Lost Creek Wives' Club Pt. 10


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I let myself in like I usually do after ringing the front door bell three times and wasn't ten feet from the front door when Maureen came from the kitchen to greet me. While I expected her to chastise me for being late, she didn't. After taking the box of pastries she gave me a loving kiss before asking..."Where have you been Lacey? I was starting to worry about you. I thought you might have been in a car accident or something."

"Sorry I'm late, but I bumped into Julie at the bakery and we had coffee together. So who else is here beside Carol and Louise?"

"Rebecca and Joan, who came together."

Just then the doorbell rang, and Maureen opened it for Gail and Trisha. Wasn't long before another four girls arrived, which made a total of twelve including Maureen and I. The average number that usually attends one of our get-togethers out of sixteen members of our group. Can't recall all of us ever being in attendance at any one time.

While we were having coffee and pastry in Maureen's large country kitchen I couldn't help notice how Louise seemed to be ignoring me after we initially greeted each other with a friendly smile and wave across the kitchen. Most likely because she was upset I hadn't called her. I would have been too.

She was cute as could be in a front knot romper style summer dress in a black and white polka dot pattern. And while it was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra, she wasn't exhibiting any sag in spite of being relatively big busted for as small as she is. Or else the dress had some built in support, which it didn't appear it did. As petite as she is, she looked adorable in it, which being a romper style dress provided a nice view of her very shapely and toned legs from being a jogger. Not forgetting her cute little feet in a stylish pair of flat sandals. She even seemed to be wearing more make-up than usual, which made her big soft brown eyes more captivating than they already were.

Once I finally saw her alone, I went up to her and apologized profusely for not calling her.

"I was beginning to wonder why you hadn't Lacey. Almost called you myself, but I didn't want to be a pest about us getting together."

"You wouldn't have been, and now that things are less hectic, would you still like to get together? Not that I'd blame you if you didn't after not calling you. Any day next week except Monday would be good, and at my place so we can use the hot tub while we get to know each other better."

"I'd still very much like to Lacey, and love the idea about the hot tub. But do I need to bring a bathing suit?"

Sensing she was playing with me..."Only if you want to."

"I'm going to have to give it some thought then."

"While you are, would Thursday be okay, and around one o'clock? That way we'll have the entire afternoon to get to know each other better."

"Thursday will be fine, but I need you to promise you won't cancel for any reason."

"Barring a nuclear attack, I won't. In spite of us not getting together sooner, I've been looking forward to it. By the way, you look fabulous in your cute summer dress. Pretty as can be."

"Thank you, and you look..."

She never finished as Maureen interrupted her as she was in the process of hustling everyone into the living room for our general group discussion. Once we all were, Louise and I sat together on a loveseat while I noticed Carol stuck to Maureen like glue and smiling like a Cheshire cat. No doubt Maureen finally took her up on her unrelenting quest to get together and it was only a matter of when.

Collectively as a group we first waded through the more mundane topics of discussion about the latest gossip and upcoming events in our small town. Once out of the way, Rebecca, who coincidentally is Louise's next door neighbor, very straight forwardly asked everyone in general how those with a less than satisfying sex life at home dealt with it. Needless to say, it started another long and lengthy discussion similar to the one at our last together, which proved Carol to be right and me wrong.

It went on for a good two hours with just about everybody offering their two cents worth of advice. Some of it good, but most of it not so good in my opinion. But unlike the last time, the subject of lesbian sex came up. And the back and forth on it made for a very interesting discussion. Mainly by those who seemed to have never experienced it, but appeared to have thought about it. And as you'd expect, there were a couple who were out right against the mere thought of gay sex. The only one who spoke initially about it from experience was Carol, although in generalities, which I'm sure made Louise happy. As she did, I couldn't help notice how she captured everyone's attention with her explanation of things. One thing for sure, Carol wasn't the least bit concerned with anyone knowing she actively engages in lesbian sex.

Sensing an opportunity, Louise very quietly asked me about Maureen and I. Point blank if her and I were lovers..."You don't have to answer Lacey, but it was pretty obvious to Carol and I you were when just the four of us met recently."

Knowing they could sense it being bisexual themselves, I answered honestly..."Yes we are Louise, and hopefully it won't affect our relationship in any way?"

"Not at all. Why would it? I just wanted to be sure instead of assuming it if it wasn't the case. And do you know if any others in our group are like-minded?"

"Can't say I do except for you and Carol, but from what I'm hearing there are more than a few that seem interested. Or at least thought about it."

"I think you're right, and it would help alleviate some of the frustration they're experiencing with their personal situations at home. I know it has for me."

By now the general conversation was mostly centered around the pluses and minuses of sex with another woman, of which there weren't many minuses except becoming addicted to it. A couple of the girls also shared their personal experiences when younger in college. Maureen even surprised me by wading in and adding her thoughts on a few things. Some of which I was personally familiar with. Not sure why since she was always very guarded about her personal sex life with others except with me. Maybe it was to encourage them not to hesitate to explore any fantasies they had.

Sitting with Louise for as long and as close as we were gradually took a toll on me between the constant touching as we talked, which we did often and almost couldn't seem to keep our hands off each other, along with how nice she smelled. Like someone who just stepped out of the shower and used a Jasmine scented shampoo and/or body wash. It eventually got to the point every time she looked at me, all I could think of was how nice her pretty face would look between my legs. And how adorable her pussy must be as petite as she is. Not forgetting what it would be like to get my mouth on it. I also couldn't help but wonder if I was having the same affect on her.

Struggling to maintain my self-control, I was thankful when it finally neared time to end our social, and as it did the conversation on lesbian sex winded down. But before it ended, it was easy to assess by some of the comments, a few had a newly acquired interest in it. And those who engaged in it in the past seemed motivated to indulge in it again.

Just as everyone was about to gather up their things to leave, Maureen asked for their attention so she could make an announcement. She then proceeded to tell them about the "Avon Lady" and how she would like to invite her to our next meeting to show us her "wares" as she called them. But before she did, she wanted to make sure everyone was agreeable to it by asking for a show of hands to see how many would be interested in such a presentation. Almost everyone's hands shot up except for two, and they eventually followed suit after realizing how enthusiastic everyone else was about it.

Maureen then added..."Obviously attendance is optional as with any of our meetings, but it would be a good opportunity for those that don't have any sex toys to purchase one or two discreetly. For those of you who already do, it would be an excellent way to expand on your collection. Even if you're not interested in toys, the presentation itself is worth attending since from my understanding it's very entertaining as well as informative. And I'll be sure to advise the girls who weren't able to make it today what our plans are for the next meeting."

As everyone was leaving, they all seemed excited about our next get-together, and no doubt attendance would be good. The last to leave were Carol and Louise, who seemed to go out of their way to make sure they were. After we kissed and hugged each other more than in a friendly way, and just as Louise was walking out the front door behind Carol, she stopped and turned towards me..."I almost forgot Lacey, I thought about the bathing suit thing and decided not to bring one." She gave me another one of her cute smiles before proceeding to catch-up with Carol, which confirmed I had as much effect on her as she did with me.

As soon as Maureen closed the door..."What was that all about?" After I explained it to her..."That's good news."

"That we won't be wearing bathing suits in the hot tub?"

"That too, but mostly you two will be finally getting together just you and her."

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but from the way Carol acted most of the afternoon, she obviously was successful with getting you to agree to a get together with her?"

After she put her arms around my neck and kissed me..."Don't tell me you're jealous Lacey."

"Not at all. Well, maybe a little, but I'm still happy for you both. Especially Carol, for as long as she's been trying to seduce you. And you need to promise to share all the salacious details with me afterwards."

"As long as you do likewise about you and Louise."

"I will, but I just hope there's as much to share." Then after checking the clock on the mantel over the fireplace..."Do you think we have enough time to get frisky before John comes home? I don't know if you're in the mood, but between Julie and Louise, I'm about ready to burst."

"The last time we did anything this time of day, John almost caught us."

"You seem to forget, that was before our husbands knew about us."

After she slapped herself on the forehead and laughed at the obvious, she locked the front door and activated the security system. Next thing I knew we were both racing up the stairs to her bedroom.

Soon as we reached it, we both stripped in a matter of seconds. Once naked..."It still might not be a good idea for John to come home and find us having sex Lacey. In spite of it being the case lately, I'd rather he didn't get the impression it's all we do every day. So in spite of us not being a fan of going down on each other simultaneously, we probably need to. Otherwise we both might not get to cum. And if you don't mind, with me on top."

Without saying a word, I quickly got on the bed with a pillow under my ass. As I was, Maureen got a towel to place on the bed between my legs. After I spread and bent them at the knees, Maureen straddled me facing my feet with her pussy directly over me.

The view of her pussy took my breath away with the inner lips slightly parted and a drop of her delectable love cream dangling from the rim of her fuck hole. You'd think as much as I've seen her pussy the past two weeks I'd be almost blasé about it, but I wasn't. Far from it.

After first admiring it, I grabbed her by the bum cheeks and pulled her down until it was an inch from my nose so I could bathe my olfactory senses in her sweet scent. As her heavenly aroma filled my nostrils, my vagina unexpectedly spasmed and a huge flow of love cream exited my cunt. I still can't get over how incredible her pussy smells, and honestly believe I could orgasm by simply embedding my nose in it.

As soon as Maureen saw the surge of milky fluid flowing out..."Don't tell me you just orgasmed? I haven't even gone down on you yet and here you are cumming like a faucet."

"Close, but not quite Maureen. And don't think it's going to relieve you from having to go down on me so you need to get busy. I need to cum...and badly!"

She did, first by lapping up my creamy love juice until she got every drop. Even what made its way to my asshole before I felt her fingers part my pussy lips and her tongue snake into my fuck hole. Felt incredible when it first did and I couldn't help but groan.

"God Maureen...your tongue never felt so good."

Unfortunately as good as it felt, all I wanted to do was just lie there and enjoy Maureen's talented tongue until I orgasmed.

The good news is it wasn't going to take much, or very long for me to orgasm because of the high state of arousal I was in. Especially as good as Maureen is at making me cum. After she tongued my fuck hole for a minute or two while swirling a finger over my anus, she went straight for my throbbing clit. Soon as she took it between her lips and began sucking it, I nearly screamed as it caused every nerve in my body to reverberate. It started at the tip of my toes and shot up to my scalp before returning to my toes then back over and over again. Felt like I was being slowly electrocuted and I thought for sure Maureen would get zapped in the process from flicking her tongue back and forth over the tip on my clit.

Once the reality sunk in I wasn't going to be able to please her as she did me..."I'm sorry Maureen, but there's no way I can pleasure you right now."

"I understand Lacey, with you wound-up as you are. Just enjoy it until you cum and maybe you can do me afterwards." Then she took my clit back between her lips and sucked it even more intently.

Wasn't a minute at most before I was on the verge of cumming. As though sensing it, she inserted a finger in my fuck hole and after swirling it around to lubricate it slid it in my anus past both knuckles and began fucking it. Maureen knew all the right buttons to push and it instantly caused my cunt to explode in one incredible orgasmic contraction. Then like flipping a switch on a food processor filled with fruit with the cover off, a huge gush of ejaculate shot out my cunt. And if Maureen wasn't on top of me I would have bucked and bounced like a bronco. As it was, my toes curled so much they cramped up on me.

After I let loose with a loud scream, I called Maureen every lewd thing imaginable. You name it, and I called her it. Something she loves when things get heated between us.

I'm not one who's clit becomes overly sensitive and can't stand it being stimulated once I orgasm. Just the opposite, which Maureen is well aware of as she continued to suck it, and more feverishly than before. In spite of being short on time, she obviously intended to bring me to another orgasm, and easily did. It wasn't a tepid secondary orgasmic spasm, but a full blown orgasm more intense than the first one and caused me to squirt like the proverbial fire hose. Some of which went up Maureen's nose, but thankfully most of it ended up on the towel she wisely placed between my legs.

Just as I started to claw her thighs and bum in an attempt to maintain control of my senses, the lights suddenly went out. Figuratively, not literally. The next thing I knew I was waking up and found Maureen lying next to me with her head propped up on one arm as she casually swirled her fingers around my still hard nipples.

Soon as she saw my eyes flicker open..."Welcome back to the living Lacey."

Took me a second to realize what happened..."Oh my God. I never passed out like that. How long was I out?"

"Not long. A couple of minutes, but I hope you don't make it a habit?"

"I hope not, but you only have yourself to blame."

"Nothing to do with me. A novice at eating pussy would have made you pass-out. I've never seen you in such a high state of arousal before, nor cum so fast both times. And as big as your clit is, I never saw it so huge from the way it was swollen. It was even pulsating when I first took it between my lips."

"I may have been overly aroused, but I never experienced anything like the second orgasm you induced. It was fucking incredible. Now if we have time, I need to do you."

"As much as I'd like you to, I'm afraid we don't and I'm going to have to take a rain check."

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LaceyDresserLaceyDresserabout 3 years agoAuthor

Спасибо ... и это намерение, так что следите за обновлениями.

Graison89Graison89about 3 years ago

Замечательная глава. надеюсь вы больше уделите время женщинам и их встречам.

WeitzeWeitzeabout 3 years ago

Some years ago a friend of ours ran parties like the one Carol is putting together. As you describe, they were the same as an AVON or Tupperware party where someone hosted and hired our friend to come and show off her goods. Her friend handled the toys and she handled the clothing. Much of the clothing you could also find at FREDRICK'S OF HOLLYWOOD.

One thing she was surprised about was how frustrated many of the women were and how, after a couple of drinks and with the open discussions and demonstrations, how they would open up and tell their stories.

The parties were nicknamed "FUCKERWARE" Parties. Looking forward to the LCWC party.

jtukeejtukeeabout 3 years ago

Lacey continues to amaze me with her stories. I can't wait for the next chapter and must tell her personally.

Wiz1002Wiz1002about 3 years ago

Looks like there’s more to cum.,,,

So many options for continuing lesbian love between these hot sexy ladies. I’m looking forward to the next chapter

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