Love of Autism Ch. 04


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Her next class went by slowly and she thought seeing Scott during English would maybe make her feel a little better. However, as she approached the classroom she saw Alyssa with Scott and she gave him a kiss on the cheek before leaving him. She was grateful Scott didn't see that she saw the kiss because that would have made things awkward for them.

English class went by at a good pace, but Katie kept glancing over at Scott and looking at the cheek that Alyssa kissed. The last ten minutes of class slowed down to a crawl and she couldn't keep her focus on what Miss Bird was talking about. When the bell rang she immediately got up from her seat, went to her locker and got what she needed to do her homework for the night. Once she made sure she had everything she needed, she quickly went to her car and drove home.

The whole drive home she tried to tell herself that she wasn't jealous and didn't mind that Alyssa had kissed Scott. She kept telling herself that Scott would have been a difficult guy to date because of his autism, but deep down she knew the truth. She was falling for him and to see him getting the attention of another woman hurt.

When Katie entered her home she was surprised to see to her mom cutting food in the kitchen. "You're home early Mom."

"Yeah, I felt like taking the afternoon off. I've done a lot of travelling the past few weekends and haven't spent any time with my favorite woman."

Jillian did travel a lot for her job to make sure her and her daughter were taken care of financially. However this meant that she was not home as often as she liked to be to spend time with Katie. She did feel lucky that Katie was able to take care of herself and didn't slack on her school work when she wasn't around.

"What are you making?" Katie asked walking over to her mom.

"I was thinking of making a stir fry that we could both enjoy. I just need to cut of some more carrots and still cut the beef."

"I can cut the beef while you work on the vegetables," Katie offered.

"Thank you. You know which knife to use?"

"Yep. Just need to know about how small you want the meat cubes to be."

"About half inch each side."

Together Katie and Jillian cut, prepped and cooked a delicious stir fry that they both enjoyed. Jillian had wanted there to be some leftovers but it was just too good to not eat. She looked over at her daughter's plate and saw she also ate everything that was on it.

"I guess we need to make a much bigger portion next time if I want to have some leftovers for work," Jillian commented.

"Or for me to have for a meal when I don't want to order out."

"True," Jillian agreed, "that would be nice for you. So how are things going with school?"

"Pretty good," Katie answered. "The only class I'm doing badly in is math with a B, but A's everywhere else."

"That's great!" Jillian exclaimed. "I'm sure you'll get a good scholarship from any college. Of course I'll help you pay for the rest along with any expenses for living on campus."

"Thank you Mom. I appreciate that."

"So what's been going on with you and Scott?"

Katie shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing really. We're just friends."

"Just friends?" Jillian asked with a grin.

Katie rolled her eyes seeing the grin on her mom. "Yes Mom, just friends. I don't think he has any interest in me as more than a friend."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes Mom," Katie said annoyed with being asked again. "I think another girl is trying to get his attention anyway."

"What girl would want to get his attention?" Jillian asked laughing.

"A girl he's been tutoring in math. He told me that she kissed him yesterday and I saw her give him a kiss on the cheek before English class today."

"She must be ugly and desperate," Jillian commented.

"No, she can actually get any guy she wants and is wanted by many guys."

"What type of guys does she go for?"

"I've known her to get any jock, but she usually goes for football and basketball players. I think I've seen her with a different guy every month if not two. She loves being the center of attention."

"Sounds like a stuck up cheerleader to me."

"Well she is a cheerleader so that makes sense."

Jillian started laughing hard and it took her a minute to settle down. "Who would have thought that autistic kid might have a shot with a cheerleader? I guess every dog has his day."

"Why do you keep doing that?" Katie asked, frustrated that her mom keeps putting Scott down in her comments.

"Do what?"

"You keep talking about Scott as if he's less than human and not worth caring about."

"Katie, he has autism. He's not going to function well in today's society."

"His dad seems to do pretty well with his job and is still married to his wife. I say he functions pretty well in today's society."

"I'll admit Scott's dad has done well for himself in some areas, but he still..."

"God dammit Mom," Katie interrupted, just tired of her mom's excuses. "How about you finally admit people with autism aren't as worthless as you want them to be? Just maybe they can do great things if people actually give them a chance to show what they can really do."

"I'm sorry you believe such nonsense sweetie, but hey," Katie got up from the kitchen table and grabbed her backpack to head up to her room, "where do you think you're going?"

"To my room to do my homework," Katie replied as calmly as she could.

"You would run away when..."

Katie turned around and stared down her mom. "I'm not the one who thinks less of certain people just because she had a bad experience with them one time because of a god damn letter. If you want to still carry on with your bullshit reasoning go ahead, but don't think I'm going to follow you down the hole you're digging for yourself."

Jillian was speechless at the way her daughter had just talked to her. She had never seen Katie be so defiant, but she wasn't going to put up with this attitude from her daughter. "You just got yourself grounded young lady for two weeks."

Katie turned back around, giving her back to her mom, not caring that she was just grounded. She walked to her room, closed the door behind her, put her face into her pillow and screamed. Once she was done screaming she started to cry. Her relationship with her mom was starting to deteriorate and the guy at the center of why things were deteriorating had only wanted to be her friend.


"I'm surprised you wanted to go to another football game," Steve said while eating a piece of popcorn.

"Why not? It's our senior year," Scott said.

"True, but the games are loud and you could get overwhelmed," Liz pointed out.

"I'll be fine. I can't just stay away from situations like this all my life for fear of being overwhelmed and having a minor meltdown." Just as he finished that sentence their school's football team scored a touchdown and everyone started up and down, cheering on their team. After a minute everyone settled down and Scott turned to his two best friends. "By the way, I'm fine and that did not overwhelm me."

Steve and Liz laughed at Scott knowing he was mocking them. As much as they wanted to protect him, they sometimes forgot he could handle loud noises and crazy situations better than most people with autism. However if things did get too much for him, he would give them a signal and they would help him get away from the situation.

The game continued on with both teams battling back and forth, neither scoring a touchdown for the rest of the first quarter. Every once in a while Scott would look at the cheerleaders and see Alyssa. Around the fifth time he looked at her she caught him looking and blew a kiss at him. He pointed to himself, asking if it was for him and she nodded. He blew a kiss back at her which she caught and put on her lips.

"Who are you blowing a kiss at?" Liz asked catching him.

Scott laughed nervously unsure if he should tell the truth or not. "Alyssa."

Liz looked down at where the cheerleaders were and saw Alyssa looking back at them. She looked back at Scott, confused as to what was going on. "I thought you were just tutoring her in math."

"Well I am tutoring her in math still," Scott said with a big grin on his face.

"What else are you two doing?" Steve asked overhearing the conversation.

"Just hanging out, sometimes watch a little TV," Scott answered still grinning.

Liz couldn't hold in her laughter as she burst out laughing and Steve shortly joined her in the laughter as well. Once Liz calmed herself down, she put her hand on Scott's shoulder. "So has she paid you for the tutoring with any lip service?"

"A gentlemen doesn't kiss and tell Liz. You know that."

"Holy shit!" Liz exclaimed. "You've been making out with Alyssa Frank!"

Steve's eyes bugged out seeing Scott's reaction to what Liz was saying. "Damn Scott!"

"OK guys. That is enough. I'll share all the details another time when not so many people are around."

They continued to watch the game and every once in a while Scott and Alyssa would wave at each other. After the game was over Scott went down to look for Alyssa but couldn't find her. He was about to give up looking for her when he felt a tap on his shoulder and he turned around to see his girl.

"Thank you so much for coming Scott," Alyssa said happily.

"What? Like I wouldn't come to see you do your thing?" Scott said as he wrapped his hands around her waist.

"Well you are a gentleman," Alyssa replied as she placed her hands around his neck.

"And you are beautiful." Scott pulled Alyssa in closer to him.

"And you are handsome." Alyssa pulled Scott's head in closer so that their faces were only inches apart from each other.

Scott closes the distance and places his lips on hers for a sweet, tender kiss. He pulls away after a few seconds with a big grin on his face. "And you're an amazing kisser."

"And I taught you well," Alyssa said with an equally big grin on her face.

"Yes you did," Scott said through his laughter. "You have done an excellent job in tutoring me in that area."

"If you come by my house tomorrow afternoon I will tutor you in something else."

"What else would you tutor me in?" Scott asked not sure what she meant.

"You really have no clue?" Alyssa asked not believing that Scott didn't know.

"Umm," Scott became nervous feeling like he should obviously know what Alyssa meant. "I'm really sorry, but I have no clue."

Alyssa laughed lightly. "I guess you'll just have to find out," she said while pulling his head in for a long kiss.

Little did they know Katie watched their entire exchange the whole time and saw each kiss. Her heart sank seeing Scott be with another girl and she immediately turned away to go to her car. Once inside her car she started to cry until she heard a knock on the driver side window and saw that it was Liz. She rolled down her window to tell Liz to go away, but Liz didn't give the chance to speak.

"Could you give me a ride home? Steve is going to hang out with some of the guys and I'm not really interested in watching them play video games all night." Katie nodded, rolled up her window and unlocked the car door for Liz to get in.

"Where do you live?" Katie asked.

"Not that far from you actually, but you could also come into the house if you wanted for some ice cream."

The last thing Katie wanted at that moment was sympathy, especially from Scott's friends. "No thanks Liz."

"Are you sure you want to turn down free mint chocolate chip ice cream?"

Katie glanced over at Liz. "How do you know?"

"Every time I see anyone give out free ice cream at school, I have always seen you get that without fail or else you don't eat any ice cream at all."

The offer is very tempting to Katie but she still feels like she doesn't deserve such kindness. "Honestly, thank you Liz but I shouldn't even really be out right now. My mom grounded me and the only reason why I'm out here is because someone tipped me off that Scott was here tonight and I wanted to talk to him and just get some answers from him."

"And instead you saw him kissing Alyssa," Liz pointed out.

"Yeah," Katie said shaking her head. "I feel like I'm just hoping he feels the same way about me and I'm starting to think he doesn't."

"Katie, you need ice cream right now and a friend to talk this over with."

"I don't know Liz."

Liz took a deep breath before deciding to tell Katie the real reason she wanted to talk to her. "Also I think you know Alyssa is going to hurt Scott at some point and I want you to be the friend he leans on for support." That caught Katie's attention as she turned to look at Liz wondering if she was serious. "Yes, I want you to be the one that is there for Scott."

"OK, you are going to tell me why over ice cream because I really want to know why you want that."

Following Liz's directions they got to her house in about fifteen minutes. Once inside Liz gets two bowls, the ice cream scoop, and two containers of ice cream, one mint chocolate chip and the other cookie dough. After having a bite of mint chocolate chip Katie seemed to relax and was not as sad as she was before.

"Ice cream always knows how to make me happy," Katie stated.

"Ice cream will always make any woman happy," Liz pointed out.

"Very true," Katie agree, "but I do want to know what you meant by what you said earlier."

Liz put her spoon in her half eaten bowl of ice cream and looked Katie in the eye. "Because you're the only person ever Scott has willingly cried in front of."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Steve and I were with Scott when he got the news that his grandma had passed away and he left the room to go cry by himself."

"I still don't get it," Katie said, still not understanding what Liz was trying to tell her.

Liz took a deep breath, thinking of a better way to explain what she wanted to communicate. "Have you ever seen Scott cry at school?"

Katie shook her head, "No, never."

"How many people do you think have seen Scott cry?"

"I would think his parents, sister, you."

"Outside of those closest to him, do you think anyone else has seen him cry?"

Katie thought long and hard about it before coming to the realization that Liz was trying to get her to see. "Never?"

"Yeah, never. Even with those of us closest to him if he feels overwhelmed and is about to have a meltdown, he goes somewhere else to cry."

"Wow," Katie said somewhat shocked, "but I still don't see why I need to be the one there for him. You and Steve are his best friends and know how to deal with him best."

"But you are the one he is willing to be vulnerable in front of," Liz retorted.

"That was one time," Katie argued, "and it was not like he could just run off to go cry somewhere else without attracting attention."

"He's done that before with me and Steve, just left us out of nowhere so he could deal with his meltdown. We've gotten used to it and just tell people he's having an autistic meltdown."

Katie ate a few more spoonful of ice cream as she thought about what Liz was telling her. She knew that she had made Scott angry many times before and had even bullied him into meltdowns when they were much younger. Even with those meltdowns though, she never did see him cry in front of everyone else.

"I don't know Liz. I think I would want to be the last person he sees if Alyssa did something to hurt him."

"You're right," Liz agreed which took Katie off guard. "He probably wouldn't want to see you, but you are the best person to be there for him because you love him."

"Well as a friend, yeah."

"No Katie, you actually love him," Liz stated passionately. "I don't know when it happened, but you have fallen in love with Scott."

Katie looked down at her empty bowl of ice cream, knowing full well Liz was right. She just didn't love Scott as friend, but wanted to be more than that with him. He made her feel like she mattered to him and actually listened to. She just didn't understand why he didn't feel the same about her.


"Damn, I wish more guys were like you?" Alyssa said trying to catch her breath while lying on her bed.

"Why?" Scott asked. "I just listened to what you told me to do."

"Yeah, but most guys only do what they want to do and think the girl is enjoying it."

"Well, I think you would know best what gets you off."

"And that is why there needs to be more guys like you willing to listen on how a girl wants her clit played with."

A huge grin formed on Scott's face. "Well it was the least I could after that blow job you gave me."

"And there is nothing a woman loves more than a man who will reciprocate oral," Alyssa said also with a big grin.

"I'm sorry I didn't last that long," Scott apologized. Alyssa pulled him forward and gave him a gentle kiss.

"There is nothing to be sorry about Scott. I'm the first girl that's given you a blow job and not to toot my horn, but I've been told I know how to get guys to cum fast."

Scott smiled. "Well I can honestly say you made me cum the hardest I've ever cum."

Alyssa gave Scott another kiss. "I'm sure another girl will come along and make you cum even harder."

The smile on Scott's face went away as he was confused by what she just said. "Another girl?"

"Yeah, I mean you didn't think I was going to be your girlfriend or anything, did you?"

"Well, kinda. Why else would you be doing all this sexual stuff with me?"

"Because I like you and think you're really cute."

Scott didn't understand. "But why teach me all of this sexual stuff if you don't plan on me being your boyfriend?"

"Scott," Alyssa said in the sweet voice, "I don't do boyfriends. I like playing with guys, but don't want the strings and emotions that come with it."

"So I'm just a friend with benefits."

"Yeah, but I'm not going to take your virginity. I want you to share that with someone special. Maybe Katie."

"No, not Katie," Scott said shaking his head, "I don't like her like that."

"Why not? The whole school is talking about how you two seem to get along really well now and have a certain chemistry."

"Because I only want to be friends with her and that is all."

"Why? She is beautiful and you two get along great now."

"Because I don't want to be more than friends with her," Scott said, anger starting to show in his voice.

Alyssa sensed that Scott didn't want to talk about Katie so she decided to get back on the original topic. "Anyway, I just don't do anything with a single guy for more than a month. I like experimenting and teaching guys on how to please a woman."

Scott rolled onto his back and looked up at the ceiling. "OK, that makes sense I guess."

Everything Alyssa was telling him was starting to overwhelm him. Why didn't she tell him from the beginning that she only wanted to use him as a friend with benefits? Everything he thought he understood about sex and relationships just seemed to be a lie when it came to Alyssa. He thought she wanted to be with him, not just use him as a sex toy.

"Scott, are you OK?" Alyssa asked concerned with Scott's silence.

"Yeah," Scott lied, "just processing everything you're telling me."

Alyssa's eyes went wide. "Oh, you really thought I was seriously interested in you." Scott nodded his head. "I'm so sorry Scott."

"It's OK Alyssa. I know now and guess I just have to deal with it."

"Can you look at me Scott?" Alyssa asked. Scott turned his head and looked her in the face. Even with how awkward the conversation was going for him, her smile did make him feel a little better. "We can keep doing this while you are tutoring me in math and I promise not be with any other guys during that time if you want. I know it is not ideal for you, but this is just how it is for me."

Scott thought about it for a minute, but was conflicted. No strings attached sexual fun seemed like a great idea, but he didn't just want to be so easily discarded after everything was done. "Can I think about it and give you an answer Monday?" he asked.