LST3K Ep. 03: Who's Stalking Who?


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Dark: I obviously have a slightly skewed view of how to be sneaky here.

You pulled it gently between your teeth, sucking softly as I moaned and thrust my hips up towards your face. Your cock almost came out of your pants on it's own.

Falling: That's two...

Dark: Wiser than me, it was making a break for it before the cops showed up.

Your hand stroked it, reaching up to cup some of my hot juices to lubricate it then stroking harder as you could feel my orgasm coming. You stabbed two fingers into my flesh, filling my tightness until I was mindless.

Dark: At least we're both on the same level now.

My hands reached down, grabbed your face pulling you up towards the top of the blanket.

The idea of being caught almost made you lose your erection but the sight of smooth stomach, a tiny silver belly ring, and then just the underside of my firm breasts caught your attention as I inexorably drew you closer to me.

My mouth was waiting, my lips pressing against yours, my tongue stealing out to touch your lips, tasting myself on them. I pulled at your shirt, tugging it over your head, then finding your mouth once more. My tongue against your lips reminded you to open them because for just one second, you thought you were dreaming and that this couldn't possibly be real. Our mouths mated in ways that had me pressing against you in need and desire. Your hand roamed my skin, coming closer and closer to my breasts.

Dark: Okay, I've been lapping you for several minutes, but I'm hesitating running backward to second base? I really should have patronized the "Need a clue, take a clue" box this morning.

You wanted to touch them, wanted to bury your face in the smoothness of my cleavage, suckle my nipples until I came just from that. Everything was being handed to you, everything you had dreamed was right here in this bed. And you may be damned for it, but you couldn't resist taking. You almost cringed when I pushed you away

Dark: I'm gonna cringe! Psyche!

and only breathed again when I rolled on top of you, my legs sliding down to straddle your stomach as I kissed you. Your hands tore off my nightgown, hearing the material rip in your haste to see my body naked in the glow of the light from the hall.

I was more beautiful than you had ever imagined, my face flushed rosy with passion, my mouth swollen from your kisses. My eyes were half open, staring down at you full of need and desire. Your eyes roamed my breasts as I shifted up, seeing their firmness, the hard nipples that were as large as berries and looked twice as ripe.

Falling: What kind of berries? Because if they're the size of those giant California strawberries, I'm going to start wonder which one of us has radiation poisoning...

Dark: *Singing* Oh give me a home, where the berry nipples roam...

You clutched me to you, your mouth swooping up to suckle one into your mouth.

Oh, it was sweet, the flesh hard and puckered around the tip. You nibbled delicately, carefully, not wanting to cause me pain. Then you suckled sweetly, pulling more and more of my breast into your mouth until you couldn't hold anymore.

Dark: Am I the only one hearing the sounds of a vacuum cleaner sucking up a sock here?

My feet were pressing against the waistband of your jeans, slowly pushing them down your thighs until you shifted your hips, helping me rid you of them, kicking off your shoes until you were as naked as I was.

I scooted down, amazing you, my mouth moving over you, nipping at your stomach, stroking your thighs with my hands. When I took your hard cock in my hand, my tongue licking the underside before stroking it with my mouth, you thought you had died and gone to heaven.

Dark: What an original turn of phrase!

With one hand I cupped your balls feeling them tightening against your groin, the other fisted around your hard cock, marveling at the size, at it's hardness.

Falling: And that's strike three! "It is" hardness? Okay, honey, come over here to the corner while I BEAT YOU TO DEATH for not paying attention in fifth grade English!

Your hips ached to thrust into my mouth but you didn't want this to end too soon. Instead, you pulled me back to your mouth, tasting yourself in the dark flavors of my mouth. My hand kept stroking your cock, never wanting to leave the smooth shaft that felt so good in my palm.

"Oh, God, baby," you moaned into my mouth. "Stop that. I'll give you a week to stop that."

Dark: Moaned into her mouth? That must sound like Charlie Brown's teacher choking on a pomegranate...

You can feel my lips curve into a smile even as my thighs parted and rubbed against the outside of yours. I sat up, allowing you a long lecherous look at my body as I guided the head of your cock to the entrance of my pussy.

Dark: Should I wipe my feet on the carpet before I walk through the entrance? And does it match the drapes?

The head slides in, wrapped in hot flesh that vibrates with it's own special pleasure.

Falling: *beatings will continue until grammar improves*

Your hands are on my hips, your neck arched, teeth gritted at how tight I am. You look up at me as you take small strokes, gently trying to ease into my flesh. My face is a mask of concentration, my teeth biting into my lower lip. Finally, after what seemed like long torturous moments, your cock is buried to the balls inside my steamy flesh. Your hands grip my hips harder as I tried to move, controlling the movements with precise coordination.

Dark: We're concentrating more than a micro surgeon here. Penetration isn't exactly rocket science, geesh...

Falling: Sex is the original point and click technology- if they're having this much trouble with it, it sort of makes you wonder about their email capabilities.

Mel: Who has time for email with all the stalking going on?! Why bother learning now anyway, they have classes in prison, don't they?

Soon I'm writhing against your hands, trying to take more, move faster. With every strong upward thrust of your body, you pull mine down making me cry out with sweet pressure. You can feel me start to orgasm, feel the juices from my body slipping down your cock and coating your balls in wet heat. And then you feel the convulsions of muscles, hear my breath gasp out and me feel me fight your hands as I struggle to grind against your groin.

Dark: Me feel me fight. Is that Neanderthal, or just bad editing? You decide.

Just the feeling of that warm pussy, muscles tightening like a wet mouth throws you over the edge and you cry out with me, ramming your cock into me once more before filling me with hot spurts of cum.

My body stays arched for one long moment, the heat and explosiveness of your pleasure making me orgasm one more time in heated bursts of pleasure.

Dark: Lemme guess, it was hot?

Mel: And pleasurable!

Then I fall forward, my head buried in your neck, my lips against your skin as I try to catch my breath.

Mel: Just out of curiosity, how is he getting his breath back if his mouth is pressed to skin? Is he inhaling THROUGH her body? This guy gets more impressive by the minute! No wonder he needs breathing eyeballs.

You cuddle me close, letting your hands stroke the muscles of my back. This was where you had dreamed of being for so long that you wanted to pinch yourself to make sure you weren't back in your own bed, a wet dream leaving the sheets sticky and your stomach coated with your own orgasms. But you breathed deeply instead, deciding to enjoy every second of this whether it was a dream or true before I called out for help and the police.

Police. That thought had you shuddering. The stories you'd heard, prison rape, gang bangs in the shower had your asshole puckering tightly and your arms tightening around me.

Dark: I'm scared! Hold me my dear, beloved stalker victim!

I lifted my head off your shoulder and smile down at you. I could see the uncertain expression on your face in the light I left lit in the hallway for you every night. It wouldn't do to have you trip or fall and get hurt, not when I had plans for you. The expression in your eyes though make me feel a little devilish.

"Who are you?" I knew who your were, had known since the second day when I had asked the super who the great looking guy was that lived upstairs.

Dark: Your stalker, don't you remember placing the ad? Wanted: Creepy guy with little to no common sense...

"Uh...upstairs neighbor." You cleared your throat. "Remember, I found your keys in your door?"

Oh yeah, the keys that I had left in the door everyday for a week until you had finally found them. I had heard you take them and knew what you were doing, having to act like I was on the phone when you finally returned them so that I didn't just reach out and drag you into the apartment then.

I arch under your stroking hands on my back which pushed my groin down against your cock that was still buried tightly in my pussy.

Dark: *singing* Comma, comma, comma - comma chameleon, where'd they go, oh where'd they go?

You can feel a burst of pleasure and know you are becoming aroused again.

"So we've met?" The question was asked in a voice that was just a little more whispery then before.

"Ah, yeah." My hips were moving against yours, stroking your cock a little harder with every wiggle of my body against yours. You moaned and tried to stop me. I managed to move around your hands and continue pleasuring myself with your hard cock.

"I'm, ahh, oh God..." you lick your lips and try again. "I'm sorry."

Dark: "I'm sorry, let me get you a towel. Honestly, this has never happened to me before..."

That surprises me a little, almost enough to make me stop moving. I wanted to ask if you were sorry about stealing into my place, going through my things. Something that turned me on every time I came home and found something moved. The idea that you were in my place when I wasn't home, that you were touching my panties, maybe even rubbing them on your face and body, had me moaning into an orgasm every night against my hand held shower head.

Dark: Actually, I was just stealing the change in the bottom of your panty drawer for the Galaga machine at work.

Were you sorry about staring at me? Coming into my apartment at night, standing there watching me as I pretended to sleep. It was so hard to just lay there when I wanted you to come to me, to take me the way you had tonight.

Or were you sorry that you had?

I lift up above you, my hands next to your shoulders my hair falling to one side of my face. I look down the length of our bodies and see where we are joined, watch as your cock impales me with every rise and fall of my hips.

"You're sorry about this?"

Dark: Mr. Happy replies, "Hell no!" as I wonder why you're talking to him instead of me.

I look back into your face, little explosions of pleasure making my nipples hard and tight and making me bite down on my lower lip again.

That little habit drove you crazy and you pushed your hands in my hair and pulled my face down, taking my lip between your own teeth, biting gently before nibbling and licking it. You can feel my breath rasp out against your mouth as my hips churned against yours.

Dark: Are we makin' love, or makin' butter baby?


Dark: *Singing* In the name of... *Stops singing* ALL THAT'S HOLY! Warm safe place, warm safe place...

I stare into your eyes, amazed at the command, and at the forceful sound in your voice.

"Why?" I gasp, holding still as I can see you mean it.

"Do you always act this way?"

Dark: I've got cast iron castanets the size of regulation basketballs to be questioning anybody else's behavior at this point.

Falling: Yes, yes you do, Dark.

Dark: Hey, wait a minute...

I wanted to smack you on top of the head.

Dark: Don't bother, obviously no vital organs there.

Didn't you know that I had arranged this whole thing so that you could watch me. You'd been perfect and now I wanted you in my bed and between my thighs one way or another.

Instead, I smile and lean forward to kiss your neck.

You push me off your throbbing cock, moaning as the cold air swirls around it.

"What are you, some kind of tease?"

Dark: Uhm, I think penetration precludes the definition of "tease", Me.

Everything was going horribly wrong. How did I explain without you really becoming mad. I opened my mouth to explain and you grabbed my head.

"This is what gets done to teases." You force your cock in my mouth, pushing deep. I gag and feel it deep in my throat cutting off my air. Then you pull back, holding my hair in a fist at the back of my head. I let my tongue swirl around your cock as just the tip is between my lips. Then I suck on it like it's a popsicle.

Dark: There's an analogy I've never heard before - must write that one down.

She wasn't suppose to enjoy this.

Mel: Ah, the tenses are at it again! Besides, you not only sneak into the girl's bed, but now she isn't supposed to enjoy this. Yeah, you're not a pervert, silly me...

Your eyes almost bulge out of your head as my hands come up to caress your heavy balls, stroking with my fingers, gently squeezing. I mummer deep in my throat

Dark: Mummer? Sounds like something you'd do with a kazoo...

Mel: Uh, Dark, haven't you heard? A mummer is a renaissance dancer (I'm not making this up...) Kinda makes you wonder how she managed to fit a dancer down her throat...

Dark: At least it isn't the guy who makes the leather mugs. I hate that guy!

Falling: Hey! I dated him!

as you push deep one more time, the vibrations shooting through your cock and straight into your nervous system.

Dark: *singing* Hey, there's a telegraph line, you got yours and I got mine. It's called the nervous system!

It feels like electrical charges are vibrating through you and your breath becomes short.

Falling: Not only are they both super heroes of stupidity, but now she has an electrical socket in her throat? Awesome! Open up and let me plug in the popcorn maker, would ya?

I love the feel of your cock in my mouth, the salty tang of our mixed pleasure still wet on it. Even the roughness you display, a way to get even with me doesn't change the way you make me feel. And you will understand. Well, you would when I could tell you and I couldn't with your cock pushing against the back of my throat.

Falling: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Dark: Toss in some Ups with those Chucks and I think we've captured the essence.

You push me back and order me onto my hands and knees on the bed. You kick my feet apart and kneel behind me, pushing your cock into my wetness with one quick thrust that makes me gasp.

"Baby..nmmmmmmm, I need to tell you something." I had to tell you. I could feel your balls hitting my clit with every thrust and could feel the tightening deep inside of me, that sweet coiling that told me of the orgasm that was coming.

Your hand fisted in my hair, pulling me up and back against you. Your arm wrapped around my slim waist, holding me tightly against you as you continued to plunge inside of me.

Dark: Is she against me? Maybe I'd better say it one more time...

"What?" you grunt, staring down at my breasts that move violently with ever thrust.

"I, mm, I, Oh God....set this up."

You thrust harder, almost missing my words as you lift me off the bed with your cock.

Dark: For my next trick, I'll pull a freight train with Mr. Happy!

Falling: Shaolin Iron Body, anyone?

The orgasm pumps through you, desperately sweet despite what you want. You slump over me, dropping both of us to the bed, letting me hold your weight with my arms. You lifted up a little as what I said sunk through the murky haze of lust covering your brain.

"You set this up. You set me up."

Dark: And boy, was it easy. I'm not the sharpest hunk of cheddar in the cheese shop here.

You lifted off of me and I almost cried out as you pulled out of me.

"You knew I was coming into your apartment?"

You pushed me over on my side, staring into my face.


"You knew I was watching you at night?"


Dark: Such range of emotion, such eloquent expression of thought. Who would think that just saying "Yes" over and over again could be so powerful! Sorry, there goes my sarcasm gauge redlining again.

Astonishment left your face as another thought crossed your mind. "You rolled on me on purpose, didn't you?"

I looked down at my hands that were worrying a tiny corner of the comforter. "Yes," I said, managing to look up at you through my eyelashes.

Dark: Whew, I was worried you might say something other than "Yes" this time, and I might have to look it up.

I couldn't read your face. I couldn't tell what you were thinking or feeling. And you were quiet for quite a while.


Now this was the hard part. This was the furthest and most desperate lengths I'd ever had to go to attract a man.

Dark: That's good to know, because the only level beyond this involves duct tape and abandoned warehouses by the docks.

Falling: *shifts gaze quickly* Really? *hides the duct tape* Who comes up with stuff like that?

Dark: *Whispers* Shhh... after the show...

"I wanted you and you wouldn't ask me out."

Your laughter was the last thing I had expected, well second last as the long slow kiss you gave me was the real surprise.

You lifted up on an elbow, staring down at me so close to your body.

"Wanna have dinner with me tonight?"

Dark: *Singing Robert Palmer* Nothing more disturbing than two psychos in love!

Falling: People are strange... and then you're stranger... *smacks Dark* explain to me again why I agreed to read this? I've gotten better reads off of cereal boxes!

Dark: At least they proofread the cereal boxes...


Oh, my head hurts. This one was painful.

Big thanks to the author for donating this story to the cause. I never knew you had something like this in you! *laugh*

Big thanks to Falling and Melinda for enduring this one with me too. This spoof wouldn't be half what it is without their talent and rapier wit. There's absolutely nothing like getting back the working copies from someone and spewing coke on my monitor when I read their lines.

I've got several more donated stories lurking around waiting to be dissected, but one is begging to be next.

I'll give a one word hint.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

These are wonderful parodies!

momz2manymomz2manyabout 12 years ago
Oh the pain! 0_0

You know you need to stop when you wake the 9 and 15 yr. old up and it takes a good 3 minutes to pull yourself together enough to explain you really were not crying.

Just as I had a small grip, "I double dog dare me" snuck back in my head and now their probably concidering reverse adoption. You three are a priceless team. Maybe not as much fun without ducktape, but I love these stories. No sleep in this house tonight! Wow, you've been the indirect cause of a few sleepless nights but at least my hubby was a lil more supportive.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Was something left in the toilet?

"...went into my bathroom and breathed the scent of me, what was left..."

lol. I didn't even get to the end of that sentence before I started wondering if she had ripped a massive fart that lingered for hours.


FaeLinaFaeLinaalmost 16 years ago
the interplay between you three....

had me laughing until my sides hurt. It was funny with just you Dark...and funnier with you and Falling, but add in Mel and it's a mix to die for. To have that wit would be amazing....keep it up!

l8blooml8bloomalmost 17 years ago
"Charlie Brown's teacher choking on a pomegranate"

My only regret is I didn't read this sooner. Uh, and the fact that my giggling made my co-worker demand to know what WAS so funny. Smirk! Well done, Dark. Thanks for cheering up my cubicle (that's right, not me, the cubicle).

scriptordelectoscriptordelectoover 17 years ago

are my new hero. (Falling already has been for some time.) That is absolutely the funniest damn thing I've read in a very long while! :) Script

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
My roomie's asleep...

and I almost shrieked with laughter when the "blanket pulled off [her] breasts..." OUCH!! Oh my god, that was unbelievable. This series is well named, all those from the Satellite of Love would approve. This story is almost down to the standards of "The Final Sacrifice' or 'Overdrawn at the Memory Bank' from the show. Although you haven't found the equivalent of 'Manos' yet, I both hope and fear that eventually you might...

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
didn't like the TV show

like this even less

Black TulipBlack Tulipover 17 years ago

Thank you for this priceless piece of fun.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
*takes a bow*

I truly enjoyed working on this one... and can't wait for the next one. As a matter of fact... Dark, baby, shall I start my commentary now?

And seriously, since I know what the next story is.. anyone want to take a shot at ripping one of these to shreds? I can guarantee that the author won't mind in the least- their opinion is: the more, the merrier.


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