charter service would pick Kim up later that afternoon. This also assured that Kim's agent remained ignorant about Brett for as long as possible. Brett packed his clothes and gear and loaded up the canoe before closing down the cabin. He and Kim then took one last canoe trip together around to her side of the island where he helped her unload her stuff. As they stood on the rock where it had all began for them, Brett said his goodbye.

"First off, I have two things for you." He handed her a bundled up hoodie she had worn throughout the two weeks and said, "I want you to have this. It shrank a while back, and you can get more use out of it than I can. It's something to remember me by. And this way I know you'll stay warm without me nearby." She smiled at this and took the hoodie, hugging it close to her with affection. Brett next held up a folded slip of paper and said, "This is my phone number. Whether you call it or not is up to you. Your life is far more complex than mine, so I leave the ball in your court, as they say. I am willing to give us a try, but I also know that nothing can happen for quite a while. Between your tour and my obligations to my job and family, it just won't work right now..." he trailed off, and she nodded her understanding and finished the sentence.

"But maybe someday it will," she said with a smile.

Brett nodded and continued, "If you're in Chicago, or you ever need me, or just want to talk, give me a call. Please do try to keep those 'just talk' calls at a reasonable hour though." She chuckled at this and nodded before taking the paper from him. She then pulled the neck of her t-shirt down and stuffed the paper in her bra. Brett smiled at this, and pulled her into a deep long kiss.

When they parted he said, "It was an honor to meet and get to know you, Kim Ryder. I hope we will meet again."

He kissed her one last time, then set off for his canoe. As he paddled away from the shore, he watched the waving figured fade into the distance. When she was gone from view, he wondered if that would be the last time he would ever hear from his new friend and lover. Whether he heard from her or not, at least the experience had made for a memorable vacation. He knew he would never forget his time with Kim, the woman underneath the glitz and glamour that was Kelsey Rhodes. He was also fairly certain she would not forget either.

Do you think she should/will call, or not? Let me know... PS

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tsgtcapttsgtcapt29 days ago

Thank you, again, for a wonderful read.

OvercriticalOvercritical11 months ago

A sweet story of two out-of-synch lives running into each other and find that maybe there is a way to match up. It is hard to imagine that a celebrity of her stature can find a way to insert some level of normalcy and get together with Brett, but who knows. A creative author could do wonders with this as a start ....or maybe not. We'll see. 4*

tsgtcapttsgtcapt12 months ago

Again, glad this adventure is so fun, loving, and hopeful - even sexy!!

tsgtcapttsgtcaptover 1 year ago

I know there are more chapters. I know I've read all before (×2 or3). I also know I have really enjoyed this adventure.

SoCaliDudeSoCaliDudealmost 4 years ago
Wonderful story!

Very nice! Tastefully written, with an understanding of the trials of celebrity life. Please write another chapter where they fall in love, he moves to Georgia and they marry and have children that sing.

caryzfieldcaryzfieldover 4 years ago
Awesome story

I love this story. Please continue it and yes, have her call and then have those 2 get married and have a wonderful life together

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Life can be good. Very good things do happen to good people, they are not all fairy tales.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
kind of obvious

I gather Kelsey's Secret Identity was supposed to come as a big surprise. Oops.

WoodbgoodWoodbgoodalmost 8 years ago
Please continue this wonderful love story.

Yes, do continue this story. They could secretly meet and those clandestine meetings would make for quite a story. Perhaps they could even marry in the future or he could become her manager and husband. Write more please.. I am nearly finished with your stories and though I read them out of order to some extent; it was wonderful reeding and I look forward to more. One bit of advice I would like to offer as constructive criticism; please add a second editor to catch some of the small errors that seem to occur when you are really rolling with the story. Woodbgood

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

An hour after meeting her he thinks he is falling in love with her

Yeah I think the wanker is right, he needs to stroke A few off

I highly fucking imagine

Gave it an ace for the attempt

JoshingJoshingover 14 years ago
more, more more.......

I want more!!!!!!

PaulStevensPaulStevensover 14 years agoAuthor
'She Calls' wins by a landslide

The vote is in and it is clear that Kim will be calling Brett, so it appears I have work to do. From your comments it seems we agree there should be more and in what direction it should go. Thank you for all your comments and stay tuned.


AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

To quote Oliver Twist; "Please sir, give me more." Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Great story

What a wonderful story- Surprisingly entertaining and interesting heartwarming story about two strangers in the night. Her identity is not really a surprise but did add interest to the story. Would love to see a chapter two .

the Ct. Yankee

Dinora3228Dinora3228over 14 years ago
lots of possibilities if you want to turn this into a series

A down to earth guy, a gal whose life is a bit surreal. I can see this story going in all sorts of directions. It's lovely to have a story from a male perspective - most of the romance stories I read here seem to be written by females and I often find myself wondering about the male perspective.

PennLadyPennLadyover 14 years ago
Good stuff

This was good and I'd love to see a second part. I thought it was well written, although the dialogue was a little stilted (but then dialogue is probably the hardest thing to write) at times. Hope she calls. :)

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