Lynn and Leif Forevermore Ch. 07


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"I um....I don't think it's a waste that you got the degrees. You're a smart lady. Besides, how can you write songs if you don't have a broad mind, and don't study. I study lots of shit, and I've made my own program of deeper study of the things I like. I'm just kinda anti structure and I knew college wasn't working out for me...where they decide what you have to study, so I didn't even like, try to apply. But for a focused person like you, none of it is time wasted's all leading to something, even if it just makes you an interesting person to know. Nothing about you is a waste, lovely, I swear...I've seen you on stage, the music is your calling. Don't worry about what others think," he added gently stroking her cheek with his finger.

He couldn't help being tender towards her. It pricked him a little that anyone so lovely would think that she was a waste, just because she wasn't using her degrees. The degrees were good, but they didn't matter to him. What mattered to him was that she was interesting to talk to, beautiful, and smart. He didn't want her to feel as though she'd failed to measure up at anything, just because she wasn't using those degrees. He'd seen her perform, and he knew, she was gifted and didn't belong only cooped up behind history books in the library.

She looked up at him, and her eyes just glowed with tenderness, as though she'd been waiting to hear someone say something like that to her for her entire life. The feeling between them was thick, and heady. She leaned over and gently, impulsively kissed him on the cheek.

"Thanks Leif. You are supposed to be able to play a mean guitar...I bet you are talented. When are you going to let me see your show," she asked.

"Whenever you can make it from your own riveting show," he said with a grin.

"As soon as I can, I will, I'll get there early so I'll be in the front," she added sweetly.

"It's not as riveting as your shows. I don't have that whole stage presence thing down pat. But I won't lie, I can really play a mean guitar...I've been playing since I was eleven. My parents wanted me to go to music school, but once again, all that structure, I was like hell no...but...but...I'm a really good guitarist. Bands try to poach me all the time. Still got to work on my stage presence, but I'm really sick...I want you to see me on stage," he added softly.

"I....I believe you. Hey Leif...that was a nice thing you said earlier...about me being smart...and nothing about me being a waste...I...I needed that...I just feel so..."

She looked up at him angelically.

He grabbed her. He dotingly kissed her forehead, again, and again.

"Lovely? Special? You are both lovely and special. Glad I can help you feel what is already true," he added with a grin.

She blushed.

"Are you always this smooth?" she asked softly, fluttering her eyelashes, her face an inch from his own.

"Hell no...I'm not trying to be smooth. It usually doesn't get to a point where I'm having these deep conversations. This is completely new, I love this. Getting to know you. I wanna know everything about you woman," he added.

He cupped the back of her head possessively. She smiled and said

"I wanna know everything about you too," and she giggled with her happiness.

He made her so giddy she giggled, and he was happy about that. He felt giddy too. If he were a woman, standing next to her, with the loving words going back and forth, he probably would be giggling too.

It was really the chin dimple that did him in, though. He'd loved that thing from the first minute he saw it forming when she chuckled on the step when they'd met. He gently grabbed a handful of her hair, and pulled her face towards his to tenderly kiss, first the puckered up little dimple at the bottom of her chin.

And she murmured throatily, teasingly...

"My mouth is up higher,"

And he responded

"I know, I just wanted to kiss this cute dimple first, it's been bothering me since I first saw you on the stoop,"

And, only after kissing it several times, did he lean in, to tenderly kiss her, and this time, he controlled the meter and the pace of the kiss, and she exquisitely followed his lead.


His kisses melted her like butter. It was something about the way he leaned in, gently...nothing forceful about it, and then, when their lips touched, how warm and sensual his mouth was, and the flavor of his lips, sweet and she could taste a hint of his spicy aftershave.

And then, how he gently, slowly, coaxed her lips apart. He kissed and suckled her lips gently, as though her mouth was delicious and he wanted to slowly savor the treasures it held.

He kissed her like, he understood this slow seductive teasing made her melt, made her want to acquiesce, and open her lips up for further exploration. And, he didn't even want to put his tongue in her mouth until her lips were open, wanton, and begging.

He kissed her like, she was beautiful and exotic to him, and she held the keys to something rare, and something true, but he could only explore it if he teased and coaxed gently. She'd never felt kissing like the way Leif did it to her.

When he was sucking her bottom lip, she whimpered again, and he murmured into her mouth.

"It's so damn cute when you moan like that, and I haven't even started kissing you yet,'re just too damn sweet," he added with a whisper.

He gently bit her lower lip, and she moaned lowly this time.

Then, satisfied she supposed that he had her trembling and gooey inside, the proof being that her lips were open, he gently probed his tongue inside.

He filled her with so much passion, that now that he'd entered her lips, with his own tongue, she gathered his long dreadlocks pulled his face deeper into her own, and started kissing him back passionately.

He groaned this time, squeezing her tightly as though none of the ways he held her allowed him to squeeze her tight enough.

She didn't have that much experience as a kisser but she was a passionate woman, so it wasn't hard to figure out how to tease him. She copied the motions that Leif had shown her these last two times, what made her feel so good, and she was getting wet again, all that luscious teasing, the slow luxurious tongue rolls, the sucking, the push and pull of eager tongues back and forth between their lips.

He traced her neck and shoulders with gentle finger tips as she took her own turn leading the kiss, further increasing her intoxication, and she loved the feeling of his fingers. They were rough in their texture, probably because he played the guitar, but they were so gentle she wanted to feel his hands all over her body.

Oh shit, the passion scared her so much. It was such an out of control feeling, like she wanted to feel his mouth all over her, in other places, and things felt like they were spinning way too fast.

She tried to separate her lips from his own, but he grabbed the base of her neck and groaned, pulling her face even deeper into his own, teasing her lips apart again with his tender, sexy explorations.

He pulled her to him so fast, her shirt came untucked from the waist of her peasant skirt, and he must have noticed it, how he noticed she didn't know, but soon she felt his fingers and palm gently tracing up and down, running from the small of her back, to the middle.

He separated his lips from her own. He leaned over close to her and kissed her ear.

"I've never felt such smooth, perfect skin before...beautiful, honey colored black skin...I can't get enough of you Lynne, never wanted anyone so much before," he muttered passionately.

She felt beautiful to him. She also felt delirious with passion, her skin tingled so much where he was rubbing her. Soon he was tracing her from her upper back to the small of her back, under her shirt, with gentle hands, and it felt so delicious.

He didn't give her a chance to respond, to his compliment or even say thank you.

He gently traced her collar bone, bringing his touch down in gentle circles, lower and lower. This time, instead of whimpering and asking him to stop when she felt his hand hovering dangerously close to her left breast through the thin, silk material of her dress, she moaned softly, and when his hand gently caressed the small curve of her breast, her moan turned into a husky groan, as her nipple strained through the material of the shirt, and saluted his eager palm. Oh dear god, his hand felt so good palming her aching breast, she almost wanted to open her shirt to give full access to the gentle touches he gave her with the rough pads of his fingers, but she felt shy.

And she wanted him kissing her and sucking her everywhere. She yearned so much she felt sick. She hadn't known what passion was like but she knew what it felt like now.

He pushed her up to the wall next to her bookcase. She felt trapped, but deliciously so, like there was no place for her to run, and hide, and get away from her feelings.

"You're beautiful you know that, and I couldn't stop thinking about kissing you, and now that I finally have, I can't stop thinking about what your sexy mouth tastes like," he panted in her ear.

"Oh Lief, your kisses taste sexy too. They make me feel so good. So good, I think we should stop, I'm scared," she whispered softly.

She glanced down shyly, and she saw the hard bulge in his pants. And, if she was making him feel that way, she knew that soon, he'd be raring and ready to go, and there would be no stopping least that was what she was used to with a man.

"Don't be scared of me baby, I won't hurt you, I want to make you feel good. That's all I want," he added gently, kissing behind her ear.

Then he was nibbling her earlobe, and soon he was necking her.

"Oh God!" she moaned, pulling him deeper into her neck by his dreadlocks.

After she moaned oh God, he stopped kissing her. His nostrils flared, and his pupils were dilated.

"You have such a sexy voice. The way you moan, when I kiss you. No one has ever moaned like that for me...just with kisses. It's so sexy. You're a passionate woman Lynne. Believe me, I'm moaning inside too...I feel like moaning oh God too," he whispered hotly.

He hiked up her peasant skirt gently and started tracing her left knee.

She knew where his tracing of her left knee was heading, she could feel his hand slowly sliding up her thigh, and she was nervous and wanted to squirm away, but he held her in between the wall and the crook of the bookcase, and before she could turn away, he was doing that sweet, sexy kissing again, where he gently sucked on her tongue, and soon she was sucking on his again too.

Her panties were flooded with love cream now, it was getting so bad that she prayed she didn't have to sit down, or there would be a huge wet spot on the thin, cotton material of her peasant dress, and she'd die of embarrassment if he knew how wet she was.

She couldn't let him find out how wet she was, she squirmed away from him, but he traced her lips gently with his tongue, and before she could swivel her hips away from his fingers, his thumb gently trailed the lower elastic of her white panties between her thighs.

Her panties were so wet, the entire crotch was soaked, and she ached with tension and need between her thighs. The need to be caressed so softly.

The secret was out now. She knew she'd gone entirely too far, too fast with Leif. He was such a sexy white boy, but she didn't want him to think she was easy, and here she was, on their third date, with her skirt hiked up around her knees, and him tracing the elastic band of her thighs with his thumb.

And now he knew she was soaking wet.

She started to panic.

"I.....I don't think....Leif I don't think we should do this baby..." she murmured, her voice a little startled but still husky with passion.

"You might not think we should do anything, but your lovely body is doing its own thinking. I can be gentle. I won't hurt you. We don't have to go all the way. I want to make you feel good. Because you're beautiful, and I like you so much I feel sick with need inside my soul. Doesn't really matter about me right now. I can be a giver, I want to give to you. But if you really don't want to, I'll stop right now, because I never want to hurt you, or make you scared," he added softly.

He looked serious and gentle but he wore a sexy smile.

She didn't want him to stop whatever he was doing, so she was quiet, then gave him a shy nod. Oh god did she want whatever he was going to do to her! But she was also afraid to act too enthusiastically...didn't want him to think she was a slut for moving too fast.

And was he ever gentle when he slid three husky fingers up under the crotch of her panties.

He was so gentle and his fingers felt so good that she just whimpered,


He left the fingers limply there for a few seconds to gage her reaction.

"Lynne...You're so wet baby. Lovely and feels so good on my fingers. Let me help you...let me make you feel good sweetheart," he added gently.

He slid his fingers upward, under her damp crotch, and Lynn braced herself. She didn't know why, but she thought he was reaching to find a place where he could push his finger inside, and that always hurt, and didn't feel good.

Instead of enjoying the moment and the pleasure of his three fingers resting lightly in her nest of curls, she was almost figuring out ways to stop him before he tried penetrating her with his finger, or worse, more than one finger.

But Leif didn't do that at all. He started gently moving his hand upward under her panty crotch a little more, and then he started tracing her lower lips in these gentle circles, and she instinctively arched her back.

Oh God! This boy touched her almost the way he touched herself. She realized that he'd been searching under her panties with his fingers to find her clitoral hood, not to penetrate her with his digits. He made sure, as he traced her in these gentle circles that his middle finger as close to her clitoral hood.

He knew that would bring her such pleasure. He cared about her pleasure, she already could tell, and her eyes were now flooding with moisture the same way her panties were flooded down below.

She felt that familiar tickle she felt when she started to touch herself good. That luscious tickle that bursted into a hot pocket of pleasurable flames and made her thighs quake over, and over again.

She'd never felt that tingly feeling that she felt, when she masturbated at any other time. She'd never shared these tingly feelings with another soul. The feeling was growing with intensity, turning into a sweet, overwhelming glowing throb, so fast.

It was happening so fast, she never felt so good before, the burst of pleasure that flowed between her legs was so intense, she felt the hot tears falling from her eyelids before she realized she was crying.

As she started to cry, she let out a loud, lusty, orgasmic moan.

Two startled blue eyes looked into her own, she couldn't process through her pleasure that the tears falling and the loud cry would made him concerned that she was in some type of discomfort.

Everything was blurry behind the veils of her eyes through the tears as she felt the pulsing pleasure. It was so good! It was so much better than when she touched herself alone, the pleasure was stronger, and would not stop. She rocked her hips back and forth against the wall so hard she was rocking the bookcase.

The pleasure felt like it would never culminate, but then it reached a peak so high, as he sucked gently at her lower lip, she couldn't contain her joy.

She broke off their kiss as the waves of orgasm began to hit.

"Oh God, I love you!" she cried out very loudly as the spasms of joy rocked her womb and thighs.

As soon as she said it, her heart raced! She did, realize now...actually as soon as he reached his had up under her skirt, that she loved him, because no one had ever made her feel like this when they touched her. As soon as his gentle husky fingers reached under under her panty crotch, she knew in her heart she loved Leif!

But she also realized that was stupid, because, her body did love him, but how could she love someone she barely knew. And most importantly, she didn't want to scare him away. Three dates in and she moaned that she loved him.

Damn it! He was going to be terrified of her now. She was green, but even she knew enough to know that telling a guy you loved him on the third date would scare the shit out of him. Now he probably really thought she was stupid, and easy.

But his reaction surprised her.

He gently dislodged his fingers from her panties, knowing she was satisfied, and he kissed her forehead. Then he squeezed her close to him with the hand that hadn't been touching her.

"Touching you like that was lovely to me. Are you okay. I didn't hurt you did I? I thought I was gentle as a feather, but I saw some tears," he added lovingly running the hand that wasn't under her panties, gently through her hair.

Oh God, even the way he ran his fingers through her hair made her feel special.

"I...I'm...I'm fine. I...I didn't mean to startle you. I..." shit. She was so embarrassed.

She wriggled away from him and let her skirt fall appropriately down past her knees.

"That's okay. I....I enjoyed that. I hope you did too. Did you come sweetheart? It felt like you did, I just want to be sure...if you didn't, I'm happy to try again until you finish lovely," he added softly.

Did she come! Was he mad? Didn't he see her writhing with joy against the living room wall. Did he hear her scream that she loved him. She was mortally embarrassed.

She knew her face was flushed with so much color.

"Yes, I did. I...I never felt like that before. I never...I...I've never done that so quick before Leif....I....I...I never did it so soon either,"

"It's okay, I....I've never...I never...I never had an effect like that on anyone before sweetheart. I enjoyed it as much as you did, just seeing how beautiful you were, when you climaxed, and seeing you enjoy it, and feeling this," he muttered.

Lynne glanced out of the corner of her eyes, and three his fingers were almost level with her face, and for some reason, she hadn't thought about how messy and sticky his fingers would be.

Seeing it she was mortified, and she thought he was hinting around for something to clean off his fingers.

"I'm sorry about that, I'll grab you a wash cloth from the bathroom, and you can clean off your fingers, damn I am so sorry," she said, her eyes downcast, staring at her toes.

She remembered how Martin had acted when he touched her, when they snuck around alone in his apartment, and she hadn't even gotten wet, never been wet like this before. She didn't want him disgusted by her juices on his fingers.


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Too much

"added softly"; "whispered softly" etc. My suggestion is just to drop softly. Also, how could someone have " thin, but full lips"? And what are "husky fingers"? Isn't husky a tone of voice? I'm wondering. Otherwise, nice story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Great job

Your story spelling is superb and it has caught my attention. I love it...***** stars

Rawmaster50Rawmaster50almost 11 years ago
Awesome story, eager for the next chapter

You have paced this story so well that it has become intoxicating. This couple have found some wonderful things in each pother and I am enjoying the effort on your part. Yes I do expect more sex, but the sensual and loving efforts of these two make up for a lot of faster cruder efforts by others. Thank you and please keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
love it

Amazingly written, one of the best stories on here!

ariesgirlariesgirlalmost 11 years ago

Poor Lynn, her one awful experience with a guy has her thinking all men will be the same. I commend Leif for having patience with Lynn.

KissableLips_16KissableLips_16almost 11 years ago
please pretty please continue

Omg I don't usually comment but omg this story is so beautifully written. Really the relationship between Leif and Lynn I portrayed so vividly. I can feel the chills and the excitement spread when I read this story. Please continue with the next installment preferably by tomorrow lol. Thanks.

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