Love Me Tender - Please Pt. 02


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"I never said that," he said and nuzzled his face into her breast. "You have me mixed up with one of your lovers."

That jolt of guilt hit her again and she felt an icy chill in her belly.

"Will this ever go away," she asked herself.

"Want some wine?" he asked.

"No, I haven't had any all week and I think I'll just not drink anymore. It makes me think crazy," she admitted.

"I noticed," he said. "Both the 'not having any' and the 'it makes me think crazy' parts."

"Was I that bad?" she asked in a serious tone.

"Well, sometimes you seemed to like your booze better than me," he responded and giving her a gentle squeeze on her shoulder he stood up. "I'm going to shower and change. What time is your test?"

"Eight o'clock," she responded and stood next to him. "Do you need help in the shower?"

"What's gotten in to you?" he asked and stepped away with his index fingers crossed in a hex sign. "Are you turning into a nymphomaniac?"

"No, I'm just in love," she said and put her arms around him. "Well, do you?"

"Where are the kids?"

"Melody's with her friends and Brian's in his room. He won't come out until he smells food."

Karen was already in the shower by the time Ray got out of his clothes. He closed the door and wrapped his arms around her from the back. Her slippery skin slithering against his quickly brought him to a full erection and he moved his hands to her breasts. Tilting her head to one side she reached up and pulled his lips down to her exposed neck. He tasted her with little nips and pecks as his hands brought her nipples to full arousal.

Raising herself on her tiptoes, Karen reached back and pushed his erection down until it fit between her legs. Moving her hand to her front, she caught the head in her fingertips and used it to spread open her lips. Trapping him between her thighs she moved back and forth to further increase his arousal.

"This is what I really want," she said to herself and reaching up she guided his hand down over her belly and pressed his fingers between her legs.

Looking down, she watched as he slipped two fingers between her lips and caught her clitoris between them. The sensation sent a pulsing wave of heat that spread upwards through her belly. Hunching her hips to try and get his cock into her she finally leaned forward in invitation and he bent his knees and slipped into her.

She could feel his wet pubic hair against her bottom and she rubbed herself back and forth against it. The movement made it slip out and looking down she reached to fit it back into her when it struck her that it was white.

Ray felt her tense up and he thought he had hurt her.

"Are you all right?" he asked.

Karen was horrified by her thought and her reaction. She realized that the noise and feeling of the water pouring down on her had taken her mind back to her experience with Trey. It was like she was in the grotto and then at the gym. She had looked down expecting to see Trey's hard, black cock in her hand and was ashamed by her expectation.

Shaking her head in dismay, she turned around and kneeling down sucked Ray's cock into her mouth as if this act of pleasing her husband would help to banish her cheating thoughts from her mind.

Chapter 26

"I passed, I passed!" Karen's excited voice came over the phone into Ray's ear.

"Congratulations! I knew you could do it. How did you find out so fast?'

"It's a pass-fail computer test and it tells you if you passed as soon as you finish. It's finally over. I'll be home in about twenty minutes. Want me to stop and get some champagne?"

Ray paused for a moment before answering.

"No, no, don't do that. I'll make some coffee, OK?"

"Oh, OK," she replied with a disappointed tone in her voice. "I'll be there shortly. Bye."

"He's afraid I'll start drinking again," she said aloud. "It's not like I'm an alcoholic or anything."

Ray and the children were waiting when Karen pulled into the driveway. They were all standing outside with a big, hand painted sign reading - "Congratulations!!!"

They hugged and kissed her and told her how proud they were of her as they pulled her inside to see a cupcake with a lighted candle in it.

"To the newest and smartest Realtor in the world," they chanted in unison. "We love you mom!"

Ray was beaming as Melody cut the cupcake into four pieces. The kids had cokes and Ray and Karen shared a cup of coffee while she told them about the test and how hard it was and how happy she was that she did so well.

After the little celebration, the kids returned to their warrens and Ray and Karen sat down to watch the news. She was exhausted and she started to doze even before the news was over.

Ray shook her gently and suggested they go up to bed. She was already under the covers when he came out of the bathroom. He slid in beside her and she snuggled up against him with her head against his chest. They lay in bed with their arms around each other and their legs entwined. They had hardly spoken a word since the little family party celebrating Karen's achievement was over.

"I'm so proud of you," he whispered and kissed her hair.

"Me too," she sighed. "It's been hard and I'm sorry for the problems I caused. I'll be a better wife from now on."

"Shh, go to sleep. It's been a long day," he said in a soothing voice as he gently rubbed her back.

They both fell asleep almost immediately and slept until they were awakened the next morning by the beeping of the alarm clock.

He lay quietly in bed and watched and listened as Karen got ready for work on Friday. She had not gotten up early to go to the gym and he wondered if she had decided to stop going every other day.

He heard her humming a few times and he pictured her standing nude in front of the mirror when the sound of the hair dryer started. He loved the way her breasts pulled up and swayed when she raised her arms to use the dryer. The dryer stopped and the next sound was of running water and the hum of the electric toothbrush.

Reaching down he fondled his rising erection and making up his mind he got out of bed and opening the door of the bathroom he stood and watched her through the mirror. Her eyes raised and caught his and she smiled through the foam covering her mouth.

Moving behind her he reached around and grasped her breasts with both hands and stooping slightly he tried to slip his cock in between her thighs. Karen's eyebrows rose when she felt his erection and she smiled again as she eased her legs apart so he could fit himself between them. Slowly sliding back and forth against her pussy, he fondled her breasts and played with her nipples.

Karen finished brushing her teeth with her eyes closed and one hand supporting herself on the vanity counter. When the timer turned the toothbrush off, she placed it on the counter and spit into the sink. Raising a cupped hand full of water to her mouth she rinsed out the remains of the toothpaste and again spit into the sink.

Placing both hands on the countertop and hoisting herself up onto her toes, she wiggled her ass against his erection in an invitation to him to penetrate her. Ray stooped a little lower and with the help of her fingers guiding him he found her opening and entered her wet warmth.

Dropping down onto her feet, Karen braced her elbows on the counter and thrust back in counter rhythm to Ray's movements. Ray was only pulling out about halfway before pushing back into her and his belly made quiet, slapping noises against her ass cheeks.

Karen could feel her climax rising and she started moving her ass in an almost frantic motion as she felt it near. Clenching and unclenching her ass cheeks and writhing her thighs she roughly used him to increase the electric jolts that were taking over her body.

His hands were using her breasts for leverage to keep them coupled and she could feel his fingers digging into them.

"Pinch them," she said. "Pinch my nipples."

He squeezed her nipples with his thumbs and forefingers.

"Harder," she ordered. "Harder."

He was afraid of hurting her but he followed her orders and grasping both nipples at the point where they protruded from her areole he pinched them as hard as he could.

Karen raised herself back against his chest and throwing her head back she wailed as her orgasm overtook her. Ray watched in the mirror as her hands came up and squeezed his fingers.

"Harder, harder," she hissed through clenched teeth while tightening her hands on his to the point where her nails were hurting him.

Her milking movements put him over the top and he slammed himself against her and held on as her body shuddered with the impact of her orgasm. He watched in the mirror as her face with wide open eyes showed the tension of her climax. It was immediately followed by a slack jawed mask of sexual fulfillment with traces of toothpaste drooling out of the corner of her mouth.

Slowly backing out of her he relaxed his fingers from their clamp on her nipples and she immediately groaned in agony when the blood flowed back into them.

"I'm sorry. Did I hurt you? I only did it because you wanted me to."

"No, no. It's all right. It's what I wanted. It was great," she reassured him as she massaged her breasts to relieve the pain.

"I don't think I've ever seen or heard you like just now. I'm not complaining, just wondering what got into you?"

"I don't know, it just happened."

Turning around in his arms she smiled at him and gave him a kiss.

"Now go away or I'll never get to work."

Karen leaned on the counter and stared at herself in the mirror. Once again, she had purposely replayed the night with Trey in the grotto. As soon as Ray came up behind her she fell right back into that few minutes of forbidden passion and the lust that she had sworn never to revisit.

The water running in the sink, his hands on her breasts, his belly slapping into her buttocks had all combined to bring back those feelings and she forgot who he was. In her mind it was Trey and instead of brushing the images aside she let them take over. She felt like she had lied to her husband and cheated on him all over again.

"I'm going crazy," she muttered as she finished getting her hair the way she wanted it to look.

Wiping between her legs with a damp washcloth, she examined her nipples and gently massaged them with her fingertips. She now realized how close pleasure was to pain. The pain that she knew was coming when her pinched nipples were released served to increase the pleasure that she felt during the act.

Ray was downstairs with the coffee when she came into the kitchen.

"Here's your cup for the car," he said and handed it to her.

"I've got to run," she replied and kissed him on the cheek with a smile on her face. "You made me late. Can we do it again on Monday?"

There was a "Congratulations Karen" banner hanging across the wall behind her desk when she arrived at work. Someone had spread the word and there were flowers and candy on her desk along with some cards. As the staff arrived over the course of the next few hours they all stopped by with their praise and good wishes. Karen felt the thrill of achievement and she was already planning on how she was going to get her first real listing and sale.

Mike called from the Garden City office and added his congratulations to the list. She had not seen him since the party last Saturday and there was some talk that something had happened between he and Donna. He sounded friendly and upbeat on the phone and whatever had happened, no one was talking but she knew from experience that it would become general knowledge before long.

"I wonder how long it will take for everyone to find out about me and Trey in the grotto?" she worried. "Someone must have seen us go in or come out and I'm sure it will become the gossip of the week."

She was worried that Ray was going to find out and she had to get her story straight in her mind so she would not appear to by lying when it happened. She had trouble keeping track of what she was doing with all of the things on her mind.

"It's not my fault. The first time was an accident," she kept telling herself even though she knew it was a lie.

She was also having trouble rationalizing the second and third time she had allowed another man to fuck her. She did not flinch when she said "fuck" anymore, it was becoming a part of her regular vocabulary, at least when she talked to herself.

Karen kept reminding herself of her decision to not jeopardize her marriage any more than she already had by doing something stupid again. She was determined to let her past slipups die a natural death and not to ever let them resurface.

In the midst of all of her mental turmoil, a bouquet of flowers arrived with a tiara motif. It was from Ray and the kids and she almost cried when she read the card. "To the best mother and wife a family could ever wish to have!"

The happiness she felt was tinged with her guilt and remorse. It was so overpowering that she felt it overshadowed everything that was happening to her on what should have been a perfect day. Determined to not let herself get depressed, she threw herself into her work and was getting caught up when Adele came in with a card and best wishes.

After opening the card and accepting Adele's compliments she was about to get back to work when Adele whispered to meet her in the ladies room. Wondering what was going on, Karen waited a minute after Adele left before following her.

Adele was checking under the stall doors when Karen entered. Straightening up and reaching into her purse, Adele brought out the top to Karen's bathing suit with one cup folded into the other. Karen gasped and brought her hand up to her mouth.

"Is this yours?" Adele asked.

"Yes, where did you get it?" Karen knew the answer before she asked it.

"At the gym. Did you know that Trey is gone?"

"Gone? What do you mean gone?"

"Just that. He's gone. He did not come in to work this morning and when they called to find out where he was his wife said he would no longer be working there."

"How ... how did you get my bra?"

"The manager gave it to me. I went in to pay my bill and he asked if I knew who it belonged to. They found it in Trey's desk and I thought I recognized it as the one you wore to the party. How did he get it?"

"It's a long story and I wish I never had been a part of it. Please don't say anything to anybody, will you? Please?"

"Of course I won't. You be careful now, hear!"

Karen spent the rest of the day with a sense of relief that hopefully she would never have to see Trey again. If he was gone then her worries were over and she would never have to face any consequences from her mistakes.

"No consequences except for the one's in my own head," she reminded herself.

Karen hurried home right after work and went directly to the laundry room. She dug through the pile of odds and ends until she finally found the matching bottom of her suit and the oversized bra she had taken from the grotto. Throwing that bra into the trashcan, she replaced it with hers and put everything back into the pile of unwashed laundry.

No one was home and after changing clothes she took some steaks out of the freezer and started to make dinner. Ray and the kids came in as she was finishing the salad and she asked him to start the grill and get the steaks ready.

"Where were you guys?" she asked no one in particular.

"Uh, we went to get some movies," Melody replied.

"Yeah, some movies," repeated Brian.

"What did you get?" she asked.

"Uh, there weren't any we wanted to watch so we didn't get any," Brian stumbled through the words.

Shaking her head in confusion she continued with the dinner preparations.

"Go wash up. We're having steak tonight," she ordered the children.

Dinner was pleasant and after the dishes were cleared, Melody and Brian both said they were going out with friends for the evening.

"You know your curfews," she reminded them.

"I don't have a curfew any more," Melody interjected.

"Yes you do, young lady. Be reasonable while you're still living here."

"Yes, mother," she said resignedly then she laughed as she scampered up the stairs. "I'll be home before dawn!"

Ray dozed in his recliner while Karen tried to figure out what she was going to do. She knew that Donna was aware that she was in the grotto with Trey and now Adele knew something had happened between them. Much of the party was hazy and she did not remember all that she had done.

She did remember dancing the Salsa and rubbing her behind into her partner's front. She had a foggy image of someone kissing or licking her breasts while she pulled her top down and held them up to him. The sounds of the crowd laughing and clapping their hands were what drove her to act like she did.

"The booze had something to do with it too," she admitted to herself.

The scene in the tent with her legs wrapped around Trey's hips came back like a movie on a screen in front of her. It was like looking at herself from a distance and watching her grind her pussy against him in slow motion while all of those people looked on and cheered.

"Oh, my God!" she said louder than she had intended. "No!"

"What? What's wrong?" Ray woke from his nap. "Are you OK?"

"Yes. I'm sorry. I must have been dreaming she replied. "I'm tired, let's go to bed. OK?"

"Sure," he yawned. "I'll be right up."

Karen pretended to be asleep when Ray came into the bedroom. He turned off the light and tiptoed around so as not to awaken her. She listened to his before-bed bathroom routine and lay quietly when he slid under the covers.

Rolling over behind her he touched his lips to her bare shoulder and said, "I love you."

Karen's mind was whirling with her thoughts. She did not deserve his love and she did not know what to do to earn it back. Should she tell him what happened? She was drunk at the party but she was not drunk in the grotto after she found out it was Trey and not him. She definitely was not drunk when she went to the gym with the intention of fucking Trey.

She knew he would not understand because she herself did not understand. She knew that alcohol played a large part in her actions but she could not blame everything on that. Besides, there was another problem and that was her planned trip to Las Vegas. It had not been mentioned and she did not know how to remind him that she still intended to go.

She ticked off the calendar in her mind, "Melody's last day of school is Friday May 18, graduation and the party on Saturday May 19. Melody off to Europe on Tuesday May 22, and Brian going to baseball camp the next day, Wednesday May 23."

She was scheduled to leave for Las Vegas on Friday May 25 and not return until Sunday a week. The only thing she could think of doing was to be the best wife and mother that she could possibly be and wait until after graduation to remind him she was going.

The thought of having a week to herself and her girlfriends in a place as hot and sexy as Las Vegas was not lost on her. Even though she tried to concentrate on the business aspect of it she knew there would be opportunities to see some shows and to have a blast.

"No drinking and no sex," she reminded herself as she lapsed into sleep.

Chapter 27

The Royals devoted Saturday to doing chores around the house and making final plans for Melody's graduation party and her upcoming trip to Europe. They double-checked the list of things she would have to take and made sure she had everything she needed. While Ray was downstairs, Karen went into Melody's bathroom and made sure that her birth control pills were there. She did not want to take a chance on Melody forgetting them when she packed her cosmetics for the trip.

Unknown to Ray, Karen had taken Melody to the gynecologist over two months before and had her checked out and put on the pill. Melody insisted she did not need it but Karen wanted to be on the safe side. They had discussed the pros and cons of sex before marriage and the dangers of unprotected sex. She reminded Melody that the pill would keep her from getting pregnant but it would not protect her from STDs.
