Lord of the Lifeguards Ch. 06


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Once she was satisfied with what she had heard, Mrs. Pearson said, "Congratulations Mandy, you're the new Lord of the Lifeguards."

"Thank you Mrs. Pearson," she replied enthusiastically, although she wasn't exactly sure what that title meant.

"You may recall me mentioning a software company the other day during lunch...it's actually Nick's firm that you'll be working with to develop the technology. He runs a top-notch operation and I'm totally confident in his work."

"Great!" Mandy said excitedly.

"Now since you'll be a client of his, it's essential you keep your relationship on a professional level going forward. Do you understand what I'm saying Mandy?"

"Yes ma'am, I understand."

"From now on, you'll also be taking over the recruiting and vetting process and making sure that the swim club staff is made up of your associates. Not all will want to be lifeguards and that's okay."

"I may recommend potential candidates to you from time-to-time but you'll have the final say on all hiring so it'll be up to you to ensure they meet our high standards. I don't think I need to elaborate on what that means."

"No ma'am," Mandy replied firmly.

"Mandy, I also keep a penthouse condo downtown that you'll be free to use when you need to relax or conduct interviews and such. It's fully furnished but no one lives there so it'll give you complete privacy. Drop by and I'll have a key waiting for you."

What Gayle neglected to mention was that she also intended to have Nick assist with the vetting process and that he would also have a key to the place.


There simply wasn't enough time for Mandy to get her enterprise up and running in time for Mrs. Pearson's gala that summer but she was able to provide plenty of young, beautiful talent to help out. Not to be confused with the hired help, they were there to solely to escort guests, ensure their glass of their libation of choice was always topped off, and to roam the grounds of the Pearson estate and converse with her highfalutin donors.

More than just pretty faces, the female and male associates were all intelligent and aspiring bon vivants, capable of engaging with guests on a wide range of topics such as global politics, business and finance, sports and entertainment, food and wine and other subjects - sometimes in multiple languages.

That year's theme was Gatsby so all the guests wore evening tuxes and dresses suitable for the warm, summer evening. The associates' all-white, silk outfits were provided courtesy of Mrs. Pearson and outfitted by the top couture salon in town. The men wore a quasi-tux ensemble including short-sleeved shirts, vests with bow ties, form-fitting pants, and Italian loafers.

The women sported tiny midriff vests to emphasize their chests and show off their flat stomachs, along with short white cocktail dresses that left little to the imagination. Designer high-heeled pumps accentuated their tanned and toned legs.

All their attire was custom tailored to show off the physical attributes of the wearer so while sexy and classy, there was ample skin to be seen without coming across as raunchy or slutty. Every detail was accounted for, down to the silk thongs both sexes were expected to wear.

Before the gala began, the eight female and four male associates assembled together so Mrs. Pearson could give them a final once-over and last instructions. She was pleased with what she saw. The women's hair and make-up were perfect thanks to her team of stylists. Everyone's outfits were all fitted just right. All looked very fuckable which was everyone's intent. The mere sight of the gathering made Gayle's pussy stir. But this evening was not about her.

She reiterated her expectations. They were always to conduct themselves with class and dignity. While they were all expected to proactively engage and converse with the guests, they were never, ever to be the first to initiate discussion of anything sex-related since not all the guests were privy to this option.

If there was interest, they would be approached by the guest who would discretely make an inquiry and then they were free to make their own arrangements. Sexual activity during the gala or anywhere on her grounds was strictly forbidden, unless of course they had her express permission first.

Since this was Mandy's first gala event, she wasn't working that night per se. At Mrs. Pearson's behest, Mandy essentially shadowed her as she worked the crowd, meeting and greeting her well-heeled friends. Gayle looked resplendent in her stunning designer gown and Mandy was pretty sure the jewelry she wore was alone worth more than the home she lived in.

Mandy recognized many of the attendees from the massive book of guest profiles she had studied and memorized, courtesy of Evelyn. As such, she was able to greet many of these important people and their spouses by name. Soon she was confident enough to be working the crowd alone.

Mandy knew she looked amazing in her outfit, her perfect braless breasts strained against the vest and she could feel her erect nipples as they rubbed against the soft silk fabric. There was an erotic undercurrent in the air since she and the others knew they were there for only one purpose and that thought alone made her wet. Knowing she could be approached by any one of the guests only heightened the sexual tension.

When Mandy saw Nick Newman and his wife talking with another couple across the main room, she made a beeline to greet them. She wanted to see who the lucky woman was that owned Nick's cock.

As she approached, Nick saw her then did a double-take, eyeing her up and down, his eyes clearly undressing her although there wasn't much to undress. Mandy blushed slightly as she felt his gaze upon her.

Mitzi Newman turned just in time as Mandy stuck her hand out in greeting.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Newman, so pleased you could make the gala this evening," she said warmly, grasping Mitzi's hand in hers.

Mitzi eyed her suspiciously for a moment, not sure who this trollop was and clearly annoyed that she was there.

"Have we met before?" Mitzi asked in a snooty tone, as she briefly looked Mandy up and down.

"No ma'am, but I've met your husband. My name's Mandy Hall and I'm actually one of his clients."

That comment earned Nick an icy glare from his wife. "Oh, a client? I see," she responded coolly.

Nick interjected. "We're actually developing some custom software for Mandy's new company."

She was clueless as to what her husband's company actually did and it really wasn't important to her as long as he continued to bring home the bacon and fund their lifestyle.

Mitzi looked at her for a moment with slight contempt. "Hmm, I see," she said. With that she turned her back on Mandy and went back to her previous conversation.

Nick discretely rubbed his crotch, winked at her and then he too turned to talk with their other friends.

Mandy felt a familiar tingle down there when she saw him do this. The thought of having his cock again made her shudder.

She continued to do her fair share of conversing with the guests, but Mandy was really on a mission of discovery to observe the human condition in action and see how her associates and guests interacted. She watched discretely as the wealthy donors flirted with her associates and how they ogled and even touched them. It was amazing what you could notice by just observing.

She saw one tech titan she recognized lean down and whisper into the ear of Taylor, a tall beautiful brunette, and then coyly slip his hand down beneath her dress to cup her ass as they made small talk. Taylor just smiled and deftly moved his hand away, not missing a beat in their conversation. And it all went undetected by his wife who was standing right next to him.

Another time, she watched as Austin approached a well-dressed, forty-somethingish woman with a tray of crystal champagne flutes. As he offered her a glass, the woman pressed in close to him, running her slender fingers up and down the bulging vein of his ripped bicep. She leaned in and whispered something in his ear, causing him to break into a smile. Mandy could see a distinct lump in his white pants as he turned to walk away.

Mandy felt her pussy moisten when she herself was approached by a very chic and attractive older couple who invited her to join them in a ménage à trois later in their hotel suite. When she politely informed them she was working, the gentleman casually slipped Mandy his business card and told her in a heavy French accent, that if she changed her mind, it would be quite enjoyable and potentially very lucrative for her.

Little did she know that Mrs. Pearson was the one that recommended the ambassador speak to Mandy about their desires.

Excusing herself to find a powder room, she now knew her business idea was pure gold and she couldn't wait to get her technical solution up and running so she could start minting money. She was amazed at what she witnessed with these little tête-à-têtes and it only made her wonder about the interactions she didn't see.

She knew that there were likely private dalliances being negotiated and arranged between associates and donors but she didn't mind. She would pull everyone together another time for a debrief and collect some additional data points. Besides, there was a new sheriff in town and there would be a new way of doing things soon.

In the privacy of the bathroom Mandy could finally feel how wet she was down there. Lifting up her dress in front, she saw her labia lips protruding through the damp silk of her thong. She was proud of her camel toe and had used its mere presence to her advantage many times.

She moved the fabric aside and ran her index finger up her moist slit, her body involuntarily jerking when the fingertip pressed against her clit. Bringing her finger up to her nose, she took in her fragrance then touched her lips and tongue tasting her sweet juice.

Mandy was tempted to finger herself to a quick orgasm but decided to wait until later. She pulled the thong down her legs and stepped out of it. Clutching it in her hand, she sniffed her steamy aroma then looked at herself in the mirror. Judging herself both pleasant and presentable, she smiled and walked out of the bathroom.

As she waded her way through the crowd of guests, she could feel the warm evening air envelop her naked pussy. She could have sworn she caught a whiff of her humid musky scent rising from her sex as she moved. There was a myriad of things that could happen to expose her barely covered ass and cunt for all to see and the mere thought of it all made her even wetter.

Mandy spotted the couple that had given her the card and sidled up to them.

Looking at them both with a smile and a deferring slight nod of her head, she said, "Please excuse me Madame Ambassador, it would be my pleasure to join you and Mr. Klausman this evening."

Elena Klausman smiled at he and said, "That will be splendid Miss Hall."

With that, Mandy slyly slipped her damp t-back into the front pocket of his tux jacket, imperceptible to all but the three of them.

Flashing her million-dollar smile, she said demurely, "I'm very much looking forward to it."

Mr. Klausman bowed slightly and then reached for her hand, gently lifting it to kiss it. He inhaled deeply, recognizing the scent on her fingers, and then gently kissed the back of her hand.

"Tu es une belle femme. Le plaisir sera pour nous tous Mademoiselle Hall," he said softly. (You are a beautiful woman. The pleasure will be all ours Miss Hall)

Mandy blushed slightly. "Merci beaucoup Monsieur Klausman."

Then in English, he added, "Please, call me Max and come exactly as you are."

The Pearson's gala ended promptly at 10 o'clock as it always did, although a few of the guests lingered, some saying their farewells to the hosts and others no doubt finalizing the particulars of their future discrete liaisons.

As Mandy waited in the foyer for her car to be brought forward, Gayle approached her with a glass of Dom Perignon in each hand.

Handing a flute to Mandy, she complimented her and said, "I am very impressed young lady. This evening has exceeded my wildest expectations."

This was saying something since Gayle Pearson was generally not easily impressed.

"You and Mr. Pearson hosted a fine soiree and I hope it was a great success."

Taking a sip of anything for the first time that evening, Gayle laughed tiredly and replied, "Thanks but Wiley didn't do anything but show up. We'll have the final tally in the next few days but I'm pretty sure my guests were exceptionally generous this year. And no small thanks to you and your team for helping make it possible."

Mandy smiled and nodded at her.

"Now darling, my feet are killing me so off I go."

She leaned in and gave Mandy a kiss on her cheek and whispered, "I do hope you enjoy the rest of your evening."

Gayle stepped back, gave her a knowing smile, then turned and disappeared down a long hallway.

Mandy was excited but slightly tense as she drove towards The Canyons resort hotel to meet the Klausman's. Her pussy was wet with desire and anticipation at the notion of being with a woman for the very first time. She felt grateful that they wanted her in that way but she was nervous as this was also her first time with one of Mrs. Pearson's donors, and they were a very powerful couple indeed.

Max, a Swiss financier, occupied a spot in the top 100 of various lists of the world's billionaires. Elena, an ex-ambassador and one-time model, came to their marriage with her own wealth. Only in their mid-50's, both were former athletes and obviously kept in great shape due to their active lifestyle.

The mere thought of taking the cock of such a powerful man in her mouth sent shockwaves through her body. The vibration of the Corvette's powerful 650 horsepower V-8 engine along with the scent of her arousal and the feeling of her bare ass on the leather seats made her pussy flow freely as she smiled and drove through the warm night.

She eased the convertible up to the front portico of the Five-Star resort and as she came to a stop, the very good-looking valet on duty walked up, opened her car door for her and stood there waiting, staring quite obviously down at her cleavage.

Even on a good day there is no graceful way for a woman to disembark from a sports car. Given that she was wearing a very short dress and had ditched her thong, Mandy knew she was about to provide an eyeful to the handsome valet so she decided to just enjoy it.

She swung her legs out of the car and splayed them at a very unladylike angle. Making no attempt to try and cover herself, her naked glistening pussy came into the full view of the valet. His eyes reflexively dropped down in time to see her labia lips part, her pink inner folds separating slightly to reveal the dew drops of her nectar.

Before trying to half pull, half lift herself out of the car, she paused, his crotch now at her eye level. She could swear she saw a twitch in his pants, then she looked up and locked eyes and she just smiled that broad smile.

He blushed a little but mustered a smile in return. When she got out of the car, he looked down and saw a distinct wet spot on the brown leather seat where her pussy had just been and his little movement became a full raging hard-on.

When the private elevator doors opened at the penthouse level where the Klansman's were staying, Mandy was immediately met by an imposing looking man in a black suit with a wire in his ear. He stood there with hands clasped in front of his body and eyed her up and down for a moment. Quickly deducing there was no probable threat given her skimpy outfit, he spoke to her in an Eastern European accent.

"This way please Miss Hall," motioning towards the large mahogany French doors.

She followed him into the massive suite and walked on plush carpet past a large wall of windows that provided a panorama of the resort grounds and the mountains behind it, brightly illuminated on this near full-moon night. Halfway into the great room, he stopped and nodded towards another set of doors ahead of them.

"Through there...they're waiting for you in the library Miss Hall," he said, retreating from the room.

Mandy walked to the doors and knocked lightly on the thick wood, then she pushed them open and was immediately bathed in soft, warm light from inside the room. Walking barefoot towards her, her hair pulled up into a tight bun, Elena was wearing loose, almost see-through silk pajamas that did little to conceal her naked body underneath.

The top was unbuttoned to mid-chest and her breasts jiggled as she approached and Mandy could make out the outline of her small tits and dark, rock-hard nipples. The thin material of her bottoms revealed a small patch of pubic hair between her legs as she glided towards her.

Elena stopped directly in front of her smiling, grasping both of her hands she said, "Mandy, we're so glad you decided to join us tonight." And then she gave Mandy the European kiss to both of her cheeks.

"I'm very happy to be here," Mandy replied in a genuine tone.

Elena paused for a moment then she gently placed her hand on either side of Mandy's head and leaned in and kissed her fully on her lips. This immediately sent an electrifying jolt through Mandy's body. Although she was surprised by the kiss, she made no attempt to move away from Elena. Instead, she instinctively responded by readily accepting her kiss and her hot tongue when Elena forced it between her lips.

Their tongues were quickly intertwined in a deep sensuous and passionate kiss that lasted at least a minute before Elena broke it off. Taking her by the hand, Elena led her toward a massive antique desk sitting in the middle of the room. Following her, Mandy couldn't help but admire the firm ass on the elegant woman in front of her.

Max was sitting in a large executive chair with his feet up on the desk and a tumbler of scotch in his hand, speaking to someone in fluent Arabic on his mobile phone. His tux shirt was unbuttoned about halfway down and Mandy could see a soft tuft of silver on his toned chest. He had a full head of hair with some flecking around the temples and Mandy found him very attractive, even sexy, as he conducted his business in front of her. He winked and smiled at her as he continued talking.

She stood next to the massive desk listening to, but not understanding the conversation going on as Elena moved in behind her. Mandy felt her hot breath on her neck and then her warm soft lips as she began to kiss the nape softly. With her hands around Mandy's waist, Elena continued kissing her neck and then lower, down her exposed back, each kiss sending small tremors up her spine and through her pussy.

Elena's hand moved to her chest and slid beneath her vest and found her breast and hard nipple. She pinched it with her fingertips causing Mandy to shudder, then started to massage and flick it between her index and middle finger, coaxing it to get even harder.

She kissed her way back up her back and moved behind her ear, her hot tongue snaking into Mandy's lobe. She could feel Elena's own hard nipples pushing into her back, her pelvis grinding into her ass from behind. Then she felt her hands move down to her ass, cupping her cheeks and spreading them apart, the gush of cool air causing her anal opening to pucker. With her head tilted back and eyes closed, Mandy tried to keep her own legs from buckling as she enjoyed the soft wet kisses from Elena.

"Mmm, that feels so good," Mandy moaned softly.

Elena sunk to her knees to the side of Mandy and began running her manicured fingers up and down Mandy's bare legs. The feeling was electrifying as her nails traced the length up and down the front and back of her legs, from her ankles up to the top of her thigh. Each time her hands got a little higher until the left hand slid over her smooth butt cheek and her right into her soft inner thigh.