Lost Afternoon with Bus Stop Babe


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"Oh sure, at my age, you're just trying to embarrass me."

I thought to myself, I'd make it rain for you and our eyes met. She knew exactly what I was thinking.

"How long was your family in Charleston?"

"Probably it dates from the time of the '40 acres and a mule days.' The family had a small farm house back then. Of course it's all gone now. Relatives sold it off during the depression I guess."

"That's too bad, some families held on even till today."

"Oh I can see my bus coming, it was so nice of you to stop, I do appreciate that. You have a nice day Brad."

She looked down at my pants, "Oh I made you lose your erection, only a little wet spot is left."

I wanted to comment on that, I reached out to touch her sleeve but she scampered out of the bus stop to the waiting bus. I watched her as she climbed aboard, the curve of her ankle, the way her ass swayed as she climbed the three steps into the bus. The folding door closed and she was gone.

Afterwards, I thought that tete a tete went rather well. A few weeks later I tried it again but my timing was off or the bus arrived early. Once more I was waiting at the bus stop when she arrived. It was a muggy misty day and you could feel the moisture in the air. She had a scarf around her hair, her blond curls were visible. She had a short tan leather jacket with applied pockets and as she walked in her high heels, the same color as her jacket, there was a natural sway of her hips that excited me, and her natural breasts jiggled unlike the gals who've opted for implants. She was looking straight ahead and she saw me immediately.

"Oh it's you again."

"Hi Blondie, I missed you."

"You missed me? You see me almost every day."

"I miss you even when I see you. Sometimes I spend hours thinking about you."

"Then how do you get your work done?"

"I try, but it's not easy."

"Oh dear, there is my bus."

I could see she was ready to run off.

"Could we get together some time, for lunch or drinks to get to know each other better?"

"Oh I think I know what part of me you want to know better, and that part you can plainly see-but well, maybe. Gotta run sweetie."

Off she trotted on her 3 inch heels, right over the rough sidewalk.

We continued with our morning rituals. Then I was surprised to see her familiar visage in the lobby of the office building where I worked. I was coming back from a quick lunch and she was waiting at the elevator, blond hair and all. I looked twice to make sure it was her.

"Is that you, my Blondie from the bus stop?"

I smiled in case I was wrong.

"Oh is that you, my guy in the silver Mercedes."

"Yep, that's me. "

"Do you want to tell me your real name?"

"No need, Blondie suits me just fine, I like the sound of it."

"I think we should add beautiful in front of it."

"Oh you are a flirt."

"I'm sorry, I guess I'm a bit forward."

"I guess, if you call that erection you've got going for you, I'd have to agree."

"Oh my God, please excuse me."

"No need, I like a man who can rise for the occasion."

"Oh you are funny, what can I say, that's what you do to me."

By now my cock had shrunk.

She noticed that to, pointing at my crotch,

"Did I disturb what you were working on?"

I didn't answer, the elevator arrived at that moment.

We both entered and then just as the doors were closing, a black boot kicked through and the doors slid back open. A straggler ran in behind us, she was dressed as if she was a drug sales rep, tight see-through blouse and the shortest mini skirt I'd seen in a long time and she was dragging a black case on wheels. Then the doors slid closed.

The elevator stopped at the 2nd floor and she got off with her baggage. Then the elevator started up again.

We looked at each other.

"I never know if they are selling drugs or themselves."

"Yes, she replied, if that mini skirt was any shorter she could have been arrested for indecent exposure."

"Well, I think it's eye candy for the doctors. At least it keeps them off the streets."

We both laughed.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going shopping with my girlfriend." I hit the stop button. The elevator ground to a stop. I got real serious,

"I'd like to see you again, really, but in private."

"We can arrange that honey. Since you stopped the elevator you might as well give me a kiss."

I embraced her, my right hand falling onto her large warm left breast. Her lips were sweet and soft. The kiss lasted a good while. Then she bit my lower lip ever so gently.

"Well, hon, we better be going."

She reached out and pressed the "go" button and the elevator lurched upwards. When it reached the 14th floor she got off without saying another word.She waved backward without even turning her head. Her rhythmic hips looked so inviting. Then the grey elevator doors closed.

I was determined not to wash my lips for a long time. My hands was trembling and my erection had returned full on.


I didn't see Blondie in her usual place for several days. I wondered if she'd ever return. Then on Tuesday, there she was. I didn't wave and pass like I'd done so many times. Instead I pulled the car over near the bus stop and motioned to her. She walked slowly in my direction.

She was wearing a yellow pillbox hat that matched her dress, her long neck looked like one of the African sculptures, almost Nefertiti-esque. She wore a coarse woven dress, the weave was wide enough to see snatches of her undergarments. The sweat began to pour down my forehead, I reached forward and flicked on the car air conditioner.

"Can I give you a ride, Miss?"

"No need, my bus will be here in a few minutes."

"Where have you been?"

"Why, did you worry for me?"

"You know I did, why didn't you let me hear from you."

"I don't even know your name."

"You're kidding, I thought you recognized me, my photo has been in the paper several times on that school eminent domain issue."

"Oh was that you? You looked so much older in the paper."

"So you did know."

She raised her long eyelashes and her eyes like saucers looked up.

"Well, I had my suspicions. What do you think I am, a dumb blond? But I gotta ask you, what's a married man with a good looking wife and two kids doing kissing a strange black woman with blond hair in his office elevator. Don't you know, there is a camera in there?"

"Yeah you're right, stupid move on my part, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat. No regrets. You attract me so strongly I can't control myself. Let me give you my cell phone number."

"Oh no, I don't wanna be calling you. Oops, here comes my bus, gotta run Counselor."

And she was out of my life once again, this time without even a kiss, just a touch of her fingertips as she leaned into my car. I was trembling. There is something about sexual interest that reduces us to our animal state. I wanted her so badly I was willing to risk everything, if only to possess her for one moment. Was she even interested in me or was she just amusing herself?


After that brief conversation it seemed our relationship, or whatever you might call it, was going backward. We returned to our usual greetings. I'd wave or honk and she'd nod and open her big eyes wide, her eyelashes moving like butterfly wings. She'd smile with those red lips and those white as ivory teeth. We went on like this for a week or so and then to my surprise one a Wednesday morning she waved me over. My heart was racing.

"Listen," she said, "the blond has gotta go. My husband just got a job as a director at Google and they are sending us to a new campus out of state, I think near Aspen. I know you have a thing for me and I kinda like you too. I only have a half day on Friday, what do you say we take in a movie..."

"A movie?"

"One of those movies that they have in the motels over on Main Street."

"You're kidding, you're teasing me."

"This is you big chance Mr. Brad. It's either yes or no and I can see in the distance my bus is coming."

"Yes, Yes of course ya-ya-yes."

"I'll meet you at 10:30 in your building lobby. Be prepared."

"I will."

I didn't know what she meant by that. Did I need to bring a condom, money, a gift? Well, just in case I'd bring them all. I wasn't going to miss this chance to make my dreams come true.

I got there about a half hour early. Busied myself at the news stand. I checked my watch repeatedly. The minutes ticked by so slowly. And then as if by magic, I looked up at 12:31 and she was standing in front of me wearing a cream colored dress with small blue flowers in the knit. She had taller heels then usual. I'm sure she towered over me. Her breasts filled out her dress and her ass was outlined like the promised land.

"Oh my God, it's you. You look so...so beautiful. I was afraid you wouldn't show."

"Oh I'll show honey, I'll show you everything I got."

We both smiled.

"Well, sweetie, are we going?"

"Yes, of course. Come on, I drive you. I reserved a room for us at the Tivoli Motel. It's not on Main Street. It's a little more upscale. They actually have clean towels and soap."

"You did good. Let's be on our way before we are arrested for loitering."

"I just have to ask you one thing."

"Yeah," she answered.

"You are over sixteen years of age?"

"Oh yeah, way over," she laughed that infectious laugh that I'd learned to love, "why?"

"Cause that's the age of consent here in Minnesota."

She laughed again,

"I don't think that is going to be a problem for either of us."

With that we took the elevator down to the parking level. I opened the door for her, her perfume was intoxicating. Off we went.

"You don't have to pay when you pull out of the car park?"

"No, it's a monthly, but one always has to pay when you pull out."

She laughed, "Has that been your experience? Well, this ain't gonna cost you nothing but two hours and the motel bill."

"Two hours may not be enough, but I wasn't referring to that. I meant that we pay in emotion and loss if something beautiful and wonderful comes to an end."

"Well, you are right about that sweetie. But not every good thing lasts for eternity."

The traffic was light that day. If anyone knew me, or knew my wife and saw us, I knew I'd been be in a barrel of trouble, but as if cloaked by an invisible shield we arrived at the Tivoli with no incident. I pulled into the narrow parking lot that lay between the two arms of the motel that seemed to embrace us.

There was a parking space in front of each of the rooms. I'd reserved a second floor room for us. I thought that would be more peaceful. There is nothing worse than having to hear a frenzied headboard knocking against the wall when you yourself are trying to get it on. But I guess it wasn't a sexy day in Minneapolis. The place was practically empty. Just perfect for Blondie and me, quiet as a church.

"Wait here, I'll get the key."

I went to the motel manager's office, registered as husband and wife and paid with an office credit card. I gave the clerk a ten dollar cash tip. He asked no questions. I returned to the car, collected Blondie and we climbed the stairs to the second floor.

I put the key in the lock. Like most motel rooms, the lock opened easily. It made me wonder if even a screwdriver would have opened the door. The room was larger than I'd expected. A king sized bed, white drapes on the large window near the door.The room was dark, heavy window shades kept out the light, but once the lights were on the room was bathed in a soft yellow glow.

I opened the door for her to enter.

"You're not going to carry me across the threshold?"

"I'll do that the day we are married." I knew carrying her was an iffy proposition. I put my hand around her waist and she walked right in. I followed her in. The thick grey rug muffled any footsteps.

"I gotta pee," Blondie said matter factly and headed for the bathroom. She closed the door but I could hear a torrent as her urine splashed into the basin. I've heard horses pee and this sounded louder. Then a flush and then water running in the sink or was it the shower? She took quite a while to exit. I turned on some soft music that streamed through the hotel tv.

Finally the bathroom door opened. To my surprise she'd taken off her dress and undergarments. She paused and stood there like a nude statue. Then she came out of the bathroom. She was moist from the shower with a thick towel wrapped around her head. She laid her garments on the chair. When she bent forward her breasts elongated and her ass tightened. She was more magnificent then I'd even imagined.

She walked with no hint of self consciousness. She was well aware of how beautiful she was Her figure was full. She was a mature woman. Large melon breasts, a full curvy ass, a waist that had a little ripple of baby fat but she wasn't any baby. Maybe she would be my baby?

She had taken off her high heels and was just about my height, although she probably outweighed me by a bit. Those huge tits would have tipped the scale. She was all flesh and curves and I was mesmerized just looking at her, I sat there, frozen to the bed.

"Well, what are you waiting for," she said.

I understood and quickly disrobed laying my shirt, tie and pants on the other chair where I'd laid my jacket. My penis had started to grow, I was so excited.

"Oh," she pointed, "I can see he's ready to play."

I grinned and reached down to shake my cock to its full length.

"Who said all white boys have small Johnsons?"

"It ain't too small for you?"

"Hell no, that'll do just fine."

She positioned herself on top of the blankets with her arms reaching out for me. I let her pull me close. She smelled like a wildflower. I kissed her on the cheek, then on her forehead and she pulled my head closer and our lips met in that magic moment. I'd never been excited by a kiss but this was different, it was like a bolt of electricity went through me. The kiss was long and wet and she nibbled my lower lip, her tongue touched my teeth. My heart was racing like a steam locomotive.

"I don't even know your real name."

"Isn't more fun this way, just call me 'Blondie,' isn't that enough. What more do you have to know? Are you writing a book about us?"

"Maybe a short story?"

"Well, judging by the size of your dickydo it won't be too short."

I guess that was a complement but again I turned red.

You white boys give it all away when your faces turn red.

"I don't think of us as being white or black, just two people entering into a love relationship."

"Well, that is a sweet thing to say."

"I think I love you Blondie."

"Oh come on, don't you sweet talk me. You hardly know me."

"I leans forward to kiss her on the lips again."

"I know you enough to love you."

With that remark she slipped lower on the bed and grabbed my cock in a grip that made me think she had once been on the track team and ran in the baton race. As long as she didn't hand me off I had no objection. And then from her hand she passed me to her mouth. Slowly she enveloped my cock's head, licking it and pushing the tip of her tongue into, for want of a better word, my pee hole. Then she slipped her tongue under the shaft licking as she moved forward I could feel myself being pulled deeper into her mouth, then I could feel my cock must have passed her epiglottis, the constriction became tighter. I felt I was near to cuming.

"No Blondie, darling, slow down, I'm going to cum, wait I want to fuck..."

But it was too late, the moment completed itself. My cock was under her control and she milked me like a baby sucking tit. I just kept pumping sperm as if my cock was a fireman's hose.

"Oh that's so good," I whimpered, "but I wanted to fuck you."

I lay there, completely relaxed, looking up at her. She lay next to me propped up on her elbows, her large breasts spread on the blue bed sheet.

She couldn't answer as she was swirling my cum around in her mouth, opening it so I could see and swallowing it a little at a time. She was so sexy that my soft cock began to chub up again.

When she finally swallowed it and then she coughed a few times to clear her throat.

"Oh honey, you got the sperm load of a sixteen year old. Wow, but as you can see, I got it all down."

I nodded speechlessly. Then the words came tumbling out,

"That was unbelievable Blondie but I so wanted to fuck you, can I say that?"

"Sure baby, I know that. You can say it anyway you want to. I just wanted to start the afternoon off with something I'll bet your wife doesn't do for you"

I nodded.

"Oh baby, don't you worry, that was just for starters, I've got a few tricks. Don't worry honey, you'll get to go again. You're not a one trick pony, you're going to fuck me for sure and with that load I just swallowed I'll bet you are going to fuck me for a long time."


"Before we leave this room, Babe. Don't you worry about that."

That was when I realized, she knew how excited I was and that I'd probably cum way to soon if we'd started fucking right away. I knew she was right. I could hardly ever cum from a blow job, not that my life was filled with them, but in her mouth I shot my load like a teenager-quick.

Blondie got up and went to her purse that was lying on the chair. She reached it and pulled out a tiny plastic bag which she carefully opened and extracted a blue pill. Then she turned to me.

"What's this?"

"It's a viagra Baby, we going to make sure you are up to fucking me. Maybe you don't need it at your age but since we are limited with our time together I'm not taking any chances. I want all your big dreams to come true, and for you to cum inside me. You know what I'm talking about."

I was hesitant but she pushed the pill into my mouth. It had a bitter earthy taste.

"Swallow Baby."

I did as she said, but the aftertaste of the pill lingered on.

She noticed that.

"Don't taste good? Sorry about that, but the best way to get that taste out of your mouth is with this," she laid back and spread her legs.

"It's with pussy juice," and she started laughing a low deep laugh that was music to my ears, like the base line in "Stairway to Heaven."

"Now, do me baby."

I didn't need any further encouragement. I'm not squeamish about eating pussy and her pussy was a beautiful thing to see. She pulled my head closer and I could see her perfect formed labia and just a hint of her clitoris half hidden between...and, well I got down to business.

As my mouth fell to my mission, she wrapped her legs tightly around my head. There was no escape from this prison of passion. I could hear her speaking, moaning, goading me on but the sound was muffled as her legs were clamped tight around my ears. I could make out a few words. She loosened her vice like grip and said,

"Take your time Babe, the viagra takes maybe an hour or less to kick in. You just wallow in my pussy till then. This is your pussy for today. Just enjoy what you've wanted for so long. I'm giving it all up for you today."

I couldn't answer as my mouth was occupied sucking on her clitoris. I was sure she liked that because she pressed my head tightly against her I pumped it with my tongue. I slurped up her juices with a loud noise to show her I was in agreement. I spent a long time running my tongue inside her vagina, even dipping down to taste her spotless ass cheeks. I wished my tongue was long enough to slip inside her anus but I made due. I adjusted my head to continue licking her and I began to think maybe this viagra hard on was arriving. There was a strange warmness in my belly and my cock was firming up. I moved lower to lick her anus and that made me think I should try to fuck her in the ass, when we reached that plateau. But meanwhile I put the idea out of my head as I didn't want to distract myself from the task at tongue.