Lord of the Lifeguards Ch. 05


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"Excellent. I knew you would come through like always. It's one of the many things I love about you Nick!"

"Well, we're gonna have to thin the ranks since we've got one too many guards now."

"Then I suggest getting rid of that Branson kid," she shot back matter-of-factly. "I've heard comments from a few of my friends...it seems he's not taking direction too well."

I was about to ask her for details but she cut me off before I had a chance to speak.

"Nick, I was really calling to talk to you about a business proposition I have in mind."

"Okay Gaylie, What's up?"

"It's a bit sensitive so best we discuss the matter in private...just the two of us."

"I'm intrigued. When would you like to meet?"

"Come by the house tomorrow at two...we can have some tea and chat. See you then Nick." And then the line went dead.

The next day I parked my Beemer in the Pearson's long circular driveway and knocked on the massive double front doors. Her housekeeper greeted me warmly and said that Gayle was waiting for me in the conservatory.

"Oh, I know the way," I said, discarding formalities and saving her a trip through the house.

Walking into the sun room, I saw Gayle sitting in a big wing back chair looking immaculate as usual in a casual sundress and big red pumps. She rose to greet me with a big smile and a tight hug that lingered just a little longer than the norm. I could feel her thigh press lightly into my crotch as she gave me a peck on the cheek.

"Thanks so much for taking time out of your day to see me. I'm sure you're plenty busy with work and all."

Motioning to the other chair, she said, "Please, sit," and then she went and closed the door to the sun room to give us some privacy.

"Would you care for some iced tea?" she asked, motioning to the pitcher sitting on the table in front of us. "So how are Mitzi and the children doing?" she asked, a little too formally, sitting back down.

"They're all doing well, thanks for asking. Hectic as usual with school, sports and everything else. Hell, I hardly ever see Mitzi since she's always gone, either hauling the kids around, working out or doing whatever with her friends."

Gayle pondered my comment for a moment before responding. "I honestly don't know how y'all do it," she said, shaking her head. "I don't regret one iota that Wiley and I decided not to have children. We just have so much going on in our lives and it would've been selfish of us to bring kids into the world, don't you think?"

I must have had a puzzled look on my face because then Gayle leaned over and put her hand on my knee.

"Oh, I'm sorry Nick," she said with a serious look on her face. "I didn't mean to imply at all that you two were selfish, it's just that it wouldn't have worked for our lifestyle."

I brushed off the comment. "No worries Gaylie. Besides, you're still very hot and who knows what kids would have done to your amazing figure," I replied, with a awkward laugh.

She smiled at my clumsy attempt at flattery. "Thanks. I'll take that as a compliment."

I decided to pivot with the conversation. "So, what's this big secret of a business opportunity you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Oh, we'll get to that in a minute but first there's something I need to know."

"Sure Gayle."

What she said next stunned me.

"Did Mandy perform oral sex on you the other night?"

Her question came like a bolt of lightning out of left field and I felt the blood suddenly drain from my face. Unsure how to respond, all I could do was stare at her blankly for a few long, painful moments.

Sensing my panic and discomfort, a smile broke out on Gayle's face and she patted my knee saying, "It's all right Nick, I was the one who put her up to it," she added gleefully.

"You what?" I asked incredulously.

"You heard me correctly. I asked her to give you a blowjob. Now did she?"

"Um yeah, she did," I responded, pretty sure that she already knew the answer but I didn't know where this was all leading. My head was spinning as I stared distantly out the windows onto her vast lawn.

"And did you enjoy it?"


"I asked, did you like it?" She said drawing out the words.

I looked at her for a few seconds before responding in a measured tone. "Yeah, I liked it a lot."

"And how was her technique?"

"Well, I could tell it wasn't her first blowjob."

"No, of course it wasn't," Gayle said laughing, sitting back in her chair again. "But I did offer her a few pointers so hopefully you gave her a passing grade."

I found this entire conversation astonishing. "Why did you ask her to do that?"

"Honestly, it was a bit of a test for her...and you. And for the record, you both passed. I'm glad you enjoyed it because Mandy said she did too."

I just stared at my friend, not knowing what to say.

She continued. "In fact, Mandy was very impressed with the size of your penis and said you produced, shall we say, a prodigious amount of semen. If you weren't so damn old, I might be tempted to try you out myself," she snorted.

"Hey now, I'm 38 and we're the same age," I responded in half-protest.

"Oh, don't be so sensitive Nick, I was only kidding. No offense intended, but you know my preferences lie with the younger set anyway." she said nonchalantly with a wave of her hand. "But you never know what might happen down the road," she added with a slight smirk.

"What's this all about?" I asked her.

"Nick, there's a reason why I ask you to ensure certain people are hired at the pool. You've no doubt seen these same young people working at my gala and other events, ensuring my invited guests are well taken care of, so to speak."

I nodded my head in agreement.

"I don't hire these people and bring them into my home just for the sake of using them as hired help...I've got plenty of staff for that. I'm mentoring them Nick. You see, they're my interns and I'm opening up opportunities for them that they might not otherwise have."

"Keep going." I said, still unsure where this was headed.

"I give these young women and men a chance to meet and rub shoulders with corporate titans, power brokers, diplomats and the like...we're talking about highly successful people not only from here in our city, but from around the world. You've been here, you know what I'm talking about."

I nodded again.

"My galas raise an incredible amount of much needed money for my charitable causes, both from direct donations and from the silent auctions we hold. But some of my donor friends are finding the auctions a bit dull...after all, a person can only go on so many boring Parisian holidays or private cult wine tastings in Napa," she chuckled.

Gayle continued. "These are all people of immense wealth and power who have, shall we say, certain needs and desires...and they value discretion and their privacy above all else. Recently, some of them have been asking me if it's possible for them to hire my interns...you know, on a short-term basis. Do you follow me Nick?"

"Are you saying they want you to pimp out these kids to have sex with them?" I said bluntly.

"Don't be so crass Nick. They aren't exactly kids and I have no intention of running a prostitution ring out of my home. But I do see an opportunity to spice things up for my donors and bump up the charitable donations," she said with a grin.

"My plan is to make my interns available to spend private time with my more discerning, well-healed friends in exchange for a generous gift to one of my charities. One hundred percent of those proceeds will go to the cause. As for the interns and donors, well, they can work out arrangements and details between themselves."

I should have been shocked listening to all this, but Gayle made it sound like a legitimate charitable transaction and frankly, I was a little bit intrigued by it all.

"And what exactly does this have to do with me?" I asked.

"Glad you asked. I've been personally mentoring my interns but as the group grows larger, it's becoming a bit more demanding of my time and I need your help."

"In what way?"

"I really need your help vetting candidates and grooming prospective interns to ensure they're well prepped and positioned to succeed in this highly demanding environment."

This all sounded so clinical, like I was talking to the director of HR of some major corporation.

"Nick, these interns come to me through a variety of highly confidential sources that I trust wholeheartedly. But I'm from the school where you trust everyone, but cut the cards. To be candid, I need for you to verify that each of these interns is indeed willing to have sex of their own volition," she said, and then paused for a moment.

"Most importantly, I need you to personally validate their individual specialties and if needed, provide the proper guidance and training to help them improve their skills."

Gayle paused, waiting for Nick's reaction.

"So, let me get this straight, you want me to have sex with your female interns to make sure they know what to do? Based on Mandy's talents I don't think you'll have anything to worry about."

Gayle leaned forward and looked at Nick with total seriousness. "Nick, I'm not just talking about the girls."

This one caught me off guard. "You're kidding me right Gaylie? You want me to have sex with the guys too?"

Then she laughed. "Not all of them silly, just the ones that tilt in a particular direction, if you get my drift. My friends have a variety of preferences and expectations and I have to make sure they can all be satisfied."

"Uh, no Gayle...I don't roll that way."

"C'mon Nick, I think you and I both know better," she said, cocking her head towards me with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh really?" I shot back.

"I know a lot more about you than you probably realize," she said, settling back in her chair.

I looked at her quizzically without responding.

"For instance, I know that in college you were with a couple of different guys from the lacrosse team, and it wasn't just to exchange blowjobs. I also know that your Mitzi likes sex, but just not particularly with you. And word on the street is that while you're apparently blessed with the size and stamina of a Texas longhorn, you're also exceptionally well-practiced and talented in the art of cunnilingus."

Gayle had a smug look on her face as I sat there in stunned silence trying to process all of this. I felt totally embarrassed because she was spot on...but where in the hell did she get her information?

"I know, I know...you're wondering how I know all of this, but don't worry, your secrets are safe with me," she said winking. "Besides, I'm bi as well...there, feel better now?"

The hits just keep on coming, I thought to myself.

"You know, we Penfields may just be a family of dusty old gold miners, but we haven't survived the last 150 years in this area on our money and wits alone. Nick, the most valuable commodity I know of is information. You can imagine the network of friends, confidants and consiglieres we've built along the way."

She took a sip of her tea and then added for effect, "And I suppose we've gained a few adversaries over the years as well, but we've always managed to deal with them in one way or another."

Then she got serious.

"Nick, I want you to set up the framework for this new enterprise for me and do it in a way so as not to attract any attention. For obvious reasons, I can't be associated with it in any way and neither can my donors so clandestineness is paramount. Along with the perks of working closely with the interns, I can assure you that you'll be handsomely rewarded for your efforts."

"I dunno Gayle, I'm not sure I'm up for all of this."

"Don't be ridiculous, of course you are. The reason I asked Mandy to seduce you was not just to test her to see if she was willing, it was also to see if you could be lured into temptation. The fact that you not only let her suck you off, but you tried to take things further with her tells me volumes. So yes Nick, you can and will do this for me."

I was totally dumbfounded by this whole conversation.

"And one more thing Nick. Mandy really wanted you to go down on her but I wouldn't permit it."

"Why was that?" I asked, acting disappointed.

"Because I wanted to experience you first silly."

Then Gayle slung her left leg over the arm of her chair, her long leg and red Jimmy Choo pump dangling in the air. She pulled her sundress up past her knees until it gathered at her waist. Not wearing any underwear, her sex was now fully exposed for me to see everything. Ironically, a ray of light shining through the glass of the sunroom at that moment illuminated her perfectly smooth pussy like it was the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

"Now let's just see how good you really are."

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Here was my good friend Gayle sitting there with her legs spread in front of me...I could see her lips glistening in the sunlight as her hand went to her moist pussy. Looking straight at me, she ran her fingers through her slit a couple of times, then started massaging her love button in a slow circular motion.

The erotic scene unfolding in front of me immediately caused my prick to get hard. But in the back of my mind was the lingering thought that I didn't want to be the one to cause problems in her marriage.

Sensing my apprehension, she said, "What're you waiting for Nick...you scared?"

"What about Wiley?"

Still rubbing her clit, she cooed, "Oh, don't worry about him, he's in Zurich this week. Besides, he'll get all worked up when I tell him what happened today. Now get over here and eat me Nick."

I didn't need to be told twice as I fell to my knees in front of her and took in the fragrant aroma of her womanhood. I began by kissing my way from her knee to the inside of her thighs, coming close to the humid confines of her love tunnel. Then I backed off and worked my way up the other leg until I came to the soft skin next to her lips. Her pussy was perfect, her inner lips just barely peeking out of the outer lips. At the top I could see her little man in the boat gently hiding under its little hood, waiting for my tongue.

I leaned in and gently ran the tip of my tongue from the bottom of her wet slit to the top, pausing to run it over her clit causing her to jump slightly. She tasted sweet to me, like honeydew vine water, as I let her nectar linger on my taste buds for a moment. I repeated this a few more times, running my tongue through her wet channel and flicking her love nub. I could tell she was enjoying this by the way she squirmed. She pushed herself lower in the chair, forcing her pussy into my face.

"Oh yeah, Nick, keep doing that," she purred.

Gayle may think I'm hung like a steer, but she was about to experience another blessing - my abnormally long tongue. With her legs spread wide now, my thumbs gently opened her lips wider uncovering her erect clit and the pink entrance to her hot hole. I gave her wet gash a few more long licks then I attacked her quim with a vengeance. I concentrated on putting pressure on her love button, licking it in a steady rhythm with the tip of my tongue. She was moaning now as I flicked it up and down.

Gayle put both of her hands on the back of my head and pulled my face tighter into her sopping vagina. I pressed my lips into her hole and started sucking her clit for all I was worth. I could barely breathe as she held my head tightly and her body began to shudder and quake. Her grip on my head eased involuntarily as the beginning of her orgasm took control but I didn't stop my assault on her pleasure nub.

Reaching down, I cupped her ass cheeks and forced by tongue deep into her hole and started to fuck her with it. With the top of my lip still pressed against her clit, my tongue darted in and out of her pussy like a cock. Her pussy muscles started contracting, clamping onto my tongue and her body started shaking uncontrollably as she climaxed and went over the edge and into the chasm of pleasure. I was rewarded with a flood of her warm sweet excretion that coated my lips and face.

As her shaking subsided, I licked up more from her honey pot causing her body to jolt with small aftershocks. When I touched her clit, she pushed me away.

"Please stop Nick...it's a little sensitive after that," she said, her chest still heaving as she tried to catch her breath.

I had no intention of stopping now. If she wanted to experience me, she was gonna get the full Monty. Grabbing her hips, I roughly flipped her over and positioned her knees on the chair with her ass in the air and then I spread her knees apart with my hands.

"Time to play side B," I said, before diving in.

Spreading her ass cheeks apart with my hands, I dove into her pussy from behind and began tongue-fucking her hole. I penetrated her as deep as I could go, my tongue boring into her tunnel like it was mining for precious gems. Drenched from her orgasm, her pussy juices had leaked down the crack of her ass. As I pulled her cunt onto my tongue, the tip of my nose rubbed her wet anal opening and I took her pungent aroma deep into my lungs. I held her hips tight as my tongue snaked in and out of her, pausing to flick her clit some more. Each time the tip touched her nub, she jumped slightly and moaned into the side of the chair.

I kept this up for a couple of minutes then decided it was time for some good old-fashioned ass licking. I began by taking long, deliberate swipes at her, running my tongue from her hood ornament, through her gaped opening and to her pink rosebud. As I licked her, it reminded me of the days of my youth, licking frosting off the spatula when my mother used to bake cakes. Even then I liked to take it slow and savor the moment. Come to think of it, maybe that's where it all started.

Now pausing at the top and spreading her cheeks wider, I began to work on her tight butthole. I pressed my firm tongue tip against her opening and started rimming her as I massaged her clit with my thumb. She was moaning louder now as my tongue loosened up her sphincter. My left hand pulled her ass cheek wider, my thumb tip at the rim, as I inserted a couple of digits of my right hand into her cunt for the first time. I was able to get my tongue tip into her opening as I simultaneously started ramming my fingers deep inside her well lubricated pussy. I found her to be surprisingly tight for her age as my fingertips started hitting her g-spot. Her moans turned into grunts as she started the climb to another orgasm.

I wanted badly to whip out my hard cock and fill both of her holes but I was enjoying this too much to stop now. With my tongue in her ass, I continued finger-banging her sloppy cunt as she started to grind her ass backward, inviting, no begging me to go deeper inside her. So I did. I was relentless as my fingers jabbed at her pussy sinking them to the hilt, only stopping when I couldn't go past the third knuckle. My hand was coated with her juices as I picked up the pace and finger-fucked her sloppy hole with abandon.

"Unghgh! Unghgh! Unghgh!" she grunted in cadence with my fingers slamming into her cervix.

"Ungh...Ungh...keep...do...ing...that...feels...so...good." She could catch her breath long enough to grunt in single syllables as my tongue went deeper into her ass, my fingers hitting the deepest reaches of her cunt.

Her entire ass and vaginal area were a sopping mess, a mix of my saliva and her gooey juices that were now flowing freely from her pussy. I was starting to run out of steam from my relentless incursion on her now cavernous holes when I sensed the onset of her second cumming. Her body started to tremble and then some sort of synapse fired in her brain, and like a factory assembly line shutting down, she went into lock-down mode.