Love And War Bk. 02


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The ships from the anomaly finally passed through, and were on the Federation side of the breach. "Captain, the IDs are coming in on the unidentified ships. ISS Enterprise NCC 1701-E, and ISS Nimitz, NCC-22557, both registered in Starfleet Command, Empire of Worlds." Data had just confirmed their worst fears. "Listed commanding officers are Commodore Jean-Luc Picard and Captain Marie Reynolds, sir. First Officers are Captain William T. Riker and Commander Rachael Thatcher."

"HOLD FIRE!" Jason shouted. "This doesn't jibe with what we know. Captain Thatcher should be in command of their version of Nimitz, not Marie. Also, it should be the Terran Empire, not the Empire of Worlds."

"Agreed, Jason. Besides, we destroyed their Enterprise during the last encounter we had with them. Hail their Enterprise, Mr. Worf."

"Aye, sir," said the stoic Klingon.

"This should be interesting. Maybe there are multiple mirrors?" Delaara asked.

"That would be the safe assumption," Jason replied. "I still don't like this, though."

"Thatcher to Skull Leader. We've scanned those ships and they are identical to ours in every respect, except for their designations and the command structure on their Nimitz."

"Roger that, Nimitz", said Jason.

"This is Commodore Jean-Luc Picard of the ISS Enterprise. To whom am I speaking?" came the question over the comm. He sounded just like Picard except for a harder edge to his voice.

"I'm Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation Starship USS Enterprise. You are advised to turn about and return to your own universe, Commodore."

"Well, now. Is this what meeting oneself is like?" asked the Commodore.

"We've encountered mirror universe ships in the past, Commodore. If you do not return to your universe immediately, we are more than prepared to use deadly force." Captain Picard's voice had taken on an edge as well. No fear, but resolve to do what must be done.

"Commander Worf, power down weapons and lower shields. Captain Reynolds, power down your weapons, lower shields, and recall your fighters." Commodore Picard ordered his people.

Jason watched in shock as both ships powered down their weapons and recalled their fighters. Their shields dropped as well.

"There. Captain, we really must talk. In person, if you please?" Commodore Picard asked his counterpart.

"Very well, Commodore. Since we are technically your hosts, you and a small security contingent are welcome to come aboard our Enterprise for a talk." Captain Picard was playing it safe.

The Commodore said "Indeed, Captain. I would prefer neutral ground, if you don't mind?"

"What did you have in mind, Commodore?" Picard asked warily.

"Well, there is a space station near here that we could use. Terrok Nor." Commodore Picard said.

"That would be Deep Space Nine, Commodore. It's a joint Starfleet and Bajoran station."

"It will do, Captain. I agree. I will come with a small security contingent of my two best pilots. Our ships stay out here, beyond transporter range, and we do business onboard your Deep Space Nine."

"I agree to your terms, Commodore. Enterprise, out," he cut the comm and said "Jason, are you there?"

"Skull Lead here, sir. Delaara and I are on the way." Jason said.

"Thank you, son. He said he had his best pilots, so I want my best pilots coming along," he said.

"Skull Lead to Nimitz. Go ahead and recall fighters. Delaara and I will be docking with Enterprise to escort Captain Picard to the meeting," Jason said.

"Understood, Skull Lead. All Squadrons are recalled. Skulls 3 - 12, and all Stilettos and Scorpions, return to the hangar decks."

Jason and Delaara heeled over and acclerated towards the Enterprise's shuttle bay. "Skull Lead to Enterprise. Ready to dock, sir."

"Welcome aboard, Skull Leader."


"Well, Commodore, interesting to meet you in person," said Captain Picard to his counterpart. His uniform was mostly black with a red trim around the edges and seams. Likewise his security detachment was dressed the same only with green trim. Jason and Delaara looked at their mirror selves as they sat at their customary table in Quark's.

Commodore Picard stroked his white van dyke goatee as he considered his clean shaven counterpart.

"Captain, with all due respect, we've never met before, and as far as I know, our universes have never encountered each other." He spread his hands and shrugged.

"Well, since we're all here, who wants a drink?" Jason asked. "I'm buying," he smiled.

"I could use a beer," said Alternate Jason with a wry smile.

"So could I." said Alternate Delaara. "I'm parched."

"Cool. Hey, Leeta!" Jason called.

"Hey, two Jasons!" Leeta exclaimed. "What is it, hon?"

"One sec, Leeta. Commodore? Captain? Anything to drink?"

"Earl Grey, hot," they both answered in unison, then chuckled. "Some things don't change, it seems," said Commodore Picard.

"Four beers and 2 Earl Grey Teas hot, Leeta." Jason smiled at her.

"Coming right up. On your tab?" She asked.

"Always, and tell Rom and Quark I said hey." Jason said. He liked Leeta, and thought that Rom had definitely married up.

Leeta reappeared almost immediately and passed out their drinks. The pilots swigged a bit and sighed. "Great beer", said Alt Jason with an appreciative nod.

"Best beer in the Galaxy, man. Brewed right here at Quark's." Jason told his twin.

"Mmmm, this is excellent tea." Commodore Picard said. "Anyhow, to business. If you don't mind, I would like to speak privately. Our pilots can wait on the Promenade within visual distance, of course."

"Of course", said Captain Picard graciously.

Jason said "I guess he means us. Come on, we can talk and drink out here," he said, rising with the others.

"So, how did you two meet?" Jason asked his twin as they got out onto the Promenade.

"Funny story, actually. We kind of shot each other down." Alt Jason shrugged and smiled.

"Along the Neutral Zone?" Jason asked, grinning.

"Yeah. NZ8-257. Fuckin' paradise there, man!" Alt Jason replied.

"I'll drink to that", Jason said, clinking bottles with his twin. He looked out the window and saw that the Gryphon and Excalibur had joined Enterprise and Nimitz at the perimeter.

"That's where we met and fell in love, too," said Delaara to her twin.

"Oh, I bet yours is as good in bed as mine," Alt Delaara grinned and winked.

"Probably, but let's not swap. I like my Jason just the way he is," Delaara replied, grinning.

"Do you guys do the mind meld while you're... you know?" Alt Jason asked Jason.

"Oh, dude. You know it! But shhhhh. Nobody here knows we have that," he said back to his Alt.

Well, what's your callsign?" Alt Jason asked.

"Cobalt. Yours?"

"Crimson. Hah! Finally something different. Delaara picked it because she loves King Crimson."

Crimson said.

"My Delaara picked mine for the color of my eyes. What's your Delaara's callsign?" asked Cobalt.

"Azraela", replied Crimson. "Angel of Vengeance", he explained.

"Mine is Demoness. She picked it because Foxhawk was taken", Jason laughed.


"So, what brings you to our quaint little universe, Commodore?" Picard asked.

"Honestly, we're looking for help against the Borg. They've already assimilated both the Romulan Federation and the Klingon Confederacy. We're barely holding them at bay." Commodore Picard said.

"Hmmm. Well, it appears we have something in common, Commodore. And I have just the people who could help you," Captain Picard smiled. "We will give you all we know about the Borg's weaknesses, and that should help immensely in your war effort." He tapped his combadge. "Picard to Enterprise. Mr. Data, Please copy all information on Borg weaknesses to a hard copy, then send it to the counterpart Enterprise."

"Aye, sir," said Data.

"Thank you, Data. Picard, out," said the Captain.

"If our Borg are anything like your Borg, that should help very much. Thank you, Jean-Luc." The Commodore said respectfully.


"Hey, Crimson. Why did you guys get the badass uniform designs? Ours kind of suck here," said Cobalt.

"Yeah, I noticed. Honestly, this shit is really hot in the summer. When we were on the island, Delaara and I had to go naked most of the time because our flight suits got too hot."

"Well, we went naked a lot too, but that was for other reasons," Cobalt grinned at Crimson.

"I'll drink to that, brother!" Crimson said, clinking bottles with Jason.

"So the Orions. I have to ask how you two took them down?" Demoness asked Azraela.

"Oh, I flirted with their female Captain while Jason snuck onboard and killed their guards. Then he signalled me and we wiped out the captain and her security detail." Azraela answered.

"She was a lesbian?" Demoness was surprised. "Did she have the dagger tattoo over her left eye?"

"Yes. Single blade curving up to the middle of her forehead", said Azraela with a grin.

"Huh. Ours was straight, so Jason went and flirted with her while I went and neutralized the crew still left onboard." Demoness chuckled.

"I bet he didn't enjoy that one bit!," said Azraela, rolling her eyes.

"He says he didn't, but I think we know better," giggled Demoness.

"You said it, sister," said Azraela, clinking bottles with Delaara.

"Whoa, your Orion captain was a lesbian?" Cobalt asked, wide eyed.

"Yep. Man, it hurt to kill her before she had at least kissed Delaara." Crimson looked sad at that.

"I would have waited, to be honest," laughed Cobalt.

"Man, you don't even know how much I was tempted!" Crimson grinned. He liked his twin. They had mostly the same everything, so they got along. Crimson's beard was just a goatee with mustache, though.

The Delaaras also felt a kinship, even though they'd been born in different universes. It would be a shame to see them go.

"Jason, you have no idea how good it feels to tell someone about our mind meld while Delaara and I make love." Cobalt said.

"I know, right?" Crimson replied. "I've been dying to tell anyone, but didn't want someone to get jealous, ya know?"

"I hear ya, brother." clink.


"Thank you, Captain. This information might well just help us save our galaxy," said Commodore Picard when he'd received confirmation from his Commander Data about the Borg intelligence.

He stood and shook his counterpart's hand.

"It was my pleasure, Commodore. It seems there are even more universes out there than we realized." Captain Picard replied.

"Infinite numbers, Captain," said the Commodore. "We need to end this threat, and your information will be vital to pulling it off."

"Happy to help." Captain Picard turned to the pilots, who were talking animatedly amongst themselves. "Jason!"

Both Jasons looked at him. "Yes, sir?" The asked in unison, then looked at each other and laughed.

"We're ready. Let's say our goodbyes to your twins and get back to our ships," said the Commodore.

"Commodore, a question for you, if I may?" The Captain asked.

"Of course, Captain."

"How do you know Jason?"

"He's the son I never had, but wish I did. His parents were killed under my watch in the sector where they were doing planetary scans, and Enterprise couldn't make it in time to save them. He was still in the Academy at the time, but he forgave me and understood the situation."

Captain Picard nodded. "Same here. As much as he had the right to blame me, he didn't."

The Commodore smiled. "Our universes aren't so different, Jean-Luc."

"Indeed not, Jean-Luc. It has been a pleasure to aid you in your fight, and an honor to know you." Captain Picard smiled at his twin. "In fact, I may grow a goatee, since I never knew it would look so good on me."

The Commodore laughed. "Indeed, my friend. Let's go, since time is of the essence, and we have a war to win."

The 3 sets of twins returned to the docking bay and boarded their shuttles, ready to return to their respective ships.

"Skull Leader to Enterprise," said Jason. "We're coming back with the Captain."

"Enterprise here. Acknowledged, Skull Lead, and welcome back." Commander Riker said in reply.

As the shuttle docked and their counterparts continued to their own ship, Jason and Delaara walked down the boarding ramp with the Captain.

"They were good people, sir", said Jason, surprised. "Not what I expected, honestly."

"Indeed they were, son. Thank you, and thank you, Delaara, for accompanying me." Captain Picard smiled.

"Anytime, Jean-Luc," said Delaara with her warm smile.

They boarded their fighters as Jean-Luc Picard walked to the turbolift.


"Ahh, home again," said Jason as they exited their Hellions onboard the ISS Nimitz.

Rage came up and grinned widely. "Hey, guys! I got great news!"

"What is it, Ryan?" Jason asked.

"Marie is pregnant! Doc Tavolk just scanned her and confirmed it. I'm going to be a father!" He grinned.

"Ryan! We're so happy for you two!" Delaara hugged him.

"Well, hopefully our galaxy will be Borg free when your kid's born, man!"

They grinned and headed up to the Bridge.


"Ahh, home again", said Jason as he and Delaara vaulted from their Valkyries onto the deck of the USS Nimitz.

Rash came running up and grinned widely. "Hey guys! I got great news!"

"What is it, Ryan?" Jason asked.

"Rachael's pregnant! Doc Tavolk just screened her and confirmed it. I'm going to be a father!" He grinned.

"Ryan! We're so happy for you two!" Delaara hugged him.

"Well, hopefully, we won't have any more wars between now and then," said Jason with a smile.

To Be Continued in Book 3

jneric2691jneric2691almost 5 years ago
Awesome story!

Really enjoy your stories!

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